Charles and Jonathan meet with danger as deadly as the disease they left behind them when they are sent for the medical supplies needed to battle an outbreak of anthrax in Walnut Grove.
Starting: 05-03-2025 07:55:00
Talented young painter Dylan Whitaker promised his dying father that he would some day see the ocean he loves to put on canvas; but "some day" comes too soon when Dylan is diagnosed with incurable leukemia and, to keep his promise, he and his concerned friends, Laura and Albert, sneak away from Walnut Grove to hop a railroad freight car bound for the California coast.
Starting: 05-03-2025 08:45:00
Carlin a Shaunův vztah se prohlubuje a Carly by ráda zapojila i doteky, ale těm se Shaun vyhýbá. Claire je rozhozená matčinou smrtí, kterou drží v tajnosti. Aaron Glassman se chystá oženit, ale Shaunovy otázky ho znejistí. Dr. Andrews, Alex a Shaun se chystají operovat játra muži, který věří nejrůznějším konspiračním teoriím.
Starting: 05-03-2025 11:25:00
Vztah se Shaunem je pro Carly velkou zkouškou trpělivosti a tolerance. Shaun má jako další v pořadí vykonat samostatnou operaci. Doktor Andrews je přesvědčený, že si to Shaun nezaslouží. Claire se ještě nevyrovnala se smrtí svojí matky a na nový případ reaguje značně emocionálně.
Starting: 05-03-2025 15:45:00
The sixth-season begins with several new stories. First, there's the arrival of new teacher Eliza Jane Wilder and her handsome brother, Almanzo. Rivals Laura and Nellie have their eye on the 25-year-old New York native, and are determined to do anything to snare him. Mrs. Oleson, meanwhile, gives recent Walnut School graduate Nellie her own business: A hotel and restaurant in her name.
Starting: 05-03-2025 18:20:00
Nellie is less than willing to go into the hospitality business, but gives it her best go when, in an effort to impress handsome young Almanzo Wilder, tries cooking dinner. Only thing is, Laura volunteers to cook instead and makes Nellie's meal the hottest dish in town. Later, Nellie learns that Laura is studying to be a teacher and volunteers to help her study ... but conveniently forgets to tell her that the study material won't help her one bit. An angry Laura confronts Nellie and the two... get into a huge fistfight that leaves both girls very muddy. Almanzo breaks up the fight and takes her back to his place to clean up and cool off ... then Charles steps in and thinks that the much-older Almanzo is taking advantage of his 15-year-old daughter.
Starting: 05-03-2025 19:10:00
Vztah se Shaunem je pro Carly velkou zkouškou trpělivosti a tolerance. Shaun má jako další v pořadí vykonat samostatnou operaci. Doktor Andrews je přesvědčený, že si to Shaun nezaslouží. Claire se ještě nevyrovnala se smrtí svojí matky a na nový případ reaguje značně emocionálně.
Starting: 05-03-2025 21:00:00
The sixth-season begins with several new stories. First, there's the arrival of new teacher Eliza Jane Wilder and her handsome brother, Almanzo. Rivals Laura and Nellie have their eye on the 25-year-old New York native, and are determined to do anything to snare him. Mrs. Oleson, meanwhile, gives recent Walnut School graduate Nellie her own business: A hotel and restaurant in her name.
Starting: 05-03-2025 23:25:00
Nellie is less than willing to go into the hospitality business, but gives it her best go when, in an effort to impress handsome young Almanzo Wilder, tries cooking dinner. Only thing is, Laura volunteers to cook instead and makes Nellie's meal the hottest dish in town. Later, Nellie learns that Laura is studying to be a teacher and volunteers to help her study ... but conveniently forgets to tell her that the study material won't help her one bit. An angry Laura confronts Nellie and the two... get into a huge fistfight that leaves both girls very muddy. Almanzo breaks up the fight and takes her back to his place to clean up and cool off ... then Charles steps in and thinks that the much-older Almanzo is taking advantage of his 15-year-old daughter.
Starting: 06-03-2025 00:15:00
The sixth-season begins with several new stories. First, there's the arrival of new teacher Eliza Jane Wilder and her handsome brother, Almanzo. Rivals Laura and Nellie have their eye on the 25-year-old New York native, and are determined to do anything to snare him. Mrs. Oleson, meanwhile, gives recent Walnut School graduate Nellie her own business: A hotel and restaurant in her name.
