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It is September 11th, 2001, and shortly after taking off from Washington DC, hijackers storm the cockpit of American Airlines Flight 77 and fly the plane into the Pentagon. The symbol of US military might is in flames. Meanwhile in New York City, jetliners have struck the two towers of the World Trade Center. The country is under attack, nearly 3,000 people are dead, and the FBI launches the largest investigation in American history.

Starting: 14-09-2024 05:15:00

14-09-2024 06:00:00

Saskaroties ar tālo ziemeļu ekstremālajiem apstākļiem, trīs lidmašīnas piedzīvojušas avāriju, liekot izmeklētājiem mēģināt noskaidrot cēloni.

Starting: 14-09-2024 05:15:00

14-09-2024 06:00:00

In this episode we learn all about the science behind bob sledding, the dangers of the standing backflip and the ways you can hurt and humiliate yourself sitting on a swegway.

Starting: 14-09-2024 06:00:00

14-09-2024 06:20:00

In this episode we learn how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself with blindfolds, punchbags or riding an inflatable down a waterslide.

Starting: 14-09-2024 06:10:00

14-09-2024 06:30:00

Riley buys a ticket and joins the crowd. A million commuters… scurrying to and from work… It's a typical day in the fifth largest mass transit system in the USA… and there's a train due somewhere every few seconds. Behind the scenes, the action is even more frantic as thousands of workers struggle to keep this huge system up and running 24/7. Transit controllers, operators, mechanics, electricians, communications experts… all working to monitor, co-ordinate and repair, the thousands of trains, buses, and trolleys that make up this incredibly complex transport matrix.

Starting: 14-09-2024 06:20:00

14-09-2024 07:10:00

Šajā sērijā mēs uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, braucot ar mopēdu uz viena riteņa, lecot ūdenī uz galvas vai cilājot hanteles.

Starting: 14-09-2024 06:25:00

14-09-2024 06:45:00

Šajā sērijā mēs uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, braucot ar mopēdu uz viena riteņa, lecot ūdenī uz galvas vai cilājot hanteles.

Starting: 14-09-2024 06:30:00

14-09-2024 06:55:00

Richard Hammond stands atop on the Wembley roof, in front of its record breaking arch to discover the Engineering Connections behind the new high tech home of English football. Richard reveals how the architects and engineers, under pressure to maintain Wembley's iconic status as a world class sporting and music venue, drew inspiration from a rock climbing knot, the first glider to carry a man, a high powered medieval crossbow, stealth aircraft technology and Archimedes' buoyancy theory that surfaced over two thousand years ago.

Starting: 14-09-2024 06:45:00

14-09-2024 07:35:00

Richard Hammond stands atop on the Wembley roof, in front of its record breaking arch to discover the Engineering Connections behind the new high tech home of English football. Richard reveals how the architects and engineers, under pressure to maintain Wembley's iconic status as a world class sporting and music venue, drew inspiration from a rock climbing knot, the first glider to carry a man, a high powered medieval crossbow, stealth aircraft technology and Archimedes' buoyancy theory that surfaced over two thousand years ago.

Starting: 14-09-2024 06:55:00

14-09-2024 07:40:00

World's Toughest Fixes is going to new heights … tackling fixes that can't be reached by ladder, lift or crane. From the top of the Hoover Dam … to the cliffs near Niagara Falls … Riley's going to join the workers who take on the ultimate death-defying jobs. He'll help replace an old shock absorber way out over the edge of Las Vegas's tallest building … patch a turbine blade hundreds of feet above the ground … and clear away rocks on a cliff face that overlooks the one of the world's most famous falls. One thing's for sure - working at such extreme heights will give Riley a new appreciation for standing on solid ground.

Starting: 14-09-2024 07:10:00

14-09-2024 08:00:00

Richard Hammond climbs to the top of Sydney's iconic Opera House to unlock the Engineering Connections behind one of the most instantly recognizable buildings in the world. He reveals how an architect's sketch, rejected by the design competition jury, was transformed into concrete and glass through trail-blazing building techniques inspired by a First World War gas mask, a set of false teeth, a collapsible puppet toy, an Ancient Pharaoh's chest and a 19th century sailing ship.

Starting: 14-09-2024 07:35:00

14-09-2024 08:25:00

Richard Hammond climbs to the top of Sydney's iconic Opera House to unlock the Engineering Connections behind one of the most instantly recognizable buildings in the world. He reveals how an architect's sketch, rejected by the design competition jury, was transformed into concrete and glass through trail-blazing building techniques inspired by a First World War gas mask, a set of false teeth, a collapsible puppet toy, an Ancient Pharaoh's chest and a 19th century sailing ship.

Starting: 14-09-2024 07:40:00

14-09-2024 08:30:00

Host Sean Riley toils alongside some of the world's top engineers and mechanics to show how impossible fixes are accomplished against all odds.

Starting: 14-09-2024 08:00:00

14-09-2024 08:45:00

Richard Hammond reveals the startling engineering connections behind Hong Kong International Airport, one of the busiest and biggest in the world, sited on a specially constructed island. Then the world's largest construction project it drew inspiration from a 13th Century Arab irrigation machine to create new land, and a WWII bomber and car suspension to make the terminal building light, airy and typhoon-proof. To reduce lost baggage designers turned to a bizarre Cold War spy device and a brass band was the proof of a crucial scientific principle which protects pilots from wind shear, all resulting in the new gateway to Asia.

Starting: 14-09-2024 08:25:00

14-09-2024 09:15:00

Richard Hammond reveals the startling engineering connections behind Hong Kong International Airport, one of the busiest and biggest in the world, sited on a specially constructed island. Then the world's largest construction project it drew inspiration from a 13th Century Arab irrigation machine to create new land, and a WWII bomber and car suspension to make the terminal building light, airy and typhoon-proof. To reduce lost baggage designers turned to a bizarre Cold War spy device and a brass band was the proof of a crucial scientific principle which protects pilots from wind shear, all resulting in the new gateway to Asia.

Starting: 14-09-2024 08:30:00

14-09-2024 09:20:00

Sean Riley and a crew of 100 shut down the Trans-Alaska pipeline for a major fix that involves highly explosive and dangerous crude oil.

