دليل البرامج الإلكترونيUS--AMERICA-HEROES-HD

U.S. forces face one of the toughest urban conflicts since Vietnam as they try to reclaim the city from insurgents.

Starting: 11-09-2024 06:00:00

11-09-2024 07:00:00

Thousands of NVA soldiers lay waiting in the ancient Citadel for the Marines to breech the walls and begin the fight.

Starting: 11-09-2024 07:00:00

11-09-2024 08:00:00

Americans take on the most powerful navy in the world in a battle that will change of the course the Pacific war.

Starting: 11-09-2024 08:00:00

11-09-2024 09:00:00

American forces fight thousands of Japanese soldiers on mountainous terrain and treacherous conditions.

Starting: 11-09-2024 09:00:00

11-09-2024 10:00:00

Count down of the most influential machine guns.

Starting: 11-09-2024 10:00:00

11-09-2024 11:00:00

Top Ten ranks materials and technologies that have changed fighting.

Starting: 11-09-2024 11:00:00

11-09-2024 12:00:00

Ranking the top ten covert gear that has helped the Special Operations Forces accomplish their missions.

Starting: 11-09-2024 12:00:00

11-09-2024 13:00:00

Discover the role of the infamous HITRON UNIT.

Starting: 11-09-2024 13:00:00

11-09-2024 14:00:00

Snipers face new challenges and missions as different types of warfare advance.

Starting: 11-09-2024 14:00:00

11-09-2024 15:00:00

Advanced techniques used to train smart, inventive soldiers.

Starting: 11-09-2024 15:00:00

11-09-2024 16:00:00

The latest weapons and technology used by special forces.

Starting: 11-09-2024 16:00:00

11-09-2024 17:00:00

A look at the top fighter planes, and what the future holds for these aerial assassins.

Starting: 11-09-2024 17:00:00

11-09-2024 18:00:00

A look at the fastest, deadliest attack helicopters being used today.

Starting: 11-09-2024 18:00:00

11-09-2024 19:00:00

Modern guns combine unparalleled accuracy, range and stopping power.

Starting: 11-09-2024 19:00:00

11-09-2024 20:00:00

Inflatable armor; shoulder-fired grenades; A-10 Thunderbolt II attack plane.

Starting: 11-09-2024 20:00:00

11-09-2024 21:00:00

An unmanned bomber can take off and land on an aircraft carrier.

Starting: 11-09-2024 21:00:00

11-09-2024 22:00:00

A device can tear apart terrorist bombs; a new weapon helps troops avoid being ambushed; the latest surface-to-air missile.

Starting: 11-09-2024 22:00:00

11-09-2024 23:00:00

The evolution of the Taser for military use; a vehicle-stopping device that uses a hi-tech net to trap suicide bombers.

Starting: 11-09-2024 23:00:00

12-09-2024 00:00:00

Elite Special Operations troops attempt the rescue of helpless civilians after a Viet Cong invasion force overwhelms their town.

Starting: 12-09-2024 00:00:00

12-09-2024 01:00:00

On the frontline of the 21 day battle for Baghdad.

Starting: 12-09-2024 01:00:00

12-09-2024 02:00:00

American Green Berets launch an attack on Sperwan Ghar where they encounter nearly 1000 Taliban fighters.

Starting: 12-09-2024 02:00:00

12-09-2024 03:00:00

The 101st Airborne Division face off against the Taliban during Operation Dragon Strike.

Starting: 12-09-2024 03:00:00

12-09-2024 04:00:00

Elite Special Operations troops attempt the rescue of helpless civilians after a Viet Cong invasion force overwhelms their town.

Starting: 12-09-2024 04:00:00

12-09-2024 05:00:00

On the frontline of the 21 day battle for Baghdad.

Starting: 12-09-2024 05:00:00

12-09-2024 06:00:00

American Green Berets launch an attack on Sperwan Ghar where they encounter nearly 1000 Taliban fighters.

Starting: 12-09-2024 06:00:00

12-09-2024 07:00:00

The 101st Airborne Division face off against the Taliban during Operation Dragon Strike.

Starting: 12-09-2024 07:00:00

12-09-2024 08:00:00

A device can tear apart terrorist bombs; a new weapon helps troops avoid being ambushed; the latest surface-to-air missile.

Starting: 12-09-2024 08:00:00

12-09-2024 09:00:00

The evolution of the Taser for military use; a vehicle-stopping device that uses a hi-tech net to trap suicide bombers.

Starting: 12-09-2024 09:00:00

12-09-2024 10:00:00

Nostradamus' cryptic prophecies have predicted some of the most dramatic and tragic events in history with chilling accuracy. There are many among his followers who say that he was not sealing us to this fate but warning us against it.

Starting: 12-09-2024 10:00:00

12-09-2024 11:00:00

With the recent discoveries of thousands of other planets in the universe, scientists begin to wonder if one day Earth could be invaded by alien creatures.

Starting: 12-09-2024 11:00:00

12-09-2024 12:00:00

Discover the past & future of apocalyptic beliefs, the lengths people will go to ready for the end, and the dark side of End Times prophecy.

