Batten down the hatches and strap yourself in…World's Toughest Fixes is taking on a job that brings power to the people - assembling a giant wind turbine. Getting this monster machine off the ground means lifting three massive parts to the top of a 220 foot tower --- one weighing as much as an Abrams Tank - another whose combined length is as long as a football field. Prepare to be blown away by high winds, heavy loads and high wire rigging as the crew wrestles nature to deliver the dream of energy independence to the community of Portsmouth, Rhode Island.

Starting: 03-09-2024 05:10:00

03-09-2024 06:00:00

Batten down the hatches and strap yourself in…World's Toughest Fixes is taking on a job that brings power to the people - assembling a giant wind turbine. Getting this monster machine off the ground means lifting three massive parts to the top of a 220 foot tower --- one weighing as much as an Abrams Tank - another whose combined length is as long as a football field. Prepare to be blown away by high winds, heavy loads and high wire rigging as the crew wrestles nature to deliver the dream of energy independence to the community of Portsmouth, Rhode Island.

Starting: 03-09-2024 05:15:00

03-09-2024 06:05:00

Riley heads to a diver's paradise in Curacao, but this underwater adventure is no vacation. He and a team of top-notch industrial divers are in for some serious heavy lifting - rigging and removing a 50-ton rudder from a massive iron ore carrier bound for China. Riley's a master rigger on land, but on this job he's a fish out of water. Running against the clock, with millions at stake, this is one the biggest underwater repair jobs ever attempted -- for Riley, it's perhaps his toughest fix yet.

Starting: 03-09-2024 06:00:00

03-09-2024 06:50:00

Riley heads to a diver's paradise in Curacao, but this underwater adventure is no vacation. He and a team of top-notch industrial divers are in for some serious heavy lifting - rigging and removing a 50-ton rudder from a massive iron ore carrier bound for China. Riley's a master rigger on land, but on this job he's a fish out of water. Running against the clock, with millions at stake, this is one the biggest underwater repair jobs ever attempted -- for Riley, it's perhaps his toughest fix yet.

Starting: 03-09-2024 06:05:00

03-09-2024 06:50:00

Pēdējā ledus laikmeta beigās pirmie cilvēki migrēja uz Ameriku. Daži uzskata, ka ceļoja pa sauszemi, bet tagad arheologi raugās uz krastu. Un ko Meksikas džungļos atrastais 13 000 gadus vecais skelets atklāj mums par šiem cilvēkiem un viņu pasauli? Nosusinot dziļo pazemes alu, mēs atklājam jaunu zinātni, kas pārraksta episko stāstu par pirmajiem cilvēkiem, kuri dzīvoja Jaunajā pasaulē.

Starting: 03-09-2024 06:50:00

03-09-2024 07:35:00

Māksliniece no Atlantas uzzina, kā viņas senči 1812. gada kara laikā izbēga no verdzības un pievienojās britu ienaidnieku spēkiem, kuri beigās nodedzināja Balto namu. Tikmēr vienā no Češapīkas līča pietekām amatieris arheologs izdara savas dzīves lielāko atklājumu, atrodot amerikāņu flagmaņa vraku, kas vadīja nolemtus pretošanās spēkus cīņā pret ienaidnieku.

Starting: 03-09-2024 07:35:00

03-09-2024 08:20:00

Alberts Lins ir devies meklējumos, lai atklātu seno zudušo maiju pilsētu, kurā savulaik dzīvoja cilvēki, kas uzcēluši dižo piramīdu pilsētu Palenkē. Nodrošinātam ar jaunākajām skenēšanas tehnoloģijām, viņam ir jāizlaužas cauri senajiem neskartajiem džungļiem, jānopeld līdz tumšas zemes bedres dibenam un jānolaižas ar ūdenslīdēju milzu kalna sirdī, lai atklātu to neticamo izcelsmes stāstu.

Starting: 03-09-2024 08:20:00

03-09-2024 09:05:00

Tālajos Sudānas tuksnešos Alberts Lins dodas meklēt pazudušo Kušas karaļvalsts galvaspilsētu, kuras valdnieki reiz iekaroja un pārvaldīja seno Ēģiptes impēriju. Nodrošināta ar skenēšanas tehnoloģiju, kas Sudānā līdz šim arheoloģijā nekad nav izmantota, Alberta ekspedīcija aizved viņu līdz applūdušai kapavietai zem 2500 gadus senas piramīdas un svētajam kalnam, kas, kā uzskata, ir dievu dzimtene. Tālajos Sudānas tuksnešos Alberts Lins dodas meklēt pazudušo Kušas karaļvalsts galvaspilsētu, kuras valdnieki reiz iekaroja un pārvaldīja seno Ēģiptes impēriju. Nodrošināta ar skenēšanas tehnoloģiju, kas Sudānā līdz šim arheoloģijā nekad nav izmantota, Alberta ekspedīcija aizved viņu līdz applūdušai kapavietai zem 2500 gadus senas piramīdas un svētajam kalnam, kas, kā uzskata, ir dievu dzimtene. Tālajos Sudānas tuksnešos Alberts Lins dodas meklēt pazudušo Kušas karaļvalsts galvaspilsētu, kuras valdnieki reiz iekaroja un pārvaldīja seno Ēģiptes impēriju. Nodrošināta ar skenēšanas tehnoloģiju, kas Sudānā līdz šim arheoloģijā nekad nav izmantota, Alberta ekspedīcija aizved viņu līdz applūdušai kapavietai zem 2500 gadus senas piramīdas un svētajam kalnam, kas, kā uzskata, ir dievu dzimtene.

Starting: 03-09-2024 09:05:00

03-09-2024 09:45:00

Pētnieks Alberts Lins Peru Andos meklē zudušo Čačapojas karalisti - aizmirstu civilizāciju mākoņos, kas valdīja gandrīz 1000 gadus pirms inku iebrukuma. Alberta ekspedīcija aizvedīs viņu no mežonīgām krācēm līdz bieziem Andu mākoņu mežiem, izmantojot viņa neparasto tehniku, lai atklātu zudušo mākoņu karavīru pasauli.

Starting: 03-09-2024 09:45:00

03-09-2024 10:30:00

Pētnieks Alberts Lins Peru Andos meklē zudušo Čačapojas karalisti - aizmirstu civilizāciju mākoņos, kas valdīja gandrīz 1000 gadus pirms inku iebrukuma. Alberta ekspedīcija aizvedīs viņu no mežonīgām krācēm līdz bieziem Andu mākoņu mežiem, izmantojot viņa neparasto tehniku, lai atklātu zudušo mākoņu karavīru pasauli.

Starting: 03-09-2024 09:50:00

03-09-2024 10:30:00

Mūsu ēras pirmais gadsimts, un romieši dominē lielā daļā zināmās pasaules. Taču viņu plānus iekarot Skotiju izjauc barbaru nemiernieku banda, ko sauc par piktiem. Pētnieks Alberts Lins pārvar jūras klintis, pēta alas, peld pa krācēm un izmanto augsto tehnoloģiju skenerus, lai atklātu pazudušo karalisti, kas var sniegt atbildi uz jautājumu, kā noslēpumainie piktieši ir vainojami pie viena no lielākajiem sava laika militārajiem apvērsumiem.

Starting: 03-09-2024 10:30:00

03-09-2024 11:15:00

Just after taking off, Air Florida Flight 90 plunges into the frozen Potomac River. It takes an ingenious experiment to uncover why it happened.

Starting: 03-09-2024 11:15:00

03-09-2024 12:00:00

Ceļā no Singapūras uz Pērtu Qantas Airways 72. reisa lidmašīna pēkšņi nokrīt virs Indijas okeāna. Pēkšņais G spēks ir tik spēcīgs, ka pasažieri tiek pacelti no sēdekļiem. Pilotu kabīnes displejā parādās virkne brīdinājumu par ātruma pārsniegšanu un lidojuma pārrāvumu, un ir skaidrs, ka kaut kas ir briesmīgi nogājis no sliedēm. Pieredzējušam iznīcinātāja pilotam, kapteinim izdodas droši nolaist lidmašīnu. Austrālijas izmeklētājiem ir jāatklāj noslēpumainais un potenciāli nāvējošais darbības traucējums, kas apdraud vienu no pasaulē populārākajām lidmašīnām.

Starting: 03-09-2024 12:00:00

03-09-2024 12:45:00

Ceļā no Amsterdamas uz Kārdifu Velsā KLM Cityhopper reisa Nr. 433 apkalpe ziņo par dzinēja problēmu un dodas atpakaļ uz lidostu. Taču mirkli pirms nosēšanās ar divu turbopropelleru lidmašīna strauji sasveras pa labi, spārns ietriecas zemē, un lidmašīna avarē un pārlūzt lidlaukā blakus skrejceļam. No 24 cilvēkiem, kas bija lidmašīnā, bojā iet divi pasažieri un lidmašīnas kapteinis. Kad izmeklētāji no Nīderlandes Drošības padomes izanalizē pierādījumus, viņi konstatē, ka neliela problēma elektroshēmā izraisīja liktenīgo kļūdu ķēdi.

Starting: 03-09-2024 12:45:00

03-09-2024 13:30:00

New fossils are revealing that the life of T rex and his cousins was brutal with devastating injuries as routine.

Starting: 03-09-2024 13:30:00

03-09-2024 14:15:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 03-09-2024 14:15:00

03-09-2024 15:00:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 03-09-2024 15:00:00

03-09-2024 15:45:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 03-09-2024 15:45:00

03-09-2024 16:30:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 03-09-2024 16:30:00

03-09-2024 17:15:00

Kā leģendārie milzu megalodoni pārņēma varu pār okeāniem? Šajā sērijā pētīsim unikālu izrakumu vietu, lai izmeklētu šo mistēriju.

Starting: 03-09-2024 17:15:00

03-09-2024 18:00:00

Kā izmira Tasmanijas vilks? Šajā sērijā pētīsim unikālu izrakumu vietu Austrālijā, kas varētu palīdzēt atrisināt šo mistēriju.

Starting: 03-09-2024 18:00:00

03-09-2024 18:45:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 03-09-2024 18:45:00

03-09-2024 19:30:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 03-09-2024 19:30:00

03-09-2024 20:15:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 03-09-2024 20:15:00

03-09-2024 21:00:00

Pirates? Gangsters? Villains? and the worst of humanity. Swallowed up by the sea. But why? Were they ripe for the wrath of God? Or are there deadly natural forces at work? What if? you could drain the ocean to reveal the secrets of the seafloor. Now, powerful new technology can do just that. Digital photos and sonar scans give us remarkable new insights into a world beneath the sea. What apocalyptic disaster wiped out the Pirate city of Port Royal? And? what are the dangerous forces that make Alcatraz?. The Rock? an inescapable fortress. Drained dry, we reveal the extreme geological forces that led to demise of so much wickedness.

Starting: 03-09-2024 21:00:00

03-09-2024 21:45:00

Māksliniece no Atlantas uzzina, kā viņas senči 1812. gada kara laikā izbēga no verdzības un pievienojās britu ienaidnieku spēkiem, kuri beigās nodedzināja Balto namu. Tikmēr vienā no Češapīkas līča pietekām amatieris arheologs izdara savas dzīves lielāko atklājumu, atrodot amerikāņu flagmaņa vraku, kas vadīja nolemtus pretošanās spēkus cīņā pret ienaidnieku.

Starting: 03-09-2024 21:45:00

03-09-2024 22:30:00

El Čapo Guzmans kļuva par karteļa līderi, pateicoties viņa viltīgajiem kokaīna kontrabandas tuneļiem un nežēlīgajam karam ar Tihuanas karteli.

Starting: 03-09-2024 22:30:00

03-09-2024 23:15:00

Pablo Eskobars pārkvalificējās no kokaīna magnāta 70. beigās par īstu narko-teroristu 1985. gadā, dodoties karā pret Kolumbijas valsti.

Starting: 03-09-2024 23:15:00

03-09-2024 23:15:00

Kērtiss Vorens no Liverpūles bija narkotiku kontrabandas brīnumbērns, kurš ar savu viltību un izveicību bija ārkārtīgi sarežģīts pretinieks Apvienotās Karalistes tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm. Pateicoties savam izlūkošanas darbam un kontaktu tīklam, tostarp Latīņamerikas diplomātiem un augsta ranga britu policistiem, Kērtiss Vorens gadiem ilgi izvairījās no notveršanas, līdz viena kļūda pielika punktu viņam un viņa starptautiskajai narkotiku impērijai.

Starting: 04-09-2024 00:00:00

04-09-2024 00:45:00

Just after taking off, Air Florida Flight 90 plunges into the frozen Potomac River. It takes an ingenious experiment to uncover why it happened.

Starting: 04-09-2024 00:45:00

04-09-2024 01:30:00

Ceļā no Singapūras uz Pērtu Qantas Airways 72. reisa lidmašīna pēkšņi nokrīt virs Indijas okeāna. Pēkšņais G spēks ir tik spēcīgs, ka pasažieri tiek pacelti no sēdekļiem. Pilotu kabīnes displejā parādās virkne brīdinājumu par ātruma pārsniegšanu un lidojuma pārrāvumu, un ir skaidrs, ka kaut kas ir briesmīgi nogājis no sliedēm. Pieredzējušam iznīcinātāja pilotam, kapteinim izdodas droši nolaist lidmašīnu. Austrālijas izmeklētājiem ir jāatklāj noslēpumainais un potenciāli nāvējošais darbības traucējums, kas apdraud vienu no pasaulē populārākajām lidmašīnām.

Starting: 04-09-2024 01:30:00

04-09-2024 02:15:00

Ceļā no Amsterdamas uz Kārdifu Velsā KLM Cityhopper reisa Nr. 433 apkalpe ziņo par dzinēja problēmu un dodas atpakaļ uz lidostu. Taču mirkli pirms nosēšanās ar divu turbopropelleru lidmašīna strauji sasveras pa labi, spārns ietriecas zemē, un lidmašīna avarē un pārlūzt lidlaukā blakus skrejceļam. No 24 cilvēkiem, kas bija lidmašīnā, bojā iet divi pasažieri un lidmašīnas kapteinis. Kad izmeklētāji no Nīderlandes Drošības padomes izanalizē pierādījumus, viņi konstatē, ka neliela problēma elektroshēmā izraisīja liktenīgo kļūdu ķēdi.

Starting: 04-09-2024 02:15:00

04-09-2024 03:00:00

In this episode we learn how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself whilst heading a ball, bungee jumping or playing tetherball.

Starting: 04-09-2024 03:00:00

04-09-2024 03:20:00

Šajā sērijā uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, izkāpjot no transportlīdzekļa, tīrot sniegu no jumta vai aizķeroties ar skrituļdēli.

Starting: 04-09-2024 03:20:00

04-09-2024 03:45:00

Downtown Dubai’s Burj Khalifa is the ultimate skyscraper. At more than half a mile high, this towering vertical city not only challenges conventional architecture but also set numerous world records, including the tallest building on Earth. This episode uses state-of-the-art computer graphics and expert testimony to reveal how this mind-blowing tower was made.

Starting: 04-09-2024 03:45:00

04-09-2024 04:30:00

Grab your hard hats and load up on coffee, World's Toughest Fixes is working the night shift in Salt Lake City, Utah. We have just three days to pull off the nearly impossible; lift a 300 thousand pound bridge between two buildings with mere inches to spare. There's no room for error on this fix. This lift is chock full of obstacles. We're working in the middle of downtown on Main Street, we've got a commuter train running through our worksite, power lines all around, 5-stories of parking garages beneath our feet, two massive cranes working in tandem, and all work has to be done in the dead of night. It's fair to say the conditions here are less than ideal. It's going to take a miracle and a lot of hard work to pull off this fix.

Starting: 04-09-2024 04:30:00

04-09-2024 05:15:00

Grab your sunglasses… This week on World's Toughest Fixes we're going to harness the sun to drive the only operating solar reflective power tower in the United States. This show is definitely not for the superstitious as Riley joins a crew lifting two 65 ton boilers 160 feet up to two towers and suspending them above 24,000 mirrors… One slip up and it's going to be way more than seven years bad luck.

Starting: 04-09-2024 05:15:00

04-09-2024 06:05:00

It's Riley's biggest fix ever! A machine seventeen miles around - worth seven billion dollars! The Large Hadron Collider is the largest atom-smasher ever built - a colossal scientific instrument buried three hundred feet underground, spanning two countries, designed to recreate conditions a billionth of a second after the Big Bang. It could be our key to unlocking the secrets of the universe - except for one tiny thing: it's broken. Nine months ago the world watched as this mother of all atom-smashers almost self-destructed. Now Riley has an exclusive inside view - repairing the final critical component of the Large Hadron Collider and restarting the greatest scientific adventure since we landed a man on the Moon.

Starting: 04-09-2024 06:05:00

04-09-2024 06:55:00

Under the seas lives a lost graveyard of sunken war ships. Countless vessels from WWI and WWII pepper the seafloor. Among those, some of the most powerful weapons ever built. But with the evidence lost deep beneath the waves, these stories remain cloaked in mystery. Who won the battle of Jutland? And how did a scuttling in Scapa Flow lead to Nazi Germanys advancement in wartime submarines? Scientific data combines with computer graphic will help investigate the lost wrecks of WWI and WWII.

Starting: 04-09-2024 06:55:00

04-09-2024 07:40:00

Arheologi Oregonas piekrastē pēta kuģa atliekas, kas nogrima pirms vairāk nekā trīssimt gadiem. Amerikas pamatiedzīvotāju mutvārdu stāsti vēsta par kuģa bojāeju un izdzīvojušajiem. Kuģa porcelāns un bišu vasks joprojām tiek izskaloti krastā. Arheologi rekonstruē nogrimušo vraku, izmantojot vēsturiskos datus un savas zināšanas, atklājot, kā šis milzīgais kuģis pārvadāja simtiem tonnu kravas gandrīz pāri puspasaulei.

Starting: 04-09-2024 07:40:00

04-09-2024 08:25:00

Kuģi jau tūkstošgadi ceļojuši pa Melno jūru, pārpilnu noslēpumiem, mītiem, leģendām un diženām impērijām. Tās dziļākajos ūdeņos nav dzīvības, saglabājot kuģu vrakus, kas paver logu uz bagāto vēsturi. Melnās jūras nosusināšana atklāj seno dzīļu spoku noslēpumus, kā jūras flote tika sašķaidīta gabalos vien 30 minūtēs un kur meklējama Hitlera zaudētās U laivas pēdējā atdusas vieta.