Starting: 14-09-2024 08:45:00

14-09-2024 09:35:00

Richard Hammond reveals the engineering inspirations behind the tallest road bridge in the world - the Millau Viaduct, in France. He fires three quarters of a million volts from his finger tips to see how the power of lightning cut the steel structure quickly and accurately. The huge piers - 340 metres high, and which would look down on the Eiffel Tower - were positioned to millimetre accuracy with the system that located lost nuclear submarines. The longest road-deck in the world was launched along the top of the piers - and required the slipperiest substance known to man - Teflon; not even a gecko can stick to it. Steel cables hold the bridge in shape - born of a series of mining accidents. And to allow the bridge to expand a metre and a half in the summer sun the engineers turned to an ancient Celtic boat-building technique which can make concrete as bendy as wood.

Starting: 14-09-2024 09:15:00

14-09-2024 10:00:00

Richard Hammond reveals the engineering inspirations behind the tallest road bridge in the world - the Millau Viaduct, in France. He fires three quarters of a million volts from his finger tips to see how the power of lightning cut the steel structure quickly and accurately. The huge piers - 340 metres high, and which would look down on the Eiffel Tower - were positioned to millimetre accuracy with the system that located lost nuclear submarines. The longest road-deck in the world was launched along the top of the piers - and required the slipperiest substance known to man - Teflon; not even a gecko can stick to it. Steel cables hold the bridge in shape - born of a series of mining accidents. And to allow the bridge to expand a metre and a half in the summer sun the engineers turned to an ancient Celtic boat-building technique which can make concrete as bendy as wood.

Starting: 14-09-2024 09:20:00

14-09-2024 10:05:00

When Mt. Vesuvius erupted 2000 years ago, it buried the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Today new discoveries are revealing a detailed timeline of the final heart-breaking moments of the citizens trapped in its aftermath. Archaeologists are finding that many of those who didn’t survive belong to a previously hidden world of enslaved peoples, a forgotten class of ordinary people vital to ancient Roman society.

Starting: 14-09-2024 09:35:00

14-09-2024 10:20:00

Journey to the Earth's Core takes us from the sidewalk to the center of the planet in one epic unbroken shot. Using spectacular computer generated imagery we smash through four thousand miles of solid rock to explore the hidden world beneath our feet. We experience an earthquake inside the San Andreas Fault, blast out of a volcano, encounter bizarre cave-dwelling creatures and enter caves full of giant crystals - all inside our planet. As we descend we piece together our planet's extraordinary story, layer by layer, discovering how prehistoric forests became modern-day fuel, witnessing the dinosaurs' cataclysmic death, and watching as stalactites form and gold grows before our eyes. Deeper, beyond the reach of any mine, any drill, we find wonders beyond imagination: towering molten metal tornadoes, forests of solid iron crystals, until we reach the strangest, least understood place on the planet - the core.

Starting: 14-09-2024 10:00:00

14-09-2024 11:35:00

Journey to the Earth's Core takes us from the sidewalk to the center of the planet in one epic unbroken shot. Using spectacular computer generated imagery we smash through four thousand miles of solid rock to explore the hidden world beneath our feet. We experience an earthquake inside the San Andreas Fault, blast out of a volcano, encounter bizarre cave-dwelling creatures and enter caves full of giant crystals - all inside our planet. As we descend we piece together our planet's extraordinary story, layer by layer, discovering how prehistoric forests became modern-day fuel, witnessing the dinosaurs' cataclysmic death, and watching as stalactites form and gold grows before our eyes. Deeper, beyond the reach of any mine, any drill, we find wonders beyond imagination: towering molten metal tornadoes, forests of solid iron crystals, until we reach the strangest, least understood place on the planet - the core.

Starting: 14-09-2024 10:05:00

14-09-2024 11:35:00

On this episode, Antinarcotics officials at Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima, Peru, face a potentially dramatic situation: a woman is arrested trying to smuggle cocaine while traveling with her two young children. Also, the detention of an elderly man reveals that drug cartels are looking for new carrier profiles. A young woman breaks down into tears when she is detained for what is apparently illegal trafficking, while a young man who was formerly imprisoned for drug trafficking in the United Arab Emirates raises the agents' suspicions, who decide to interrogate him.At the loading docks, a typical Peruvian handicraft turns out to be the package of a pilot drug shipment, and a Chinese citizen who tried to evade security controls to traffic maca bulbs must face the consequences of his actions.

Starting: 14-09-2024 10:20:00

14-09-2024 11:05:00

Security teams at Lima, Peru's airport work 24-7 to stop illegal activity. The biggest threat: cocaine smuggling. A US citizen is caught with cocaine - and her story doesn't add up. A woman with cocaine in her suitcase comes clean and a police sting nets another suspect. A Japanese karaoke star is carrying more than music. A carrier implicates her mom. A false positive.

Starting: 14-09-2024 11:05:00

14-09-2024 11:50:00

In 2001, satellite imagery captured a mysterious “thermal anomaly” on an unexplored volcano at the ends of the earth. What lies inside could provide new clues to help predict volcanic eruptions around the globe. But the island is so remote… and conditions are so extreme… no one has ever been able to reach the top to investigate what lies inside. Until now.

Starting: 14-09-2024 11:35:00

14-09-2024 12:20:00

Limā, Peru, Horhes Čavesa starptautiskajā lidostā narkotiku apkarošanas policija smagi strādā, lai novērstu narkotiku izvešanu no valsts. Aģenti steidzas atrast aizdomās turamo, kas atklāts neierastā vietā. Augstprātīga kontrabandista ar impregnētu čemodānu bagāža ir divreiz lielāka par paredzēto. Jauns vīrietis narkotikas ir norijis un piestiprinājis pie ķermeņa. Atkarība — bet tikai no kafijas. Kokaīns ieslēpts zem ziemas jakas. Kokaīns apslēpts mehāniskās detaļās.

Starting: 14-09-2024 11:50:00

14-09-2024 12:35:00

March 16th, 1978 : the Amoco Cadiz, a supertanker loaded with 220 000 tons of petrol, runs aground the rocks of Portsall, in Brittany, France. The accident causes the biggest oil spill France has ever known, and is still today known as one of the 20th century’s biggest ecological catastrophes. 40 years later, what’s left of the Amoco Cadiz trauma ? Loïck Peyron, a worldwide-known sailor and sea-lover, is coming back to the tragedy’s epicenter to understand how nature recovered from the catastrophe and what lessons were learnt from it.