Starting: 06-03-2025 07:55:00
Nellie is less than willing to go into the hospitality business, but gives it her best go when, in an effort to impress handsome young Almanzo Wilder, tries cooking dinner. Only thing is, Laura volunteers to cook instead and makes Nellie's meal the hottest dish in town. Later, Nellie learns that Laura is studying to be a teacher and volunteers to help her study ... but conveniently forgets to tell her that the study material won't help her one bit. An angry Laura confronts Nellie and the two... get into a huge fistfight that leaves both girls very muddy. Almanzo breaks up the fight and takes her back to his place to clean up and cool off ... then Charles steps in and thinks that the much-older Almanzo is taking advantage of his 15-year-old daughter.
Starting: 06-03-2025 08:45:00
Vztah se Shaunem je pro Carly velkou zkouškou trpělivosti a tolerance. Shaun má jako další v pořadí vykonat samostatnou operaci. Doktor Andrews je přesvědčený, že si to Shaun nezaslouží. Claire se ještě nevyrovnala se smrtí svojí matky a na nový případ reaguje značně emocionálně.
Starting: 06-03-2025 11:25:00
Shaun dostal přidělenou další operaci. Teď s týmem nacvičuje, jak zlepšit své komunikační dovednosti. Jedna ze sestřiček Shauna znejistí ohledně jeho vztahu s Carly. Andrews se kvůli Shaunovi opět nepohodne s doktorkou Limovou.
Starting: 06-03-2025 15:50:00
A school project on genealogy leads Albert to confront his dark past. As the Ingalls help Albert with the project, Charles and Caroline decide to adopt the young lad. Then, Albert's biological father Mr. Quinn shows up.
Starting: 06-03-2025 18:15:00
During a trip to a teaching awards ceremony in Minneapolis, the stagecoach that Adam, Mary and a pregnant woman named Marge are riding in is involved in a rollover accident. Mary is the only one who is able to free herself and is left to rely on her own wits to find help. Meanwhile, Laura and Albert give Nellie and Mrs. Oleson quite a buzz when the Ingalls' youths offer a hive of bees to their honey- and money-hungry rivals ... not telling them they are really hornets.
Starting: 06-03-2025 19:00:00
Shaun dostal přidělenou další operaci. Teď s týmem nacvičuje, jak zlepšit své komunikační dovednosti. Jedna ze sestřiček Shauna znejistí ohledně jeho vztahu s Carly. Andrews se kvůli Shaunovi opět nepohodne s doktorkou Limovou.
Starting: 06-03-2025 20:55:00
A school project on genealogy leads Albert to confront his dark past. As the Ingalls help Albert with the project, Charles and Caroline decide to adopt the young lad. Then, Albert's biological father Mr. Quinn shows up.
Starting: 06-03-2025 23:15:00
During a trip to a teaching awards ceremony in Minneapolis, the stagecoach that Adam, Mary and a pregnant woman named Marge are riding in is involved in a rollover accident. Mary is the only one who is able to free herself and is left to rely on her own wits to find help. Meanwhile, Laura and Albert give Nellie and Mrs. Oleson quite a buzz when the Ingalls' youths offer a hive of bees to their honey- and money-hungry rivals ... not telling them they are really hornets.
Starting: 07-03-2025 00:05:00
A school project on genealogy leads Albert to confront his dark past. As the Ingalls help Albert with the project, Charles and Caroline decide to adopt the young lad. Then, Albert's biological father Mr. Quinn shows up.
Starting: 07-03-2025 08:00:00
During a trip to a teaching awards ceremony in Minneapolis, the stagecoach that Adam, Mary and a pregnant woman named Marge are riding in is involved in a rollover accident. Mary is the only one who is able to free herself and is left to rely on her own wits to find help. Meanwhile, Laura and Albert give Nellie and Mrs. Oleson quite a buzz when the Ingalls' youths offer a hive of bees to their honey- and money-hungry rivals ... not telling them they are really hornets.
Starting: 07-03-2025 08:50:00
Shaun dostal přidělenou další operaci. Teď s týmem nacvičuje, jak zlepšit své komunikační dovednosti. Jedna ze sestřiček Shauna znejistí ohledně jeho vztahu s Carly. Andrews se kvůli Shaunovi opět nepohodne s doktorkou Limovou.
Starting: 07-03-2025 11:35:00
Carly odjela na konferenci a Shaun tápe v komunikaci na dálku. Audrey má obavy o Neila, kvůli nevydařené operaci. Debbie nastupuje na kliniku a hned se začínají objevovat třecí plochy. Morgan a Claire mají na starosti školáka, který kvůli rakovině brzy ztratí zrak.
