دليل البرامج الإلكترونيUS--FEAR-FACTOR

Stunt takes place in a rectangular pig pen filled with pigs. Couple is placed back-to back and attached to an upright rotisserie. One contestant will be dragged through a field of mud.

Starting: 12-09-2024 06:00:36

12-09-2024 07:00:36

Contestants are harnessed and locked into a computer ratchet system. Couples will make their way through junkyard obstacles, retrieving hubcaps. The male contestants will be standing on top of a bus while their female partners are strapped under the bus.

Starting: 12-09-2024 07:00:36

12-09-2024 08:00:36

no info available.

Starting: 12-09-2024 08:00:00

12-09-2024 12:00:00

Each contestant will be asked to eat two boiled buffalo testicles in 4 minutes. Each contestant will be harnessed and raised by crane. Each contestant will sit in the front seat of a car as the car is lowered by crane to the same depth of water.

Starting: 12-09-2024 08:00:36

12-09-2024 09:00:36

Three steel girders are attached to a crane, 100 feet off the ground. Contestant walks on broken glass. A car is held up by an electromagnetic crane.

Starting: 12-09-2024 09:00:36

12-09-2024 10:00:36

The Big Tujunga Dam towers hundreds of feet high. Contestant's head and shoulders will be covered in bees. The contestants will lie in a small Plexiglas coffin which has holes drilled in the bottom and on the sides.

Starting: 12-09-2024 10:00:36

12-09-2024 11:00:36

One teammate will start hanging upside-down from a crane bound by their wrists and ankles in the air. Contestants with the highest card will determine who gets what cocktail. Couples will be strung parallel of each other from windows.

Starting: 12-09-2024 11:00:36

12-09-2024 12:00:36

Each contestant will climb a one hundred and ten foot tower. Each contestant will be asked to eat 6 worms in 4 minutes. Each contestant will have to find their way through an underground tunnel.

Starting: 12-09-2024 12:00:36

12-09-2024 13:00:36

The contestant stands on top of a moving semi truck jump and leaps. Approximately 300,000 superworms will be placed into the case with the contestants. Each contestant will be holding a paint ball gun and harnessed to a reverse bungee line.

Starting: 12-09-2024 13:00:36

12-09-2024 14:00:36

Contestants will climb out of the moving tram and grab a net attached to the tram. Contestants will drink a shake consisting of rats. A plexi-glass wall with a lip hangs under the helicopter and they must traverse the wall releasing flags along the way.

Starting: 12-09-2024 14:00:36

12-09-2024 15:00:36

Clip show of the greatest moments from Season 1.

Starting: 12-09-2024 15:00:36

12-09-2024 16:00:36

Contestants will be standing on a beam above the water and must make their way around the structure. Contestant will climb through a plexi-glass tunnel. A struss structure will be wrapped by cargo netting and hung beneath a 212 helicopter.

Starting: 12-09-2024 16:00:36

12-09-2024 17:00:36

To unlock the Fear Factor straight-jacket the quickest. To gather the most flags the fastest.

Starting: 12-09-2024 17:00:36

12-09-2024 18:00:36

Contestant will be strapped by their waist, ankles, and wrist and locked to the face of a wheel, halfway into the water. Contestants will shoot at wall of bottles with a paintball gun. Contestant must stand on a swaying platform hanging from a helicopter.

Starting: 12-09-2024 18:00:36

12-09-2024 19:00:36

Contestants will both start on a SeaDoo as they speed towards a buoy, jump off at the buoy, grab a floating fire extinguisher, and swim to a platform behind a house boat that is on fire. One contestant will be placed in a Plexiglas box filled with bugs.

Starting: 12-09-2024 19:00:36

12-09-2024 20:00:36

Player A is placed on a dunk tank. In the tank is a mixture of cow parts floating in water. One member of the team will be suspended by their ankles underneath a helicopter.

Starting: 12-09-2024 20:00:36

12-09-2024 21:00:36

Contestant will stand on top of a truck as it speeds trying to grab as many flags. Contestants will shoot potatoes at a target using a shoulder mounted air cannon. The contestant must start the car, there are tractors driving towards their car.

Starting: 12-09-2024 21:00:36

12-09-2024 22:00:36

Poles will be attached and hung off the dump truck off the ground. Plexiglas box is buried in the sand and filled with water and sand. Contestants will be standing on a car that is suspended over the water by a crane.

Starting: 12-09-2024 22:00:36

12-09-2024 23:00:36

no info available.