Starting: 14-09-2024 12:20:00

14-09-2024 13:05:00

In California, Homeland Security Investigations tracks a car loaded with cocaine. After a driver swap, agents follow the smugglers to a stash house near a school. Customs and Border Patrol in Philly finds packages of counterfeit cash, unknown pills, and ketamine hidden in an ottoman. And at the Rio Grande Valley port of entry, steroids and counterfeit sneakers are stopped from crossing.

Starting: 14-09-2024 12:35:00

14-09-2024 13:15:00

The team is in the Azores to tag a deep-sea giant — the sixgill shark — and learn more about its nightly patterns on the hunt for food in the abyss. For the first time ever, the team tags and retrieves valuable data, uncovering the secrets of why this prehistoric shark undertakes its epic journey from the depths at night.

Starting: 14-09-2024 13:05:00

14-09-2024 13:40:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 14-09-2024 13:15:00

14-09-2024 14:00:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 14-09-2024 13:40:00

14-09-2024 14:15:00

January 20th, 1992 High over Frances mountainous Alsace region, Air Inter Flight #148 starts its descent towards Strasbourg airport. An Airbus A320, the aircraft is the worlds first to rely mainly on computerized commands to control it, and while its autopilot had been programmed to land on a specific runway, high winds and poor winter weather mean the pilots must take over the controls to land on another runway. Slightly off course, a controller guides the pilots as they prepare to make a visual landing. But as they descend through the clouds, the aircraft suddenly rips through the treetops below and slams into the side of a mountain. Can rescuers locate the survivors in time? And can investigators figure out what caused the crash.

Starting: 14-09-2024 14:00:00

14-09-2024 14:50:00

Pēc tam, kad ir konstatēts, ka tikuši pārkāpti vitāli svarīgi drošības pasākumi, šo šausminošo aviokatastrofu iespaidā visā pasaulē tiek būtiski mainīta lidostas drošības kontrole. Pasažieru lidmašīna tiek iznīcināta Kalifornijas kalnos, un izmeklētāji atrod pierādījumus lidmašīnas vrakā. Lidmašīna 747 eksplodē virs Atlantijas okeāna. Pēc standarta nolaišanās reģionālā reisa lidmašīnu Taivānā pārņem liesmas.

Starting: 14-09-2024 14:15:00

14-09-2024 15:00:00

Līča kara laikā degvielas uzpildes misijā ASV gaisa spēku tankerlidmašīna pazaudē divus dzinējus. Apkalpe cenšas aizlidot ar lidmašīnu līdz Džidai Sauda Arābijā bez radio saziņas. Militārā izmeklētāja uzdevums ir noskaidrot, vai iespaidīgo sprādzienu izraisīja mehānisks bojājums vai karadarbība.

Starting: 14-09-2024 14:50:00

14-09-2024 15:35:00

Apjukušas, aklas un pazudušas tumsā - trīs apkalpes pazaudē skatu uz horizontu un iekrīt vienās nāvējošās lamatās.

Starting: 14-09-2024 15:00:00

14-09-2024 15:45:00

Transportējot naftas iekārtas uz Nigēriju, Transair kargo lidmašīna spēcīgā turbulencē lido virs Francijas Alpiem, kad to satricina eksplozija, uzspridzinot abus labā spārna motorus. Pūloties kontrolēt savu savainoto Boeing 707, kad gaisa kuģī palēnām ieplūst ugunsgrēks, apkalpe vada nāvi apsteidzošu piezemēšanos. Un pēc tam izmeklētājiem ir jāatklāj mikroskopisks, bet nāvējošs trūkums.

Starting: 14-09-2024 15:35:00

14-09-2024 16:15:00

Pēc parasta vienas stundas lidojuma no Mineapoles Northwest Airlink reiss Nr. 5719 avarē Minesotas ziemeļos, un bojā iet visi pasažieri un apkalpe. Izmeklētāji izjūt milzu spiedienu atrast katastrofas iemeslu. Pilotu kabīnes balss ieraksts rada satraucošus jautājumus par pilota pieredzes trūkumu. Taču, izmeklētājiem veicot rūpīgāku izpēti, viņi atklāj satraucošu neatbilstīgas rīcības modeli, kas noveda pie kļūmes cilvēku sadarbībā.

Starting: 14-09-2024 15:45:00

14-09-2024 16:30:00

The Anti-Narcotics police at El Dorado International Airport arrest a man who claims he was scammed when found with a briefcase full of cocaine.

Starting: 14-09-2024 16:15:00

14-09-2024 17:00:00

This episode takes us around the globe from Pucallpa in Peru, to Stephenville Texas in the United States and onto Bass Strait in Australia. In this episode, strange lights aloft are linked to rumoured gruesome deaths on the ground; F16 fighters appear to chase a UFO heading straight for a US Presidential retreat and a young Australian pilot disappears mid-flight over the sea after reporting a strange craft dancing around his light aircraft.

Starting: 14-09-2024 16:30:00

14-09-2024 17:15:00

Pretnarkotiku policija aiztur divas uz Ķīnu braucošas sievietes, kurām ir trīs portatīvie datori, kas nav tādi, kādi tie šķiet. Prasmīgi paslēptas datoru korpusos ir iepakojumi ar kokaīnu. Spriedze pieaug, kad viens no pasažieriem pazūd, sarežģot visu operāciju. Viens pasažieris, kurš apgalvo, ka devies uz Bogotu, lai apciemotu savu jaundzimušo meitu, raisa policijas aizdomas, un viņa bagāžā tiek atrasts kokaīns.

Starting: 14-09-2024 17:00:00

14-09-2024 17:45:00

Reports of unexplained lights in the sky have appeared throughout history and from all over the globe. This episode of Invasion Earth starts on the East Coast of the US in 1965 following a reported crash landing, before moving to Europe to examine a strange light streaking across the skies of Spain and Portugal as recently as 2004. Finally we return to the 1960s, but this time to delve into a Southeast Asian UFO mystery in war-torn Vietnam. One man tells of his disturbing experience of a mysterious light appearing over a military base, which seems to knock out the camp's electricity.