Starting: 07-03-2025 15:50:00
Nels becomes apprehensive when he learns that a traveling circus - in which his estranged sister, an obese woman named Annabelle, is one of the stars - is coming to Walnut Grove. Nels eventually realizes he needs to deal with his insecurities and make amends with Annabelle when he is asked to be the ringmaster.
Starting: 07-03-2025 18:15:00
Rev. Alden creates a stir in Walnut Grove when he falls in love with elderly parishioner Anna Craig. Mrs. Oleson objects to the relationship and gives the good preacher a choice: Either call off the impending marriage or get fired.
Starting: 07-03-2025 19:00:00
Carly odjela na konferenci a Shaun tápe v komunikaci na dálku. Audrey má obavy o Neila, kvůli nevydařené operaci. Debbie nastupuje na kliniku a hned se začínají objevovat třecí plochy. Morgan a Claire mají na starosti školáka, který kvůli rakovině brzy ztratí zrak.
Starting: 07-03-2025 20:50:00
Nels becomes apprehensive when he learns that a traveling circus - in which his estranged sister, an obese woman named Annabelle, is one of the stars - is coming to Walnut Grove. Nels eventually realizes he needs to deal with his insecurities and make amends with Annabelle when he is asked to be the ringmaster.
Starting: 07-03-2025 23:15:00
Rev. Alden creates a stir in Walnut Grove when he falls in love with elderly parishioner Anna Craig. Mrs. Oleson objects to the relationship and gives the good preacher a choice: Either call off the impending marriage or get fired.
Starting: 08-03-2025 00:05:00
Maggie usne během operace, protože je vyčerpaná ze služeb v nemocnici a učením se na zkoušky. Alex jde a první těhotenskou prohlídku. Na pohotovost přichází pacientka s nemocnou rukou. Nikomu ale nechce dovolit, aby se jí dotknul. Dawnina pacitka potřebuje nutně transplantaci srdce.
Starting: 08-03-2025 17:15:00
Dr. Katzová varuje Alex, aby se nepřetěžovala a nepouštěla se kvůli svému těhotenství do větších operací. Maggie Alex doporučí, aby si zašla na vycházku. Během vycházky Alex narazí na zraněného chlapce, kterému pomůže. Svému poslání opět neunikne. Na pohotovost přijde žena, která se nenechá ošetřit nikým kromě Joela. Zach se vyhýbá Melandě, protože před ní něco tají.
Starting: 08-03-2025 18:00:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 08-03-2025 18:40:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 08-03-2025 19:05:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 08-03-2025 21:10:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 08-03-2025 21:35:00
Dr. Katzová varuje Alex, aby se nepřetěžovala a nepouštěla se kvůli svému těhotenství do větších operací. Maggie Alex doporučí, aby si zašla na vycházku. Během vycházky Alex narazí na zraněného chlapce, kterému pomůže. Svému poslání opět neunikne. Na pohotovost přijde žena, která se nenechá ošetřit nikým kromě Joela. Zach se vyhýbá Melandě, protože před ní něco tají.
Starting: 08-03-2025 23:45:00
Dr. Katzová varuje Alex, aby se nepřetěžovala a nepouštěla se kvůli svému těhotenství do větších operací. Maggie Alex doporučí, aby si zašla na vycházku. Během vycházky Alex narazí na zraněného chlapce, kterému pomůže. Svému poslání opět neunikne. Na pohotovost přijde žena, která se nenechá ošetřit nikým kromě Joela. Zach se vyhýbá Melandě, protože před ní něco tají.
Starting: 09-03-2025 17:15:00
Do nemocnice přijíždí těhotná pacientka Neshema, u které mají lékaři podezření na zánět slepého střeva. Její stav se však zkomplikuje a je potřeba předčasně odrodit její dítě. Zákrok může provést jedině Dr. Katzová, ale té to Neshema zakáže, protože mají společnou minulost.
Starting: 09-03-2025 18:00:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 09-03-2025 18:40:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 09-03-2025 19:05:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 09-03-2025 21:10:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 09-03-2025 21:35:00
Do nemocnice přijíždí těhotná pacientka Neshema, u které mají lékaři podezření na zánět slepého střeva. Její stav se však zkomplikuje a je potřeba předčasně odrodit její dítě. Zákrok může provést jedině Dr. Katzová, ale té to Neshema zakáže, protože mají společnou minulost.