Starting: 04-09-2024 08:25:00

04-09-2024 09:10:00

Reperu, superslavenu atlētu, miljonāru un miljardieru iecienītais The Bentley Continental GT. Pēc vairāk nekā desmit gadus ilgiem panākumiem ražotājam ir no jauna jāatklāj savs ikoniskais automobilis – uzturot tādu pašu greznību un prestižu. Nepieciešams inovatīvs aizstājējs, lai saglabātu viena no izcilākajiem GT autoražotājiem statusu! Mašīna, kas paredzēta augstas veiktspējas pārmērībai un fizikas pamatlikumu pārvarēšanai – Huyara. 764 zirgspēku hiperauto, kas dzimis tikai viena cilvēka – Horācija Pagani (Horacio Pagani) – vīzijā. Šīs automašīnas ir burvīgas skulptūras un automobiļu šedevri.

Starting: 04-09-2024 09:10:00

04-09-2024 09:50:00

Ferrari un Lamborghini ar saviem jaunākajiem superauto – Ferrari Portofino un Lamborghini Aventador SVJ – sacenšas jaunā laikmetā.

Starting: 04-09-2024 09:50:00

04-09-2024 10:35:00

Auto pasaule strauji attīstās! Aston Martin nevar atļauties pieļaut vairāk kļūdu. Tie ir pēdējie patiesi neatkarīgie automobiļi un slaveni zīmoli, kas cīnās, lai saglabātu savu nozīmi konglomerāta virzītajā automobiļu visumā. Lai izdzīvotu automobiļu nozarē, viņiem ir jāpārstrādā sava leģendārā mašīna – 715 zirgspēku V12 DBS Superleggera. Un Porsche sacenšas ar konkurentiem un laiku, rekordātri mēģinot radikāli pārveidot 21. gadsimta zīmolu un iepazīstinot ar savu pirmo pilnībā elektrisko transportlīdzekli – Taycan. Tā ir inženiertehniskā ceļojuma pārtraukšana, kas rada potenciālu no jauna atklāt automobiļu nozari un tajā pašā laikā saglabāt savu prestižu. Ja šīs mašīnas cietīs neveiksmi, divi no slavenākajām un atzītākajām autosporta zīmoliem varētu arī piedzīvot norietu.

Starting: 04-09-2024 10:35:00

04-09-2024 11:20:00

Ar Brazīlijas Chapecoense futbola komandu uz klāja LaMia reiss Nr. 2933 veic noslēguma tuvošanās manevru Medeljinai Kolumbijā, kad apkalpe pēkšņi ziņo par avārijas situāciju degvielas padeves sistēmā. Pirms gaisa satiksmes kontroles personāls ir paspējis atbrīvot ceļu, lidmašīna ietriecas kalnā, nogalinot gandrīz visus uz klāja esošos cilvēkus. Futbola pasaulei sērojot par notikušo, izmeklētāji izjūt milzīgu spiedienu noskaidrot, kas notika. Analizējot pierādījumus, viņi atklāj satraucošu stāstu par alkatību un risku, kas novedis pie traģiskām sekām.

Starting: 04-09-2024 11:20:00

04-09-2024 12:05:00

Agrs rīta lidojums no Leksingtonas Kentuki štatā beidzas ar katastrofu – divu dzinēju lidmašīna uz asfaltētās šosejas sasveras.

Starting: 04-09-2024 12:05:00

04-09-2024 12:45:00

It's a foggy day at Ireland's Cork Airport and the pilots of Manx2 Flight 7100 are circling the airport waiting for the weather to clear. After controllers clear the turboprop commuter plane for landing, the pilots reduce their speed and descend, but the aircraft suddenly goes into a severe roll and crashes into the runway. It's the deadliest crash in Ireland in decades, and it's up to the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit to figure out what went wrong. They soon discover the fog is only part of the story, and the investigation reveals a startling gap in aviation safety that has put passengers' lives at risk.

Starting: 04-09-2024 12:45:00

04-09-2024 13:30:00

In 2001, satellite imagery captured a mysterious “thermal anomaly” on an unexplored volcano at the ends of the earth. What lies inside could provide new clues to help predict volcanic eruptions around the globe. But the island is so remote… and conditions are so extreme… no one has ever been able to reach the top to investigate what lies inside. Until now.

Starting: 04-09-2024 13:30:00

04-09-2024 14:15:00

A team of elite climbers confront their grief, doubt and fear on a 150-mile journey from Myanmar to a remote peak at the edge of the world.

Starting: 04-09-2024 14:15:00

04-09-2024 15:00:00

Explorer examines man's obsession to uncover ancient civilizations. From Cortez to 20th century archeologists to today's adventurers, there's a craving to be the first to discover who and what came before us. And some of those who explored these most remote of places lost everything… their money, their families and even their lives. Explorer joins filmmaker and adventurer Steve Elkins on his quest for the mythical "Lost White City" or "City of the Monkey God" in the Mosquitia rainforests of Honduras. Legend has it that the ancient city was laden with gold and that residents lived a life of luxury. But even after countless resources, hundreds of miles trekked through the jungle and 20 years of searching, Elkins finds nothing… until 2012. He and his team flew over the rainforest canopy in a helicopter using advanced lidar laser technology to map what was hidden beneath the jungle. They discovered what seemed to be man-made structures. And so, they return with a full excavation and archaeological team. We watch them begin the latest search for the White City, launching a massive ground expedition. They examine structures up close and reveal never-before-seen artifacts to determine if this is in fact a lost civilization… and if so, whose? Woven into this modern-day expedition, we tell the story of Theodore Morde: journalist, spy who claimed to have discovered the Lost White City. In 1940, Morde trekked for months through the Mosquitia and came out of the jungle to worldwide praise. But Morde's story only fuels the mystery surrounding the Lost White City. Morde died of suicide years later without ever uncovering the location of the alleged discovery.

Starting: 04-09-2024 15:00:00

04-09-2024 15:45:00

Explorer takes viewers around the world on the hunt for blood antiquities. Otherwise known as conflict antiquities or loot, these items have been known to fund genocide, terrorism and organized crime. Looting is nothing new, from Egyptian tombs, to Angkor antiquities, to Mayan ruins, to WWII relics-looting is as old as art. Looters can be opportunistic civilians trying to make a buck or entire regimes funding war. Buyers are just as diverse: from wealthy art collectors to well-known auction houses and museums. Liberal laws have allowed antiquities to circulate the art world-with a don't ask, don't tell policy-keeping stolen artifacts under the radar. The anti-looting laws that do exist are not universal and are often not enforced. But ISIS has changed the game. The looting of Syrian antiquities may be one of their main sources of funding and a major platform for propaganda. Their looting of Syria is violently erasing our shared cultural heritage and more importantly, a horrifying realization has starting to penetrate the public consciousness: buyers in Europe and America are helping to finance the most macabre terrorist group of the century.

Starting: 04-09-2024 15:45:00

04-09-2024 16:30:00

From Indonesian tribes who mummify their dead relatives and live with them, to Tibetans who chop up their loved ones and feed their body parts to vultures, to Malaysian natives who dig up the dead bodies of their family members, EXPLORER looks at the world's most unusual approaches to dying, death and rituals of the corpse.

Starting: 04-09-2024 16:30:00

04-09-2024 17:15:00

In 2001, satellite imagery captured a mysterious “thermal anomaly” on an unexplored volcano at the ends of the earth. What lies inside could provide new clues to help predict volcanic eruptions around the globe. But the island is so remote… and conditions are so extreme… no one has ever been able to reach the top to investigate what lies inside. Until now.

Starting: 04-09-2024 17:15:00

04-09-2024 18:00:00

The New Air Force One: Flying Fortress follows the new presidential aircraft's creation, diving into how it transformed into a top-secret command center.

Starting: 04-09-2024 18:00:00

04-09-2024 18:45:00

In January 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 took off from New Yorks LaGuardia Airport en route to Charlotte, North Carolina. Within minutes a double bird strike destroyed both engines, and the crew made the terrifying decision to pitch the Airbus A320 into the Hudson River. Using intimate and emotive interviews as well as large-scale dramatic reconstructions, this program reveals that the crash was merely the beginning of the passengers fight for survival.

Starting: 04-09-2024 18:45:00

04-09-2024 19:30:00

Tuesday, September 11, , a temperate and nearly cloudless morning over the eastern United States. Millions of men and women ready themselves for work. Among them is an air traffic controller in Boston, Mass. Based on sheer intuition, he will break all protocol this morning, alerting the Air Force that a potential disaster is unfolding on his radar screen. Air Force Colonel Bob Marr, commander NEADS (North East Air Defense Sector] will scramble all he has to try and avert a catastrophe - but it will consist of only two F-15's that begin "searching for a needle in a haystack". Meanwhile, a group of 19 young men armed with simple box cutters literally fly under the radar into the World Trade Center , The Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field. From the viewpoint of these two key theaters of action, Air Traffic Control and the U.S. Air Force, "Seconds From Disaster: 9/11" deconstructs, second-by-second, the tragic events and security lapses that led to the worst attacks on American soil since Pearl Harbor. The episode contains chilling testimony from the Air Force Colonel Bob Marr , Air Traffic Controller Dave Bottiglia, Ben Sliney, the man who makes the call to ground all the planes in the air over the U.S. and John Farmer Senior Counsel for the Presidential Commission. The question has to be asked: even on the day, could 9/11 been stopped.

Starting: 04-09-2024 19:30:00

04-09-2024 20:15:00

On 3 April, 1974, the United States' 'Tornado Alley' region experiences the full force of Mother Nature's raw power when a single storm system causes an astonishing 148 tornadoes to touch down in thirteen states in just one day. Several of these storms are F-5 strength, the strongest storms on Earth with winds up to 511 kilometres per hour. The tornadoes rip through quiet rural communities and bustling towns, leaving paths of destruction in their wake. When the weather finally clears, 330 people are dead and more than 5,400 people are injured, causing more than US $660 million in damage. Top meteorologists from around the country must work together to identify how all of these tornadoes could have developed in hopes of creating better warning systems. What they find revolutionizes understanding of a tornado's structure and modernizes tornado warning procedures.

Starting: 04-09-2024 20:15:00

04-09-2024 21:05:00

Under the seas lives a lost graveyard of sunken war ships. Countless vessels from WWI and WWII pepper the seafloor. Among those, some of the most powerful weapons ever built. But with the evidence lost deep beneath the waves, these stories remain cloaked in mystery. Who won the battle of Jutland? And how did a scuttling in Scapa Flow lead to Nazi Germanys advancement in wartime submarines? Scientific data combines with computer graphic will help investigate the lost wrecks of WWI and WWII.

Starting: 04-09-2024 21:05:00

04-09-2024 21:50:00

Kuģi jau tūkstošgadi ceļojuši pa Melno jūru, pārpilnu noslēpumiem, mītiem, leģendām un diženām impērijām. Tās dziļākajos ūdeņos nav dzīvības, saglabājot kuģu vrakus, kas paver logu uz bagāto vēsturi. Melnās jūras nosusināšana atklāj seno dzīļu spoku noslēpumus, kā jūras flote tika sašķaidīta gabalos vien 30 minūtēs un kur meklējama Hitlera zaudētās U laivas pēdējā atdusas vieta.

Starting: 04-09-2024 21:50:00

04-09-2024 22:35:00

Pablo Eskobars dodas karā gan pret varas iestādēm, gan pret konkurentiem (Kali karteli), jo viņa teroraktos tiek uzspridzināta lidmašīna un tiek nogalināti politiķi.

Starting: 04-09-2024 22:35:00

04-09-2024 23:20:00

Kā viens narkokaralis pierunāja karavīrus pamest armiju, dodot jaunu sparu Meksikas narkotiku karam un izveidojot valstī bīstamāko karteli: Zetas.

Starting: 04-09-2024 23:20:00

04-09-2024 23:20:00

Narkotiku apkarošanas administrācijas slepenais aģents "Frenks" iefiltrējas slavenā Kolumbijas narkotiku karteļa La Oficina de Envigado organizācijā un izseko naudu līdz pat Jordānijai, kur atklāj, ka kartelis sadarbojas ar Hezbollah. Operācija "Titāns" iznīcina karteli "La Oficina", dodot starta šāvienu desmit gadus ilgajā kampaņā pret Hezbollah kokaīna kontrabandu.

Starting: 05-09-2024 00:05:00

05-09-2024 00:50:00

Ar Brazīlijas Chapecoense futbola komandu uz klāja LaMia reiss Nr. 2933 veic noslēguma tuvošanās manevru Medeljinai Kolumbijā, kad apkalpe pēkšņi ziņo par avārijas situāciju degvielas padeves sistēmā. Pirms gaisa satiksmes kontroles personāls ir paspējis atbrīvot ceļu, lidmašīna ietriecas kalnā, nogalinot gandrīz visus uz klāja esošos cilvēkus. Futbola pasaulei sērojot par notikušo, izmeklētāji izjūt milzīgu spiedienu noskaidrot, kas notika. Analizējot pierādījumus, viņi atklāj satraucošu stāstu par alkatību un risku, kas novedis pie traģiskām sekām.

Starting: 05-09-2024 00:45:00

05-09-2024 01:30:00

Ar Brazīlijas Chapecoense futbola komandu uz klāja LaMia reiss Nr. 2933 veic noslēguma tuvošanās manevru Medeljinai Kolumbijā, kad apkalpe pēkšņi ziņo par avārijas situāciju degvielas padeves sistēmā. Pirms gaisa satiksmes kontroles personāls ir paspējis atbrīvot ceļu, lidmašīna ietriecas kalnā, nogalinot gandrīz visus uz klāja esošos cilvēkus. Futbola pasaulei sērojot par notikušo, izmeklētāji izjūt milzīgu spiedienu noskaidrot, kas notika. Analizējot pierādījumus, viņi atklāj satraucošu stāstu par alkatību un risku, kas novedis pie traģiskām sekām.

Starting: 05-09-2024 00:50:00

05-09-2024 01:35:00

Agrs rīta lidojums no Leksingtonas Kentuki štatā beidzas ar katastrofu – divu dzinēju lidmašīna uz asfaltētās šosejas sasveras.

Starting: 05-09-2024 01:30:00

05-09-2024 02:15:00

Agrs rīta lidojums no Leksingtonas Kentuki štatā beidzas ar katastrofu – divu dzinēju lidmašīna uz asfaltētās šosejas sasveras.

Starting: 05-09-2024 01:35:00

05-09-2024 02:15:00

It's a foggy day at Ireland's Cork Airport and the pilots of Manx2 Flight 7100 are circling the airport waiting for the weather to clear. After controllers clear the turboprop commuter plane for landing, the pilots reduce their speed and descend, but the aircraft suddenly goes into a severe roll and crashes into the runway. It's the deadliest crash in Ireland in decades, and it's up to the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit to figure out what went wrong. They soon discover the fog is only part of the story, and the investigation reveals a startling gap in aviation safety that has put passengers' lives at risk.

Starting: 05-09-2024 02:15:00

05-09-2024 02:55:00

Šajā sērijā uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, izkāpjot no transportlīdzekļa, tīrot sniegu no jumta vai aizķeroties ar skrituļdēli.

Starting: 05-09-2024 02:55:00

05-09-2024 03:20:00

Gershow Recycling - a sprawling 40 acre scrap yard in Long Island, NY. In just one day, this family run business will destroy three million pounds of scrap -- including as many as 500 cars and 20 city buses-- to create a multi-million dollar mound of steel.

Starting: 05-09-2024 03:20:00

05-09-2024 04:05:00

World's Toughest Fixes is going on one wild ride … as we build the world's longest water coaster, using some amazing new technology that could change the future of theme park rides … and modern transportation.

Starting: 05-09-2024 04:05:00

05-09-2024 04:50:00

Riley buys a ticket and joins the crowd. A million commuters… scurrying to and from work… It's a typical day in the fifth largest mass transit system in the USA… and there's a train due somewhere every few seconds. Behind the scenes, the action is even more frantic as thousands of workers struggle to keep this huge system up and running 24/7. Transit controllers, operators, mechanics, electricians, communications experts… all working to monitor, co-ordinate and repair, the thousands of trains, buses, and trolleys that make up this incredibly complex transport matrix.

Starting: 05-09-2024 04:50:00

05-09-2024 05:40:00

World's Toughest Fixes is going to new heights … tackling fixes that can't be reached by ladder, lift or crane. From the top of the Hoover Dam … to the cliffs near Niagara Falls … Riley's going to join the workers who take on the ultimate death-defying jobs. He'll help replace an old shock absorber way out over the edge of Las Vegas's tallest building … patch a turbine blade hundreds of feet above the ground … and clear away rocks on a cliff face that overlooks the one of the world's most famous falls. One thing's for sure - working at such extreme heights will give Riley a new appreciation for standing on solid ground.

Starting: 05-09-2024 05:40:00

05-09-2024 06:30:00

Vēsturiskie teksti vēsta par varenu Senās Ēģiptes pilsētu Nīlas deltā. Tā tika cildināta kā tirdzniecības centrs un to apmeklēja grieķu dievi, un 2. gadsimtā p. m. ē. tā noslēpumaini pazuda no vēstures. Pēc 2000 gadiem leģendu mēs nosusinām Vidusjūras ūdeņus, lai atklātu šo metropoli visā tās kādreizējā krāšņumā. Izmantojot jaunākās tehnoloģijas un arheoloģiskos datus, beidzot atklāsim noslēpumu, kas slēpjas aiz pilsētas neparastās slavas un šausminošajiem notikumiem, kas noveda pie tās iznīcības.

Starting: 05-09-2024 06:30:00

05-09-2024 07:15:00

Šī neparastā un pārsteidzošā sērija par filmu veidošanas arheoloģiju risina vienu lielu un aizraujošu jautājumu. 20. un 30. gadu nemierīgajās desmitgadēs, vislielākās finanšu krīzes laikā vēsturē, kā Holivuda iekaroja pasaules iztēli un izveidoja vienu no Amerikas veiksmīgākajām nozarēm.