Starting: 14-09-2024 17:15:00

14-09-2024 18:00:00

Pretnarkotiku vienības darbinieki izjauca viena pasažiera plānu, kurš mēģināja mainīt savu jau reģistrēto bagāžu pret citu, ko piegādāja viņa līdzdalībnieks un kurā bija 19 kilogrami kokainas. Cits pasažieris tika aizturēts kokainas kontrabandā, izmantojot jaunu tehnoloģiju, ko sauc par "gumijas narkotikām", kas sastāv no kokainas maisīšanas ar materiālu, no kura koferis ir izgatavots. Starp citu, imigrācijas amatpersonām ir jārisina neierasts gadījums, kad 17 gadus veca pusaudze cenšas izbraukt no valsts ar savu 42 gadus veco draugu, iesniedzot viltotu dokumentu.

Starting: 14-09-2024 17:45:00

14-09-2024 18:30:00

In this episode of Planet UFO, we visit a small Amazonian fishing community called Colares that was seemingly terrorized by UFOs in the late 1970's. Dozens of residents claim to have been the victims of beams of light, shining down on them from UFOs, draining them of energy and leaving them with strange cuts. We also travel to Victoria, Australia where, in 1966, a young driver is killed on an empty stretch of road late at night. There are no witnesses to his crash but it comes to light that someone else reported seeing a UFO in the same place several days before. Finally, we examine a police helicopter's encounter with an unusual object over Louisville, Kentucky.

Starting: 14-09-2024 18:00:00

14-09-2024 18:45:00

A new season of Airport Security Colombia and things are busy for the Anti-Narcotics Police as they try to stop their country's most infamous export; cocaine. The task is not easy, and in this episode, they must figure out if a man is smuggling drugs inside hair products. The drama never stops when smugglers risks their life injesting capsules filled with drugs like in the heart-breaking story of a mother who would risk it all for her kids.

Starting: 14-09-2024 18:30:00

14-09-2024 19:15:00

In this episode, witnesses in Texas claim their confusing physical illnesses are the result of a massive, fiery, diamond-shaped object; a mass sighting in Arizona of lights gliding across the sky prompts accusations of a government cover-up by some; and in the skies above Brazil, jet fighters play a high stakes game of cat and mouse with unknown lights.

Starting: 14-09-2024 18:45:00

14-09-2024 19:30:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 14-09-2024 19:15:00

14-09-2024 20:00:00

In this episode we go on board with a Japanese Airlines cargo plane over north-eastern Alaska, as it is seemingly followed by UFOs at 35,000 feet. The incident sparks an FAA investigation and claims of secret involvement by the FBI and CIA. We also travel to Westall, a town on the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. In April 1966, this unassuming suburb was home to a mass daylight sighting of a UFO. Finally, we explore a bizarre series of UFO sightings in a remote town in northern Peru. The incidents, caught on video by a local photographer, spark off an investigation by a newly formed government department.

Starting: 14-09-2024 19:30:00

14-09-2024 20:15:00

Homeland Security Investigations conducts an operation to crack-down on counterfeit goods leading to a large seizure in Kansas City and the raid of an apartment filled with thousands of sneakers in Cali, Colombia. In Newark, CBP receives intel about a passenger traveling to Greece with two suitcases filled with $200k worth of marijuana. CBP finds cocaine inside the bumper of a vehicle in Texas.

Starting: 14-09-2024 20:00:00

14-09-2024 20:45:00

Deep in the Arctic Circle, in the winter of 2009, the skies of Northern Norway are lit up by an incredible but seemingly inexplicable light display. In 2006 one of the world's busiest airports is enveloped by UFO reports that come from the staff of a major US airline. Lastly we go back to the early years of the UFO phenomena and re-live the public scare of the great Washington UFO flap of 1952. Are there rational, scientific explanations for these fantastic events? Subject the scrutiny of investigative journalists and academic experts why do suspicions of conspiracy and cover-ups remain? Will the truth ever be revealed? Invasion Earth endeavours to expose the truth.

Starting: 14-09-2024 20:15:00

14-09-2024 21:00:00

By day, maritime authorities conduct high-stakes operations, disrupting the drug trade's resources. As the night falls, relentless chases unfold against traffickers and smugglers. Humanitarian crises intensify under the cover of darkness. Yet, the discovery of an explosive in the port is anything but routine, adding a suspenseful twist to the unfolding drama on the high seas.

Starting: 14-09-2024 20:45:00

14-09-2024 21:30:00

The team brings the OceanXplorer to Svalbard, Norway. The ice world of the Arctic is changing faster than anywhere else on Earth. The team’s mission is to figure out if Svalbard’s polar bears are adapting to its environment. To do so, they come face to face with this giant of the Arctic Ocean and scale a glacier to learn how much time is left for one of the most critical habitats for polar bears.

Starting: 14-09-2024 21:00:00

14-09-2024 21:40:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 14-09-2024 21:30:00

14-09-2024 22:15:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 14-09-2024 21:40:00

14-09-2024 22:10:00

Extraterrestrials or misidentified natural phenomena? Analyse compelling evidence and hear from experts as we explore the secret history of UFOs.

Starting: 14-09-2024 22:10:00

14-09-2024 23:00:00

Homeland Security Investigations conducts an operation to crack-down on counterfeit goods leading to a large seizure in Kansas City and the raid of an apartment filled with thousands of sneakers in Cali, Colombia. In Newark, CBP receives intel about a passenger traveling to Greece with two suitcases filled with $200k worth of marijuana. CBP finds cocaine inside the bumper of a vehicle in Texas.

Starting: 14-09-2024 22:15:00

14-09-2024 22:55:00

Extraterrestrials or misidentified natural phenomena? Analyse compelling evidence and hear from experts as we explore the secret history of UFOs.

Starting: 14-09-2024 22:15:00

14-09-2024 23:00:00

By day, maritime authorities conduct high-stakes operations, disrupting the drug trade's resources. As the night falls, relentless chases unfold against traffickers and smugglers. Humanitarian crises intensify under the cover of darkness. Yet, the discovery of an explosive in the port is anything but routine, adding a suspenseful twist to the unfolding drama on the high seas.

Starting: 14-09-2024 22:55:00

14-09-2024 23:40:00

From Winston Churchill's wartime cover-up to an alleged UFO crash in Wales, a new Ministry of Defence dossier lifts the lid on Britain's X Files.