Starting: 09-03-2025 23:40:00
Nels becomes apprehensive when he learns that a traveling circus - in which his estranged sister, an obese woman named Annabelle, is one of the stars - is coming to Walnut Grove. Nels eventually realizes he needs to deal with his insecurities and make amends with Annabelle when he is asked to be the ringmaster.
Starting: 10-03-2025 08:00:00
Rev. Alden creates a stir in Walnut Grove when he falls in love with elderly parishioner Anna Craig. Mrs. Oleson objects to the relationship and gives the good preacher a choice: Either call off the impending marriage or get fired.
Starting: 10-03-2025 08:50:00
Carly odjela na konferenci a Shaun tápe v komunikaci na dálku. Audrey má obavy o Neila, kvůli nevydařené operaci. Debbie nastupuje na kliniku a hned se začínají objevovat třecí plochy. Morgan a Claire mají na starosti školáka, který kvůli rakovině brzy ztratí zrak.
Starting: 10-03-2025 11:35:00
Carly hledá cestu, jak se se Shaunem intimně sblížit. Morgan čeká první operace, která má být mimořádně náročná. Doktor Andrews, Shaun a Alex se starají o těžce nemocnou vědkyni, která zasvětila celý svůj život výzkumu leukémie.
Starting: 10-03-2025 15:50:00
On Halloween, Albert has a dream where he and Laura are kidnapped by a rogue Indian tribe after they are mistaken as members of a rival tribe.
Starting: 10-03-2025 18:30:00
When Mr. Edwards severely injures his legs saving Alicia from a potentially deadly accident, he becomes very morose about his condition. Grace calls in Charles and Laura to help her husband snap out of his deep depression. However, it is a task that is easier said than done because Mr. Edwards is determined to kill himself.
Starting: 10-03-2025 19:20:00
Carly hledá cestu, jak se se Shaunem intimně sblížit. Morgan čeká první operace, která má být mimořádně náročná. Doktor Andrews, Shaun a Alex se starají o těžce nemocnou vědkyni, která zasvětila celý svůj život výzkumu leukémie.
Starting: 10-03-2025 21:10:00
On Halloween, Albert has a dream where he and Laura are kidnapped by a rogue Indian tribe after they are mistaken as members of a rival tribe.
Starting: 10-03-2025 23:35:00
When Mr. Edwards severely injures his legs saving Alicia from a potentially deadly accident, he becomes very morose about his condition. Grace calls in Charles and Laura to help her husband snap out of his deep depression. However, it is a task that is easier said than done because Mr. Edwards is determined to kill himself.
Starting: 11-03-2025 00:25:00
On Halloween, Albert has a dream where he and Laura are kidnapped by a rogue Indian tribe after they are mistaken as members of a rival tribe.
Starting: 11-03-2025 07:50:00
When Mr. Edwards severely injures his legs saving Alicia from a potentially deadly accident, he becomes very morose about his condition. Grace calls in Charles and Laura to help her husband snap out of his deep depression. However, it is a task that is easier said than done because Mr. Edwards is determined to kill himself.
Starting: 11-03-2025 08:40:00
Carly hledá cestu, jak se se Shaunem intimně sblížit. Morgan čeká první operace, která má být mimořádně náročná. Doktor Andrews, Shaun a Alex se starají o těžce nemocnou vědkyni, která zasvětila celý svůj život výzkumu leukémie.
Starting: 11-03-2025 11:25:00
Shau je připravený na sex Carly. Jeho ne celkem dobrovolným posluchačem je Morgan, se kterou mají společnou pacientku. Tu každý další sex může ohrozit na životě. Neil má pocit, že se mu Audrey po rozchodu vyhýbá.
Starting: 11-03-2025 15:50:00
Aging professional wrestler Milo Stavroupolis comes to nearby Mankato to "fight" the locals. Stavroupolis' promoter, the shrewd Jimmy Hart, convinces Jonathan Garvey to fight the old man ... unaware that the fight was "fixed." But there's even more heartbreak ahead, as Stavroupolis is suffering emotionally and physically after years of fighting; his beloved wife, Anna herself desperately ill has begged him to retire. The old man - conviced by Jonathan to substitute for him in the... upcoming championship bout - gets one last hurrah when a cocky young fighter presses his luck before suffer ing a fatal heart attack in the ring.