Starting: 12-09-2024 12:00:00

12-09-2024 13:00:00

The Cold War might be long gone, but the nuclear threat has re-emerged.

Starting: 12-09-2024 13:00:00

12-09-2024 14:00:00

A look back at the terrible epidemics and diseases that have decimated entire populations in the course of human history, as well as a look ahead to the planet's future risks.

Starting: 12-09-2024 14:00:00

12-09-2024 15:00:00

When it comes to identifying mysterious, unknown objects in our skies, there are few more qualified than pilots and astronauts. Sightings by these experts are far more common than we're lead to believe.

Starting: 12-09-2024 15:00:00

12-09-2024 16:00:00

Uncovering new evidence pointing to the possibility that ancient man was visited by extraterrestrials; influencing ancient technologies, architecture and art.

Starting: 12-09-2024 16:00:00

12-09-2024 17:00:00

From the lore and history of ancient Egypt, to the myths of Native Americans, and even the art of the Renaissance period, mankind's past is riddled with the evidence of UFOs.

Starting: 12-09-2024 17:00:00

12-09-2024 18:00:00

Investigating whether deathbed confessions provide real evidence of the existence of UFOs. The truth about alien contact is not limited to the military. In fact, many believe such secrets extend well into outer space on Mars.

Starting: 12-09-2024 18:00:00

12-09-2024 19:00:00

Few have ever heard about the ultra top-secret military base in the remote deserts of Utah known as Area 52.

Starting: 12-09-2024 19:00:00

12-09-2024 20:00:00

Secrets involving the federal penitentiary on Alcatraz Island, including the escape of three prisoners and the remnants of a strange military outpost with ties to President Abraham Lincoln.

Starting: 12-09-2024 20:00:00

12-09-2024 21:00:00

Investigating UFOs and the strange stories surrounding them, including the existence of a.

Starting: 12-09-2024 21:00:00

12-09-2024 22:00:00

Some motorcycle clubs are viewed not as social clubs for nonconformists but as organized crime syndicates.

Starting: 12-09-2024 22:00:00

12-09-2024 23:00:00

Secrets of gambling mecca Las Vegas include the city's connection to organized crime, crafty tricks used by casinos and why the Nazis considered it a target for sabotage.

Starting: 12-09-2024 23:00:00

13-09-2024 00:00:00

American Nazis hold rallies at New York's Madison Square Garden in the 1930s and plot to steal the nation's weapons secrets.

Starting: 13-09-2024 00:00:00

13-09-2024 01:00:00

Investigating the possibility that alien beings helped construct pyramids and other earthly monuments; Swiss author Erich von Däniken's works challenge religion and science.

Starting: 13-09-2024 01:00:00

13-09-2024 02:00:00

Fascinating facts about America's Founding Fathers reveal which one used sex as a weapon of diplomacy and which one engaged in the nation's greatest cover-up.

Starting: 13-09-2024 02:00:00

13-09-2024 03:00:00

Investigating the United States' most infamous cults, from fire-and-brimstone organizations to those worshipping visitors from space.

Starting: 13-09-2024 03:00:00

13-09-2024 04:00:00

American Nazis hold rallies at New York's Madison Square Garden in the 1930s and plot to steal the nation's weapons secrets.

Starting: 13-09-2024 04:00:00

13-09-2024 05:00:00

Investigating the possibility that alien beings helped construct pyramids and other earthly monuments; Swiss author Erich von Däniken's works challenge religion and science.

Starting: 13-09-2024 05:00:00

13-09-2024 06:00:00

Fascinating facts about America's Founding Fathers reveal which one used sex as a weapon of diplomacy and which one engaged in the nation's greatest cover-up.

Starting: 13-09-2024 06:00:00

13-09-2024 07:00:00

Investigating the United States' most infamous cults, from fire-and-brimstone organizations to those worshipping visitors from space.

Starting: 13-09-2024 07:00:00

13-09-2024 08:00:00

Some motorcycle clubs are viewed not as social clubs for nonconformists but as organized crime syndicates.

Starting: 13-09-2024 08:00:00

13-09-2024 09:00:00

Secrets of gambling mecca Las Vegas include the city's connection to organized crime, crafty tricks used by casinos and why the Nazis considered it a target for sabotage.

Starting: 13-09-2024 09:00:00

13-09-2024 10:00:00

After serving time for stealing from wealthy people, Brian Fuller returns to his ways of robbing the rich.

Starting: 13-09-2024 10:00:00

13-09-2024 11:00:00

Serving a life sentence for a double homicide, Harold Laird gets creative to escape from prison and evades the law on several occasions.

Starting: 13-09-2024 11:00:00

13-09-2024 12:00:00

Bank robber Steven Ray Milam is dubbed the Handsome Guy Bandit, then he makes a costly mistake forcing him to leave his family and go on the run with the FBI in pursuit.

Starting: 13-09-2024 12:00:00

13-09-2024 13:00:00

Albert Paul is arrested for murder and spends the next couple of decades pulling off daring prison breaks only to get captured after every attempt.