Starting: 13-09-2024 00:00:00

13-09-2024 04:00:00

Taxi cabs will each be suspended from their own crane. Player is placed inside a sealed Plexiglas coffin with thousands of roaches. The contestants will be hung by their ankles from a crane and suspended over a swimming pool.

Starting: 13-09-2024 12:00:36

13-09-2024 13:00:36

Contestant will be locked to a net that is dangling from the cargo load ramp of a Sikorsky helicopter over the water. Contestants must make their way through a maze. Contestants must climb into the back of a car that is slowly filling with water.

Starting: 13-09-2024 13:00:36

13-09-2024 14:00:36

Contestants will start this game floating in the water. Contestants compress a cows eye with their mouth, squeezing the juice out of the eye into a glass. Contestant will stand on Euclid dump trucks as they travel down the road.

Starting: 13-09-2024 14:00:36

13-09-2024 15:00:36

One contestant will launch herself from a pneumatic chair off into the water. Couple will be placed together in a Plexiglas box with separated. One contestant will drop from a helicopter and swim over to a buoy with a key on it.

Starting: 13-09-2024 16:00:36

13-09-2024 17:00:36

Contestants will be bound to a chair, that will be suspend over the water. Dressed in a dog bite protection suit, contestants must climb out of a specially designed chimney and into an enclosed room. Contestant must drive their car towards a pipe ramp.

Starting: 13-09-2024 17:00:36

13-09-2024 18:00:36

Contestants will be dangling from a rope off the roof. Contestants will have to clear a bug splattered car windshield using only their mouth and face. The contestant will be standing on a beam suspended from a crane.

Starting: 13-09-2024 18:00:36

13-09-2024 19:00:36

Contestants are strapped to a line on the deck, with their bungees attached to a helicopter. Contestants will cut their way through two separate ropes. Contestants are connected to a helicopter and must repel down.

Starting: 13-09-2024 19:00:36

13-09-2024 20:00:36

The parent and the child will have to cross a beam above the water releasing flags along the way. Cockroaches are being poured into the box while the child sits in a box without a top. In this family stunt the child will start by standing on the dock.

Starting: 13-09-2024 20:00:36

13-09-2024 21:00:36

In this stunt, the female contestant will be placed in a cage that is hung from a helicopter and is approx. 20 feet in the air. A dumpster filled with disgusting garbage is placed at one end of an alley.

Starting: 13-09-2024 21:00:36

13-09-2024 22:00:36

Contestant will be chained to either side of a platform with the contestant having one key to free them from chains. Player dunks their head into a tank and retrieves a cows heart with their mouth.

Starting: 13-09-2024 22:00:36

13-09-2024 23:00:36

In this couples stunt the contestants will be standing at a podium on the roof of a 5 story building. The first contestant loads a piece of cow stomach onto a catapult, which will launch the stomach down range to their partner.

Starting: 13-09-2024 23:00:36

14-09-2024 00:00:36

no info available.

Starting: 14-09-2024 00:00:00

14-09-2024 04:00:00

The contestant will be put in a clear plex-glass tube that will be lifted up and placed just above the water. Snakes and lizards will be dumped in the box. Contestant will be standing on a plexi-glass incline pirtched on top of a roof in the air.

Starting: 14-09-2024 04:00:36

14-09-2024 05:00:36

In this stunt, the contestant will be placed on a 30 foot truss structure. Contestant moves electric eels from one side of tank to the other. In this stunt, the contestant will be seated on a barrel hung by 20 foot long cables underneath a helicopter.

Starting: 14-09-2024 05:00:36

14-09-2024 06:00:36

Contestants will be hanging by their ankles from a crane above the water. Couples must sit inside a barrel in a kneeling position. Contestants are driving on a swervy course while trying to run through a series of barrels and wooden structures.

Starting: 14-09-2024 06:00:36

14-09-2024 07:00:36

Contestant will be laying on their back on a plexi-glass platform that is hung from a helicopter. Contestants will determine how much of the animals they will have to eat. Contestant will have to cross beams placing flags along the way.

Starting: 14-09-2024 07:00:36

14-09-2024 08:00:36

Two contestants are seated in the front of a car. The driver is blind folded and the passenger must navigate for them. Player is strapped down in a coffin and then covered with 500 Tarantulas.

Starting: 14-09-2024 16:00:36

14-09-2024 17:00:36

To jump from moving helicopter onto a floating platform. Place 60 pink toed tarantulas into torture hat and stay still for 3 minutes. The contestant lies in a plexi-glass tube as water is pumped in.