Starting: 14-09-2024 23:00:00

14-09-2024 23:45:00

When Mt. Vesuvius erupted 2000 years ago, it buried the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Today new discoveries are revealing a detailed timeline of the final heart-breaking moments of the citizens trapped in its aftermath. Archaeologists are finding that many of those who didn’t survive belong to a previously hidden world of enslaved peoples, a forgotten class of ordinary people vital to ancient Roman society.

Starting: 14-09-2024 23:40:00

15-09-2024 00:30:00

Area 51 is renowned for being one of the most top secret sites on earth. After years shrouded in mystery, the CIA released classified information about the missions that took place in years past. This 1 hour special tells the unique perspective of the CIA agents who worked hard to cover up years of secret missions and the employees who worked inside Area 51. What really happens at the most secret military base in the world.

Starting: 14-09-2024 23:45:00

15-09-2024 00:30:00

Area 51 is renowned for being one of the most top secret sites on earth. After years shrouded in mystery, the CIA released classified information about the missions that took place in years past. This 1 hour special tells the unique perspective of the CIA agents who worked hard to cover up years of secret missions and the employees who worked inside Area 51. What really happens at the most secret military base in the world.

Starting: 14-09-2024 23:50:00

15-09-2024 00:35:00

In the summer of 1940 adolf hitlers nazis have conquered france, just 20 miles of sea seperates his army and his next target, great britain. The mighty luftwaffe is sent to bomb britain into submission, destroy the royal airforce and prepare for seaborne invasion. Now we can uncover the wrecks of planes and ships that reveal the truth how britain stood firm against the nazi raiders and defeated hitler in the battle of britain.

Starting: 15-09-2024 00:30:00

15-09-2024 01:15:00

Many UFO sightings have been dismissed as the products of unreliable witnesses or hoaxes. But a few are harder to explain. INVASION EARTH retells and reconstructs incidents from all over the world. With the help of a panel of experts, all the evidence is tested. In this episode, Canadian villagers see a string of lights crash into the ocean, sparking a major investigation. In New Zealand, a mysterious object streaks across the country in broad daylight - but what is it? And in Iran, jets are scrambled to deal with a brightly coloured UFO, leading to an astonishing dogfight.

Starting: 15-09-2024 00:30:00

15-09-2024 01:15:00

Many UFO sightings have been dismissed as the products of unreliable witnesses or hoaxes. But a few are harder to explain. INVASION EARTH retells and reconstructs incidents from all over the world. With the help of a panel of experts, all the evidence is tested. In this episode, Canadian villagers see a string of lights crash into the ocean, sparking a major investigation. In New Zealand, a mysterious object streaks across the country in broad daylight - but what is it? And in Iran, jets are scrambled to deal with a brightly coloured UFO, leading to an astonishing dogfight.

Starting: 15-09-2024 00:35:00

15-09-2024 01:20:00

Bullis Semijs mēģina nostāties uz kājām Arizonā, taču iesaistās lielā ekstazī tirdzniecības grupējumā, jo tam pievērsies arī viņa bērns.

Starting: 15-09-2024 01:15:00

15-09-2024 02:00:00

In this episode of Planet UFO, we visit a small Amazonian fishing community called Colares that was seemingly terrorized by UFOs in the late 1970's. Dozens of residents claim to have been the victims of beams of light, shining down on them from UFOs, draining them of energy and leaving them with strange cuts. We also travel to Victoria, Australia where, in 1966, a young driver is killed on an empty stretch of road late at night. There are no witnesses to his crash but it comes to light that someone else reported seeing a UFO in the same place several days before. Finally, we examine a police helicopter's encounter with an unusual object over Louisville, Kentucky.

Starting: 15-09-2024 01:15:00

15-09-2024 02:00:00

In this episode of Planet UFO, we visit a small Amazonian fishing community called Colares that was seemingly terrorized by UFOs in the late 1970's. Dozens of residents claim to have been the victims of beams of light, shining down on them from UFOs, draining them of energy and leaving them with strange cuts. We also travel to Victoria, Australia where, in 1966, a young driver is killed on an empty stretch of road late at night. There are no witnesses to his crash but it comes to light that someone else reported seeing a UFO in the same place several days before. Finally, we examine a police helicopter's encounter with an unusual object over Louisville, Kentucky.

Starting: 15-09-2024 01:20:00

15-09-2024 02:05:00

Rizzuto noziedzības ģimene bija viena no visilgāk valdošajām dinastijām mafijas vēsturē, viņi izveidoja vairāku miljardu dolāru kokaīna impēriju, kas aptvēra divus kontinentus. Viņi izveidoja drosmīgas alianses - no Kolumbijas karteļiem līdz pat baikeru bandām - un kontrolēja Starptautisko noziedzības konsorciju, kas ASV un Kanādai piegādāja tonnas ar kokaīnu. Bet pasaulē, kurā valda lojalitāte ir vajadzīga tikai viena neuzticīga persona, lai visu iznīcinātu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 02:00:00

15-09-2024 02:45:00

In this episode, witnesses in Texas claim their confusing physical illnesses are the result of a massive, fiery, diamond-shaped object; a mass sighting in Arizona of lights gliding across the sky prompts accusations of a government cover-up by some; and in the skies above Brazil, jet fighters play a high stakes game of cat and mouse with unknown lights.

Starting: 15-09-2024 02:00:00

15-09-2024 02:45:00

In this episode, witnesses in Texas claim their confusing physical illnesses are the result of a massive, fiery, diamond-shaped object; a mass sighting in Arizona of lights gliding across the sky prompts accusations of a government cover-up by some; and in the skies above Brazil, jet fighters play a high stakes game of cat and mouse with unknown lights.

Starting: 15-09-2024 02:05:00

15-09-2024 02:55:00

Narkotiku apkarošanas administrācijas slepenais aģents "Frenks" iefiltrējas slavenā Kolumbijas narkotiku karteļa La Oficina de Envigado organizācijā un izseko naudu līdz pat Jordānijai, kur atklāj, ka kartelis sadarbojas ar Hezbollah. Operācija "Titāns" iznīcina karteli "La Oficina", dodot starta šāvienu desmit gadus ilgajā kampaņā pret Hezbollah kokaīna kontrabandu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 02:45:00

15-09-2024 03:30:00

In this episode we go on board with a Japanese Airlines cargo plane over north-eastern Alaska, as it is seemingly followed by UFOs at 35,000 feet. The incident sparks an FAA investigation and claims of secret involvement by the FBI and CIA. We also travel to Westall, a town on the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. In April 1966, this unassuming suburb was home to a mass daylight sighting of a UFO. Finally, we explore a bizarre series of UFO sightings in a remote town in northern Peru. The incidents, caught on video by a local photographer, spark off an investigation by a newly formed government department.