Starting: 05-09-2024 07:15:00

05-09-2024 08:00:00

Security teams at Peru's biggest airport work 24-7 to stop illegal activity. The biggest problem: cocaine smuggling. Police rush to handle a rare incident on a domestic flight: something suspicious in a Serbian citizen's bag. Agents find liquid cocaine disguised in drink bottles in another man's bag. A passenger without luggage reappears carrying a suitcase and agents rush to investigate. Counterfeit cash is uncovered in the mail facility.

Starting: 05-09-2024 08:00:00

05-09-2024 08:45:00

Security teams at Lima, Peru's airport work 24-7 to stop illegal activity. The biggest threat: cocaine smuggling. Two Ukrainian passengers are caught with cocaine. And one may have tricked the other. Police will need a translator to sort it out. A couple celebrating their anniversary may be taking home more than just memories. Customs find more than 130,000 euros hidden in the carry-on of an arriving passenger and move in to investigate.

Starting: 05-09-2024 08:45:00

05-09-2024 09:30:00

Homeland Security Investigation agents in Miami track a shipment of $12.6 million worth of cocaine, which was found cleverly hidden in a shipment of gardening pots. U.S. Customs and Border Protection seizes illicit ammunition and cash heading outbound into Mexico. CBP officers in Philadelphia question suspicious travelers, including a man believed to be an internal carrier of drugs.

Starting: 05-09-2024 09:30:00

05-09-2024 10:15:00

In California, Homeland Security Investigations tracks a car loaded with cocaine. After a driver swap, agents follow the smugglers to a stash house near a school. Customs and Border Patrol in Philly finds packages of counterfeit cash, unknown pills, and ketamine hidden in an ottoman. And at the Rio Grande Valley port of entry, steroids and counterfeit sneakers are stopped from crossing.

Starting: 05-09-2024 10:15:00

05-09-2024 11:00:00

ASV kravas lidmašīna mēģina veikt sarežģītu nosēšanos ASV flotes bāzē Gvantanamo līcī Kubā. Tā kā skrejceļš atrodas tikai dažus metrus no bruņotās robežas, izpildot manevrus, ir jāizvairās no Kubas gaisa telpas. Taču nosēšanās mēģinājumā kaut kas nopietni neizdodas, un DC-8 avarē skrejceļa galā. Sākotnēji izmeklētāji domāja, ka, iespējams, Kuba ir kaut kādā veidā iesaistīta avārijā, taču pēc tam atklāja neredzamo vaininieku, kas apdraud kravas lidmašīnu pilotu dzīvības visur.

Starting: 05-09-2024 11:00:00

05-09-2024 11:45:00

National Airlines 102. reiss, kas ar pārveidotu Boeing 747 lidmašīnu pārvadā militāro kravu, paceļas no Bagramas lidlauka Afganistānā. Taču dažu sekunžu laikā pēkšņi nekontrolējamā lidmašīna apstājas un nogāžas uz zemes. Negadījumu iemūžina garāmbraucoša autokamera, un, lai gan ieraksti vispirms noved izmeklētājus pie acīmredzama secinājuma, tomēr kāds nepamanīts pierādījums beigās atklāj, ka viņi ir kļūdījušies attiecībā uz negadījuma cēloni.

Starting: 05-09-2024 11:45:00

05-09-2024 12:30:00

A terrorist bombing in the Canary Islands reroutes dozens of flights to the Spanish island of Tenerife. The tiny airport is swamped, and with so many planes parked in the taxiways, controllers instruct departing flights to use the airport's only runway to get into position for takeoff. Amongst the planes leaving, obscured by the heavy fog-are two 747s. But Pan Am Flight 1736 is still on the runway when KLM Flight 4805 careens toward it. Killing 583 people, the high-speed collision remains the single deadliest aviation accident of all time. Blame soon falls on one pilot, but as investigators sift through the evidence the true story behind the Tenerife disaster grows more and more complex.

Starting: 05-09-2024 12:30:00

05-09-2024 13:15:00

Pablo Escobar has become one of the most celebrated drug traffickers and his fame is on the rise. Even in death, he makes money. But for those who lived through his reign of terror, there is no heroic myth, only the “perfect icon of evil”. How did such a murderer achieve celebrity status, and will it be the victims that finally take him down.

Starting: 05-09-2024 13:15:00

05-09-2024 14:00:00

Security teams at Peru's biggest airport work 24-7 to stop illegal activity. The biggest problem: cocaine smuggling. Police stop a woman travelling with her 5-year-old. If she's a carrier, agents must figure out what to do with the child. A Mexican citizen is found with a large amount of beer and soft drinks. All these goods may contain cocaine. Officers uncover a creative new method of hiding cocaine in food packaging.

Starting: 05-09-2024 14:00:00

05-09-2024 14:45:00

On this episode, agents of the Antinarcotics Division of Jorge Chavez International Airport, in Lima, Peru, deal with a case of unique characteristics. In the meantime, officials face language barriers as they detain an Indonesian woman. And a passenger is carrying what seem to be adorable baby blankets, but they are really full of narcotics. At the loading docks, a shipment containing 24 jars puts the drug-detecting dogs' keen sense of smell to the test. Plus, the international flight rush hour results in 2 young passengers being detained side by side at the antinarcotics division headquarters.

Starting: 05-09-2024 14:45:00

05-09-2024 15:30:00

On this episode, Antinarcotics officials at Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima, Peru, face a potentially dramatic situation: a woman is arrested trying to smuggle cocaine while traveling with her two young children. Also, the detention of an elderly man reveals that drug cartels are looking for new carrier profiles. A young woman breaks down into tears when she is detained for what is apparently illegal trafficking, while a young man who was formerly imprisoned for drug trafficking in the United Arab Emirates raises the agents' suspicions, who decide to interrogate him.At the loading docks, a typical Peruvian handicraft turns out to be the package of a pilot drug shipment, and a Chinese citizen who tried to evade security controls to traffic maca bulbs must face the consequences of his actions.

Starting: 05-09-2024 15:30:00

05-09-2024 16:15:00

Security teams at Lima, Peru's airport work 24-7 to stop illegal activity. The biggest threat: cocaine smuggling. A US citizen is caught with cocaine - and her story doesn't add up. A woman with cocaine in her suitcase comes clean and a police sting nets another suspect. A Japanese karaoke star is carrying more than music. A carrier implicates her mom. A false positive.

Starting: 05-09-2024 16:15:00

05-09-2024 17:00:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 05-09-2024 17:00:00

05-09-2024 17:45:00

In Almería, a patrol boat tries to seize two empty dinghies on the coast after unloading occupants from an illegal journey. But that's not the only alert. Colleagues chase drug trafficking rafts in Cádiz and the Balearic Islands, while investigating the black market for engines at the Huelva dock. These adventures will reveal the untold stories of those who stand against crime on the sea.

Starting: 05-09-2024 17:45:00

05-09-2024 18:30:00

In California, Homeland Security Investigations tracks a car loaded with cocaine. After a driver swap, agents follow the smugglers to a stash house near a school. Customs and Border Patrol in Philly finds packages of counterfeit cash, unknown pills, and ketamine hidden in an ottoman. And at the Rio Grande Valley port of entry, steroids and counterfeit sneakers are stopped from crossing.

Starting: 05-09-2024 18:30:00

05-09-2024 19:15:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 05-09-2024 19:15:00

05-09-2024 19:55:00

In Almería, a patrol boat tries to seize two empty dinghies on the coast after unloading occupants from an illegal journey. But that's not the only alert. Colleagues chase drug trafficking rafts in Cádiz and the Balearic Islands, while investigating the black market for engines at the Huelva dock. These adventures will reveal the untold stories of those who stand against crime on the sea.

Starting: 05-09-2024 19:55:00

05-09-2024 20:40:00

Vēsturiskie teksti vēsta par varenu Senās Ēģiptes pilsētu Nīlas deltā. Tā tika cildināta kā tirdzniecības centrs un to apmeklēja grieķu dievi, un 2. gadsimtā p. m. ē. tā noslēpumaini pazuda no vēstures. Pēc 2000 gadiem leģendu mēs nosusinām Vidusjūras ūdeņus, lai atklātu šo metropoli visā tās kādreizējā krāšņumā. Izmantojot jaunākās tehnoloģijas un arheoloģiskos datus, beidzot atklāsim noslēpumu, kas slēpjas aiz pilsētas neparastās slavas un šausminošajiem notikumiem, kas noveda pie tās iznīcības.

Starting: 05-09-2024 20:40:00

05-09-2024 21:30:00

Šī neparastā un pārsteidzošā sērija par filmu veidošanas arheoloģiju risina vienu lielu un aizraujošu jautājumu. 20. un 30. gadu nemierīgajās desmitgadēs, vislielākās finanšu krīzes laikā vēsturē, kā Holivuda iekaroja pasaules iztēli un izveidoja vienu no Amerikas veiksmīgākajām nozarēm.

Starting: 05-09-2024 21:30:00

05-09-2024 22:15:00

Pēc Eskobara nāves Rodrigesu brāļi kļūst par jaunajiem kokaīna karaļiem, vēršot plašumā korupciju, tostarp uzpērkot Kolumbijas prezidentus.

Starting: 05-09-2024 22:15:00

05-09-2024 23:00:00

Metamfetamīna karalis Nazario Moreno pārvērš narkotiku karteli par Meksikas pirmo narkokultu: šaušalīgie templiešu bruņinieki.

Starting: 05-09-2024 23:00:00

05-09-2024 23:45:00

Kolumbijas bēdīgi slavenais narkobarons Otoniels biedē pat visus citus narkobaronus. Viņš ir neizglītots zemnieks, kurš valda izolētajos Kolumbijas ziemeļaustrumu džungļos, izmantojot naudu, burvestības un mežonīgu vardarbību. Kad varasiestādes cenšas viņu sagūstīt, Otoniels nevis bēg, bet gan atkāpjas savas impērijas tumšajā sirdī, izraisot Kolumbijas vēsturē lielāko militāro medību sākumu.

Starting: 05-09-2024 23:45:00

06-09-2024 00:30:00

ASV kravas lidmašīna mēģina veikt sarežģītu nosēšanos ASV flotes bāzē Gvantanamo līcī Kubā. Tā kā skrejceļš atrodas tikai dažus metrus no bruņotās robežas, izpildot manevrus, ir jāizvairās no Kubas gaisa telpas. Taču nosēšanās mēģinājumā kaut kas nopietni neizdodas, un DC-8 avarē skrejceļa galā. Sākotnēji izmeklētāji domāja, ka, iespējams, Kuba ir kaut kādā veidā iesaistīta avārijā, taču pēc tam atklāja neredzamo vaininieku, kas apdraud kravas lidmašīnu pilotu dzīvības visur.

Starting: 06-09-2024 00:30:00

06-09-2024 01:15:00

National Airlines 102. reiss, kas ar pārveidotu Boeing 747 lidmašīnu pārvadā militāro kravu, paceļas no Bagramas lidlauka Afganistānā. Taču dažu sekunžu laikā pēkšņi nekontrolējamā lidmašīna apstājas un nogāžas uz zemes. Negadījumu iemūžina garāmbraucoša autokamera, un, lai gan ieraksti vispirms noved izmeklētājus pie acīmredzama secinājuma, tomēr kāds nepamanīts pierādījums beigās atklāj, ka viņi ir kļūdījušies attiecībā uz negadījuma cēloni.

Starting: 06-09-2024 01:15:00

06-09-2024 02:00:00

A terrorist bombing in the Canary Islands reroutes dozens of flights to the Spanish island of Tenerife. The tiny airport is swamped, and with so many planes parked in the taxiways, controllers instruct departing flights to use the airport's only runway to get into position for takeoff. Amongst the planes leaving, obscured by the heavy fog-are two 747s. But Pan Am Flight 1736 is still on the runway when KLM Flight 4805 careens toward it. Killing 583 people, the high-speed collision remains the single deadliest aviation accident of all time. Blame soon falls on one pilot, but as investigators sift through the evidence the true story behind the Tenerife disaster grows more and more complex.

Starting: 06-09-2024 02:00:00

06-09-2024 02:45:00

Šajā sērijā uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, izkāpjot no transportlīdzekļa, tīrot sniegu no jumta vai aizķeroties ar skrituļdēli.

Starting: 06-09-2024 02:45:00

06-09-2024 03:10:00

In this episode we learn how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself on barefoot water, carrying trays, or jumping a river.

Starting: 06-09-2024 03:10:00

06-09-2024 03:30:00

Break It Down is tackling one of its most formidable projects ever, a building that was made to be virtually impenetrable … the Riverfront State Prison in Camden, New Jersey.

Starting: 06-09-2024 03:30:00

06-09-2024 04:20:00

Batten down the hatches and strap on your hard hat as World's Toughest Fixes joins a crew of 1200 as they haul a leaking luxury liner out of the water and fix it. The 856-foot long cruise ship has just about the biggest problem a ship can face: she's taking on water. And no one knows exactly what's leaking. Riley heads to San Francisco Bay where hundreds of workers have just 15 days to tear this mega ship apart, dive into the belly of the beast and find the leak. They'll have to work around the clock to fix it because in just two weeks 2000 new guests who've paid for the vacation of a lifetime will be ready to set to sea. There'll be a lot of disappointed vacationers demanding their money back if the ship isn't fixed on time. Reputations and a boat-load of money are on the line.

Starting: 06-09-2024 04:20:00

06-09-2024 05:05:00

Hang on tight and don't look down as World's Toughest Fixes scales the iconic bridges of the UK: the world-famous Tower Bridge in London, and two bridges in Scotland -- the historic Forth Bridge and, right next door, the Forth Road Bridge. It's three bridges, three big problems, three tough fixes. In London, it's the famous Tower Bridge, with a serious lead contamination problem. In Scotland, it's all high access. Riley will help construct scaffolding from the top down, 367 feet above the water, dangling on a pole over speeding trains. And on an aging suspension bridge, Riley's rappelling down a 296-foot suspender cable, swinging in mid-air to run data cables to a high-tech monitoring system. It's a tour of some of the biggest fixes across the pond, meeting the men who are taking on the hazards to get the job done, on World's Toughest Fixes.

Starting: 06-09-2024 05:05:00

06-09-2024 05:55:00

This week we're heading for the hills of Cody, Wyoming to rebuild one of the first ski lifts in the country. But this is no ordinary fix. Building in backcountry will require employing one of the toughest helicopters flyin'. And get this…. We'll be using it as a crane. Tons of steel flying over your head, in rugged terrain, on the side of a mountain… This is gonna be nuts.

Starting: 06-09-2024 05:55:00

06-09-2024 06:40:00

Šī neparastā un pārsteidzošā sērija par filmu veidošanas arheoloģiju risina vienu lielu un aizraujošu jautājumu. 20. un 30. gadu nemierīgajās desmitgadēs, vislielākās finanšu krīzes laikā vēsturē, kā Holivuda iekaroja pasaules iztēli un izveidoja vienu no Amerikas veiksmīgākajām nozarēm.

Starting: 06-09-2024 06:40:00

06-09-2024 07:30:00

Zelta drudža slēptie kuģi aizved uz Sanfrancisko ielām, Sakramento upi un ledainajiem Klondaikas mežiem Kanādas ziemeļos, lai atklātu patieso stāstu par 19. gadsimta zelta māniju. Lai pirmie nokļūtu zelta laukos, simtiem tūkstošu cilvēku no visas pasaules dodas uz Rietumiem. Viņi riskē, iet bojā neskaitāmi vīrieši, sievietes un bērni, tiek nopelnītas un zaudētas bagātības - un tā visa vidū dzimst mūsdienu Amerikas Savienotās Valstis.

Starting: 06-09-2024 07:30:00

06-09-2024 08:15:00

In this special episode of Car SOS, Tim and Fuzz celebrate some of their favourite moments returning restored cars to unsuspecting owners. The boys pull a merciless trick to get a Toyota MR2 back to its homebody owner. Tim and Fuzz enlist the help of a Hollywood A lister to give the owner of a Rover SD1 the shock of his life, and return a Vauxhall Cavalier to one of Car SOS’ most inspiring owners.

Starting: 06-09-2024 08:15:00

06-09-2024 09:00:00

In this special episode of Car SOS, Tim and Fuzz look back through some of their favourite moments engineering solutions to mechanical problems. Tim gets caught with a smelly Toyota electronic control unit. The boys reinvent a Vauxhall Cavalier door hinge with the help of their friend Ric Wood. Tim demonstrates his own answer to rust removal.

Starting: 06-09-2024 09:00:00

06-09-2024 09:45:00

After loading up 112 cars, veteran engineer Rob and rookie conductor Keri must guide their two-kilometer grain train into the heart of the ice-encrusted Rocky Mountains, through steep terrain and a notorious tunnel, and finally to a transport ship waiting in the Port of Vancouver. Down the line, workers are called in to blast heavy snow off the tracks, a frozen switch refuses to budge, and it’s a race against time as track crews have just one hour to replace a faulty rail. Meanwhile, at the edge of Ontario’s Arctic wilderness, another crew is transporting a massive polar bear trap to a remote community with a predator on the loose.

Starting: 06-09-2024 09:45:00

06-09-2024 10:30:00

As the winter ice starts to thaw, rockslides wreak havoc on the CPR. Hauling three-kilometers of potash over the mountains to Vancouver, Jordy and Justin must pass through the treacherous rockslide zone—twice. High above the Rockies, roadmaster Nick is on emergency patrol. A falling boulder triggers a rockslide alarm. Following disciplinary action, Jimmy gears up for his first day on the steel gang. And, a team of mechanics repairs the massive ventilation fans inside the legendary Connaught Tunnel. Meanwhile in Ontario, the Polar Bear Express picks up a father and son as they head deeper into the bush on a hunting expedition.

Starting: 06-09-2024 10:30:00

06-09-2024 11:15:00

"Colgan Air" 9446. reisa pilotiem pēc četru dienu remonta ir grūti noturēt gaisā savu "Beech 1900". Lai gan viņiem kaut kā izdodas pagriezties atpakaļ uz lidostu, lidaparāts ar purnu ienirst Keipkodas ūdeņos dažas minūtes pēc pacelšanās. Vraks nedod izmeklētājiem daudz informācijas, bet lidojuma datu analīze visu saliek vietā.

Starting: 06-09-2024 11:15:00

06-09-2024 12:00:00

When a flight from Zurich crash-lands, killing everyone on board, the discovery of drugs among the wreckage suggests an alarming explanation.