Starting: 11-03-2025 18:20:00
On Mrs. Oleson's invitation, the Rev. James Danforth comes to Walnut Grove to give residents his charismatic, fiery style of preaching. The hypnotic Danforth claims to have actually "witnessed" the Word of the Lord and can perform great miracles as a faith healer. He demonstrates his abilities during one of his revivals, restoring sight to a blind person and giving a crippled person the ability to walk. The people are awestruck and soon flock to his services. Rev. Alden, Dr. Baker and... Charles have all seen Danforth at work and reject his ministry; in the aftermath, attendance at Rev. Alden 's Sunday services declines sharply, while Dr. Baker's practice also suffers. Later, a farmer's son complains of abdominal pain and places complete trust in Danforth to have it healed. Dr. Baker is nearby and urges the farmer to have surgery instead, but Danforth seems to heal the boy. But later that night, the boy's appendix bursts just as Dr. Baker feared was about to happen and he dies; the farmer is forced to admit that God "chose" his son to come home. Meanwhile, Charles is on a delivery run to Sleepy Eye and learns that Danforth is holding a revival there. He confirms his initial suspicions that Danforth is a charlatan and - working with the farmer, the Olesons and Dr. Baker - hatches a plan to expose Danforth as a liar. It isn't long before Walnut Grove residents return to their old congregation and all is forgiven.
Starting: 11-03-2025 19:10:00
Shau je připravený na sex Carly. Jeho ne celkem dobrovolným posluchačem je Morgan, se kterou mají společnou pacientku. Tu každý další sex může ohrozit na životě. Neil má pocit, že se mu Audrey po rozchodu vyhýbá.
Starting: 11-03-2025 21:00:00
Aging professional wrestler Milo Stavroupolis comes to nearby Mankato to "fight" the locals. Stavroupolis' promoter, the shrewd Jimmy Hart, convinces Jonathan Garvey to fight the old man ... unaware that the fight was "fixed." But there's even more heartbreak ahead, as Stavroupolis is suffering emotionally and physically after years of fighting; his beloved wife, Anna herself desperately ill has begged him to retire. The old man - conviced by Jonathan to substitute for him in the... upcoming championship bout - gets one last hurrah when a cocky young fighter presses his luck before suffer ing a fatal heart attack in the ring.
Starting: 11-03-2025 23:30:00
On Mrs. Oleson's invitation, the Rev. James Danforth comes to Walnut Grove to give residents his charismatic, fiery style of preaching. The hypnotic Danforth claims to have actually "witnessed" the Word of the Lord and can perform great miracles as a faith healer. He demonstrates his abilities during one of his revivals, restoring sight to a blind person and giving a crippled person the ability to walk. The people are awestruck and soon flock to his services. Rev. Alden, Dr. Baker and... Charles have all seen Danforth at work and reject his ministry; in the aftermath, attendance at Rev. Alden 's Sunday services declines sharply, while Dr. Baker's practice also suffers. Later, a farmer's son complains of abdominal pain and places complete trust in Danforth to have it healed. Dr. Baker is nearby and urges the farmer to have surgery instead, but Danforth seems to heal the boy. But later that night, the boy's appendix bursts just as Dr. Baker feared was about to happen and he dies; the farmer is forced to admit that God "chose" his son to come home. Meanwhile, Charles is on a delivery run to Sleepy Eye and learns that Danforth is holding a revival there. He confirms his initial suspicions that Danforth is a charlatan and - working with the farmer, the Olesons and Dr. Baker - hatches a plan to expose Danforth as a liar. It isn't long before Walnut Grove residents return to their old congregation and all is forgiven.
Starting: 12-03-2025 00:15:00
Aging professional wrestler Milo Stavroupolis comes to nearby Mankato to "fight" the locals. Stavroupolis' promoter, the shrewd Jimmy Hart, convinces Jonathan Garvey to fight the old man ... unaware that the fight was "fixed." But there's even more heartbreak ahead, as Stavroupolis is suffering emotionally and physically after years of fighting; his beloved wife, Anna herself desperately ill has begged him to retire. The old man - conviced by Jonathan to substitute for him in the... upcoming championship bout - gets one last hurrah when a cocky young fighter presses his luck before suffer ing a fatal heart attack in the ring.