Starting: 13-09-2024 13:00:00

13-09-2024 14:00:00

Prison escapee Jimmy Maxwell's volatile nature makes him a menace to authorities every time they corner him.

Starting: 13-09-2024 14:00:00

13-09-2024 15:00:00

Serving a 60-year sentence for a crime he says he didn't commit, Russell Kerr colludes with a fellow inmate, Christopher Stout, to hatch an elaborate escape plan.

Starting: 13-09-2024 15:00:00

13-09-2024 16:00:00

After getting handed a stiff sentence for robbery, Robert Nielsen escapes prisons and lives under the radar with his family, but they cannot shield the young fugitive from the challenges of being on the run.

Starting: 13-09-2024 16:00:00

13-09-2024 17:00:00

Career criminal Peter Gibbs faces decades behind bars for a string of robberies but refuses to go down without a fight.

Starting: 13-09-2024 17:00:00

13-09-2024 18:00:00

Deeply in debt after suffering a serious injury, Jaime Jones dons a disguise and robs banks to pay off his debts and take care of his family.

Starting: 13-09-2024 18:00:00

13-09-2024 19:00:00

Facing a long prison sentence, Darryl Norris pulls off a brilliant escape through the ceiling of his cell and plans to flee the country.

Starting: 13-09-2024 19:00:00

13-09-2024 20:00:00

After Andrew Heim's prison buddy finds a way to tunnel out of the prison, he escapes along with five other inmates, and they are dubbed The Pittsburgh Six.

Starting: 13-09-2024 20:00:00

13-09-2024 21:00:00

Desperate for their next high, Michael Kidd, Kevin Crandall and Marcus Thompson break into upscale homes on Halloween night in search of money, then their crime spree ends in a terrifying hostage situation.

Starting: 13-09-2024 21:00:00

13-09-2024 22:00:00

The story of Marshall Brown's life on the run after spending 19 years in prison planning his escape.

Starting: 13-09-2024 22:00:00

13-09-2024 23:00:00

A man who shot his wife and fled to Mexico is found and brought into custody.

Starting: 13-09-2024 23:00:00

14-09-2024 00:00:00

A man hires a hit man to kill a friend's wife but things go wrong and four people end up dead.

Starting: 14-09-2024 00:00:00

14-09-2024 01:00:00

A jealous boyfriend is suspected of shooting his girlfriend and murdering his pregnant ex-girlfriend.

Starting: 14-09-2024 01:00:00

14-09-2024 02:00:00

Joe Crouch flees to Florida after shooting his wife and funds his love of karaoke by robbing banks.

Starting: 14-09-2024 02:00:00

14-09-2024 03:00:00

A career criminal flees to Canada when a drug deals go bad; Canadian authorities identify the criminal by his tattoos and extradite him back to the U.S.

Starting: 14-09-2024 03:00:00

14-09-2024 04:00:00

A man hires a hit man to kill a friend's wife but things go wrong and four people end up dead.

Starting: 14-09-2024 04:00:00

14-09-2024 05:00:00

A jealous boyfriend is suspected of shooting his girlfriend and murdering his pregnant ex-girlfriend.

Starting: 14-09-2024 05:00:00

14-09-2024 06:00:00

Joe Crouch flees to Florida after shooting his wife and funds his love of karaoke by robbing banks.

Starting: 14-09-2024 06:00:00

14-09-2024 07:00:00

A career criminal flees to Canada when a drug deals go bad; Canadian authorities identify the criminal by his tattoos and extradite him back to the U.S.

Starting: 14-09-2024 07:00:00

14-09-2024 08:00:00

The story of Marshall Brown's life on the run after spending 19 years in prison planning his escape.

Starting: 14-09-2024 08:00:00

14-09-2024 09:00:00

A man who shot his wife and fled to Mexico is found and brought into custody.

Starting: 14-09-2024 09:00:00

14-09-2024 10:00:00

Exploring a conspiracy that helped three inmates escape; revealing the truth behind the dungeon of Alcatraz; discovering the remnants of a mysterious military outpost with links to Abraham Lincoln.

Starting: 14-09-2024 10:00:00

14-09-2024 11:00:00

3 months into the Korean war, 17,000 US Marines cross the 38th Parallel to cut off the communist Kim Sung Regime. Trapped and outnumbered 7 to 1 by Chinese troops, the Marines had to fight their way out or die on the Reservoir.

Starting: 14-09-2024 11:00:00

14-09-2024 12:00:00

The Coast Guard performs a combat role in the Vietnam War.

Starting: 14-09-2024 12:00:00

14-09-2024 13:00:00

A look at Hollywood's role in fighting Communism during the Cold War.

Starting: 14-09-2024 13:00:00

14-09-2024 14:00:00

Highlighting the defining battles that turned the tide in the Pacific theater for the U.S.

Starting: 14-09-2024 14:00:00

14-09-2024 15:00:00

The Cold War turns hot when the U.S. faces two communist giants in Korea.

Starting: 14-09-2024 15:00:00

14-09-2024 16:00:00

The decisive moments of American involvement in Vietnam, highlighting key battles and turning points.

