Trying to convince Luke Hoskins, blinded by a childhood bout with the measles, that he can lead a productive life, Adam Kendall battles Luke's bitter, skeptical father and is unexpectedly aided by the underdog Winoka Warriors, who have just lost their star player to a rival football team.
Starting: 19-02-2025 08:15:00
Zatímco rezidenti mají den volna, v nemocnici probíhá vyšetřování a dr. Andrews je pod tlakem. Limová odmítá jakýkoliv Neilův projev laskavosti. Shaun je znepokojen tím, že dr. Glassman odchází hned po zákroku z nemocnice, a chce zůstat s ním. O Shaunovu společnost ale stojí i Lea. Alex by rád napravil vztah se svou ženou. Morgan požádá Claire, aby s ní posnídala, brzy ale obě vyrážejí na pomoc Claiřině matce.
Starting: 19-02-2025 11:40:00
Dr. Glassman špatně snáší chemoterapii a Shaunovy pokusy pomoci mu situaci neulehčují. V Shaunově a Leině bytě se stále častěji objevuje Lein nový přítel. Alex poví Claire o Mie. Neil, Alex a Claire pečují o ženu s mechanickým srdcem a komplikovanými rodinnými vztahy. Limová, Morgan a Shaun mají za pacientku autistickou ženu, která bydlí s dalším autistou. Morgan je z případu rozpačitá.
Starting: 19-02-2025 15:50:00
Dr. Glassman špatně snáší chemoterapii a Shaunovy pokusy pomoci mu situaci neulehčují. V Shaunově a Leině bytě se stále častěji objevuje Lein nový přítel. Alex poví Claire o Mie. Neil, Alex a Claire pečují o ženu s mechanickým srdcem a komplikovanými rodinnými vztahy. Limová, Morgan a Shaun mají za pacientku autistickou ženu, která bydlí s dalším autistou. Morgan je z případu rozpačitá.
Starting: 19-02-2025 21:10:00
Dr. Glassman špatně snáší chemoterapii a Shaunovy pokusy pomoci mu situaci neulehčují. V Shaunově a Leině bytě se stále častěji objevuje Lein nový přítel. Alex poví Claire o Mie. Neil, Alex a Claire pečují o ženu s mechanickým srdcem a komplikovanými rodinnými vztahy. Limová, Morgan a Shaun mají za pacientku autistickou ženu, která bydlí s dalším autistou. Morgan je z případu rozpačitá.
Starting: 20-02-2025 11:40:00
Do nemocnice přivezou čtrnáctiletou oběť dopravní nehody, u jejíž operace se setkají dr. Melendez a dr. Limová, což vyústí v konflikt mezi nimi. Matku oběti čeká mimořádně těžké rozhodování. Tým lékařů se chystá na náročnou operaci, která má znetvořené šestnáctileté dívce navrátit obličej. U tohoto případu je potřeba brát ohled na trauma pacientky i rodiny.
Starting: 20-02-2025 15:50:00
Laura Ingalls becomes jealous of the extra attention her father pays to new family member, Albert, especially after the boy is given a new calf to raise for the county fair, and asked to call Charles "Pa".
Starting: 20-02-2025 18:10:00
Sterling Murdoch arrives in Walnut Grove planning to found a newspaper. The fledgling newspaper is The Pen and the Plow, and its star reporter is none other than one Harriet Olesen. At first, everyone including the Ingalls welcome the newspaper, but the completely inaccurate content of the "Harriet's Happenings" column soon has some people losing their enthusiasm. Nels reminds his wife that a reporter's job is to be accurate, but Mrs. Olesen suggests she's merely "reporting the fact that... they are rumors"; he is even more frustrated when she suggests holding an unethical sale at the store. Later, Nellie loses a spot in the county's spelling bee to Erich Schiller, the son of German immigrants and outstanding student in his class. Mrs. Olesen is outraged and in her next column, writes a story suggesting that Erich's parents are illiterate. Erich is deeply upset by the story and it causes him to perform badly at the county spelling bee; he even drops out of school. With some help from Charles, Mr. Schiller tells Erich that he is proud of his son and has a great future ahead of him; this is enough to get him to come back to school. Charles is unable to make headway with Murdoch about his newspaper, since Murdoch reasons that people like reading their names in print and it means more advertising and money. Laura and Albert get some revenge when they switch the printing plates and publish some unflattering stories about Nellie and Mrs. Olesen, and an ad that suggests a 100 percent-off sale at the Mercantile. When Caroline refuses to punish Laura and Albert over their trick, Mrs. Olesen responds by publishing a story stating that Charles fathered Albert outside his marriage along with another item that suggests that the Garveys are heavily in debt. An angry Charles has enough and, at church on Sunday, exposes "The Pen and the Plow" as yellow journalism, and that everyone else shares in the blame for reading the paper even though they knew the stories were clearly untrue. It isn't long before the newspaper is forced to stop publishing and Murdoch is driven from town. In the close, Laura tells how she hoped that someday, Walnut Grove would get a legitimate newspaper.