Starting: 12-03-2025 07:55:00
On Mrs. Oleson's invitation, the Rev. James Danforth comes to Walnut Grove to give residents his charismatic, fiery style of preaching. The hypnotic Danforth claims to have actually "witnessed" the Word of the Lord and can perform great miracles as a faith healer. He demonstrates his abilities during one of his revivals, restoring sight to a blind person and giving a crippled person the ability to walk. The people are awestruck and soon flock to his services. Rev. Alden, Dr. Baker and... Charles have all seen Danforth at work and reject his ministry; in the aftermath, attendance at Rev. Alden 's Sunday services declines sharply, while Dr. Baker's practice also suffers. Later, a farmer's son complains of abdominal pain and places complete trust in Danforth to have it healed. Dr. Baker is nearby and urges the farmer to have surgery instead, but Danforth seems to heal the boy. But later that night, the boy's appendix bursts just as Dr. Baker feared was about to happen and he dies; the farmer is forced to admit that God "chose" his son to come home. Meanwhile, Charles is on a delivery run to Sleepy Eye and learns that Danforth is holding a revival there. He confirms his initial suspicions that Danforth is a charlatan and - working with the farmer, the Olesons and Dr. Baker - hatches a plan to expose Danforth as a liar. It isn't long before Walnut Grove residents return to their old congregation and all is forgiven.
Starting: 12-03-2025 08:45:00
Shau je připravený na sex Carly. Jeho ne celkem dobrovolným posluchačem je Morgan, se kterou mají společnou pacientku. Tu každý další sex může ohrozit na životě. Neil má pocit, že se mu Audrey po rozchodu vyhýbá.
Starting: 12-03-2025 11:30:00
Shau se rozhoduje, jestli pojede za umírajícím otcem. Nakonec sebou bere Aarona a Leu. Claire a Neill se v posilovně octnou u zranění známého fotbalového útočníka, kterému hrozí ochrnutí.
Starting: 12-03-2025 15:50:00
During a trip to Walnut Grove, Caroline's mother passes away. Her father is very grief-stricken, until son-in-law Charles - impressed with his stories about growing up in the Little House in the Big Woods - suggests he publish an autobiography.
Starting: 12-03-2025 18:20:00
The telephone comes to Walnut Grove, and Mrs. Olesen is hired as the switchboard operator. She takes advantage of her responsibilities to engage in her favorite pastime: gathering gossip. It will have a very damaging effect on the Garveys' marriage when she learns about Alice's hidden past.
Starting: 12-03-2025 19:10:00
Shau se rozhoduje, jestli pojede za umírajícím otcem. Nakonec sebou bere Aarona a Leu. Claire a Neill se v posilovně octnou u zranění známého fotbalového útočníka, kterému hrozí ochrnutí.
Starting: 12-03-2025 21:05:00
During a trip to Walnut Grove, Caroline's mother passes away. Her father is very grief-stricken, until son-in-law Charles - impressed with his stories about growing up in the Little House in the Big Woods - suggests he publish an autobiography.
Starting: 12-03-2025 23:30:00
The telephone comes to Walnut Grove, and Mrs. Olesen is hired as the switchboard operator. She takes advantage of her responsibilities to engage in her favorite pastime: gathering gossip. It will have a very damaging effect on the Garveys' marriage when she learns about Alice's hidden past.
Starting: 13-03-2025 00:15:00
During a trip to Walnut Grove, Caroline's mother passes away. Her father is very grief-stricken, until son-in-law Charles - impressed with his stories about growing up in the Little House in the Big Woods - suggests he publish an autobiography.
Starting: 13-03-2025 07:55:00
The telephone comes to Walnut Grove, and Mrs. Olesen is hired as the switchboard operator. She takes advantage of her responsibilities to engage in her favorite pastime: gathering gossip. It will have a very damaging effect on the Garveys' marriage when she learns about Alice's hidden past.
Starting: 13-03-2025 08:45:00
Shau se rozhoduje, jestli pojede za umírajícím otcem. Nakonec sebou bere Aarona a Leu. Claire a Neill se v posilovně octnou u zranění známého fotbalového útočníka, kterému hrozí ochrnutí.
Starting: 13-03-2025 11:25:00
Lea strávila noc utěšováním Shauna a on si teď není jistý, jestli chce být s Carly nebo raději s ní. Morgan a Shaun se starají o pacientku, která potřebuje ortopedickou operaci, ale odmítá anestezii. Dříve byla totiž závislá na opiátech a bojí se recidivy.