Starting: 15-09-2024 02:45:00

15-09-2024 03:30:00

In this episode we go on board with a Japanese Airlines cargo plane over north-eastern Alaska, as it is seemingly followed by UFOs at 35,000 feet. The incident sparks an FAA investigation and claims of secret involvement by the FBI and CIA. We also travel to Westall, a town on the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. In April 1966, this unassuming suburb was home to a mass daylight sighting of a UFO. Finally, we explore a bizarre series of UFO sightings in a remote town in northern Peru. The incidents, caught on video by a local photographer, spark off an investigation by a newly formed government department.

Starting: 15-09-2024 02:55:00

15-09-2024 03:40:00

January 20th, 1992 High over Frances mountainous Alsace region, Air Inter Flight #148 starts its descent towards Strasbourg airport. An Airbus A320, the aircraft is the worlds first to rely mainly on computerized commands to control it, and while its autopilot had been programmed to land on a specific runway, high winds and poor winter weather mean the pilots must take over the controls to land on another runway. Slightly off course, a controller guides the pilots as they prepare to make a visual landing. But as they descend through the clouds, the aircraft suddenly rips through the treetops below and slams into the side of a mountain. Can rescuers locate the survivors in time? And can investigators figure out what caused the crash.

Starting: 15-09-2024 03:30:00

15-09-2024 04:20:00

Extraterrestrials or misidentified natural phenomena? Analyse compelling evidence and hear from experts as we explore the secret history of UFOs.

Starting: 15-09-2024 03:30:00

15-09-2024 04:15:00

Extraterrestrials or misidentified natural phenomena? Analyse compelling evidence and hear from experts as we explore the secret history of UFOs.

Starting: 15-09-2024 03:40:00

15-09-2024 04:25:00

From Winston Churchill's wartime cover-up to an alleged UFO crash in Wales, a new Ministry of Defence dossier lifts the lid on Britain's X Files.

Starting: 15-09-2024 04:15:00

15-09-2024 05:05:00

Līča kara laikā degvielas uzpildes misijā ASV gaisa spēku tankerlidmašīna pazaudē divus dzinējus. Apkalpe cenšas aizlidot ar lidmašīnu līdz Džidai Sauda Arābijā bez radio saziņas. Militārā izmeklētāja uzdevums ir noskaidrot, vai iespaidīgo sprādzienu izraisīja mehānisks bojājums vai karadarbība.

Starting: 15-09-2024 04:20:00

15-09-2024 05:00:00

From Winston Churchill's wartime cover-up to an alleged UFO crash in Wales, a new Ministry of Defence dossier lifts the lid on Britain's X Files.

Starting: 15-09-2024 04:25:00

15-09-2024 05:15:00

Transportējot naftas iekārtas uz Nigēriju, Transair kargo lidmašīna spēcīgā turbulencē lido virs Francijas Alpiem, kad to satricina eksplozija, uzspridzinot abus labā spārna motorus. Pūloties kontrolēt savu savainoto Boeing 707, kad gaisa kuģī palēnām ieplūst ugunsgrēks, apkalpe vada nāvi apsteidzošu piezemēšanos. Un pēc tam izmeklētājiem ir jāatklāj mikroskopisks, bet nāvējošs trūkums.

Starting: 15-09-2024 05:00:00

15-09-2024 05:45:00

Area 51 is renowned for being one of the most top secret sites on earth. After years shrouded in mystery, the CIA released classified information about the missions that took place in years past. This 1 hour special tells the unique perspective of the CIA agents who worked hard to cover up years of secret missions and the employees who worked inside Area 51. What really happens at the most secret military base in the world.

Starting: 15-09-2024 05:05:00

15-09-2024 05:50:00

Area 51 is renowned for being one of the most top secret sites on earth. After years shrouded in mystery, the CIA released classified information about the missions that took place in years past. This 1 hour special tells the unique perspective of the CIA agents who worked hard to cover up years of secret missions and the employees who worked inside Area 51. What really happens at the most secret military base in the world.

Starting: 15-09-2024 05:15:00

15-09-2024 05:50:00

In this episode we learn all about the science behind bob sledding, the dangers of the standing backflip and the ways you can hurt and humiliate yourself sitting on a swegway.

Starting: 15-09-2024 05:45:00

15-09-2024 05:50:00

Hang on tight and don't look down as World's Toughest Fixes scales the iconic bridges of the UK: the world-famous Tower Bridge in London, and two bridges in Scotland -- the historic Forth Bridge and, right next door, the Forth Road Bridge. It's three bridges, three big problems, three tough fixes. In London, it's the famous Tower Bridge, with a serious lead contamination problem. In Scotland, it's all high access. Riley will help construct scaffolding from the top down, 367 feet above the water, dangling on a pole over speeding trains. And on an aging suspension bridge, Riley's rappelling down a 296-foot suspender cable, swinging in mid-air to run data cables to a high-tech monitoring system. It's a tour of some of the biggest fixes across the pond, meeting the men who are taking on the hazards to get the job done, on World's Toughest Fixes.

Starting: 15-09-2024 05:50:00

15-09-2024 06:35:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when driving on black ice, using food blenders and attempting to bounce off giant inflatables.

Starting: 15-09-2024 05:50:00

15-09-2024 06:15:00

Šajā sērijā mēs uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, braucot ar ragavām, nokāpjot no vingrošanas stieņa vai sitot golfa bumbiņu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 06:00:00

15-09-2024 06:25:00

Šajā sērijā mēs uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, braucot ar ragavām, nokāpjot no vingrošanas stieņa vai sitot golfa bumbiņu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 06:15:00

15-09-2024 06:35:00

In 2007 the mammoth Airbus A380 took the Boeing 747's crown for size and capacity - a record Boeing held for decades. Boeing wants its crown back, but it needs to get a new plane in the air, and fast. The upgrading of Boeing's 747 is already two years overdue.