Starting: 06-09-2024 12:00:00

06-09-2024 12:45:00

Continental Airlines 1713. reiss ceļā uz Boisu, Aidaho štatā, aizkavējas uz lidlauka Denverā, kur dispečeri cenšas nodrošināt izlidošanu pēc grafika spēcīga sniega apstākļos. Kad lidmašīnai beidzot tiek atļauts pacelties, DC-9 tikko paceļas no zemes, tad strauji sasveras un avarē. Izmeklētāji nekonstatē nekādas problēmas ar pašu lidmašīnu, taču tas, ko viņi atklāj, uz visiem laikiem maina komerciālos lidojumus.

Starting: 06-09-2024 12:45:00

06-09-2024 13:30:00

Būvdarbu nelaimes gadījumi notiek katru dienu, taču dažkārt sekas ir katastrofālas. Šajā uz patiesiem notikumiem balstītajā spraiga sižeta pārraidē tiek izmeklēti iespaidīgākie negadījumi, noskaidrots, kas nogāja greizi un kā katastrofu varēja novērst. Apvienojot tiešraides kadrus ar CGI animāciju, šajā raidījumā tiek apskatītas ne tikai labi zināmas katastrofas, piemēram, Notre Dame ugunsgrēks un Džordžijas kupola sabrukšana, bet arī mazāk zināmi negadījumi. Viegli uztveramā raidījumā "" parādīts, kas notiek, kad viss noiet greizi.

Starting: 06-09-2024 13:30:00

06-09-2024 14:20:00

In this exclusive episode of Car SOS, Tim and Fuzz look back through some of their favourite unseen bits from across the series. Tim has a chat with former rally driver David Gillanders about rally cars past and present, and takes to the track with living legend Ultima MK3 designer Lee Noble. Back at the workshop Fuzz demonstrates the finer points of an anti-locking braking system.

Starting: 06-09-2024 14:20:00

06-09-2024 15:05:00

In this special episode of Car SOS, Tim and Fuzz look back through some of their favourite moments engineering solutions to mechanical problems. Tim gets caught with a smelly Toyota electronic control unit. The boys reinvent a Vauxhall Cavalier door hinge with the help of their friend Ric Wood. Tim demonstrates his own answer to rust removal.

Starting: 06-09-2024 15:05:00

06-09-2024 15:50:00

Aļaskas indiāņi sacenšas ar laiku, pirms ziemas ierašanās. Apasingoku ģimene cīnās ar Beringa jūras ledu, medījot dzīvniekus. Nakts tumsā Tigs Strasburgs dodas pa sasalušajām upēm, meklējot kažokzvērus. Mārvins Agnots māca krustdēlam medīt Kodiaka salā. Un Džoels Džeko nonāk bīstamā vētrā.

Starting: 06-09-2024 15:50:00

06-09-2024 16:35:00

Tuvojoties ziemai, Aļaskas indiāņi cenšas piepildīt saldētavas. Nalu un Kriss Apasingoki dodas meklēt ziemeļbriežus. Džona un Terēza Pingajaki kopā ar ģimeni zvejo. Džodija Pots-Džozefa ar vīru Džeimiju pārved kucēnus uz drošāku vietu. Tigs un Evans Strasburgi dodas lāču ekspedīcijā kopā ar tēvoci Dino.

Starting: 06-09-2024 16:35:00

06-09-2024 17:15:00

Par spīti apstākļiem, Aļaskas indiāņi ir gatavi cīņai. Tigs Strasburgs ar meitu Heizelu sacenšas ar dabu, meklējot aļņus. Džoels Džeko savvaļā meklē mazus medījumus. Mārvins Agnots būvē arktisko ceļu, pirms sākas lielais sals. Džodija Potsa-Džozefa seko ziemeļbriedim un izliek slazdus caunām.

Starting: 06-09-2024 17:15:00

06-09-2024 18:00:00

Dockworkers in Thunder Bay struggle to unload a 210-ton steel cylinder that will test Canadian Pacific’s railroad crews to the limit. The massive urea reactor must be welded to a pair of custom-made flatbed rail cars and then hauled across the country as track teams scramble to keep the tracks ahead clear. A trackside sensor triggers an emergency inspection. A major miscalculation causes a 24-hour delay. Train crew Conrad and Steve deliver 75 empty potash cars before finally rolling into Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Meanwhile, rookie Jesse and the maintenance crew are under pressure to level the tracks. Jimmy is put to the test as he settles into his new job on the steel gang. And in Ontario, a red-hot wheel threatens the delivery of a critical shipment of building materials to a remote off-grid camp.

Starting: 06-09-2024 18:00:00

06-09-2024 18:45:00

Atklājot zilo tunzivju zvejas sezonu, Glaučesteras sīvākie konkurenti uzsāk cīņu par pirmo sezonas zivi un titulu "Visu laiku labākais". Valdības noteiktie ierobežojumi flotei ļauj zvejot tikai vienu zivi dienā un tikai četras dienas nedēļā. Ar šādiem stingriem ierobežojumiem uzvarētāja laiva pierādīs, ka tā ir visu laiku labākā.

Starting: 06-09-2024 18:45:00

06-09-2024 19:30:00

Glaučesteras labāko dalībnieku rindas sola papildināt jauna pretendente, jo sacensībās iesaistās zvejas kuģa "No Limits" kapteine Mišela Banceviča un pirmā palīdze Lea Pinauda. Kamēr flote ir sadalīta starp vietējo zveju un braucienu uz dienvidiem līdz Čathemai, Mišela un Lea vēlas atstāt paliekošas pēdas tunzivju pasaulē.

Starting: 06-09-2024 19:30:00

06-09-2024 20:10:00

Dockworkers in Thunder Bay struggle to unload a 210-ton steel cylinder that will test Canadian Pacific’s railroad crews to the limit. The massive urea reactor must be welded to a pair of custom-made flatbed rail cars and then hauled across the country as track teams scramble to keep the tracks ahead clear. A trackside sensor triggers an emergency inspection. A major miscalculation causes a 24-hour delay. Train crew Conrad and Steve deliver 75 empty potash cars before finally rolling into Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Meanwhile, rookie Jesse and the maintenance crew are under pressure to level the tracks. Jimmy is put to the test as he settles into his new job on the steel gang. And in Ontario, a red-hot wheel threatens the delivery of a critical shipment of building materials to a remote off-grid camp.

Starting: 06-09-2024 20:10:00

06-09-2024 20:55:00

Kērtiss Vorens no Liverpūles bija narkotiku kontrabandas brīnumbērns, kurš ar savu viltību un izveicību bija ārkārtīgi sarežģīts pretinieks Apvienotās Karalistes tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm. Pateicoties savam izlūkošanas darbam un kontaktu tīklam, tostarp Latīņamerikas diplomātiem un augsta ranga britu policistiem, Kērtiss Vorens gadiem ilgi izvairījās no notveršanas, līdz viena kļūda pielika punktu viņam un viņa starptautiskajai narkotiku impērijai.

Starting: 06-09-2024 20:55:00

06-09-2024 21:40:00

Kērtiss Vorens no Liverpūles bija narkotiku kontrabandas brīnumbērns, kurš ar savu viltību un izveicību bija ārkārtīgi sarežģīts pretinieks Apvienotās Karalistes tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm. Pateicoties savam izlūkošanas darbam un kontaktu tīklam, tostarp Latīņamerikas diplomātiem un augsta ranga britu policistiem, Kērtiss Vorens gadiem ilgi izvairījās no notveršanas, līdz viena kļūda pielika punktu viņam un viņa starptautiskajai narkotiku impērijai.

Starting: 06-09-2024 21:40:00

06-09-2024 22:25:00

Narkotiku apkarošanas administrācijas slepenais aģents "Frenks" iefiltrējas slavenā Kolumbijas narkotiku karteļa La Oficina de Envigado organizācijā un izseko naudu līdz pat Jordānijai, kur atklāj, ka kartelis sadarbojas ar Hezbollah. Operācija "Titāns" iznīcina karteli "La Oficina", dodot starta šāvienu desmit gadus ilgajā kampaņā pret Hezbollah kokaīna kontrabandu.

Starting: 06-09-2024 22:25:00

06-09-2024 23:05:00

Robežsardzes darbinieki Fortloderdeilā aiztur ceļotāju, kas mēģina valstī ievest populārās klubu narkotikas 2C un ketamīnu. Ņujorkā robežsardzes darbinieki atklāj pa pastu sūtītu kokaīnu 100 000 ASV dolāru vērtībā, un HSI aģenti mēģina kontrolēti piegādāt 1,25 kg metamfetamīna Bruklinā. Sandjego robežsardzes darbinieki konfiscē un izjauc automašīnu, kurā ir 61,4 kg metamfetamīna 470 000 ASV dolāru vērtībā.

Starting: 06-09-2024 23:05:00

06-09-2024 23:50:00

LSD atgriežas, jo pieaug ticība tā dziedinošajai iedarbībai. Melnā tirgus terapija piedzīvo uzplaukumu, jo šo narkotiku izmanto ļaunprātīgas izmantošanas, depresijas un visu veidu traumu ārstēšanai. Un tomēr LSD joprojām ir 100% nelegāls, tāpēc nedaudzie ķīmiķi, kas atbildīgi par pasaules apgādāšanu ar šo narkotiku, joprojām ir dziļi sargājams noslēpums. Mariana dodas misijā, lai atrastu vienu no viņiem un izprastu viņu glabātos noslēpumus.

Starting: 06-09-2024 23:50:00

07-09-2024 00:35:00

"Colgan Air" 9446. reisa pilotiem pēc četru dienu remonta ir grūti noturēt gaisā savu "Beech 1900". Lai gan viņiem kaut kā izdodas pagriezties atpakaļ uz lidostu, lidaparāts ar purnu ienirst Keipkodas ūdeņos dažas minūtes pēc pacelšanās. Vraks nedod izmeklētājiem daudz informācijas, bet lidojuma datu analīze visu saliek vietā.

Starting: 07-09-2024 00:35:00

07-09-2024 01:20:00

When a flight from Zurich crash-lands, killing everyone on board, the discovery of drugs among the wreckage suggests an alarming explanation.

Starting: 07-09-2024 01:20:00

07-09-2024 02:05:00

Continental Airlines 1713. reiss ceļā uz Boisu, Aidaho štatā, aizkavējas uz lidlauka Denverā, kur dispečeri cenšas nodrošināt izlidošanu pēc grafika spēcīga sniega apstākļos. Kad lidmašīnai beidzot tiek atļauts pacelties, DC-9 tikko paceļas no zemes, tad strauji sasveras un avarē. Izmeklētāji nekonstatē nekādas problēmas ar pašu lidmašīnu, taču tas, ko viņi atklāj, uz visiem laikiem maina komerciālos lidojumus.

Starting: 07-09-2024 02:05:00

07-09-2024 02:45:00

In this episode we learn how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself on barefoot water, carrying trays, or jumping a river.

Starting: 07-09-2024 02:45:00

07-09-2024 03:10:00

At a two-centuries-old shipyard on Germany’s North Sea, a marvel of modern engineering is taking shape. Hundreds of construction workers, engineers, architects, designers, animators, composers, storytellers, cast and crew are transforming 144,000 tons of steel into perhaps the most enchanting vessel ever to take to sea. They’re making the Disney Wish a reality.

Starting: 07-09-2024 03:10:00

07-09-2024 04:15:00

Downtown Dubai’s Burj Khalifa is the ultimate skyscraper. At more than half a mile high, this towering vertical city not only challenges conventional architecture but also set numerous world records, including the tallest building on Earth. This episode uses state-of-the-art computer graphics and expert testimony to reveal how this mind-blowing tower was made.

Starting: 07-09-2024 04:15:00

07-09-2024 05:00:00

Šajā sērijā atklāj, kā milzu kravas kuģis GPO Ametists transportē milzīgas konstrukcijas pāri visai pasaulei, daļēji iegremdējoties zem tām.

Starting: 07-09-2024 05:00:00

07-09-2024 05:45:00

Richard Hammond sets out on a quest to find the amazing Engineering Connections behind the Airbus A380 the largest passenger airliner in history. His journey reveals that this state-of-the-art aircraft owes as much to weapons of war, Mother Nature and household objects as it does to high technology. He discovers that a bicycle pump, a 19th Century rocket, an ancient Mongolian bow and an eagles wing are all hidden in its secret DNA.

Starting: 07-09-2024 05:45:00

07-09-2024 06:35:00

Join Richard Hammond on a quest to discover the Engineering Connections behind the worlds most advanced engineering projects. These structures are jewels of high technology, but Hammond discovers hidden deep in their DNA an amazing range of unexpected inventions and ideas - spanning right across history and originating from every corner of the globe - that had to have been invented first in order that they could go on to exist. All these connect up and play a key part in the greatest miracles of 21st Century Engineering.

Starting: 07-09-2024 06:35:00

07-09-2024 07:20:00

Richard Hammond journeys to discover the startling Engineering Connections behind the Troll A gas platform; the largest object ever moved by man across the surface of the Earth. During his voyage he reveals that Troll A owes its incredible design to a 19th Century French gardener, a 17th Century German mayor, a midwestern American architect and the dawn of the motor industry. Hidden in its DNA he finds a crystal glass, a farm building, a racing car, a plant pot and nothing.

Starting: 07-09-2024 07:20:00

07-09-2024 08:10:00

Richard Hammond travels to Taipei and discovers the secrets of one of the worlds tallest buildings, Taipei 101. This modern marvel of engineering stands at a jaw dropping 1671 feet. Built right next to a seismic fault line and in a typhoon hotspot its height is all the more impressive. Richard discovers just what it is in the Taipei 101s DNA, that allows it be so tall and cope with these extreme natural events. And what all this cutting edge engineering has in common with a bird cage, bamboo, racing yachts, sports cars and seat belts. Richard embarks on a fantastic journey of discovery that will take him from the mines of 18th century England via the early skyscrapers of Chicago to the top of one of the most advanced buildings in the world.

Starting: 07-09-2024 08:10:00

07-09-2024 09:00:00

At a two-centuries-old shipyard on Germany’s North Sea, a marvel of modern engineering is taking shape. Hundreds of construction workers, engineers, architects, designers, animators, composers, storytellers, cast and crew are transforming 144,000 tons of steel into perhaps the most enchanting vessel ever to take to sea. They’re making the Disney Wish a reality.

Starting: 07-09-2024 09:00:00

07-09-2024 10:05:00

The team travels to the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean to reveal the greatest secrets in the lives of the North Atlantic humpback whale. Why do thousands gather in one tiny patch of ocean every year, and what lengths does it go to choose a mate? While exploring the humpbacks’ hidden world, they witness a mother defend her calf in the ultimate ocean battle with a pack of orcas.

Starting: 07-09-2024 10:05:00

07-09-2024 10:45:00

In the Azores, the team follows the elusive sperm whales to its hunting grounds a mile beneath the surface, where they discover the secret lives of these deep-diving whales. State-of-the-art camera systems and the Oceanxplorer’s submersibles explore this world of eternal darkness, capturing the whale’s main prey — an enormous squid, never filmed before in these Atlantic waters.

Starting: 07-09-2024 10:45:00

07-09-2024 11:20:00

Air Astana 1388. reisa piloti cīnās par dzīvību, kad viņu divu dzinēju Embraer lidmašīna vairāk nekā stundu nekontrolēti krīt no gaisa virs Portugāles. Viņi beidzot saprot, ka lidmašīnai, kurai nupat veikta tehniskā apkope, ir bīstams defekts, taču ar divu F-16 iznīcinātāju palīdzību viņiem izdodas lidmašīnu nogādāt atpakaļ uz zemes.

Starting: 07-09-2024 11:20:00

07-09-2024 12:05:00

No metāla noguruma līdz kļūdainam remontam - pakāpeniska detaļu nolietojuma dēļ iznīcībai lemtas trīs aviosabiedrības. Lidojuma laikā Taiti salā saplaisājusi tērauda trose pārtrūkst, un turbopropelleru lidmašīna nokrīt okeāna dibenā. Neilgi pēc pacelšanās lidmašīnai Boeing 747 atplīst astes spārns, un lidmašīna ietriecas kalnā netālu no Tokijas. Tūristi Maiami pludmalē ar šausmām vēro, kā jūras lidmašīnai lidojuma laikā atdalās spārns.

Starting: 07-09-2024 12:05:00

07-09-2024 12:45:00

Kļūdaina identitāte un naidīgas lodes virs ienaidnieka teritorijas ir viens no daudzajiem riskiem, ar ko piloti saskaras kara zonās visā pasaulē. Irānas pasažieru lidmašīnu no debesīm notriec no ASV karakuģa izšauta raķete. Traģisks sprādziens satricina militāro lidmašīnu, kas nogādā vjetnamiešu bāreņus drošībā. Un virs karadarbības nomāktās Irākas zeme-gaiss raķete notriec kravas reisu.

Starting: 07-09-2024 12:45:00

07-09-2024 13:30:00

From Winston Churchill's wartime cover-up to an alleged UFO crash in Wales, a new Ministry of Defence dossier lifts the lid on Britain's X Files.

Starting: 07-09-2024 13:30:00

07-09-2024 14:15:00

Area 51 is renowned for being one of the most top secret sites on earth. After years shrouded in mystery, the CIA released classified information about the missions that took place in years past. This 1 hour special tells the unique perspective of the CIA agents who worked hard to cover up years of secret missions and the employees who worked inside Area 51. What really happens at the most secret military base in the world.

Starting: 07-09-2024 14:15:00

07-09-2024 15:00:00

Embark on an adventure through incredible Guizhou, China with National Geographic explorer and photographer Ben Horton. Discover mystical wilderness, iconic attractions and hidden marvels in "Best of the World's Destinations – Guizhou." Where every moment and encounter is a story waiting to be told.

Starting: 07-09-2024 15:00:00

07-09-2024 15:45:00

National Geographic explorer and writer Paul Salopek is in the mountainous terrain of Yunnan Province, China’s southwest. Trekking with a cast of walking partners; walking guests; and the first local in sight after hitting his first milestone in the mainland, Paul documents the region’s rich biodiversity and the protection efforts being made by every level of society.