Starting: 13-03-2025 15:50:00
A 17-year-old budding criminal named Tod Dortmunder is sent to Walnut Grove to live with his grandparents after his mother loses patience with his ill-tempered behavior. His behavior becomes more violent, and when he is caught stealing Charles' watch, the grandparents in part because they fear for their safety turn to Charles for help. Charles proves to be the role model Tod never had, and efforts to rehabilitate the lad seem to be working. But even Charles is unaware of some dark secrets... from Tod's childhood that don't surface until he destroys the present he gave him.
Starting: 13-03-2025 18:15:00
School bully Bart begins menacing his classmates, especially Albert. Tired of the constant harassment, Albert creates a paper maché werewolf mask to terrorize Bart into ceasing his bullying behavior. It works, until Carrie opens her mouth! It takes a joint effort by all of Bart's classmates to make him stop bullying.
Starting: 13-03-2025 19:05:00
Lea strávila noc utěšováním Shauna a on si teď není jistý, jestli chce být s Carly nebo raději s ní. Morgan a Shaun se starají o pacientku, která potřebuje ortopedickou operaci, ale odmítá anestezii. Dříve byla totiž závislá na opiátech a bojí se recidivy.
Starting: 13-03-2025 20:55:00
A 17-year-old budding criminal named Tod Dortmunder is sent to Walnut Grove to live with his grandparents after his mother loses patience with his ill-tempered behavior. His behavior becomes more violent, and when he is caught stealing Charles' watch, the grandparents in part because they fear for their safety turn to Charles for help. Charles proves to be the role model Tod never had, and efforts to rehabilitate the lad seem to be working. But even Charles is unaware of some dark secrets... from Tod's childhood that don't surface until he destroys the present he gave him.
Starting: 13-03-2025 23:20:00
School bully Bart begins menacing his classmates, especially Albert. Tired of the constant harassment, Albert creates a paper maché werewolf mask to terrorize Bart into ceasing his bullying behavior. It works, until Carrie opens her mouth! It takes a joint effort by all of Bart's classmates to make him stop bullying.
Starting: 14-03-2025 00:10:00
A 17-year-old budding criminal named Tod Dortmunder is sent to Walnut Grove to live with his grandparents after his mother loses patience with his ill-tempered behavior. His behavior becomes more violent, and when he is caught stealing Charles' watch, the grandparents in part because they fear for their safety turn to Charles for help. Charles proves to be the role model Tod never had, and efforts to rehabilitate the lad seem to be working. But even Charles is unaware of some dark secrets... from Tod's childhood that don't surface until he destroys the present he gave him.
Starting: 14-03-2025 08:05:00
School bully Bart begins menacing his classmates, especially Albert. Tired of the constant harassment, Albert creates a paper maché werewolf mask to terrorize Bart into ceasing his bullying behavior. It works, until Carrie opens her mouth! It takes a joint effort by all of Bart's classmates to make him stop bullying.
Starting: 14-03-2025 08:55:00
Lea strávila noc utěšováním Shauna a on si teď není jistý, jestli chce být s Carly nebo raději s ní. Morgan a Shaun se starají o pacientku, která potřebuje ortopedickou operaci, ale odmítá anestezii. Dříve byla totiž závislá na opiátech a bojí se recidivy.
Starting: 14-03-2025 11:30:00
Lea se stahuje a Shaun se těší, že ve vztahu s Carly naváže tam, kde přestali. Morgan zabírají léky a ona popírá, že by mohly mít nežádoucí účinky. Claire, Alex a Neil májí na starost mladíka, který má nádor na ledvině. Jeho jedinou starostí je ale pozvat na ples dívku, se kterou se seznámil na chemoterapii.
Starting: 14-03-2025 15:50:00
During a visit to a farmer's convention in Milwaukee, Charles and Caroline meet up with old school mates. Charles learns that larger farmers are trying to put his small farming friends out of business and urges them to stand up for their profession. Meanwhile, Caroline becomes envious about the financial fortunes of their one-time friends, but she soon learns there's more to their success stories than meets the eye.
Starting: 14-03-2025 18:15:00
On a dark and stormy night, Laura and Mary are staying alone at the School For the Blind when they are taken hostage by a trio of escaped convicts. One of the criminals is badly injured, and his cohorts demand to see a doctor. Laura is sent to get Dr. Baker, warned that the consequences will be deadly if she tries any tricks. However, a terrified Laura tells her Pa what is happening. Charles shows up posing as Dr. Baker, but when the real Dr. Baker arrives, Charles is forced to be... resourceful to disarm the crooks.