Starting: 14-09-2024 16:00:00

14-09-2024 17:00:00

Key battles and strategies surrounding the liberation of Kuwait from invading dictator Saddam Hussein.

Starting: 14-09-2024 17:00:00

14-09-2024 18:00:00

Investigating the people, plots and ploys behind America's wartime secret weapons.

Starting: 14-09-2024 18:00:00

14-09-2024 19:00:00

The best-kept secrets of World War II revealed.

Starting: 14-09-2024 19:00:00

14-09-2024 20:00:00

An early pioneer for racial equality; German children await candy from the skies; a moonshiner develops a famous rifle.

Starting: 14-09-2024 20:00:00

14-09-2024 21:00:00

The stories behind some of the biggest deceptions, the top secrets and the secret weapons used to help defy the Nazis in WWII.

Starting: 14-09-2024 21:00:00

14-09-2024 22:00:00

The stories behind George Washington, the California Gold Rush, the vast highways that stretch across America, and the wars between the United States and Great Britain.

Starting: 14-09-2024 22:00:00

14-09-2024 23:00:00

Learning about the phrase Go for Broke!, the Fall of Saigon at Vietnam's bitter end, the legends spun around top-secret microfilm, and the classic movie,.

Starting: 14-09-2024 23:00:00

15-09-2024 00:00:00

Exploring the secrets and scandals of Madison Square Garden, the world's most famous arena, and the crime and corruption that surrounded Prohibition Bootlegging.

Starting: 15-09-2024 00:00:00

15-09-2024 01:00:00

Exploring the significance of the Civil War, the CIA, the Civil Rights movement, and the advent of flight.

Starting: 15-09-2024 01:00:00

15-09-2024 02:00:00

Exploring the unbreakable codes, top secret underground nerve centers, super-human navy seals, and most classified operations of WWII.

Starting: 15-09-2024 02:00:00

15-09-2024 03:00:00

The secrets and stories behind the United States' greatest icons.

Starting: 15-09-2024 03:00:00

15-09-2024 04:00:00

Exploring the secrets and scandals of Madison Square Garden, the world's most famous arena, and the crime and corruption that surrounded Prohibition Bootlegging.

Starting: 15-09-2024 04:00:00

15-09-2024 05:00:00

Exploring the significance of the Civil War, the CIA, the Civil Rights movement, and the advent of flight.

Starting: 15-09-2024 05:00:00

15-09-2024 06:00:00

Exploring the unbreakable codes, top secret underground nerve centers, super-human navy seals, and most classified operations of WWII.

Starting: 15-09-2024 06:00:00

15-09-2024 07:00:00

The secrets and stories behind the United States' greatest icons.

Starting: 15-09-2024 07:00:00

15-09-2024 08:00:00

The stories behind George Washington, the California Gold Rush, the vast highways that stretch across America, and the wars between the United States and Great Britain.

Starting: 15-09-2024 08:00:00

15-09-2024 09:00:00

Learning about the phrase Go for Broke!, the Fall of Saigon at Vietnam's bitter end, the legends spun around top-secret microfilm, and the classic movie,.

Starting: 15-09-2024 09:00:00

15-09-2024 10:00:00

Investigation into the first three decades of Adolf Hitler's life to discover what transformed a down-and-out Austrian into the undisputed leader of the Nazi Party and the truth behind Hitler's time serving in World War I.

Starting: 15-09-2024 10:00:00

15-09-2024 11:00:00

Investigates Hitler's rise from election defeat in 1928 to Germany's Messiah in 1933. Experts analyze his speeches, dissect his PR gift and interrogate the mind of a man who ruthlessly executes his closest comrade.

Starting: 15-09-2024 11:00:00

15-09-2024 12:00:00

Exploring inside the mind of a dictator as Hitler tightens his iron grip on Germany and turns his sights to conquest; leading experts investigate the key skills that enable him to turn the tables on Europe's foreign leaders.

Starting: 15-09-2024 12:00:00

15-09-2024 13:00:00

As Hitler's messianic complex reaches its peak, so does the Nazi leader's tireless warmongering.

Starting: 15-09-2024 13:00:00

15-09-2024 14:00:00

Hitler struggles to stay in control when the tide of war turns against him.

Starting: 15-09-2024 14:00:00

15-09-2024 15:00:00

Exploring Hitler's mental and physical decline as he confronts his inevitable defeat.

Starting: 15-09-2024 15:00:00

15-09-2024 16:00:00

As the Soviet Army pushes the Nazis out of Poland, they discover a massive city of over 1,000 buildings that was unknown to the Allies; using the latest science, experts reveal how Hitler was able to keep this sinister place hidden for so long.

Starting: 15-09-2024 16:00:00

15-09-2024 17:00:00

New discoveries on a strange fortified island reveal the terrifying truth behind Hitler's secret plan to win World War II at all costs.

Starting: 15-09-2024 17:00:00

15-09-2024 18:00:00

New discoveries reveal whether this abandoned mansion was a secret Nazi base intended for a sinister mission.

Starting: 15-09-2024 18:00:00

15-09-2024 19:00:00

One of the largest Nazi bunkers ever constructed, outside the French town of Watten, is a missile facility with storage for 108 missiles and two launch pads.