Starting: 14-09-2024 17:00:36

14-09-2024 18:00:36

Contestant will be locked in a plexi-glass box that will be hung from a crane, lowered into the water. A contestant bobs into a tank of fluid. One will be driving the main car and the other will be driving the ramp car along a flatbed semi truck.

Starting: 14-09-2024 18:00:36

14-09-2024 19:00:36

The parents my make their way across the ledge of the Universal Orlando while their child stands on their shoulders. The mother son team must retrieve keys. Contestants are seated in a car and must and lock it into position underneath a moving semi-truck.

Starting: 14-09-2024 19:00:36

14-09-2024 20:00:36

Each couple is standing on the edge of the roof. Contestant will be sealed into a cage filled with roaches. The cage will be locked on the outside. Contestants are driving behind a flatbed and their opponents are releasing barrels to distract them.

Starting: 14-09-2024 20:00:36

14-09-2024 21:00:36

A contestant will be seated in the driver's seat of a limousine, the second contestant will be in the trunk. The contestant will be tied into their seat and to the steering wheel of a automobile.

Starting: 14-09-2024 21:00:36

14-09-2024 22:00:36

To run through a vertical obstacle course. Contestants will put their head inside the box with 24 rats. To cross a plank suspend between to speeding semi-trucks.

Starting: 14-09-2024 22:00:36

14-09-2024 23:00:36

Contestants must leap back and forth from the boats to get as many flags. Contestant is put into a vat used for stomping on grapes to make wine. Contestant must walk the length of the truck removing flags along the way.

Starting: 14-09-2024 23:00:36

15-09-2024 00:00:36

no info available.

Starting: 15-09-2024 00:00:00

15-09-2024 04:00:00

Everyone knows Bigfoot, an enormous truck that crushes everything in its path. Contestant descends into 10-foot high tank filled with water and ribbon snakes. Suspended from a 40 ton crane hangs a clear Plexiglas box.

Starting: 15-09-2024 04:00:36

15-09-2024 05:00:36

Contestant will be dropped into the water. Couples will be presented with a picnic baskets filled with a Fear Factor style meal. One contestant will be underneath the train at the back of a car, while her partner will be on the side of the same car.

Starting: 15-09-2024 05:00:36

15-09-2024 06:00:36

Team of two contestants will be in a four-walled roof-less office- type room that is filled with desks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Contestants will be bound in straight jackets and will have amount of time to escape.

Starting: 15-09-2024 06:00:36

15-09-2024 07:00:36

Contestant will be standing in either end of two large cylinders, suspended in the air over water. Player must grab a mouth full of insects, then place into a meat grinder using their mouth. Inside the tanker truck, it would be filled with water.

Starting: 15-09-2024 07:00:36

15-09-2024 08:00:36

Both contestants in the finals will be riding on the back of an Ultraboat as a helicopter settles in overhead. Male contestant is placed in a bamboo cage filled with large bullfrogs, which is then lowered into a pit.

Starting: 15-09-2024 08:00:36

15-09-2024 09:00:36

Players climb out over the skid and underneath the helicopter. Contestants shoot at target, determining the number of boiled pig rectums they will have to eat. The contestant must navigate around the ledge of a tall building.

Starting: 15-09-2024 09:00:36

15-09-2024 10:00:36

Each contestant will be dragged behind a horse. Contestant will enter a elevator shaft and will be covered by approximately 400 rats. One at a time each contestant will sit in the front seat of a car as the car is raised by crane over 100 feet in the air.

Starting: 15-09-2024 10:00:36

15-09-2024 11:00:36

Contestant walks the wing of a bi-plane in flight. We fill a plexiglass basin with water, plums, ribbon and garter snakes, and one big albino snake. To jump a car off a two level parking structure with the furthest distance.

Starting: 15-09-2024 11:00:36

15-09-2024 12:00:36

In this stunt one of the contestants will be seated on a platform above the water wearing weighted boots. Laying face down on the floor, contestants' heads are placed in separate medieval looking helmets, filled with snakes and rats.

Starting: 15-09-2024 12:00:36

15-09-2024 13:00:36

Joe Rogan, in a crowd of fans, counts down the top 15 stunts from all the shows up till this point.

Starting: 15-09-2024 13:00:36

15-09-2024 14:00:36

Five teams of two compete for $100,000 dollars as they are flown underneath the belly of a helicopter, eat bees, are launched off a building through glass, deal with the horror of bull testicles and drive a car through the back of a moving semi truck.