Starting: 20-02-2025 19:00:00
Do nemocnice přivezou čtrnáctiletou oběť dopravní nehody, u jejíž operace se setkají dr. Melendez a dr. Limová, což vyústí v konflikt mezi nimi. Matku oběti čeká mimořádně těžké rozhodování. Tým lékařů se chystá na náročnou operaci, která má znetvořené šestnáctileté dívce navrátit obličej. U tohoto případu je potřeba brát ohled na trauma pacientky i rodiny.
Starting: 20-02-2025 20:45:00
Laura Ingalls becomes jealous of the extra attention her father pays to new family member, Albert, especially after the boy is given a new calf to raise for the county fair, and asked to call Charles "Pa".
Starting: 20-02-2025 23:15:00
Sterling Murdoch arrives in Walnut Grove planning to found a newspaper. The fledgling newspaper is The Pen and the Plow, and its star reporter is none other than one Harriet Olesen. At first, everyone including the Ingalls welcome the newspaper, but the completely inaccurate content of the "Harriet's Happenings" column soon has some people losing their enthusiasm. Nels reminds his wife that a reporter's job is to be accurate, but Mrs. Olesen suggests she's merely "reporting the fact that... they are rumors"; he is even more frustrated when she suggests holding an unethical sale at the store. Later, Nellie loses a spot in the county's spelling bee to Erich Schiller, the son of German immigrants and outstanding student in his class. Mrs. Olesen is outraged and in her next column, writes a story suggesting that Erich's parents are illiterate. Erich is deeply upset by the story and it causes him to perform badly at the county spelling bee; he even drops out of school. With some help from Charles, Mr. Schiller tells Erich that he is proud of his son and has a great future ahead of him; this is enough to get him to come back to school. Charles is unable to make headway with Murdoch about his newspaper, since Murdoch reasons that people like reading their names in print and it means more advertising and money. Laura and Albert get some revenge when they switch the printing plates and publish some unflattering stories about Nellie and Mrs. Olesen, and an ad that suggests a 100 percent-off sale at the Mercantile. When Caroline refuses to punish Laura and Albert over their trick, Mrs. Olesen responds by publishing a story stating that Charles fathered Albert outside his marriage along with another item that suggests that the Garveys are heavily in debt. An angry Charles has enough and, at church on Sunday, exposes "The Pen and the Plow" as yellow journalism, and that everyone else shares in the blame for reading the paper even though they knew the stories were clearly untrue. It isn't long before the newspaper is forced to stop publishing and Murdoch is driven from town. In the close, Laura tells how she hoped that someday, Walnut Grove would get a legitimate newspaper.
Starting: 21-02-2025 00:05:00
Laura Ingalls becomes jealous of the extra attention her father pays to new family member, Albert, especially after the boy is given a new calf to raise for the county fair, and asked to call Charles "Pa".