Starting: 07-09-2024 15:45:00

07-09-2024 16:10:00

National Geographic explorer and writer Paul Salopek walks from Yunnan into the neighboring province of Sichuan with the help of his Chinese walking partners and hospitable locals. Paul documents the strong bonds that are forged through a shared experience such as ‘The Forever Walk’, furthering the fact that this is not one man’s journey, but a collective one.

Starting: 07-09-2024 16:10:00

07-09-2024 16:35:00

Pirmā imperatora kapavieta, ko sargā Terakotas karavīri, ir tik ļoti godājama, ka tā nekad nav tikusi atvērta. Taču tagad pirmo reizi Sems Viliss un viņa ekspertu komanda, izmantojot jauno lāzeru dronu tehnoloģiju, veic izpēti. Viņu atklājumi vēl nekad nav redzēti un sniedz jaunu ieskatu par to, kas slēpjas pašās kapenēs, saliekot kopā milzīgo imperatora mauzoleju - pārsteidzošu mirušo pilsētu.

Starting: 07-09-2024 16:35:00

07-09-2024 17:15:00

Atrodot neparastu bronzas un zelta dārgumu, tiek atklāta sen zudusi karaļvalsts. Tagad arheologs Sems Viliss un viņa ekspertu komanda pirmo reizi izmanto jaunākās lāzeru dronu tehnoloģijas, lai izpētītu noslēpumaino civilizāciju, kas maina visu, ko mēs zinām par Senās Ķīnas pirmsākumiem.

Starting: 07-09-2024 17:15:00

07-09-2024 18:00:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 07-09-2024 18:00:00

07-09-2024 18:35:00

The team is in the Azores to tag a deep-sea giant — the sixgill shark — and learn more about its nightly patterns on the hunt for food in the abyss. For the first time ever, the team tags and retrieves valuable data, uncovering the secrets of why this prehistoric shark undertakes its epic journey from the depths at night.

Starting: 07-09-2024 18:35:00

07-09-2024 19:10:00

National Geographic explorer and writer Paul Salopek is in the mountainous terrain of Yunnan Province, China’s southwest. Trekking with a cast of walking partners; walking guests; and the first local in sight after hitting his first milestone in the mainland, Paul documents the region’s rich biodiversity and the protection efforts being made by every level of society.

Starting: 07-09-2024 18:45:00

07-09-2024 19:10:00

Eksperti pēta Kima Jong Una prātu, kamēr viņš cenšas radīt savas disfunkcionālās karaļvalsts nākotni, vienlaikus saglabājot ciešu kontroli pār iedzīvotājiem.

Starting: 07-09-2024 19:10:00

07-09-2024 19:55:00

Kims izmēģina diplomātiju, lai leģitimizētu savu režīmu un atbrīvotos no sankcijām, taču kļūda uz pasaules skatuves nozīme atgriešanos pie vecajiem niķiem.

Starting: 07-09-2024 19:55:00

07-09-2024 20:35:00

Everybody has heard about Dracula, a blood-thirsty monster who invokes immortality with a bite on the neck. But many believe the real Dracula was a 15th century eastern European ruler with a penchant for impaling enemies, Vlad Tepes, whose curse upon his homeland has lasted for six centuries. With the help of emerging science in the field of genetics, Sam investigates the curse of Vlad the Impaler.

Starting: 07-09-2024 20:35:00

07-09-2024 21:20:00

The Bermuda Triangle. Everybody's heard about this stretch of cursed ocean off America's eastern coast where ships and aircraft disappear without explanation. Or do they? Sam dives in to the origin of the curse of the Bermuda Triangle and looks to oceanographers, physicists and probability analysts to get to the sandy wet bottom of this age-old ocean mystery.

Starting: 07-09-2024 21:20:00

07-09-2024 22:00:00

Sems izpēta utopisko Atlantīdas pilsētu, ko, pēc Platona vārdiem, nolādējuši dievi un tā nogrimusi jūras dzelmē pirms 12 000 gadu.

Starting: 07-09-2024 22:00:00

07-09-2024 22:45:00

Sems ierodas Rietumvirdžīnijā, lai izpētītu Kožu vīra lāstu, taču viss noiet griezi, kad viņš atklāj katastrofu un politisko spēlīšu tīklu.

Starting: 07-09-2024 22:45:00

07-09-2024 23:30:00

Everybody has heard about Dracula, a blood-thirsty monster who invokes immortality with a bite on the neck. But many believe the real Dracula was a 15th century eastern European ruler with a penchant for impaling enemies, Vlad Tepes, whose curse upon his homeland has lasted for six centuries. With the help of emerging science in the field of genetics, Sam investigates the curse of Vlad the Impaler.

Starting: 07-09-2024 23:30:00

07-09-2024 23:30:00

Eksperti pēta Kima Jong Una prātu, kamēr viņš cenšas radīt savas disfunkcionālās karaļvalsts nākotni, vienlaikus saglabājot ciešu kontroli pār iedzīvotājiem.

Starting: 08-09-2024 00:10:00

08-09-2024 00:55:00

Kims izmēģina diplomātiju, lai leģitimizētu savu režīmu un atbrīvotos no sankcijām, taču kļūda uz pasaules skatuves nozīme atgriešanos pie vecajiem niķiem.

Starting: 08-09-2024 00:55:00

08-09-2024 01:35:00

Michael Palin embarks on the second part of his journey across one of the most secretive states in the world, North Korea. As he leaves Pyongyang, Michael drives under the massive Arch of Reunification, which symbolises the country's desire for North and South Korea to be brought together. After travelling to the border with South Korea, Michael meets an officer from the North Korean People's Army and is shown around the Joint Security Area. Michael talks to the officer about the country's nuclear weapons and its changing relationship with America. The next day, Michael travels to the east coast of the country and the seaside town of Wonsan, where he sees a massive tourist resort being constructed, complete with brand new airport. North Korea is notorious for food shortages and Michael spends a day on a local farm with a farmer and her family. The next day, Michael and the guides travel to the beautiful Mount Kumgang region and they have an open and honest chat about the differences between their two countries. After this, Michael boards a plane to fly to the sacred Mount Paektu in the far north of the country. Finally, he returns to Pyongyang and looks back on his time in North Korea.

Starting: 08-09-2024 01:35:00

08-09-2024 02:20:00

In this episode we discover the secrets to wake surfing, the hidden dangers with water slides and the hidden hazards to watch out for when practicing your sparring kicks.

Starting: 08-09-2024 02:20:00

08-09-2024 03:00:00

Šajā Food Factory USA sērijā: aiz katras Cold Stone saldējuma porcijas ir strādnieku armija; pieci brāļi no Vjetnamas izkopuši pārslveida franču konditorejas izstrādājumus līdz pilnībai; un, vērojot lidojošās zivis, pasūtām krabju kūkas Sietlā.

Starting: 08-09-2024 03:00:00

08-09-2024 03:20:00

Food Factory USA pēta dažus Vientuļās zvaigznes štata iecienītākos ēdienus: šī masīvā Teksasas kūpinātava ieklāj patiesu burvību vienā no Arby’s sviestmaizēm; konfektes Chick-O-Sticks ir piesaistījušas lielu sekotāju skaitu; un katrs šī dzēriena malks nodrošina Teksasas lieluma enerģijas devu.

Starting: 08-09-2024 03:20:00

08-09-2024 03:45:00

Meklējot labāko bekonu, Food Factory USA apceļo Teksasas kūpinātavu, uzzina bekona garšas limonādes noslēpumus un apmeklē bijušo tītara audzētavu, kur kraukšķīgie bekona gabaliņi ir apklāti ar bagātīgu krēmveida šokolādi.

Starting: 08-09-2024 03:45:00

08-09-2024 04:05:00

Going into labs with chemist/"beverage engineers" to see how they design new drinks *The world's largest bottle recycling plant in North Carolina just opened where we can see how any old bottles are transformed into the signature Coke bottle *The strange ingredients you'd never expect--like vanilla and nutmeg--that go into making Coke--millions of tons of them (they're the world's largest consumer of both) *Lots of HD stock available to show off bottlers/brands/assembly lines around the globe--plus any ads we want, old and new--that they'll provide to us *Concentrated Coke is produced in just 30 places around the globe and shipped out to 900 factories where water & sweetener is added--cool visual of tons of gallons of Coke moving through the streets of major cities. *Great characters at all stages of production--like 4th generation Coke employees working the bottle line in the first plant in Tennessee.

Starting: 08-09-2024 04:05:00

08-09-2024 04:50:00

A rare look inside the Corvette Mega Factory which produces the ZR1-a genuine American supercar. It is the fastest, most powerful, and most expensive Corvette ever built and it can compete against the best that Europe has to offer.

Starting: 08-09-2024 04:50:00

08-09-2024 05:35:00

Mankind has long relied on the internal combustion engine for transportation. Now, with fossil fuels becoming increasingly sparse one company is trying to change the way we commute; this is the story behind the world's first fully electric premium sedan - the Tesla Model S. Tesla's electrical experts in Fremont, CA are gearing up for mass production in a groundbreaking new Mega Factory - but will the Model S take the world by storm.

Starting: 08-09-2024 05:35:00

08-09-2024 06:25:00

The team is in the Azores to tag a deep-sea giant — the sixgill shark — and learn more about its nightly patterns on the hunt for food in the abyss. For the first time ever, the team tags and retrieves valuable data, uncovering the secrets of why this prehistoric shark undertakes its epic journey from the depths at night.

Starting: 08-09-2024 06:25:00

08-09-2024 07:00:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 08-09-2024 07:00:00

08-09-2024 07:35:00

National Geographic explorer and writer Paul Salopek is in the mountainous terrain of Yunnan Province, China’s southwest. Trekking with a cast of walking partners; walking guests; and the first local in sight after hitting his first milestone in the mainland, Paul documents the region’s rich biodiversity and the protection efforts being made by every level of society.

Starting: 08-09-2024 07:35:00

08-09-2024 07:55:00

National Geographic explorer and writer Paul Salopek walks from Yunnan into the neighboring province of Sichuan with the help of his Chinese walking partners and hospitable locals. Paul documents the strong bonds that are forged through a shared experience such as ‘The Forever Walk’, furthering the fact that this is not one man’s journey, but a collective one.

Starting: 08-09-2024 07:55:00

08-09-2024 08:20:00

As the winter ice starts to thaw, rockslides wreak havoc on the CPR. Hauling three-kilometers of potash over the mountains to Vancouver, Jordy and Justin must pass through the treacherous rockslide zone—twice. High above the Rockies, roadmaster Nick is on emergency patrol. A falling boulder triggers a rockslide alarm. Following disciplinary action, Jimmy gears up for his first day on the steel gang. And, a team of mechanics repairs the massive ventilation fans inside the legendary Connaught Tunnel. Meanwhile in Ontario, the Polar Bear Express picks up a father and son as they head deeper into the bush on a hunting expedition.

Starting: 08-09-2024 08:20:00

08-09-2024 09:05:00

Dockworkers in Thunder Bay struggle to unload a 210-ton steel cylinder that will test Canadian Pacific’s railroad crews to the limit. The massive urea reactor must be welded to a pair of custom-made flatbed rail cars and then hauled across the country as track teams scramble to keep the tracks ahead clear. A trackside sensor triggers an emergency inspection. A major miscalculation causes a 24-hour delay. Train crew Conrad and Steve deliver 75 empty potash cars before finally rolling into Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Meanwhile, rookie Jesse and the maintenance crew are under pressure to level the tracks. Jimmy is put to the test as he settles into his new job on the steel gang. And in Ontario, a red-hot wheel threatens the delivery of a critical shipment of building materials to a remote off-grid camp.

Starting: 08-09-2024 09:05:00

08-09-2024 09:50:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 08-09-2024 09:50:00

08-09-2024 10:35:00

In Almería, a patrol boat tries to seize two empty dinghies on the coast after unloading occupants from an illegal journey. But that's not the only alert. Colleagues chase drug trafficking rafts in Cádiz and the Balearic Islands, while investigating the black market for engines at the Huelva dock. These adventures will reveal the untold stories of those who stand against crime on the sea.

Starting: 08-09-2024 10:35:00

08-09-2024 11:20:00

National Geographic explorer and writer Paul Salopek is in the mountainous terrain of Yunnan Province, China’s southwest. Trekking with a cast of walking partners; walking guests; and the first local in sight after hitting his first milestone in the mainland, Paul documents the region’s rich biodiversity and the protection efforts being made by every level of society.

Starting: 08-09-2024 10:35:00

08-09-2024 10:55:00

After United Airlines Flight 173 crashed and killed ten people, investigators discover how a landing gear problem could have caused the accident.

Starting: 08-09-2024 11:20:00

08-09-2024 12:05:00

Garuda Indonesia 152. reisa lidmašīna tuvojas Medanas lidostai Sumatras salā, meža ugunsgrēka dūmu aizsegā. Taču tikai dažas minūtes pirms skrejceļa lidmašīna Airbus A-300 liktenīgi novirzās no kursa un avarē džungļos. Šī ir valsts vēsturē smagākā aviokatastrofa, kurā iet bojā visi 234 lidmašīnā esošie cilvēki. Izmeklētāji ir neizpratnē, kad saprot, ka lidmašīna avārijas brīdī lidoja prom no lidostas.

Starting: 08-09-2024 12:05:00

08-09-2024 12:50:00

Izmeklētāji padziļināti pēta trīs sadursmes gaisā, kas šķiet pretrunā loģikai. Laikā pirms valsts radaru sistēmas izveides divas lidmašīnas saduras nekontrolētā gaisa telpā virs Lielā kanjona. Francijas piepilsētas lidmašīnas kapteinis dodas improvizētā ekskursijā, kas beidzas ar katastrofu. Savukārt Brazīlijā iesācējs dispečers nosūta divas lidmašīnas pretī sadursmei virs Amazones lietus mežiem.

Starting: 08-09-2024 12:50:00

08-09-2024 13:35:00

Police closed the case of the infamous Boston Strangler when handyman Albert De Salvo confessed to the grisly murder of 13 women. But recent forensic evidence reveals that in at least one of the murders - and possibly all of them - police may have had the wrong man. Some even theorize that the strangler may be walking free today. Now, the National Geographic Channel investigates in The Hunt for the Boston Strangler.

Starting: 08-09-2024 13:35:00

08-09-2024 14:20:00

What is the truth behind one of the world's most fabled royal families? While it's believed they were all assassinated, rumours persist that Anastasia Romanov escaped to claim the family's fortune.

Starting: 08-09-2024 14:20:00

08-09-2024 15:05:00

It's one of the world's most notorious unsolved skyjackings and missing person cases…and new evidence is leading the FBI to reopen their files with the belief it might finally be solved. The night before Thanksgiving, 1971, a man by the name of Dan Cooper boarded Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305 from Portland to Seattle. Several hours later, with $200,000 strapped to his body, he leapt from the plane - and into history. A reporter botched the name of the culprit, and D.B. Cooper was born. A collection of suspects and clues have emerged - a copycat crime, a bag full of Cooper's bills discovered in 1980, a deathbed confessional - but all leads have proven inconclusive. But the past year or so has seen a flurry of new clues. In 2007, new evidence emerged from a man who claims that his deceased brother - a Northwest employee and Army paratrooper - was the real D.B. Cooper. Then, in March 2008, a parachute turned up on a field where Cooper could have landed that matched the one he used. Meanwhile, new evidence released by the FBI in the past few months is generating new theories - and suspects. As the FBI reopens the case, we'll follow the same evidence trail to find out if this new information could finally bring this notorious case to a close.

Starting: 08-09-2024 15:05:00

08-09-2024 15:45:00

After remnants of a strange object were found on a New Mexico ranch in 1947, rumours of UFOs spread like wildfire. Despite denials, many still claim the US government is hiding something.

Starting: 08-09-2024 15:45:00

08-09-2024 16:30:00

"Most historians have reached a consensus about the way major world events played out. Yet decades after the fact, certain stories remain touched by an air of uncertainty. Join NGT as we investigate the truth behind some of history's greatest events.

Starting: 08-09-2024 16:30:00

08-09-2024 17:15:00

Tommy Thompson has a mission, find the SS Central America, a gold-rush era shipwreck long believed to rest in the murky deep of the Atlantic Ocean. He puts together a team of brilliant misfits and somehow convinces investors to sink $12 million into his quest. Tommy and his team attempt what has never been done before and against the odds, find the largest sunken treasure in American history.

Starting: 08-09-2024 17:15:00

08-09-2024 18:00:00

Tommy Thompson and his crew recover tons of gold from the bottom of the ocean and return home as heroes. Out of nowhere come multiple lawsuits laying claim to the treasure. Tommys finances spiral leaving him unable to pay back investors some of whom turn against him. He is left fighting to hold on to the gold as his dream becomes a nightmare.

Starting: 08-09-2024 18:00:00

08-09-2024 18:45:00

Police closed the case of the infamous Boston Strangler when handyman Albert De Salvo confessed to the grisly murder of 13 women. But recent forensic evidence reveals that in at least one of the murders - and possibly all of them - police may have had the wrong man. Some even theorize that the strangler may be walking free today. Now, the National Geographic Channel investigates in The Hunt for the Boston Strangler.

Starting: 08-09-2024 18:45:00

08-09-2024 19:30:00

What is the truth behind one of the world's most fabled royal families? While it's believed they were all assassinated, rumours persist that Anastasia Romanov escaped to claim the family's fortune.

Starting: 08-09-2024 19:30:00

08-09-2024 20:10:00

It's one of the world's most notorious unsolved skyjackings and missing person cases…and new evidence is leading the FBI to reopen their files with the belief it might finally be solved. The night before Thanksgiving, 1971, a man by the name of Dan Cooper boarded Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305 from Portland to Seattle. Several hours later, with $200,000 strapped to his body, he leapt from the plane - and into history. A reporter botched the name of the culprit, and D.B. Cooper was born. A collection of suspects and clues have emerged - a copycat crime, a bag full of Cooper's bills discovered in 1980, a deathbed confessional - but all leads have proven inconclusive. But the past year or so has seen a flurry of new clues. In 2007, new evidence emerged from a man who claims that his deceased brother - a Northwest employee and Army paratrooper - was the real D.B. Cooper. Then, in March 2008, a parachute turned up on a field where Cooper could have landed that matched the one he used. Meanwhile, new evidence released by the FBI in the past few months is generating new theories - and suspects. As the FBI reopens the case, we'll follow the same evidence trail to find out if this new information could finally bring this notorious case to a close.