Starting: 15-09-2024 14:00:36

15-09-2024 15:00:36

Five teams of 2 are bungied off a cliff, must eat leeches, must run through a burning building, deal with the Wheel of Misfortune, and finally grab flags off a moving car while dangling of a crane. All is the hopes of winning $100,000.

Starting: 15-09-2024 15:00:36

15-09-2024 16:00:36

Four couples compete for $50,000. In order to win they must face getting catapulted off the top of a tall building, transfer snakes with theirs mouths and transfers flags to a partner hanging under a helicopter, all while riding a personal watercraft.

Starting: 15-09-2024 16:00:36

15-09-2024 17:00:36

Four teams compete for $50,000 as they are locked in a cage and sunk, eat a disgusting meal consisting of roaches, grasshoppers, blood salsa and maggots and lastly must leap back and forth from a moving station wagon onto a bus.

Starting: 15-09-2024 17:00:36

15-09-2024 18:00:36

Four teams of exes must deal with 3 stunts and each other. They must launch their car into a lake, dive for cow hearts in gallons of blood, and run, fly, swim and climb while trying to blow up a fueling station.

Starting: 15-09-2024 18:00:36

15-09-2024 19:00:36

Four teams of two attempt to win $50,000. They face three extreme stunts as they are stuck in a car being flown under two helicopters, must drink a Fear Factor Crappacino and lastly are dropped through a collapsing tower.

Starting: 15-09-2024 19:00:36

15-09-2024 20:00:36

Four teams of family members compete for $50,000 as they careen into a quarry full of live ammunition while in the back of a truck, must devour nasty scorpions, and are strapped to the front of a cement truck as it smashes through structures.

Starting: 15-09-2024 20:00:36

15-09-2024 21:00:36

Players are placed into a large plexiglas coffin with several thousand snakes. Eight glass torch-goblets are placed on stone pillars of varying heights. Contestants will bob in a tank filled with cow eyes to recover pig hearts.

Starting: 15-09-2024 21:00:36

15-09-2024 22:00:36

For this Psycho Arc couples stunt, a hearse will be specially fabricated with a standing platform replacing the rear bumper. One contestant will be handcuffed to a shower inside a bathroom at the Bates Motel.

Starting: 15-09-2024 22:00:36

15-09-2024 23:00:36

Two large platforms are hanging below two helicopters. In this pairs stunt, each contestant will be seated in a barber chair. Contestants will each start out straddling the side of a container, at opposite ends, high in the air.

Starting: 15-09-2024 23:00:36

16-09-2024 00:00:36

Contestant must exit from a speed boat by grabbing onto ladder that is hanging out of a helicopter. The contestant has to transfer mealworms from a Plexiglas container to a scale. Contestants will launch themselves in a car off a 3 foot high ramp.

Starting: 16-09-2024 00:00:36

16-09-2024 01:00:36

Contestants support one another while leaning out over each side of a boat. Each contestant will be lying in a vertical position and rotated head over feet. Each contestant will be in a car and on go will back off the flatbed trucks.

Starting: 16-09-2024 01:00:36

16-09-2024 02:00:36

Contestants will be standing on opposite skids of the same helicopter. Contestants are hogtied with duct tape on the floor of a meat locker. Contestants will be lying on their backs in a 72-foot-long trough on the roof of a building.

Starting: 16-09-2024 02:00:36

16-09-2024 03:00:36

Contestants sit on a bicycle on top of one of two semi trucks. Contestants have to pick up hornworms and squeeze the juice out into a glass. Contestant must walk on beam from one building to another.

Starting: 16-09-2024 03:00:36

16-09-2024 04:00:36

Two contestants are seated in the front of a car. The driver is blind folded and the passenger must navigate for them. Player is strapped down in a coffin and then covered with 500 Tarantulas.

Starting: 16-09-2024 04:00:36

16-09-2024 05:00:36

To jump from moving helicopter onto a floating platform. Place 60 pink toed tarantulas into torture hat and stay still for 3 minutes. The contestant lies in a plexi-glass tube as water is pumped in.

Starting: 16-09-2024 05:00:36

16-09-2024 06:00:36

Contestant will be locked in a plexi-glass box that will be hung from a crane, lowered into the water. A contestant bobs into a tank of fluid. One will be driving the main car and the other will be driving the ramp car along a flatbed semi truck.

Starting: 16-09-2024 06:00:36

16-09-2024 07:00:36

Six Fear Factor contestants are left. They've made it this far. Who will make it to the end.

Starting: 16-09-2024 07:00:36

16-09-2024 08:00:36