Starting: 21-02-2025 08:15:00
Sterling Murdoch arrives in Walnut Grove planning to found a newspaper. The fledgling newspaper is The Pen and the Plow, and its star reporter is none other than one Harriet Olesen. At first, everyone including the Ingalls welcome the newspaper, but the completely inaccurate content of the "Harriet's Happenings" column soon has some people losing their enthusiasm. Nels reminds his wife that a reporter's job is to be accurate, but Mrs. Olesen suggests she's merely "reporting the fact that... they are rumors"; he is even more frustrated when she suggests holding an unethical sale at the store. Later, Nellie loses a spot in the county's spelling bee to Erich Schiller, the son of German immigrants and outstanding student in his class. Mrs. Olesen is outraged and in her next column, writes a story suggesting that Erich's parents are illiterate. Erich is deeply upset by the story and it causes him to perform badly at the county spelling bee; he even drops out of school. With some help from Charles, Mr. Schiller tells Erich that he is proud of his son and has a great future ahead of him; this is enough to get him to come back to school. Charles is unable to make headway with Murdoch about his newspaper, since Murdoch reasons that people like reading their names in print and it means more advertising and money. Laura and Albert get some revenge when they switch the printing plates and publish some unflattering stories about Nellie and Mrs. Olesen, and an ad that suggests a 100 percent-off sale at the Mercantile. When Caroline refuses to punish Laura and Albert over their trick, Mrs. Olesen responds by publishing a story stating that Charles fathered Albert outside his marriage along with another item that suggests that the Garveys are heavily in debt. An angry Charles has enough and, at church on Sunday, exposes "The Pen and the Plow" as yellow journalism, and that everyone else shares in the blame for reading the paper even though they knew the stories were clearly untrue. It isn't long before the newspaper is forced to stop publishing and Murdoch is driven from town. In the close, Laura tells how she hoped that someday, Walnut Grove would get a legitimate newspaper.
Starting: 21-02-2025 09:05:00
Do nemocnice přivezou čtrnáctiletou oběť dopravní nehody, u jejíž operace se setkají dr. Melendez a dr. Limová, což vyústí v konflikt mezi nimi. Matku oběti čeká mimořádně těžké rozhodování. Tým lékařů se chystá na náročnou operaci, která má znetvořené šestnáctileté dívce navrátit obličej. U tohoto případu je potřeba brát ohled na trauma pacientky i rodiny.
Starting: 21-02-2025 11:40:00
Na chirurgickém oddělení je nový primář, který se hned vrhne do práce. Doktorka Lim provádí císařský řez u maminky, jejíž dcera má genetickou vadu - většina orgánů ji nefunguje správně a střeva ji vedou z těla ven. Shaun si kvůli novém primáři zažívá těžké chvilky.
Starting: 21-02-2025 15:50:00
Mary Ingalls happily accepts Adam Kendall's long-awaited marriage proposal but gets cold feet when she begins to consider the implications of two blind parents raising a family.
Starting: 21-02-2025 18:05:00
While their fathers secretly trail them, young Albert Ingalls and Andy Garvey set off to prove their mettle as men by accepting a challenge to live by their wits during a week-long, overland walk from Walnut Grove to Sleepy Eye and back.
Starting: 21-02-2025 18:55:00
Na chirurgickém oddělení je nový primář, který se hned vrhne do práce. Doktorka Lim provádí císařský řez u maminky, jejíž dcera má genetickou vadu - většina orgánů ji nefunguje správně a střeva ji vedou z těla ven. Shaun si kvůli novém primáři zažívá těžké chvilky.
Starting: 21-02-2025 20:45:00
Mary Ingalls happily accepts Adam Kendall's long-awaited marriage proposal but gets cold feet when she begins to consider the implications of two blind parents raising a family.
Starting: 21-02-2025 23:15:00
While their fathers secretly trail them, young Albert Ingalls and Andy Garvey set off to prove their mettle as men by accepting a challenge to live by their wits during a week-long, overland walk from Walnut Grove to Sleepy Eye and back.
Starting: 22-02-2025 00:05:00
Na pohotovost přichází Selena a potřebuje ošetřit svoje zranění. Maggie Sydney neprojevuje dostatek respektu a Sydney si na ní stěžuje. Do nemocnice je přivezené děvče, které si při skoku zlomilo obě nohy.
Starting: 22-02-2025 17:15:00
Joel navrhuje Alex, aby se přestěhovali do Afriky, kde mohou pomáhat lidem, kteří to potřebují. Maggie najde prsten, který dal Charlie Alex, ale ztratí ho. Charlie se dá do řeči se ženou a vůbec si neuvědomí, že je to duch.
Starting: 22-02-2025 18:00:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 22-02-2025 19:10:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 22-02-2025 21:15:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 22-02-2025 21:40:00
Joel navrhuje Alex, aby se přestěhovali do Afriky, kde mohou pomáhat lidem, kteří to potřebují. Maggie najde prsten, který dal Charlie Alex, ale ztratí ho. Charlie se dá do řeči se ženou a vůbec si neuvědomí, že je to duch.