Starting: 15-09-2024 19:00:00

15-09-2024 20:00:00

Dec. 1862: Following the strategic Union win at Antietam, Federal forces clash with a massive Rebel army in the town of Fredericksburg, Virginia. In what will become the largest fight of the Civil War.

Starting: 15-09-2024 20:00:00

15-09-2024 21:00:00

July 1863: An elite band of Yankee Sharpshooters must stop Robert E. Lee's Alabamian shock troops from flanking the Union line and winning the battle of Gettysburg and perhaps the entire Civil War.

Starting: 15-09-2024 21:00:00

15-09-2024 22:00:00

December 1864: In a daring attempt to regain the upper hand in the Civil War, Confederate forces try to retake the city of Nashville and sever the supply line that's feeding the Union invasion of the south.

Starting: 15-09-2024 22:00:00

15-09-2024 23:00:00

April 1865: Two officers from Vermont lead a daring raid on Petersburg, Virginia.

Starting: 15-09-2024 23:00:00

16-09-2024 00:00:00

The noble warriors of Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines face down an overwhelming North Vietnamese Army in Dai Do fight to rescue their fellow Marines.

Starting: 16-09-2024 00:00:00

16-09-2024 01:00:00

Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, help lead the charge into Iraq's most dangerous city in 2004, battling in the bloodiest, most sustained house-to-house urban combat American soldiers have seen since Vietnam.

Starting: 16-09-2024 01:00:00

16-09-2024 02:00:00

When Charlie Company of the 1st Cavalry Division wanders into an NVA stronghold, an attack leaves supplies low, casualties mounting and the enemy circle tightening, so Team Alpha volunteers to try the difficult rescue.

Starting: 16-09-2024 02:00:00

16-09-2024 03:00:00

A small group of National Guardsmen fight to deny victory to Hitler in he thought would be the most decisive battle of the war.

Starting: 16-09-2024 03:00:00

16-09-2024 04:00:00

The noble warriors of Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines face down an overwhelming North Vietnamese Army in Dai Do fight to rescue their fellow Marines.

Starting: 16-09-2024 04:00:00

16-09-2024 05:00:00

Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, help lead the charge into Iraq's most dangerous city in 2004, battling in the bloodiest, most sustained house-to-house urban combat American soldiers have seen since Vietnam.

Starting: 16-09-2024 05:00:00

16-09-2024 06:00:00

When Charlie Company of the 1st Cavalry Division wanders into an NVA stronghold, an attack leaves supplies low, casualties mounting and the enemy circle tightening, so Team Alpha volunteers to try the difficult rescue.

Starting: 16-09-2024 06:00:00

16-09-2024 07:00:00

A small group of National Guardsmen fight to deny victory to Hitler in he thought would be the most decisive battle of the war.

Starting: 16-09-2024 07:00:00

16-09-2024 08:00:00

December 1864: In a daring attempt to regain the upper hand in the Civil War, Confederate forces try to retake the city of Nashville and sever the supply line that's feeding the Union invasion of the south.

Starting: 16-09-2024 08:00:00

16-09-2024 09:00:00

April 1865: Two officers from Vermont lead a daring raid on Petersburg, Virginia.

Starting: 16-09-2024 09:00:00

16-09-2024 10:00:00

Legendary con artist Jefferson.

Starting: 16-09-2024 10:00:00

16-09-2024 11:00:00

Civil War hostility between the Hatfields of West Virginia and the McCoys of Kentucky escalates to kidnapping, illicit love affairs, murder, and a legendary turf war.

Starting: 16-09-2024 11:00:00

16-09-2024 12:00:00

Former friendships sour as two ranching families become embroiled in an epic battle in the dangerous frontier of Arizona.

Starting: 16-09-2024 12:00:00

16-09-2024 13:00:00

Rival railroads the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway and the Denver & Rio Grand Railroad race to reach the narrow Royal Gorge first after Leadville, Colorado strikes silver in the 1870's.

Starting: 16-09-2024 13:00:00

16-09-2024 14:00:00

Ranching homesteaders and cattle barons start a feud in 1880s Wyoming after they clash over land, power and the future of the America West.

Starting: 16-09-2024 14:00:00

16-09-2024 15:00:00

Depression-era criminal Charles Arthur.

Starting: 16-09-2024 15:00:00

16-09-2024 16:00:00

Depression-era bank robber Lester Gillis, better known as Baby Face Nelson, begins his criminal career at an early age in the Chicago slums.

Starting: 16-09-2024 16:00:00

16-09-2024 17:00:00

Fred Barker and Alvin Karpis' ruthless criminal gang commits bank robberies and kidnappings during the Great Depression.

Starting: 16-09-2024 17:00:00

16-09-2024 18:00:00

Career criminal Bruce Reynolds organizes a gang of 15 men and schemes to rob a Royal Mail train carrying over 2 million pounds in cash.

Starting: 16-09-2024 18:00:00

16-09-2024 19:00:00

Twin brothers Ronnie Kray and Reggie Kray were English gangsters who were the foremost perpetrators of organized crime in the East End of London during the 1950s and 60s.