Starting: 15-09-2024 06:25:00

15-09-2024 07:10:00

This week we're heading for the hills of Cody, Wyoming to rebuild one of the first ski lifts in the country. But this is no ordinary fix. Building in backcountry will require employing one of the toughest helicopters flyin'. And get this…. We'll be using it as a crane. Tons of steel flying over your head, in rugged terrain, on the side of a mountain… This is gonna be nuts.

Starting: 15-09-2024 06:35:00

15-09-2024 07:25:00

In 2007 the mammoth Airbus A380 took the Boeing 747's crown for size and capacity - a record Boeing held for decades. Boeing wants its crown back, but it needs to get a new plane in the air, and fast. The upgrading of Boeing's 747 is already two years overdue.

Starting: 15-09-2024 06:35:00

15-09-2024 07:25:00

This 60 metres high thrill ride is only the 5th ever to be constructed. Its adrenaline fuelled tracks speed riders to 100 kph over loops, drops and banks, pushing them to g force limits usually reserved for fighter pilots. Building this mighty machine takes an army of engineers, designers and master technicians. Find out how one of the world's greatest roller coaster factories creates the world's scariest rides.

Starting: 15-09-2024 07:10:00

15-09-2024 07:55:00

A mammoth five-lane bridge must be moved two miles and dropped into place on a major US highway in Salt Lake City, without stopping traffic.

Starting: 15-09-2024 07:25:00

15-09-2024 08:15:00

This 60 metres high thrill ride is only the 5th ever to be constructed. Its adrenaline fuelled tracks speed riders to 100 kph over loops, drops and banks, pushing them to g force limits usually reserved for fighter pilots. Building this mighty machine takes an army of engineers, designers and master technicians. Find out how one of the world's greatest roller coaster factories creates the world's scariest rides.

Starting: 15-09-2024 07:25:00

15-09-2024 08:10:00

Step behind the scenes at Europe's largest brewery, the one million square meter home of Heineken, in Zoeterwoude, the Netherlands. There, the world's most international beer company, produces over half of its annual output, which came to 11 million hectoliters in 2009. Of that quantity, they ship 80% to the United States and the rest within the Netherlands. Zoeterwoude is also becoming the greenest megabrewery in the world, with a biogas-producing powerplant and a new shipping hub that saves 100,000 truck trips per year. We meet the beer experts and enthusiasts who make the 150 year-old recipe and ship it out fresh every day.

Starting: 15-09-2024 07:55:00

15-09-2024 08:45:00

Step behind the scenes at Europe's largest brewery, the one million square meter home of Heineken, in Zoeterwoude, the Netherlands. There, the world's most international beer company, produces over half of its annual output, which came to 11 million hectoliters in 2009. Of that quantity, they ship 80% to the United States and the rest within the Netherlands. Zoeterwoude is also becoming the greenest megabrewery in the world, with a biogas-producing powerplant and a new shipping hub that saves 100,000 truck trips per year. We meet the beer experts and enthusiasts who make the 150 year-old recipe and ship it out fresh every day.

Starting: 15-09-2024 08:10:00

15-09-2024 08:55:00

Sean Riley works with some of the world's top engineers and mechanics to show how seemingly impossible fixes are accomplished.

Starting: 15-09-2024 08:15:00

15-09-2024 09:00:00

The team is in the Azores to tag a deep-sea giant — the sixgill shark — and learn more about its nightly patterns on the hunt for food in the abyss. For the first time ever, the team tags and retrieves valuable data, uncovering the secrets of why this prehistoric shark undertakes its epic journey from the depths at night.

Starting: 15-09-2024 08:45:00

15-09-2024 09:20:00

The team is in the Azores to tag a deep-sea giant — the sixgill shark — and learn more about its nightly patterns on the hunt for food in the abyss. For the first time ever, the team tags and retrieves valuable data, uncovering the secrets of why this prehistoric shark undertakes its epic journey from the depths at night.

Starting: 15-09-2024 08:55:00

15-09-2024 09:30:00

The Amber Room is one of the world’s most valuable lost art treasures. Stolen by the Nazis and kept in a castle on the Baltic coast, it vanished in the brutal last months of the war. Today the new discovery of a shipwreck holding a large secret cargo leads explorers to the heart of the mystery, and reveals a forgotten tragedy of 1945: the largest sea evacuation in history, dwarfing Dunkirk in size.

Starting: 15-09-2024 09:00:00

15-09-2024 09:45:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 15-09-2024 09:20:00

15-09-2024 09:55:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 15-09-2024 09:30:00

15-09-2024 10:05:00

Mičiganas ezera nosusināšana atklāj Čikāgas slepeno vēsturi. Jaunākās sonāru tehnoloģijas atklāj katastrofu, kurā gāja bojā 300 cilvēku, atrisina traģisku Ziemassvētku noslēpumu, atklāj 2. pasaules kara laika jūras spēku apmācības programmu, kas mainīja spēku sadalījumu, un atklāj inženiertehnisko brīnumu, kas neļauj visstraujāk augošajai pilsētai pasaulē ņemt nelabu galu. Stāsts par Čikāgu ir caurausts ar ambīcijām un risku - tikai dažkārt šie riski beidzas ar katastrofu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 09:45:00

15-09-2024 10:35:00

68 gadus vecā Bila Stouna vadītā elites ekspedīcija vairākus mēnešus ilgā ceļā mēģina oficiāli padarīt Čives alu Oahakā, Meksikā par pasaulē dziļāko alu. Milzīga loģistikas komanda virs zemes atbalsta ekspeditorus zemes dzīlēs, pārvietojoties pa pazemes labirintu ar līkumotiem tuneļiem un strupceļiem, meklējot eju, kas ved uz dziļāko alu pasaulē.

Starting: 15-09-2024 09:55:00

15-09-2024 10:45:00

68 gadus vecā Bila Stouna vadītā elites ekspedīcija vairākus mēnešus ilgā ceļā mēģina oficiāli padarīt Čives alu Oahakā, Meksikā par pasaulē dziļāko alu. Milzīga loģistikas komanda virs zemes atbalsta ekspeditorus zemes dzīlēs, pārvietojoties pa pazemes labirintu ar līkumotiem tuneļiem un strupceļiem, meklējot eju, kas ved uz dziļāko alu pasaulē.