Starting: 22-02-2025 23:45:00
Joel navrhuje Alex, aby se přestěhovali do Afriky, kde mohou pomáhat lidem, kteří to potřebují. Maggie najde prsten, který dal Charlie Alex, ale ztratí ho. Charlie se dá do řeči se ženou a vůbec si neuvědomí, že je to duch.
Starting: 23-02-2025 17:15:00
V nemocnici probíhá přednáška na téma posmrtného života. Alex si díky tomu začíná uvědomovat, co sama prožila ve chvíli, kdy byla pobodána pacientem. Joel pomáhá Seleně na pouliční klinice pro chudé. Dojde k vážnému konfliktu s jedním pacientem.
Starting: 23-02-2025 18:00:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 23-02-2025 18:45:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 23-02-2025 19:10:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 23-02-2025 21:15:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 23-02-2025 21:40:00
V nemocnici probíhá přednáška na téma posmrtného života. Alex si díky tomu začíná uvědomovat, co sama prožila ve chvíli, kdy byla pobodána pacientem. Joel pomáhá Seleně na pouliční klinice pro chudé. Dojde k vážnému konfliktu s jedním pacientem.
Starting: 23-02-2025 23:45:00
Mary Ingalls happily accepts Adam Kendall's long-awaited marriage proposal but gets cold feet when she begins to consider the implications of two blind parents raising a family.
Starting: 24-02-2025 08:20:00
While their fathers secretly trail them, young Albert Ingalls and Andy Garvey set off to prove their mettle as men by accepting a challenge to live by their wits during a week-long, overland walk from Walnut Grove to Sleepy Eye and back.
Starting: 24-02-2025 09:10:00
Na chirurgickém oddělení je nový primář, který se hned vrhne do práce. Doktorka Lim provádí císařský řez u maminky, jejíž dcera má genetickou vadu - většina orgánů ji nefunguje správně a střeva ji vedou z těla ven. Shaun si kvůli novém primáři zažívá těžké chvilky.
Starting: 24-02-2025 11:45:00
Shaun se snaží smířit s tím, že jej primář Han přeřadil na patologii, ale moc mu to nejde. Všichni z jeho bývalého týmu jsou mu oporou a snaží se za něj u primáře přimluvit. Ale bezúspěšně. Doktor Glassman dokončil chemoterapii a chce to oslavit s Debbie.
Starting: 24-02-2025 15:55:00
Shaun se snaží smířit s tím, že jej primář Han přeřadil na patologii, ale moc mu to nejde. Všichni z jeho bývalého týmu jsou mu oporou a snaží se za něj u primáře přimluvit. Ale bezúspěšně. Doktor Glassman dokončil chemoterapii a chce to oslavit s Debbie.
Starting: 24-02-2025 20:55:00
Shaun se snaží smířit s tím, že jej primář Han přeřadil na patologii, ale moc mu to nejde. Všichni z jeho bývalého týmu jsou mu oporou a snaží se za něj u primáře přimluvit. Ale bezúspěšně. Doktor Glassman dokončil chemoterapii a chce to oslavit s Debbie.
Starting: 25-02-2025 11:40:00
Shaunn se stále nemůže smířit se svým novým postavením. Přestože má případ, který ho zaujal, přemýšlí, jak přesvědčit doktora Hana, aby ho přesunul zpět k chirurgii. Doktor Glassman čeká na výsledky, které ukáží, zda byla chemoterapie úspěšná. Audrey má v péči miminko své kamarádky, u něhož testy odhalily překvapivou skutečnost.
Starting: 25-02-2025 15:50:00
Shaunn se stále nemůže smířit se svým novým postavením. Přestože má případ, který ho zaujal, přemýšlí, jak přesvědčit doktora Hana, aby ho přesunul zpět k chirurgii. Doktor Glassman čeká na výsledky, které ukáží, zda byla chemoterapie úspěšná. Audrey má v péči miminko své kamarádky, u něhož testy odhalily překvapivou skutečnost.
Starting: 25-02-2025 21:10:00
Shaunn se stále nemůže smířit se svým novým postavením. Přestože má případ, který ho zaujal, přemýšlí, jak přesvědčit doktora Hana, aby ho přesunul zpět k chirurgii. Doktor Glassman čeká na výsledky, které ukáží, zda byla chemoterapie úspěšná. Audrey má v péči miminko své kamarádky, u něhož testy odhalily překvapivou skutečnost.