Starting: 08-09-2024 20:10:00

08-09-2024 20:55:00

Tommy Thompson has a mission, find the SS Central America, a gold-rush era shipwreck long believed to rest in the murky deep of the Atlantic Ocean. He puts together a team of brilliant misfits and somehow convinces investors to sink $12 million into his quest. Tommy and his team attempt what has never been done before and against the odds, find the largest sunken treasure in American history.

Starting: 08-09-2024 20:15:00

08-09-2024 21:00:00

After remnants of a strange object were found on a New Mexico ranch in 1947, rumours of UFOs spread like wildfire. Despite denials, many still claim the US government is hiding something.

Starting: 08-09-2024 20:55:00

08-09-2024 21:40:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 08-09-2024 21:40:00

08-09-2024 22:25:00

Tēvzemes drošības dienesta operatīvā izlūkošana Sandjego noved pie auto pakaļdzīšanās, aizturēšanas un gandrīz 500 tūkstošu dolāru metamfetamīna un fentanila atrašanas. Elpaso Muitas un robežapsardzes dienests atklāj skaidras naudas saiņus un kokaīna kravu, kas paslēpta automašīnās, kuras šķērso robežu. Savukārt Filadelfijā Muitas un robežapsardzes dienests vēršas pret nedeklarētām precēm starptautiskajos reisos, atklājot tūkstošiem dolāru vērtus viltojumus, par kuriem ir aizdomas, ka tie ievesti no Turcijas.

Starting: 08-09-2024 22:25:00

08-09-2024 23:10:00

PR AMO aģenti saņem ziņu par laivu ar narkotikām, kas dodas sauszemes virzienā. Ar gaisa spēku atbalstu viņi aptur laivu netālu no Viekesas un konfiscē 1379 kg kokaīna vairāk nekā 41 miljona ASV dolāru vērtībā. Muitas un robežsardzes dienests Filadelfijā seko līdzi informācijai par iespējamiem naudas kontrabandistiem, kas ceļo uz Jamaiku. Sandjego Muitas un robežsardzes dienests atrod personu, kas slēpjas bagāžniekā, un kokaīna iepakojumus automašīnas nodalījumā.

Starting: 08-09-2024 23:10:00

08-09-2024 23:50:00

Muitas un robežkontroles dienests Atlantā aiztur pasažieri, kas ceļoja no Panamas un kuru tur aizdomās par dalību grupā, kas norijusi kokaīna granulas, kuru galamērķis bija Ņujorka. PR teritorijā AMO aģenti izseko krastā pamestu laivu, kas bija iesaistīta ātrgaitas pakaļdzīšanās darbībā ar vietējo policiju. Nonākuši uz kuģa, viņi atrod 1712 kilogramus kokaīna 51 miljona ASV dolāru vērtībā. Sandjego Muitas un robežkontroles dienests apstādina automašīnu ar kilogramiem kokaīna un metamfetamīna.

Starting: 08-09-2024 23:50:00

09-09-2024 00:35:00

Tommy Thompson has a mission, find the SS Central America, a gold-rush era shipwreck long believed to rest in the murky deep of the Atlantic Ocean. He puts together a team of brilliant misfits and somehow convinces investors to sink $12 million into his quest. Tommy and his team attempt what has never been done before and against the odds, find the largest sunken treasure in American history.

Starting: 09-09-2024 00:35:00

09-09-2024 01:20:00

Tommy Thompson and his crew recover tons of gold from the bottom of the ocean and return home as heroes. Out of nowhere come multiple lawsuits laying claim to the treasure. Tommys finances spiral leaving him unable to pay back investors some of whom turn against him. He is left fighting to hold on to the gold as his dream becomes a nightmare.

Starting: 09-09-2024 01:20:00

09-09-2024 02:00:00

In this episode we discover the secrets of the BMX front flip, the dangers of ice, and what not to do when walking along a log.

Starting: 09-09-2024 02:00:00

09-09-2024 02:25:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when driving on black ice, using food blenders and attempting to bounce off giant inflatables.

Starting: 09-09-2024 02:25:00

09-09-2024 02:55:00

In this episode we learn how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself using inflatables on water slides, trying 12'o'clock wheelies, or catching a hard hat on your head.

Starting: 09-09-2024 02:55:00

09-09-2024 03:15:00

In this episode we learn how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself while riding your big wheel trike, 'ghosting' your motorbike, or simply balancing things on your head.

Starting: 09-09-2024 03:15:00

09-09-2024 03:40:00

Tommy Thompson has a mission, find the SS Central America, a gold-rush era shipwreck long believed to rest in the murky deep of the Atlantic Ocean. He puts together a team of brilliant misfits and somehow convinces investors to sink $12 million into his quest. Tommy and his team attempt what has never been done before and against the odds, find the largest sunken treasure in American history.

Starting: 09-09-2024 03:35:00

09-09-2024 04:20:00

Sean Riley races the clock to dam up a river and replace one of the locks that regulates water levels in a busy cargo thoroughfare. One wrong move and half a million litres of water could be unleashed.

Starting: 09-09-2024 03:40:00

09-09-2024 04:25:00

Strap yourself in for this one, because this is definitely out of this world. For this fix, we're going satellite launching. Delivering this piece of high-tech equipment into space will take a rocket the size of a twelve-story building and an enormous amount of firepower… and it's a job that'll be done from one of the most remote places on the planet: French Guiana. This South American department of France is just a short distance from the equator, but it's a long way from the modern world. As the clock winds down to zero, Riley is positioned for a bird's eye view of what's definitely one of the most spectacular sights on earth - a rocket roaring into space.

Starting: 09-09-2024 04:25:00

09-09-2024 05:15:00

A deep water construction vessel needs fixing and the team don wet suits to try and help. Could this giant floating machine be dead in the water.

Starting: 09-09-2024 05:15:00

09-09-2024 06:05:00

When one of Boeing's 767 jetliners needs repairing, a team of specialists, including Sean Riley, are sent to fix it. Can he iron out the dents.

Starting: 09-09-2024 06:05:00

09-09-2024 06:50:00

Mūsu iztēlē Lielais Barjerrifs ir gluži leģendāra tropiskā paradīze, taču tam ir arī ēnas puse. Arheologi mēģina atrisināt Austrālijas “Titānika” noslēpumaino nogrimšanu. Automātiskā zemūdene dodas rifa dziļumos, atklājot tā vardarbīgo rašanos un attīstību. Un 18. gadsimta britu karakuģa bojāeja sasaista rifu ar bēdīgi slaveno dumpi uz kuģa "Bounty".

Starting: 09-09-2024 06:50:00

09-09-2024 07:35:00

Arktika - Aukstā kara kaujas lauks, kas slēpj neiedomājamus noslēpumus. “Camp Century” bija kā kaut kas no zinātniskās fantastikas, ASV armijas bāze zem Grenlandes ledus segas. Pazuduši un aizmirsti 50 gadus, klimata pārmaiņas var aizvest nometni un tās bīstamos atkritumus atpakaļ uz virsmu. Kamēr dziļi zem Arktikas ūdeņiem atrodas spokains vraks no sen nogrimušas padomju kodolzemūdenes, no kuras, iespējams, izplūst radiācija. Vismodernākās zinātnieku komandas pārņem šo toksisko mantojumu.

Starting: 09-09-2024 07:35:00

09-09-2024 08:20:00

Egypt is home to many of the most famous archaeological treasures on Earth. But over the last five years, Egypt has suffered a tumultuous revolution and tourist numbers have plummeted. This programme follows a select cast of individuals, determined to bring Egypt back from the brink: to discover more of Egypt's history, to keep its heritage safe and to get tourists to visit the country again. Dr John Ward and Dr Maria Nilsson are a young charismatic couple who return year after year to a site in the south of the country, Gebel el Silsila. Dr Tarek Tawfik is a professor of archaeology tasked with running the biggest building project on the Giza plateau since the pyramids themselves: the Grand Egyptian Museum. Nora Shawki is a 26 year old PhD student exploring her first dig site in the Nile Delta, and Eddy Cannaerts is one of 5000 contractors working on the Grand Egyptian Museum, desperate to keep his build schedule on track. Together they are all hoping to get Egypt back on track, and bring the tourists back.

Starting: 09-09-2024 08:20:00

09-09-2024 09:05:00

Inside the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara, Dr Ramadan Hussein and his team work to uncover a unique tomb complex. Ramadan is intrigued by a wall at the bottom of the 100 foot shaft. A hunch tells him it could be a hidden burial chamber. What secrets could it hold? The team have to work fast to remove the unstable rock, but their risky search leads them to one of the biggest discoveries of the dig so far.

Starting: 09-09-2024 09:05:00

09-09-2024 09:50:00

In the newly discovered tomb complex at Saqqara, one burial chamber stands out. It holds a single, stone sarcophagus while the rest are packed with mummies. Dr Ramadan Hussein and his team face their biggest challenge yet as they battle to lift the 5 ton lid and reveal the mummy within. Using forensic investigation techniques and the latest technology, what secrets can they discover about the tomb's 2600-year old owner.

Starting: 09-09-2024 09:50:00

09-09-2024 10:35:00

Archaeology is like detective work, and never more so when you discover a 12 tonne sarcophagus with its seal broken, and a lid that isn't flush with the base. From the gaps in the mortar, Dr Ramadan Hussein has a hunch that the lid was removed and replaced in antiquity. But why? Ramadan and his team investigate the evidence at this potential crime scene to discover what - or who - remains inside.

Starting: 09-09-2024 10:35:00

09-09-2024 11:25:00

In the shadow of the Great Pyramid a team of archaeologists led by Dr Mark Lehner unearth what could be the most important royal palace in ancient Egypt. Digging beneath an abandoned soccer field, the team find a trail of clues that reveal a nerve centre dedicated to the construction of the Great pyramid itself.

Starting: 09-09-2024 11:25:00

09-09-2024 12:05:00

Kamēr uz klāja atrodas jaunā futbola zvaigzne, Emiliano Sala, "Piper Malibu" čarterreiss virs Lamanša šauruma piepeši pazūd no radariem. Ātri izplatās baumas par augstā ranga pasažieri, un negadījums iekļūst visas pasaules ziņu virsrakstos. Britu izmeklētāji nosaka, ka lidmašīna sadalījās, pirms sasniedza ūdeni. Kad viņi beidzot atrod tās vraku, viņu izmeklēšanā notiek negaidīts pavērsiens.

Starting: 09-09-2024 12:05:00

09-09-2024 12:50:00

When a flight to Tahiti crashes and kills everyone on board, investigators uncover an unexpected explanation for the crash.

Starting: 09-09-2024 12:50:00

09-09-2024 13:35:00

Trīs lidojumi piedzīvo katastrofālas datora kļūdas, kas liek izmeklētājiem meklēt pavedienus. Pieredzējusī lidsabiedrības Alitalia apkalpes komanda nezināmos apstākļos ietriec DC-9 lidmašīnu zemē tikai dažus kilometrus no Cīrihes skrejceļa. Ceļā no Singapūras uz Pērtu Qantas 72. reisa lidmašīna pēkšņi nokrīt Indijas okeāna virzienā. Venecuēlas turbopropelleru lidmašīnas piloti bez galvenā vadības instrumenta ietriecas kalna nogāzē.

Starting: 09-09-2024 13:35:00

09-09-2024 14:20:00

Dr Allan Maca explores a newly discovered ancient megacity that 4000 years ago was one of the biggest on the planet. Its people created amazing Maya-like carvings like nothing ever found in China before. There's also grizzly evidence of human sacrifice on an unprecedented scale. This lost civilisation changes everything we thought we knew about the origins of China, but why, after 500 years, did they vanish? Allan and his team investigate ancient cataclysms to try to solve this great mystery.

Starting: 09-09-2024 14:20:00

09-09-2024 15:05:00

Pirmā imperatora kapavieta, ko sargā Terakotas karavīri, ir tik ļoti godājama, ka tā nekad nav tikusi atvērta. Taču tagad pirmo reizi Sems Viliss un viņa ekspertu komanda, izmantojot jauno lāzeru dronu tehnoloģiju, veic izpēti. Viņu atklājumi vēl nekad nav redzēti un sniedz jaunu ieskatu par to, kas slēpjas pašās kapenēs, saliekot kopā milzīgo imperatora mauzoleju - pārsteidzošu mirušo pilsētu.

Starting: 09-09-2024 15:05:00

09-09-2024 15:50:00

Atrodot neparastu bronzas un zelta dārgumu, tiek atklāta sen zudusi karaļvalsts. Tagad arheologs Sems Viliss un viņa ekspertu komanda pirmo reizi izmanto jaunākās lāzeru dronu tehnoloģijas, lai izpētītu noslēpumaino civilizāciju, kas maina visu, ko mēs zinām par Senās Ķīnas pirmsākumiem.

Starting: 09-09-2024 15:50:00

09-09-2024 16:30:00

Albert Lin and National Geographic Channel unearth the terrible secrets that lie hidden in the tomb of China's first Emperor. The Terracotta Warriors are just the tip of the iceberg in this mausoleum the size of Manhattan, that has gone largely unexcavated…until now. These silent statues guard explosive, macabre findings that rewrite history and paint a very different picture of the ancient world from what we thought we knew.

Starting: 09-09-2024 16:30:00

09-09-2024 17:15:00

In the shadow of the Great Pyramid a team of archaeologists led by Dr Mark Lehner unearth what could be the most important royal palace in ancient Egypt. Digging beneath an abandoned soccer field, the team find a trail of clues that reveal a nerve centre dedicated to the construction of the Great pyramid itself.

Starting: 09-09-2024 17:15:00

09-09-2024 18:00:00

Archeologists excavate the unexplored burial chamber of an ancient pyramid hoping to find the 4400-year-old kings mummy and his treasures. No modern archaeologist has fully explored the pyramid of Sahure which has suffered a catastrophic collapse inside. Dr Mohamed Ismail Khaled and his team take on the dangerous task of clearing the rubble and make discoveries of a lifetime.

Starting: 09-09-2024 18:00:00

09-09-2024 18:45:00

Ēģipte ir bagātākais arheoloģisko dārgumu avots pasaulē. Šajā raidījumu sērijā mūsu kameras seko arheologu komandām Ēģiptē visu izrakumu sezonu. Rāpjoties zem piramīdām, atklājot sen zudušas kapenes un 3000 gadu senas mūmijas, pasaules labākie arheologi steidz atklāt šīs aizvēsturiskās civilizācijas noslēpumus.

Starting: 09-09-2024 18:45:00

09-09-2024 19:30:00

Archeologists excavate the unexplored burial chamber of an ancient pyramid hoping to find the 4400-year-old kings mummy and his treasures. No modern archaeologist has fully explored the pyramid of Sahure which has suffered a catastrophic collapse inside. Dr Mohamed Ismail Khaled and his team take on the dangerous task of clearing the rubble and make discoveries of a lifetime.

Starting: 09-09-2024 19:30:00

09-09-2024 20:15:00

A surprising number of the rulers we know from the dynasties of ancient Egypt were women. Some ruled as queens but some as kings or pharaohs. Two are household names -- Nefertiti and Cleopatra – but two others are lesser-known – Hatshepsut and Nefertari. All were remarkable in the way they rose to power, and left their mark on a land typically dominated by men.

Starting: 09-09-2024 20:15:00

09-09-2024 21:00:00

Mūsu iztēlē Lielais Barjerrifs ir gluži leģendāra tropiskā paradīze, taču tam ir arī ēnas puse. Arheologi mēģina atrisināt Austrālijas “Titānika” noslēpumaino nogrimšanu. Automātiskā zemūdene dodas rifa dziļumos, atklājot tā vardarbīgo rašanos un attīstību. Un 18. gadsimta britu karakuģa bojāeja sasaista rifu ar bēdīgi slaveno dumpi uz kuģa "Bounty".

Starting: 09-09-2024 21:00:00

09-09-2024 21:45:00

Arktika - Aukstā kara kaujas lauks, kas slēpj neiedomājamus noslēpumus. “Camp Century” bija kā kaut kas no zinātniskās fantastikas, ASV armijas bāze zem Grenlandes ledus segas. Pazuduši un aizmirsti 50 gadus, klimata pārmaiņas var aizvest nometni un tās bīstamos atkritumus atpakaļ uz virsmu. Kamēr dziļi zem Arktikas ūdeņiem atrodas spokains vraks no sen nogrimušas padomju kodolzemūdenes, no kuras, iespējams, izplūst radiācija. Vismodernākās zinātnieku komandas pārņem šo toksisko mantojumu.

Starting: 09-09-2024 21:45:00

09-09-2024 22:30:00

Pasaulē visvairāk meklētā narkotiku tirgotāja El Čapo meklēšana divu sieviešu stāstījumā no Čikāgas, kuru vīri vērsās pret viņu.

Starting: 09-09-2024 22:30:00

09-09-2024 23:15:00

Latīņamerikas narkobaronu kari ir nekontrolējami. Par spīti 1 triljonam dolāru, kas piešķirti likumsargiem, un 2,5 miljoniem mirušo, jaunas nelegālās narkotikas tiek ražotas, pārvadātas un patērētas vairāk, kā jebkad agrāk. Raidījums ietver intervijas un kadrus ar svarīgākajiem spēlētājiem abās likuma pusēs, tā 10 daļās tiek pētīti narkobaronu kari - gan pagātnē, gan šobrīd - lai saprastu, kāpēc.

Starting: 09-09-2024 23:15:00

09-09-2024 23:15:00

Kolumbijas bēdīgi slavenais narkobarons Otoniels biedē pat visus citus narkobaronus. Viņš ir neizglītots zemnieks, kurš valda izolētajos Kolumbijas ziemeļaustrumu džungļos, izmantojot naudu, burvestības un mežonīgu vardarbību. Kad varasiestādes cenšas viņu sagūstīt, Otoniels nevis bēg, bet gan atkāpjas savas impērijas tumšajā sirdī, izraisot Kolumbijas vēsturē lielāko militāro medību sākumu.