Starting: 14-03-2025 19:05:00
Lea se stahuje a Shaun se těší, že ve vztahu s Carly naváže tam, kde přestali. Morgan zabírají léky a ona popírá, že by mohly mít nežádoucí účinky. Claire, Alex a Neil májí na starost mladíka, který má nádor na ledvině. Jeho jedinou starostí je ale pozvat na ples dívku, se kterou se seznámil na chemoterapii.
Starting: 14-03-2025 20:55:00
During a visit to a farmer's convention in Milwaukee, Charles and Caroline meet up with old school mates. Charles learns that larger farmers are trying to put his small farming friends out of business and urges them to stand up for their profession. Meanwhile, Caroline becomes envious about the financial fortunes of their one-time friends, but she soon learns there's more to their success stories than meets the eye.
Starting: 14-03-2025 23:20:00
On a dark and stormy night, Laura and Mary are staying alone at the School For the Blind when they are taken hostage by a trio of escaped convicts. One of the criminals is badly injured, and his cohorts demand to see a doctor. Laura is sent to get Dr. Baker, warned that the consequences will be deadly if she tries any tricks. However, a terrified Laura tells her Pa what is happening. Charles shows up posing as Dr. Baker, but when the real Dr. Baker arrives, Charles is forced to be... resourceful to disarm the crooks.
Starting: 15-03-2025 00:15:00
Do nemocnice přijíždí těhotná pacientka Neshema, u které mají lékaři podezření na zánět slepého střeva. Její stav se však zkomplikuje a je potřeba předčasně odrodit její dítě. Zákrok může provést jedině Dr. Katzová, ale té to Neshema zakáže, protože mají společnou minulost.
Starting: 15-03-2025 17:15:00
Na pohotovost je přivezena dívka trpící OCD, čímž je pro lékaře ošetření jejích zranění poněkud komplikovanější. Dawn zvažuje adopci Giselle. Alex má na starosti učitele angličtiny, která se třídou nacvičuje vystoupení Hamleta a musí se co nejdříve uzdravit. Charlie musí vysvětlit Dawn a ostatním lékařům, jak se mu povedlo zachránit pacientku.
Starting: 15-03-2025 18:00:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 15-03-2025 18:45:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 15-03-2025 19:10:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 15-03-2025 21:15:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 15-03-2025 21:40:00
Kanadská reality-show 2008.
Starting: 15-03-2025 22:05:00
Kanadská reality-show 2008.
Starting: 15-03-2025 22:55:00
Na pohotovost je přivezena dívka trpící OCD, čímž je pro lékaře ošetření jejích zranění poněkud komplikovanější. Dawn zvažuje adopci Giselle. Alex má na starosti učitele angličtiny, která se třídou nacvičuje vystoupení Hamleta a musí se co nejdříve uzdravit. Charlie musí vysvětlit Dawn a ostatním lékařům, jak se mu povedlo zachránit pacientku.
Starting: 15-03-2025 23:45:00
Kanadská reality-show 2008.
Starting: 16-03-2025 01:15:00
Kanadská reality-show 2008.
Starting: 16-03-2025 02:05:00
Na pohotovost je přivezena dívka trpící OCD, čímž je pro lékaře ošetření jejích zranění poněkud komplikovanější. Dawn zvažuje adopci Giselle. Alex má na starosti učitele angličtiny, která se třídou nacvičuje vystoupení Hamleta a musí se co nejdříve uzdravit. Charlie musí vysvětlit Dawn a ostatním lékařům, jak se mu povedlo zachránit pacientku.
Starting: 16-03-2025 17:15:00
Joel a Shahir snaží najít způsob, jak pomoct své pacientce, která nemůže chodit, aby mohla jako nevěsta dojít k oltáři. Alex pronásleduje duch, který jí nechce dát pokoj. Maggie ošetřuje pacientku, jejíž manžel před ní ukrývá tajemství o svém zdravotním stavu. Alex a Charlie se věnují pacientovi, který je na útěku.
Starting: 16-03-2025 18:00:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 16-03-2025 18:45:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 16-03-2025 19:10:00
Kanadská reality-show 2008.
Starting: 16-03-2025 19:35:00
Kanadská reality-show 2008.
Starting: 16-03-2025 20:25:00
Kanadská reality-show 2008.
Starting: 16-03-2025 22:05:00
Kanadská reality-show 2008.
Starting: 16-03-2025 22:55:00