Starting: 26-02-2025 11:40:00
Shaun má v baru konflikt s mužem, který vyústí v mužovo zranění. Shaun jej doprovodí do nemocnice. Audrey a Neil zveřejnili svůj vztah. Morgan a Alex se starají o starou paní, která jim poskytuje rady do života.
Starting: 26-02-2025 15:50:00
Laura Ingalls is horrified to witness the fall from a tree that blinds her friend, Jordan Harrison, while he's performing a circus stunt. But when she finds out that Jordan's sight has returned, Laura must decide whether it's right when he asks her to keep it a secret, especially after Jordan tells her that his parents' concern for him appears to have brought them back from the brink of divorce.
Starting: 26-02-2025 19:00:00
Shaun má v baru konflikt s mužem, který vyústí v mužovo zranění. Shaun jej doprovodí do nemocnice. Audrey a Neil zveřejnili svůj vztah. Morgan a Alex se starají o starou paní, která jim poskytuje rady do života.
Starting: 26-02-2025 20:45:00
Laura Ingalls is horrified to witness the fall from a tree that blinds her friend, Jordan Harrison, while he's performing a circus stunt. But when she finds out that Jordan's sight has returned, Laura must decide whether it's right when he asks her to keep it a secret, especially after Jordan tells her that his parents' concern for him appears to have brought them back from the brink of divorce.
Starting: 27-02-2025 00:05:00
Laura Ingalls is horrified to witness the fall from a tree that blinds her friend, Jordan Harrison, while he's performing a circus stunt. But when she finds out that Jordan's sight has returned, Laura must decide whether it's right when he asks her to keep it a secret, especially after Jordan tells her that his parents' concern for him appears to have brought them back from the brink of divorce.
Starting: 27-02-2025 09:05:00
Shaun má v baru konflikt s mužem, který vyústí v mužovo zranění. Shaun jej doprovodí do nemocnice. Audrey a Neil zveřejnili svůj vztah. Morgan a Alex se starají o starou paní, která jim poskytuje rady do života.
Starting: 27-02-2025 11:40:00
Audrey nastupuje ve funkci primářky a její vztah s Neilem je jen jedna z obtíží, se kterými se musí vyrovnat. Jedním z jejích kroků je poskytnutí větší zodpovědnosti rezidentům. Alex a Morgan se kvůli tomu začnou přetahovat o pacienta s demencí a bolestmi břicha.
Starting: 27-02-2025 15:50:00
Adam Kendall is more than a little surprised when wife Mary's letter to his estranged father announcing her pregnancy brings the man to Walnut Grove. But it soon appears that the anticipation of a sighted grandson and not a change of heart towards his blind son may be the reason for the elder Kendall's visit.
Starting: 27-02-2025 19:20:00
Audrey nastupuje ve funkci primářky a její vztah s Neilem je jen jedna z obtíží, se kterými se musí vyrovnat. Jedním z jejích kroků je poskytnutí větší zodpovědnosti rezidentům. Alex a Morgan se kvůli tomu začnou přetahovat o pacienta s demencí a bolestmi břicha.
Starting: 27-02-2025 21:10:00
Adam Kendall is more than a little surprised when wife Mary's letter to his estranged father announcing her pregnancy brings the man to Walnut Grove. But it soon appears that the anticipation of a sighted grandson and not a change of heart towards his blind son may be the reason for the elder Kendall's visit.
Starting: 28-02-2025 00:50:00
Adam Kendall is more than a little surprised when wife Mary's letter to his estranged father announcing her pregnancy brings the man to Walnut Grove. But it soon appears that the anticipation of a sighted grandson and not a change of heart towards his blind son may be the reason for the elder Kendall's visit.
Starting: 28-02-2025 08:55:00
Audrey nastupuje ve funkci primářky a její vztah s Neilem je jen jedna z obtíží, se kterými se musí vyrovnat. Jedním z jejích kroků je poskytnutí větší zodpovědnosti rezidentům. Alex a Morgan se kvůli tomu začnou přetahovat o pacienta s demencí a bolestmi břicha.