Starting: 10-09-2024 00:00:00

10-09-2024 00:45:00

Kamēr uz klāja atrodas jaunā futbola zvaigzne, Emiliano Sala, "Piper Malibu" čarterreiss virs Lamanša šauruma piepeši pazūd no radariem. Ātri izplatās baumas par augstā ranga pasažieri, un negadījums iekļūst visas pasaules ziņu virsrakstos. Britu izmeklētāji nosaka, ka lidmašīna sadalījās, pirms sasniedza ūdeni. Kad viņi beidzot atrod tās vraku, viņu izmeklēšanā notiek negaidīts pavērsiens.

Starting: 10-09-2024 00:45:00

10-09-2024 01:30:00

When a flight to Tahiti crashes and kills everyone on board, investigators uncover an unexpected explanation for the crash.

Starting: 10-09-2024 01:30:00

10-09-2024 02:15:00

Trīs lidojumi piedzīvo katastrofālas datora kļūdas, kas liek izmeklētājiem meklēt pavedienus. Pieredzējusī lidsabiedrības Alitalia apkalpes komanda nezināmos apstākļos ietriec DC-9 lidmašīnu zemē tikai dažus kilometrus no Cīrihes skrejceļa. Ceļā no Singapūras uz Pērtu Qantas 72. reisa lidmašīna pēkšņi nokrīt Indijas okeāna virzienā. Venecuēlas turbopropelleru lidmašīnas piloti bez galvenā vadības instrumenta ietriecas kalna nogāzē.

Starting: 10-09-2024 02:15:00

10-09-2024 03:10:00

In this episode we learn how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself squeezing into small spaces, rally car racing, or getting into a hammock.

Starting: 10-09-2024 03:10:00

10-09-2024 03:30:00

Batten down the hatches and strap yourself in…World's Toughest Fixes is taking on a job that brings power to the people - assembling a giant wind turbine. Getting this monster machine off the ground means lifting three massive parts to the top of a 220 foot tower --- one weighing as much as an Abrams Tank - another whose combined length is as long as a football field. Prepare to be blown away by high winds, heavy loads and high wire rigging as the crew wrestles nature to deliver the dream of energy independence to the community of Portsmouth, Rhode Island.

Starting: 10-09-2024 03:30:00

10-09-2024 04:20:00

Riley heads to a diver's paradise in Curacao, but this underwater adventure is no vacation. He and a team of top-notch industrial divers are in for some serious heavy lifting - rigging and removing a 50-ton rudder from a massive iron ore carrier bound for China. Riley's a master rigger on land, but on this job he's a fish out of water. Running against the clock, with millions at stake, this is one the biggest underwater repair jobs ever attempted -- for Riley, it's perhaps his toughest fix yet.

Starting: 10-09-2024 04:20:00

10-09-2024 05:10:00

Sean Riley helps with a radioactive fix at a nuclear power plant, with one eye on the Geiger counter as the team installs a new hi-tech turbine.

Starting: 10-09-2024 05:10:00

10-09-2024 05:55:00

Sean Riley goes on a cruise in the Bahamas, but this is no ordinary trip as he races against time to fix an enormous, 90,000-ton cruise ship.

Starting: 10-09-2024 05:55:00

10-09-2024 06:45:00

Holivudas mežonīgo rietumu versija ir tīra fantāzija. Kāda tad īsti bija pierobežas dzīve? 19. gadsimta tvaikoņa vraks rāda šampanieša pārbagātību; kaujas lauks “Mazais Borns” izgaismo ģenerāļa Kustera sakāves iemeslus, un brūkošā Kalifornijas kalnrūpniecības pilsēta atklāj, ka liela daļa sabiedrības ir gandrīz aizmirsta.

Starting: 10-09-2024 06:45:00

10-09-2024 07:30:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 10-09-2024 07:30:00

10-09-2024 08:15:00

Kā leģendārie milzu megalodoni pārņēma varu pār okeāniem? Šajā sērijā pētīsim unikālu izrakumu vietu, lai izmeklētu šo mistēriju.

Starting: 10-09-2024 08:15:00

10-09-2024 09:00:00

Kā izmira Tasmanijas vilks? Šajā sērijā pētīsim unikālu izrakumu vietu Austrālijā, kas varētu palīdzēt atrisināt šo mistēriju.

Starting: 10-09-2024 09:00:00

10-09-2024 09:45:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 10-09-2024 09:45:00

10-09-2024 10:30:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 10-09-2024 10:30:00

10-09-2024 11:15:00

Ceļā uz Komodoru Patagonijas piekrastē SOL Airlines 5428. reisa lidmašīna nokrīt nomaļā tuksnesī, uzreiz nogalinot visus lidmašīnā esošos cilvēkus. Argentīnas izmeklētāji pārmeklē izkaisītās un apdegušās atlūzas un neatrod neko neparastu. Tas ir, līdz mikroskopisks atradums sniedz pirmo taustāmo pavedienu.

Starting: 10-09-2024 11:15:00

10-09-2024 12:00:00

Gandrīz tūlīt pēc pacelšanās no Kalifornijas lidostas ASV kravas lidmašīna ir spiesta veikt avārijas nosēšanos. Pilotiem izdodas tikt ar DC-8 lidaparātu tiktāl, ka jau ir redzams skrejceļš, taču bojātā lidmašīna nogāžas auto kapsētā vienu jūdzi uz austrumiem no lidostas.

Starting: 10-09-2024 12:00:00

10-09-2024 12:45:00

Indonēzijas izmeklētājiem ir jāatklāj, kāpēc Boeing 737 Max8, kas ir viena no vispieprasītākajām jaunajām lidmašīnām uz planētas, iekrita Javas jūrā.

Starting: 10-09-2024 12:45:00

10-09-2024 13:30:00

High in the Peruvian Andes, the 60-foot stone walls of Kuelap Fortress are filled with the bones of a vanished people called the Chachapoya. In 2007 over a hundred bodies were discovered, their bones desecrated and buried without reverence. Newly discovered scientific clues set the stage to unravel this ancient 'who done it' mystery.

Starting: 10-09-2024 13:30:00

10-09-2024 14:15:00

History is full of revolutions, industrial, sexual and the big one, political. And each one starts in a different way. Every once in a while, holding hands and singing can be more effective than tanks and barricades. But even if your cause and motives are pure to begin with, how can you still end up on the wrong side of history.

Starting: 10-09-2024 14:15:00

10-09-2024 15:00:00

Empires and lives have been won and lost over secrets kept and secrets revealed. We look at espionage; meeting spies from Delilah to Roald Dahl and along the way revealing the real model for James Bond. What does it take to make them successful? And how many people can know a secret before it isn’t secret anymore.

Starting: 10-09-2024 15:00:00

10-09-2024 15:45:00

Our modern world didn’t just happen it was invented through inspiration, perseverance and dumb luck. We learn that great inventors often build their ideas on the shoulders of those that went before or just steal them. And it’s not always clear who came up with every world changing invention, even TV.

Starting: 10-09-2024 15:45:00

10-09-2024 16:30:00

Throughout history, men and women have dedicated themselves to raking in as much wealth as possible; old money, new money, even blood money. But from Robber Barons to Mansa Musa of Mali; how did they get it and how did they spend it? And in the end, were they happier than the rest of us.

Starting: 10-09-2024 16:30:00

10-09-2024 17:15:00

Vēsture ir pilna ar noziedzniekiem, krāpniekiem un viltotājiem. Mēs aplūkojam interesantākos neliešus: no Ādama Vorta, kurš 19. gadsimtā iedvesmoja profesora Moriartija tēlu, līdz dārgakmeņu zaglei vārdā Dimantu Dorisa un "grāfam", kurš pārdeva Eifeļa torni lētticīgiem pircējiem... divreiz.

Starting: 10-09-2024 17:15:00

10-09-2024 18:00:00

Mēs aplūkojam vīriešus un sievietes, kuri ir kandidējuši un dažos gadījumos arī uzvarējuši un iekļuvuši Ovālajā kabinetā. Mēs tiekamies ar juristiem, kara varoņiem un krāpniekiem un atklājam, kurš ASV prezidents slēdza atomelektrostaciju avārijas vidū un kurš gandrīz tika apēsts. Kāda ir augstākā amata patiesā cena un kāpēc līdz šim viņi visi ir bijuši vīrieši.

Starting: 10-09-2024 18:00:00

10-09-2024 18:45:00

Empires and lives have been won and lost over secrets kept and secrets revealed. We look at espionage; meeting spies from Delilah to Roald Dahl and along the way revealing the real model for James Bond. What does it take to make them successful? And how many people can know a secret before it isn’t secret anymore.

Starting: 10-09-2024 18:45:00

10-09-2024 19:30:00

Throughout history, men and women have dedicated themselves to raking in as much wealth as possible; old money, new money, even blood money. But from Robber Barons to Mansa Musa of Mali; how did they get it and how did they spend it? And in the end, were they happier than the rest of us.

Starting: 10-09-2024 19:30:00

10-09-2024 20:15:00

History is full of revolutions, industrial, sexual and the big one, political. And each one starts in a different way. Every once in a while, holding hands and singing can be more effective than tanks and barricades. But even if your cause and motives are pure to begin with, how can you still end up on the wrong side of history.

Starting: 10-09-2024 20:15:00

10-09-2024 21:00:00

Holivudas mežonīgo rietumu versija ir tīra fantāzija. Kāda tad īsti bija pierobežas dzīve? 19. gadsimta tvaikoņa vraks rāda šampanieša pārbagātību; kaujas lauks “Mazais Borns” izgaismo ģenerāļa Kustera sakāves iemeslus, un brūkošā Kalifornijas kalnrūpniecības pilsēta atklāj, ka liela daļa sabiedrības ir gandrīz aizmirsta.

Starting: 10-09-2024 21:00:00

10-09-2024 21:45:00

Explore a world never seen before - a world hidden under miles of water, the landscape of the ocean bed. Combining the latest scientific data with state of the art CGI computer hardware we reveal some of the world's sunken mysteries. The Titanic, a WWII sunken battleship and the mysterious Flight 19 lost in the Bermuda Triangle. Using already aired episodes of Drain the Ocean we will be able to highlight each of these sunken treasures and tell their stories.

Starting: 10-09-2024 21:45:00

10-09-2024 22:30:00

Karmīns Galante bija mafijas boss, kas industrializēja narkotiku kontrabandu ASV. Viņš bija brutāls psihopāts, kas neļāva nekam stāties ceļā..

Starting: 10-09-2024 22:30:00

10-09-2024 23:15:00

Filadelfijas mafijas bosa Garā Džona Martorano uzplaukums un noriets, izveidojot 500 miljonus dolāru vērtu metamfetamīna impēriju; stāstu pirmo reizi atklāj viņa tuvākie līdzgaitnieki.

Starting: 10-09-2024 23:15:00

10-09-2024 23:15:00

Kolumbijas bēdīgi slavenais narkobarons Otoniels biedē pat visus citus narkobaronus. Viņš ir neizglītots zemnieks, kurš valda izolētajos Kolumbijas ziemeļaustrumu džungļos, izmantojot naudu, burvestības un mežonīgu vardarbību. Kad varasiestādes cenšas viņu sagūstīt, Otoniels nevis bēg, bet gan atkāpjas savas impērijas tumšajā sirdī, izraisot Kolumbijas vēsturē lielāko militāro medību sākumu.

Starting: 11-09-2024 00:00:00

11-09-2024 00:45:00

Ceļā uz Komodoru Patagonijas piekrastē SOL Airlines 5428. reisa lidmašīna nokrīt nomaļā tuksnesī, uzreiz nogalinot visus lidmašīnā esošos cilvēkus. Argentīnas izmeklētāji pārmeklē izkaisītās un apdegušās atlūzas un neatrod neko neparastu. Tas ir, līdz mikroskopisks atradums sniedz pirmo taustāmo pavedienu.

Starting: 11-09-2024 00:45:00

11-09-2024 04:30:00

Gandrīz tūlīt pēc pacelšanās no Kalifornijas lidostas ASV kravas lidmašīna ir spiesta veikt avārijas nosēšanos. Pilotiem izdodas tikt ar DC-8 lidaparātu tiktāl, ka jau ir redzams skrejceļš, taču bojātā lidmašīna nogāžas auto kapsētā vienu jūdzi uz austrumiem no lidostas.

Starting: 11-09-2024 04:30:00

11-09-2024 05:15:00

Indonēzijas izmeklētājiem ir jāatklāj, kāpēc Boeing 737 Max8, kas ir viena no vispieprasītākajām jaunajām lidmašīnām uz planētas, iekrita Javas jūrā.

Starting: 11-09-2024 05:15:00

11-09-2024 06:10:00

In this episode we learn just how many ways there are to humiliate yourself while doing yoga on a paddleboard, injure yourself playing with bo staffs, or do both with aerial silks.

Starting: 11-09-2024 06:10:00

11-09-2024 06:30:00

Grab your sunglasses… This week on World's Toughest Fixes we're going to harness the sun to drive the only operating solar reflective power tower in the United States. This show is definitely not for the superstitious as Riley joins a crew lifting two 65 ton boilers 160 feet up to two towers and suspending them above 24,000 mirrors… One slip up and it's going to be way more than seven years bad luck.

Starting: 11-09-2024 06:30:00

11-09-2024 07:20:00

It's Riley's biggest fix ever! A machine seventeen miles around - worth seven billion dollars! The Large Hadron Collider is the largest atom-smasher ever built - a colossal scientific instrument buried three hundred feet underground, spanning two countries, designed to recreate conditions a billionth of a second after the Big Bang. It could be our key to unlocking the secrets of the universe - except for one tiny thing: it's broken. Nine months ago the world watched as this mother of all atom-smashers almost self-destructed. Now Riley has an exclusive inside view - repairing the final critical component of the Large Hadron Collider and restarting the greatest scientific adventure since we landed a man on the Moon.

Starting: 11-09-2024 07:20:00

11-09-2024 08:05:00

From dangling from ropes high up in the air to diving beneath a shaky bridge, Sean Riley will try anything to complete his latest fixes.

Starting: 11-09-2024 08:05:00

11-09-2024 08:55:00

Riley joins engineers at the Paranal Observatory in Chile to move a 23-ton, $15-million mirror. If damaged, it will take six years to replace.

Starting: 11-09-2024 08:55:00

11-09-2024 09:45:00

The attack on Pearl Harbor took the US fleet by surprise and went down in history books. But draining the islands of Hawai?i using the latest scanning techniques not only reveals the advanced technology of secret Japanese subs and fighter planes that enabled the enemy to sink US battleships, but that the battle itself started far earlier and was far wider ranging than anyone ever knew before.

Starting: 11-09-2024 09:45:00

11-09-2024 10:30:00

From Indonesian tribes who mummify their dead relatives and live with them, to Tibetans who chop up their loved ones and feed their body parts to vultures, to Malaysian natives who dig up the dead bodies of their family members, EXPLORER looks at the world's most unusual approaches to dying, death and rituals of the corpse.

Starting: 11-09-2024 10:30:00

11-09-2024 11:15:00

In 2001, satellite imagery captured a mysterious “thermal anomaly” on an unexplored volcano at the ends of the earth. What lies inside could provide new clues to help predict volcanic eruptions around the globe. But the island is so remote… and conditions are so extreme… no one has ever been able to reach the top to investigate what lies inside. Until now.

Starting: 11-09-2024 11:15:00

11-09-2024 12:00:00

The New Air Force One: Flying Fortress follows the new presidential aircraft's creation, diving into how it transformed into a top-secret command center.

Starting: 11-09-2024 12:00:00

11-09-2024 12:40:00

In January 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 took off from New Yorks LaGuardia Airport en route to Charlotte, North Carolina. Within minutes a double bird strike destroyed both engines, and the crew made the terrifying decision to pitch the Airbus A320 into the Hudson River. Using intimate and emotive interviews as well as large-scale dramatic reconstructions, this program reveals that the crash was merely the beginning of the passengers fight for survival.

Starting: 11-09-2024 12:40:00

11-09-2024 13:25:00

Tuesday, September 11, , a temperate and nearly cloudless morning over the eastern United States. Millions of men and women ready themselves for work. Among them is an air traffic controller in Boston, Mass. Based on sheer intuition, he will break all protocol this morning, alerting the Air Force that a potential disaster is unfolding on his radar screen. Air Force Colonel Bob Marr, commander NEADS (North East Air Defense Sector] will scramble all he has to try and avert a catastrophe - but it will consist of only two F-15's that begin "searching for a needle in a haystack". Meanwhile, a group of 19 young men armed with simple box cutters literally fly under the radar into the World Trade Center , The Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field. From the viewpoint of these two key theaters of action, Air Traffic Control and the U.S. Air Force, "Seconds From Disaster: 9/11" deconstructs, second-by-second, the tragic events and security lapses that led to the worst attacks on American soil since Pearl Harbor. The episode contains chilling testimony from the Air Force Colonel Bob Marr , Air Traffic Controller Dave Bottiglia, Ben Sliney, the man who makes the call to ground all the planes in the air over the U.S. and John Farmer Senior Counsel for the Presidential Commission. The question has to be asked: even on the day, could 9/11 been stopped.

Starting: 11-09-2024 13:25:00

11-09-2024 14:15:00

US Air Flight #1493 (Boeing 737-300) & Skywest Flight #5569 (Fairchild Metroliner) February 1st, 1991 Its a busy night at Los Angeles International Airport, and US Air Flight #1493 is on its final approach. The pilots configure the 737 for landing and although they repeatedly radio the tower for instructions, their calls go unanswered. They finally get clearance just moments before landing, but within seconds of touching down, the aircraft erupts in flames and crashes into an abandoned building. Rescue workers rush to the scene, and as survivors emerge from the inferno, firefighters make a horrifying discovery... Can investigators determine what went wrong.

Starting: 11-09-2024 14:15:00

11-09-2024 15:00:00

February 12th, 2009 - Two hours behind schedule and nearing the end of its 53-minute trip from Newark, New Jersey, Continental Connections Flight #3407 is approaching Buffalo-Niagara International Airport. Flying through snow and strong winds, the pilots can see the lights of the city below, but as they extend the flaps to slow the plane, the control column suddenly starts to shake. It's a warning that the plane is about to stall. The captain struggles to keep the plane flying but the out-of-control aircraft suddenly plummets towards the ground and crashes into a suburban home. It is the worst US crash in more than 7 years, but with a raging fire consuming the wreckage, can investigators determine what went wrong.