Starting: 16-09-2024 19:00:00

16-09-2024 20:00:00

Charlie Richardson was the head of the notorious Richardson gang who built up a lucrative empire by extortion, fraud and torture.

Starting: 16-09-2024 20:00:00

16-09-2024 21:00:00

As unrest grows between Britain and the Colonies, five unsung patriots strike pivotal blows for the cause of American independence.

Starting: 16-09-2024 21:00:00

16-09-2024 22:00:00

George Washington's Continental Army and the cause of American independence teeter on the brink of annihilation.

Starting: 16-09-2024 22:00:00

16-09-2024 23:00:00

The British Army unleashes a bold campaign in the South; unsung patriots help change the course of the war.

Starting: 16-09-2024 23:00:00

17-09-2024 00:00:00

Lawlessness runs rampant in a notorious Texas outpost and it's up to legendary lawman Dallas Stoudemire to tame the town known as.

Starting: 17-09-2024 00:00:00

17-09-2024 01:00:00

With outlaws firing machine guns in the streets of Oklahoma City, sharpshooting legend Delf 'Jelly' Bryce is on a collision course with some of the most violent men in America.

Starting: 17-09-2024 01:00:00

17-09-2024 02:00:00

Using his fists instead of a pistol, professional boxer turned frontier lawman Tom Smith is determined to clean up 'Hell on Earth'.

Starting: 17-09-2024 02:00:00

17-09-2024 03:00:00

A New York City cop uncovers a German terrorist cell operating on American soil during World War I and fights to stop them before it's too late.

Starting: 17-09-2024 03:00:00

17-09-2024 04:00:00

Lawlessness runs rampant in a notorious Texas outpost and it's up to legendary lawman Dallas Stoudemire to tame the town known as.

Starting: 17-09-2024 04:00:00

17-09-2024 05:00:00

With outlaws firing machine guns in the streets of Oklahoma City, sharpshooting legend Delf 'Jelly' Bryce is on a collision course with some of the most violent men in America.

Starting: 17-09-2024 05:00:00

17-09-2024 06:00:00

Using his fists instead of a pistol, professional boxer turned frontier lawman Tom Smith is determined to clean up 'Hell on Earth'.

Starting: 17-09-2024 06:00:00

17-09-2024 07:00:00

A New York City cop uncovers a German terrorist cell operating on American soil during World War I and fights to stop them before it's too late.

Starting: 17-09-2024 07:00:00

17-09-2024 08:00:00

George Washington's Continental Army and the cause of American independence teeter on the brink of annihilation.

Starting: 17-09-2024 08:00:00

17-09-2024 09:00:00

The British Army unleashes a bold campaign in the South; unsung patriots help change the course of the war.

Starting: 17-09-2024 09:00:00

17-09-2024 10:00:00

A look inside the fiercest tanks to ever storm the battlefield.

Starting: 17-09-2024 10:00:00

17-09-2024 11:00:00

Exposing the intriguing secrets of modern explosives.

Starting: 17-09-2024 11:00:00

17-09-2024 12:00:00

The latest weapons and technology used by special forces.

Starting: 17-09-2024 12:00:00

17-09-2024 13:00:00

A look at the top fighter planes, and what the future holds for these aerial assassins.

Starting: 17-09-2024 13:00:00

17-09-2024 14:00:00

A top-secret device to prevent the smuggling of bombs and guns onto planes; the latest multicaliber combat weapon.

Starting: 17-09-2024 14:00:00

17-09-2024 15:00:00

A state-of-the-art weapon converts from an assault rifle to a sniper rifle in seconds.

Starting: 17-09-2024 15:00:00

17-09-2024 16:00:00

Inflatable armor; shoulder-fired grenades; A-10 Thunderbolt II attack plane.

Starting: 17-09-2024 16:00:00

17-09-2024 17:00:00

An unmanned bomber can take off and land on an aircraft carrier.

Starting: 17-09-2024 17:00:00

17-09-2024 18:00:00

A device can tear apart terrorist bombs; a new weapon helps troops avoid being ambushed; the latest surface-to-air missile.

Starting: 17-09-2024 18:00:00

17-09-2024 19:00:00

The evolution of the Taser for military use; a vehicle-stopping device that uses a hi-tech net to trap suicide bombers.

Starting: 17-09-2024 19:00:00

17-09-2024 20:00:00

U.S. troops run into a massive force of North Vietnamese soldiers on the Cambodian border.

Starting: 17-09-2024 20:00:00

17-09-2024 21:00:00

The U.S. military unleashes Operation Phantom Fury to root out the radical fighters from the city.

Starting: 17-09-2024 21:00:00

17-09-2024 22:00:00

Elite Special Operations troops attempt the rescue of helpless civilians after a Viet Cong invasion force overwhelms their town.

Starting: 17-09-2024 22:00:00

17-09-2024 23:00:00

On the frontline of the 21 day battle for Baghdad.

Starting: 17-09-2024 23:00:00

18-09-2024 00:00:00

American Green Berets launch an attack on Sperwan Ghar where they encounter nearly 1000 Taliban fighters.