Starting: 28-02-2025 11:40:00
Shaunovi přátelé a kolegové se ho i přes jeho odpor snaží přesvědčit, aby se nebránil lásce. U Claire se znenadání objevila její matka, Claire ale vůči ní zaujala nesmlouvavý postoj. Alex a Morgan tvrdě soupeří o to, kdo bude mít první sólo operaci.
Starting: 28-02-2025 15:50:00
Kezia doesn't believe in paying property taxes, and it isn't long before Mrs. Oleson decides to foreclose on the property and purchase it for herself as the family's vacation home. Nels objects to the purchase, knowing she had acquired it unfairly and that Kezia would have no place to go, but Mrs. Oleson responds by moving herself and Nellie and Willie to the lakeside property. Mrs. Oleson, in a show of pity, hires Kezia to be their servant and forces her to live in the shack. Laura, Albert... and Andy watch from afar and are disgusted at how cruelly the three Olesons are treating their frien d Kezia, and also aware that Mrs. Oleson used underhanded means to buy the property. One night, after hearing Caroline read a story about monsters, Albert comes up with an idea to concoct a monster to drive the Olesons off the property. Working with Kezia, the children set their plans in motion, but Mrs. Oleson, Nellie and Willie are too smart for any tricks and harden their resolve to stay on "their" property. Eventually, Laura, Andy and Albert bring out the heavy artillery: creating a Loch Ness monster out of paper maché. When they hatch their plans, Mrs. Oleson and her children are convinced that the non-existant monster poses a real threat to their safety and they beat it. Nels celebrates the success of Laura's plan with Kezia and the others, and it isn't long before Kezia's ownership in her property is restored ... with the promise she will pay her property taxes, no matter what she thinks.
Starting: 28-02-2025 18:10:00
Shaunovi přátelé a kolegové se ho i přes jeho odpor snaží přesvědčit, aby se nebránil lásce. U Claire se znenadání objevila její matka, Claire ale vůči ní zaujala nesmlouvavý postoj. Alex a Morgan tvrdě soupeří o to, kdo bude mít první sólo operaci.
Starting: 28-02-2025 20:45:00
Kezia doesn't believe in paying property taxes, and it isn't long before Mrs. Oleson decides to foreclose on the property and purchase it for herself as the family's vacation home. Nels objects to the purchase, knowing she had acquired it unfairly and that Kezia would have no place to go, but Mrs. Oleson responds by moving herself and Nellie and Willie to the lakeside property. Mrs. Oleson, in a show of pity, hires Kezia to be their servant and forces her to live in the shack. Laura, Albert... and Andy watch from afar and are disgusted at how cruelly the three Olesons are treating their frien d Kezia, and also aware that Mrs. Oleson used underhanded means to buy the property. One night, after hearing Caroline read a story about monsters, Albert comes up with an idea to concoct a monster to drive the Olesons off the property. Working with Kezia, the children set their plans in motion, but Mrs. Oleson, Nellie and Willie are too smart for any tricks and harden their resolve to stay on "their" property. Eventually, Laura, Andy and Albert bring out the heavy artillery: creating a Loch Ness monster out of paper maché. When they hatch their plans, Mrs. Oleson and her children are convinced that the non-existant monster poses a real threat to their safety and they beat it. Nels celebrates the success of Laura's plan with Kezia and the others, and it isn't long before Kezia's ownership in her property is restored ... with the promise she will pay her property taxes, no matter what she thinks.
Starting: 28-02-2025 23:15:00
V nemocnici probíhá přednáška na téma posmrtného života. Alex si díky tomu začíná uvědomovat, co sama prožila ve chvíli, kdy byla pobodána pacientem. Joel pomáhá Seleně na pouliční klinice pro chudé. Dojde k vážnému konfliktu s jedním pacientem.
Starting: 01-03-2025 17:15:00
Molly se zúčastnila párty, kterou rozpustila policie. Protože museli kontaktovat zakonného zástupce, uvedla Molly jako svou matku Alex místo Dany. Na pohotovost přicházejí zápasnice, které se navzájem zranily. Napadnou se i v nemocnici.
Starting: 01-03-2025 18:00:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 01-03-2025 18:40:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 01-03-2025 19:05:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 01-03-2025 21:10:00
Kanadská reality-show 2011.
Starting: 01-03-2025 21:35:00