Starting: 11-09-2024 15:00:00

11-09-2024 15:50:00

It is September 11th, 2001, and shortly after taking off from Washington DC, hijackers storm the cockpit of American Airlines Flight 77 and fly the plane into the Pentagon. The symbol of US military might is in flames. Meanwhile in New York City, jetliners have struck the two towers of the World Trade Center. The country is under attack, nearly 3,000 people are dead, and the FBI launches the largest investigation in American history.

Starting: 11-09-2024 15:50:00

11-09-2024 16:35:00

Phil Keoghan journeys to North Carolina to see the science behind Nascar racing. Jago Cooper explores a chilling new discovery of human sacrifice. Francesca Fiorentini investigates what DNA tests actually tell you. Tim Samuels reveals a new probiotic made from the human gut.

Starting: 11-09-2024 16:35:00

11-09-2024 17:20:00

Phil Keoghan journeys to the Moab Desert to unearth an ancient fossil of the dinosaur known as Dystrophaeus. Tim Samuels investigates declining sperm counts in the Western World. Mariana van Zeller is granted exclusive access to an underground smuggling tunnel in the Gaza Strip. Francesca Fiorentini uncovers the potential medicinal benefits of dirt.

Starting: 11-09-2024 17:20:00

11-09-2024 18:05:00

Phil Keoghan journeys to India to try his hand at an ancient form of martial arts. Gelareh Darabi explores new technology helping to detect deadly tornadoes. Ryan Duffy investigates the illegal logging of rosewood trees in Cambodia, and risky plight of environmental journalists bringing attention to the issue. Jago Cooper probes the intelligence of whales, and their ability to mimic humans.

Starting: 11-09-2024 18:05:00

11-09-2024 18:45:00

Phil Keoghan journeys to Spain to immerse himself in the world of the "castellers," who build human towers. Sal Masakela explores the risks of the cash only marijuana business. Mariana van Zeller investigates growing tension between grizzlies and humans. We examine why the color blue is rare in animals.

Starting: 11-09-2024 18:45:00

11-09-2024 19:30:00

Phil Keoghan journeys into Nicaragua's Masaya Volcano. Sal Masekela rides with the Light Riders in Tanzania, who are bringing electricity to remote villages. Mariana van Zeller investigates high-tech breakthroughs in cloning, Gelareh Darabi goes inside the bizarre world of high-end nuclear disaster bunkers.

Starting: 11-09-2024 19:30:00

11-09-2024 20:15:00

Phil Keoghan journeys to the India/Pakistan border, where an unexpected border ceremony takes place daily. Tim Samuels gets a firsthand look into tensions between humans and an expanding saltwater crocodile population in Australia. Mariana van Zeller investigates wrongly issued Red Notices. Albert Lin learns about communication amongst trees via the "wood wide web.

Starting: 11-09-2024 20:15:00

11-09-2024 21:00:00

Pitch problems lead to catastrophic impacts that leave little evidence behind. Alaska Airlines 261 nosedives into the Pacific leaving investigators stumped . A rare storm and a deadly design flaw intersect causing American Eagle 4184 to fall from the sky. And, investigators suspect a fatal flaw in the Boeing 737 but it will take several similar disasters before they can figure it out.

Starting: 11-09-2024 21:00:00

11-09-2024 21:45:00

It is September 11th, 2001, and shortly after taking off from Washington DC, hijackers storm the cockpit of American Airlines Flight 77 and fly the plane into the Pentagon. The symbol of US military might is in flames. Meanwhile in New York City, jetliners have struck the two towers of the World Trade Center. The country is under attack, nearly 3,000 people are dead, and the FBI launches the largest investigation in American history.

Starting: 11-09-2024 21:45:00

11-09-2024 22:30:00

4500 planes are in the air over North America on the morning of September 11, 2001. After four horrifying crashes, no one knows if any other aircraft might be highjacked by terrorists, about to commit further acts of destruction. Where can 4500 planes, and thousands of passengers, safely land? And which might be Al-Qaeda missiles? At that very moment, 500 planes are westbound toward the US. 233 turn back to where they came from, but 167 are past the point of no return. And there is one tiny place on the map that has eyes on them all: Gander, Newfoundland. The lives of 45,000 people over the Atlantic are now in the hands of small team of air traffic controllers in remote, rural Gander, population 10,000. These unsung ATC heroes from a draw on their skills, experience and raw talent to together achieve the impossible, landing 167 planes in three hours without a single incident.

Starting: 11-09-2024 22:30:00

11-09-2024 23:15:00

Baiļu un nelaimju diena turpinās, kad uzbrukumu piedzīvo arī Pentagons, tiek nolaupīts 93. reiss un sabrūk Dienvidu tornis.

Starting: 11-09-2024 23:15:00

11-09-2024 23:55:00

The attack on Pearl Harbor took the US fleet by surprise and went down in history books. But draining the islands of Hawai?i using the latest scanning techniques not only reveals the advanced technology of secret Japanese subs and fighter planes that enabled the enemy to sink US battleships, but that the battle itself started far earlier and was far wider ranging than anyone ever knew before.

Starting: 11-09-2024 23:55:00

12-09-2024 00:40:00

Tālajos ziemeļos, mežonīgā zemē ar neizmantotām bagātībām, kur Austrumi satiekas ar Rietumiem, leģendārā kuģa spoku medības Aļaskā atklāj Amerikas Savienoto Valstu nostūri, kas kādreiz bija pazīstams kā "Krievu Amerika". Un pēc 150 gadiem jauni pavedieni ved uz traģiskās amerikāņu flotes kapsētu, par kuru daudzi uzskatīja, ka tā nekad netiks atrasta.

Starting: 12-09-2024 00:40:00

12-09-2024 01:30:00

Henrijs Hils bija tikai zemas raudzes mafijas loceklis. Bet viņa arests 1980. gadā par narkotiku tirdzniecību noveda pie mafijas bagātākā grupējuma sabrukuma..

Starting: 12-09-2024 01:30:00

12-09-2024 02:15:00

1980. gados Ņujorkā Džons Goti nogalina Gambino noziedzīgās ģimenes bosu, lai aizsargātu savu narkotiku impēriju, šādi pārkāpjot mafijas svētāko likumu un kļūstot par bēdīgi slaveno "Teflona donu".

Starting: 12-09-2024 02:15:00

12-09-2024 03:00:00

Narkotiku apkarošanas administrācijas slepenais aģents "Frenks" iefiltrējas slavenā Kolumbijas narkotiku karteļa La Oficina de Envigado organizācijā un izseko naudu līdz pat Jordānijai, kur atklāj, ka kartelis sadarbojas ar Hezbollah. Operācija "Titāns" iznīcina karteli "La Oficina", dodot starta šāvienu desmit gadus ilgajā kampaņā pret Hezbollah kokaīna kontrabandu.

Starting: 12-09-2024 03:00:00

12-09-2024 03:40:00

US Air Flight #1493 (Boeing 737-300) & Skywest Flight #5569 (Fairchild Metroliner) February 1st, 1991 Its a busy night at Los Angeles International Airport, and US Air Flight #1493 is on its final approach. The pilots configure the 737 for landing and although they repeatedly radio the tower for instructions, their calls go unanswered. They finally get clearance just moments before landing, but within seconds of touching down, the aircraft erupts in flames and crashes into an abandoned building. Rescue workers rush to the scene, and as survivors emerge from the inferno, firefighters make a horrifying discovery... Can investigators determine what went wrong.

Starting: 12-09-2024 03:40:00

12-09-2024 04:30:00

February 12th, 2009 - Two hours behind schedule and nearing the end of its 53-minute trip from Newark, New Jersey, Continental Connections Flight #3407 is approaching Buffalo-Niagara International Airport. Flying through snow and strong winds, the pilots can see the lights of the city below, but as they extend the flaps to slow the plane, the control column suddenly starts to shake. It's a warning that the plane is about to stall. The captain struggles to keep the plane flying but the out-of-control aircraft suddenly plummets towards the ground and crashes into a suburban home. It is the worst US crash in more than 7 years, but with a raging fire consuming the wreckage, can investigators determine what went wrong.

Starting: 12-09-2024 04:30:00

12-09-2024 05:15:00

It is September 11th, 2001, and shortly after taking off from Washington DC, hijackers storm the cockpit of American Airlines Flight 77 and fly the plane into the Pentagon. The symbol of US military might is in flames. Meanwhile in New York City, jetliners have struck the two towers of the World Trade Center. The country is under attack, nearly 3,000 people are dead, and the FBI launches the largest investigation in American history.

Starting: 12-09-2024 05:15:00

12-09-2024 06:00:00

In this episode we learn all about the science behind bob sledding, the dangers of the standing backflip and the ways you can hurt and humiliate yourself sitting on a swegway.

Starting: 12-09-2024 06:00:00

12-09-2024 06:20:00

Riley buys a ticket and joins the crowd. A million commuters… scurrying to and from work… It's a typical day in the fifth largest mass transit system in the USA… and there's a train due somewhere every few seconds. Behind the scenes, the action is even more frantic as thousands of workers struggle to keep this huge system up and running 24/7. Transit controllers, operators, mechanics, electricians, communications experts… all working to monitor, co-ordinate and repair, the thousands of trains, buses, and trolleys that make up this incredibly complex transport matrix.

Starting: 12-09-2024 06:20:00

12-09-2024 07:10:00

World's Toughest Fixes is going to new heights … tackling fixes that can't be reached by ladder, lift or crane. From the top of the Hoover Dam … to the cliffs near Niagara Falls … Riley's going to join the workers who take on the ultimate death-defying jobs. He'll help replace an old shock absorber way out over the edge of Las Vegas's tallest building … patch a turbine blade hundreds of feet above the ground … and clear away rocks on a cliff face that overlooks the one of the world's most famous falls. One thing's for sure - working at such extreme heights will give Riley a new appreciation for standing on solid ground.

Starting: 12-09-2024 07:10:00

12-09-2024 08:00:00

Host Sean Riley toils alongside some of the world's top engineers and mechanics to show how impossible fixes are accomplished against all odds.

Starting: 12-09-2024 08:00:00

12-09-2024 08:45:00

Sean Riley and a crew of 100 shut down the Trans-Alaska pipeline for a major fix that involves highly explosive and dangerous crude oil.

Starting: 12-09-2024 08:45:00

12-09-2024 09:35:00

When Mt. Vesuvius erupted 2000 years ago, it buried the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Today new discoveries are revealing a detailed timeline of the final heart-breaking moments of the citizens trapped in its aftermath. Archaeologists are finding that many of those who didn’t survive belong to a previously hidden world of enslaved peoples, a forgotten class of ordinary people vital to ancient Roman society.

Starting: 12-09-2024 09:35:00

12-09-2024 10:20:00

On this episode, Antinarcotics officials at Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima, Peru, face a potentially dramatic situation: a woman is arrested trying to smuggle cocaine while traveling with her two young children. Also, the detention of an elderly man reveals that drug cartels are looking for new carrier profiles. A young woman breaks down into tears when she is detained for what is apparently illegal trafficking, while a young man who was formerly imprisoned for drug trafficking in the United Arab Emirates raises the agents' suspicions, who decide to interrogate him.At the loading docks, a typical Peruvian handicraft turns out to be the package of a pilot drug shipment, and a Chinese citizen who tried to evade security controls to traffic maca bulbs must face the consequences of his actions.

Starting: 12-09-2024 10:20:00

12-09-2024 11:05:00

Security teams at Lima, Peru's airport work 24-7 to stop illegal activity. The biggest threat: cocaine smuggling. A US citizen is caught with cocaine - and her story doesn't add up. A woman with cocaine in her suitcase comes clean and a police sting nets another suspect. A Japanese karaoke star is carrying more than music. A carrier implicates her mom. A false positive.

Starting: 12-09-2024 11:05:00

12-09-2024 11:50:00

Limā, Peru, Horhes Čavesa starptautiskajā lidostā narkotiku apkarošanas policija smagi strādā, lai novērstu narkotiku izvešanu no valsts. Aģenti steidzas atrast aizdomās turamo, kas atklāts neierastā vietā. Augstprātīga kontrabandista ar impregnētu čemodānu bagāža ir divreiz lielāka par paredzēto. Jauns vīrietis narkotikas ir norijis un piestiprinājis pie ķermeņa. Atkarība — bet tikai no kafijas. Kokaīns ieslēpts zem ziemas jakas. Kokaīns apslēpts mehāniskās detaļās.

Starting: 12-09-2024 11:50:00

12-09-2024 12:35:00

In California, Homeland Security Investigations tracks a car loaded with cocaine. After a driver swap, agents follow the smugglers to a stash house near a school. Customs and Border Patrol in Philly finds packages of counterfeit cash, unknown pills, and ketamine hidden in an ottoman. And at the Rio Grande Valley port of entry, steroids and counterfeit sneakers are stopped from crossing.

Starting: 12-09-2024 12:35:00

12-09-2024 13:15:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 12-09-2024 13:15:00

12-09-2024 14:00:00

January 20th, 1992 High over Frances mountainous Alsace region, Air Inter Flight #148 starts its descent towards Strasbourg airport. An Airbus A320, the aircraft is the worlds first to rely mainly on computerized commands to control it, and while its autopilot had been programmed to land on a specific runway, high winds and poor winter weather mean the pilots must take over the controls to land on another runway. Slightly off course, a controller guides the pilots as they prepare to make a visual landing. But as they descend through the clouds, the aircraft suddenly rips through the treetops below and slams into the side of a mountain. Can rescuers locate the survivors in time? And can investigators figure out what caused the crash.

Starting: 12-09-2024 14:00:00

12-09-2024 14:50:00

Līča kara laikā degvielas uzpildes misijā ASV gaisa spēku tankerlidmašīna pazaudē divus dzinējus. Apkalpe cenšas aizlidot ar lidmašīnu līdz Džidai Sauda Arābijā bez radio saziņas. Militārā izmeklētāja uzdevums ir noskaidrot, vai iespaidīgo sprādzienu izraisīja mehānisks bojājums vai karadarbība.

Starting: 12-09-2024 14:50:00

12-09-2024 15:35:00

Transportējot naftas iekārtas uz Nigēriju, Transair kargo lidmašīna spēcīgā turbulencē lido virs Francijas Alpiem, kad to satricina eksplozija, uzspridzinot abus labā spārna motorus. Pūloties kontrolēt savu savainoto Boeing 707, kad gaisa kuģī palēnām ieplūst ugunsgrēks, apkalpe vada nāvi apsteidzošu piezemēšanos. Un pēc tam izmeklētājiem ir jāatklāj mikroskopisks, bet nāvējošs trūkums.

Starting: 12-09-2024 15:35:00

12-09-2024 16:15:00

The Anti-Narcotics police at El Dorado International Airport arrest a man who claims he was scammed when found with a briefcase full of cocaine.

Starting: 12-09-2024 16:15:00

12-09-2024 17:00:00

Pretnarkotiku policija aiztur divas uz Ķīnu braucošas sievietes, kurām ir trīs portatīvie datori, kas nav tādi, kādi tie šķiet. Prasmīgi paslēptas datoru korpusos ir iepakojumi ar kokaīnu. Spriedze pieaug, kad viens no pasažieriem pazūd, sarežģot visu operāciju. Viens pasažieris, kurš apgalvo, ka devies uz Bogotu, lai apciemotu savu jaundzimušo meitu, raisa policijas aizdomas, un viņa bagāžā tiek atrasts kokaīns.

Starting: 12-09-2024 17:00:00

12-09-2024 17:45:00

Pretnarkotiku vienības darbinieki izjauca viena pasažiera plānu, kurš mēģināja mainīt savu jau reģistrēto bagāžu pret citu, ko piegādāja viņa līdzdalībnieks un kurā bija 19 kilogrami kokainas. Cits pasažieris tika aizturēts kokainas kontrabandā, izmantojot jaunu tehnoloģiju, ko sauc par "gumijas narkotikām", kas sastāv no kokainas maisīšanas ar materiālu, no kura koferis ir izgatavots. Starp citu, imigrācijas amatpersonām ir jārisina neierasts gadījums, kad 17 gadus veca pusaudze cenšas izbraukt no valsts ar savu 42 gadus veco draugu, iesniedzot viltotu dokumentu.

Starting: 12-09-2024 17:45:00

12-09-2024 18:30:00

A new season of Airport Security Colombia and things are busy for the Anti-Narcotics Police as they try to stop their country's most infamous export; cocaine. The task is not easy, and in this episode, they must figure out if a man is smuggling drugs inside hair products. The drama never stops when smugglers risks their life injesting capsules filled with drugs like in the heart-breaking story of a mother who would risk it all for her kids.

Starting: 12-09-2024 18:30:00

12-09-2024 19:15:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 12-09-2024 19:15:00

12-09-2024 20:00:00

Homeland Security Investigations conducts an operation to crack-down on counterfeit goods leading to a large seizure in Kansas City and the raid of an apartment filled with thousands of sneakers in Cali, Colombia. In Newark, CBP receives intel about a passenger traveling to Greece with two suitcases filled with $200k worth of marijuana. CBP finds cocaine inside the bumper of a vehicle in Texas.

Starting: 12-09-2024 20:00:00

12-09-2024 20:45:00

By day, maritime authorities conduct high-stakes operations, disrupting the drug trade's resources. As the night falls, relentless chases unfold against traffickers and smugglers. Humanitarian crises intensify under the cover of darkness. Yet, the discovery of an explosive in the port is anything but routine, adding a suspenseful twist to the unfolding drama on the high seas.

Starting: 12-09-2024 20:45:00

12-09-2024 21:30:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 12-09-2024 21:30:00

12-09-2024 22:15:00

Homeland Security Investigations conducts an operation to crack-down on counterfeit goods leading to a large seizure in Kansas City and the raid of an apartment filled with thousands of sneakers in Cali, Colombia. In Newark, CBP receives intel about a passenger traveling to Greece with two suitcases filled with $200k worth of marijuana. CBP finds cocaine inside the bumper of a vehicle in Texas.

Starting: 12-09-2024 22:15:00

12-09-2024 22:55:00

By day, maritime authorities conduct high-stakes operations, disrupting the drug trade's resources. As the night falls, relentless chases unfold against traffickers and smugglers. Humanitarian crises intensify under the cover of darkness. Yet, the discovery of an explosive in the port is anything but routine, adding a suspenseful twist to the unfolding drama on the high seas.

Starting: 12-09-2024 22:55:00

12-09-2024 23:40:00