Starting: 18-09-2024 00:00:00

18-09-2024 01:00:00

Discover the role of the infamous HITRON UNIT.

Starting: 18-09-2024 01:00:00

18-09-2024 02:00:00

Snipers face new challenges and missions as different types of warfare advance.

Starting: 18-09-2024 02:00:00

18-09-2024 03:00:00

Advanced techniques used to train smart, inventive soldiers.

Starting: 18-09-2024 03:00:00

18-09-2024 04:00:00

American Green Berets launch an attack on Sperwan Ghar where they encounter nearly 1000 Taliban fighters.

Starting: 18-09-2024 04:00:00

18-09-2024 05:00:00

Discover the role of the infamous HITRON UNIT.

Starting: 18-09-2024 05:00:00

18-09-2024 06:00:00

Snipers face new challenges and missions as different types of warfare advance.

Starting: 18-09-2024 06:00:00

18-09-2024 07:00:00

Advanced techniques used to train smart, inventive soldiers.

Starting: 18-09-2024 07:00:00

18-09-2024 08:00:00

Elite Special Operations troops attempt the rescue of helpless civilians after a Viet Cong invasion force overwhelms their town.

Starting: 18-09-2024 08:00:00

18-09-2024 09:00:00

On the frontline of the 21 day battle for Baghdad.

Starting: 18-09-2024 09:00:00

18-09-2024 10:00:00

Members of the U.S. Army Rangers utilize cutting-edge military technology.

Starting: 18-09-2024 10:00:00

18-09-2024 11:00:00

The Green Berets use unconventional methods to wage war.

Starting: 18-09-2024 11:00:00

18-09-2024 12:00:00

The British Special Air Service utilizes insertion behind enemy lines to combat terrorism.

Starting: 18-09-2024 12:00:00

18-09-2024 13:00:00

The amphibious troops of the British Royal Marine Commandos.

Starting: 18-09-2024 13:00:00

18-09-2024 14:00:00

Extreme Warriors are trained to live and fight in the harshest environments known to man - exposed mountaintops, extreme altitude, sub-zero temperatures, snowstorms - these guys bring the pain in any terrain.

Starting: 18-09-2024 14:00:00

18-09-2024 15:00:00

Combat engineers use their skills to both build and destroy.

Starting: 18-09-2024 15:00:00

18-09-2024 16:00:00

Long range weaponry allows you to hit your enemy while staying out of harm's way.

Starting: 18-09-2024 16:00:00

18-09-2024 17:00:00

Taking a look at the most revolutionary war machines.

Starting: 18-09-2024 17:00:00

18-09-2024 18:00:00

The most intimidating war machines will break a terrified army faster than any amount of firepower.

Starting: 18-09-2024 18:00:00

18-09-2024 19:00:00

Check out the ten stealthiest war machines across every class of weapon.

Starting: 18-09-2024 19:00:00

18-09-2024 20:00:00

Machines that can haul massive loads are critical to success on the battlefield.

Starting: 18-09-2024 20:00:00

18-09-2024 21:00:00

The ability to send a missile through a specific window of a building has completely changed the nature of war.

Starting: 18-09-2024 21:00:00

18-09-2024 22:00:00

Americans take on the most powerful navy in the world in a battle that will change of the course the Pacific war.

Starting: 18-09-2024 22:00:00

18-09-2024 23:00:00

American forces fight thousands of Japanese soldiers on mountainous terrain and treacherous conditions.

Starting: 18-09-2024 23:00:00

19-09-2024 00:00:00

In the Korean War's Battle of Chosin Reservoir, U.S. Marines encounter brutal weather conditions and an overwhelming Chinese force.

Starting: 19-09-2024 00:00:00

19-09-2024 01:00:00

The Ardennes forest plays host to the Battle of the Bulge, the bloodiest battle of World War II.

Starting: 19-09-2024 01:00:00

19-09-2024 02:00:00

U.S. forces face one of the toughest urban conflicts since Vietnam as they try to reclaim the city from insurgents.

Starting: 19-09-2024 02:00:00

19-09-2024 03:00:00

Thousands of NVA soldiers lay waiting in the ancient Citadel for the Marines to breech the walls and begin the fight.

Starting: 19-09-2024 03:00:00

19-09-2024 04:00:00

In the Korean War's Battle of Chosin Reservoir, U.S. Marines encounter brutal weather conditions and an overwhelming Chinese force.

Starting: 19-09-2024 04:00:00

19-09-2024 05:00:00

The Ardennes forest plays host to the Battle of the Bulge, the bloodiest battle of World War II.

Starting: 19-09-2024 05:00:00

19-09-2024 06:00:00

U.S. forces face one of the toughest urban conflicts since Vietnam as they try to reclaim the city from insurgents.

Starting: 19-09-2024 06:00:00

19-09-2024 07:00:00

Thousands of NVA soldiers lay waiting in the ancient Citadel for the Marines to breech the walls and begin the fight.

Starting: 19-09-2024 07:00:00

19-09-2024 08:00:00

Americans take on the most powerful navy in the world in a battle that will change of the course the Pacific war.

Starting: 19-09-2024 08:00:00

19-09-2024 09:00:00

American forces fight thousands of Japanese soldiers on mountainous terrain and treacherous conditions.

Starting: 19-09-2024 09:00:00

19-09-2024 10:00:00

The Mutual UFO Network investigates a possible UFO sighting and abduction using the tools of science, psychology and law enforcement.

Starting: 19-09-2024 10:00:00

19-09-2024 11:00:00

MUFON has a hard time separating fact from fiction as they travel to three cities in Mexico.

Starting: 19-09-2024 11:00:00

19-09-2024 12:00:00

The MUFON investigators converge on Bucks County in Pennsylvania because of a quick rise in UFO sightings.

Starting: 19-09-2024 12:00:00

19-09-2024 13:00:00

The U.S. government attempts to create telepathic supersoldiers in the days of the Cold War; criminal Whitey Bulger volunteers to take part in a top-secret CIA mind-control program.

Starting: 19-09-2024 13:00:00

19-09-2024 14:00:00

Since ancient times, man has gone to extreme and often deadly lengths to get gold, one of the rarest treasures on Earth; looking at where the gold is today and who owns it.

Starting: 19-09-2024 14:00:00

19-09-2024 15:00:00

A secret part of history has remained hidden, locked away for centuries in the hulls of ships in New York and in the depths of an abandoned copper mine.

Starting: 19-09-2024 15:00:00

19-09-2024 16:00:00

The secrets and scandals surrounding the Vatican are some of the darkest in all of history.

Starting: 19-09-2024 16:00:00

19-09-2024 17:00:00

Exploring whether the attack on Pearl Harbor was really a surprise, if FDR knew about the attack beforehand, and who really fired the first shots of the Pacific War.

Starting: 19-09-2024 17:00:00

19-09-2024 18:00:00

American code breakers have given the United States an edge in every conflict in American history.

Starting: 19-09-2024 18:00:00

19-09-2024 19:00:00

The extraordinary story of the Bulgarian secret department called Service 7, a force that operated in 9 countries.

Starting: 19-09-2024 19:00:00

19-09-2024 20:00:00

Templar fact and fiction have become blurred by their depictions in book and on film. This program presents a very different picture that challenges head on the orthodox beliefs about an order that angered much of Europe - particularly France.

Starting: 19-09-2024 20:00:00

19-09-2024 21:00:00

Mary Magdalene, a key figure in Christianity, traveled with Jesus and is said to have witnessed his crucifixion and resurrection.

Starting: 19-09-2024 21:00:00

19-09-2024 22:00:00

Mystery still surrounds how fascist dictator Benito Mussolini met his end, before being hanged.

Starting: 19-09-2024 22:00:00

19-09-2024 23:00:00

Jamie Theakston investigates Johann Reichhart, a German executioner who killed approximately 3,000 people during World War II.

Starting: 19-09-2024 23:00:00

20-09-2024 00:00:00

Investigating the mysterious secret society known as 'The Priory of Sion' that traces its roots back to the 12th Century and is believed to protect incontrovertible, if heretical, information about the marriage of Jesus Christ.

Starting: 20-09-2024 00:00:00

20-09-2024 01:00:00

Shedding light on the Brotherhood of Blood, a dark and mysterious sect sworn to protect and preserve the Holy Blood of Christ and revealing the extreme methods the Brotherhood used.

Starting: 20-09-2024 01:00:00

20-09-2024 02:00:00

Unearthing the secrets of a widespread criminal gang in the heart of Japan who are engaged in a variety of criminal activity including extortion, prostitution and illegal gambling.

Starting: 20-09-2024 02:00:00

20-09-2024 03:00:00

Delving into the world of the KKK, which is just a shadow of its former self, and looking at the impact the group has had on America.

Starting: 20-09-2024 03:00:00

20-09-2024 04:00:00

Investigating the mysterious secret society known as 'The Priory of Sion' that traces its roots back to the 12th Century and is believed to protect incontrovertible, if heretical, information about the marriage of Jesus Christ.

Starting: 20-09-2024 04:00:00

20-09-2024 05:00:00

Shedding light on the Brotherhood of Blood, a dark and mysterious sect sworn to protect and preserve the Holy Blood of Christ and revealing the extreme methods the Brotherhood used.

Starting: 20-09-2024 05:00:00

20-09-2024 06:00:00

Unearthing the secrets of a widespread criminal gang in the heart of Japan who are engaged in a variety of criminal activity including extortion, prostitution and illegal gambling.

Starting: 20-09-2024 06:00:00

20-09-2024 07:00:00

Delving into the world of the KKK, which is just a shadow of its former self, and looking at the impact the group has had on America.

Starting: 20-09-2024 07:00:00

20-09-2024 08:00:00

Mystery still surrounds how fascist dictator Benito Mussolini met his end, before being hanged.

Starting: 20-09-2024 08:00:00

20-09-2024 09:00:00

Jamie Theakston investigates Johann Reichhart, a German executioner who killed approximately 3,000 people during World War II.

Starting: 20-09-2024 09:00:00

20-09-2024 10:00:00