Starting: 15-09-2024 10:05:00

15-09-2024 10:55:00

In this special episode of Car SOS, Tim and Fuzz look back through some of their favourite moments engineering solutions to mechanical problems. Tim gets caught with a smelly Toyota electronic control unit. The boys reinvent a Vauxhall Cavalier door hinge with the help of their friend Ric Wood. Tim demonstrates his own answer to rust removal.

Starting: 15-09-2024 10:35:00

15-09-2024 11:20:00

Conductor Grant and engineer Jeff race their empty train east to collect a $3 million shipment of coal. And once the 152 cars are filled, they’ve got to get their mammoth convoy back over the mountains. Ahead of them in Glacier National Park, an avalanche warning forces snow removal crews to a halt. Railroad engineer Kent prepares for a high-altitude bridge inspection. And while the team races to replace a cracked junction, Jimmy’s lack of discipline threatens to derail the operation. Meanwhile in Ontario, electrical issues on board the Polar Bear Express could leave Moosonee’s minor hockey league out in the cold.

Starting: 15-09-2024 10:45:00

15-09-2024 11:30:00

Conductor Grant and engineer Jeff race their empty train east to collect a $3 million shipment of coal. And once the 152 cars are filled, they’ve got to get their mammoth convoy back over the mountains. Ahead of them in Glacier National Park, an avalanche warning forces snow removal crews to a halt. Railroad engineer Kent prepares for a high-altitude bridge inspection. And while the team races to replace a cracked junction, Jimmy’s lack of discipline threatens to derail the operation. Meanwhile in Ontario, electrical issues on board the Polar Bear Express could leave Moosonee’s minor hockey league out in the cold.

Starting: 15-09-2024 10:55:00

15-09-2024 11:40:00

In this exclusive episode of Car SOS, Tim and Fuzz look back through some of their favourite unseen bits from across the series. Tim has a chat with former rally driver David Gillanders about rally cars past and present, and takes to the track with living legend Ultima MK3 designer Lee Noble. Back at the workshop Fuzz demonstrates the finer points of an anti-locking braking system.

Starting: 15-09-2024 11:20:00

15-09-2024 12:05:00

During Canadian Pacific Railway’s spring repair season, Jordy and Tom’s 119-car grain train faces a series of obstacles as it journeys through the mountains towards Vancouver. Crew boss Bruce and his team wrestle kilometer-long links of continuous welded replacement rail into place. A repair crew hustles to clear a paralyzed locomotive that’s blocking the main line’s single track. Machine operator Amanda supervises rookie Keri as a 15-machine convoy installs new ties. Meanwhile in Ontario, the Polar Bear Express shuttles powwow drummers—and kittens—south to Cochrane.

Starting: 15-09-2024 11:30:00

15-09-2024 12:15:00

During Canadian Pacific Railway’s spring repair season, Jordy and Tom’s 119-car grain train faces a series of obstacles as it journeys through the mountains towards Vancouver. Crew boss Bruce and his team wrestle kilometer-long links of continuous welded replacement rail into place. A repair crew hustles to clear a paralyzed locomotive that’s blocking the main line’s single track. Machine operator Amanda supervises rookie Keri as a 15-machine convoy installs new ties. Meanwhile in Ontario, the Polar Bear Express shuttles powwow drummers—and kittens—south to Cochrane.

Starting: 15-09-2024 11:40:00

15-09-2024 12:25:00

Atklājot zilo tunzivju zvejas sezonu, Glaučesteras sīvākie konkurenti uzsāk cīņu par pirmo sezonas zivi un titulu "Visu laiku labākais". Valdības noteiktie ierobežojumi flotei ļauj zvejot tikai vienu zivi dienā un tikai četras dienas nedēļā. Ar šādiem stingriem ierobežojumiem uzvarētāja laiva pierādīs, ka tā ir visu laiku labākā.

Starting: 15-09-2024 12:05:00

15-09-2024 12:50:00

Homeland Security Investigations conducts an operation to crack-down on counterfeit goods leading to a large seizure in Kansas City and the raid of an apartment filled with thousands of sneakers in Cali, Colombia. In Newark, CBP receives intel about a passenger traveling to Greece with two suitcases filled with $200k worth of marijuana. CBP finds cocaine inside the bumper of a vehicle in Texas.

Starting: 15-09-2024 12:15:00

15-09-2024 13:00:00

Homeland Security Investigations conducts an operation to crack-down on counterfeit goods leading to a large seizure in Kansas City and the raid of an apartment filled with thousands of sneakers in Cali, Colombia. In Newark, CBP receives intel about a passenger traveling to Greece with two suitcases filled with $200k worth of marijuana. CBP finds cocaine inside the bumper of a vehicle in Texas.

Starting: 15-09-2024 12:25:00

15-09-2024 13:10:00

Glaučesteras labāko dalībnieku rindas sola papildināt jauna pretendente, jo sacensībās iesaistās zvejas kuģa "No Limits" kapteine Mišela Banceviča un pirmā palīdze Lea Pinauda. Kamēr flote ir sadalīta starp vietējo zveju un braucienu uz dienvidiem līdz Čathemai, Mišela un Lea vēlas atstāt paliekošas pēdas tunzivju pasaulē.

Starting: 15-09-2024 12:50:00

15-09-2024 13:35:00

By day, maritime authorities conduct high-stakes operations, disrupting the drug trade's resources. As the night falls, relentless chases unfold against traffickers and smugglers. Humanitarian crises intensify under the cover of darkness. Yet, the discovery of an explosive in the port is anything but routine, adding a suspenseful twist to the unfolding drama on the high seas.

Starting: 15-09-2024 13:00:00

15-09-2024 13:50:00

By day, maritime authorities conduct high-stakes operations, disrupting the drug trade's resources. As the night falls, relentless chases unfold against traffickers and smugglers. Humanitarian crises intensify under the cover of darkness. Yet, the discovery of an explosive in the port is anything but routine, adding a suspenseful twist to the unfolding drama on the high seas.

Starting: 15-09-2024 13:10:00

15-09-2024 13:55:00

Dockworkers in Thunder Bay struggle to unload a 210-ton steel cylinder that will test Canadian Pacific’s railroad crews to the limit. The massive urea reactor must be welded to a pair of custom-made flatbed rail cars and then hauled across the country as track teams scramble to keep the tracks ahead clear. A trackside sensor triggers an emergency inspection. A major miscalculation causes a 24-hour delay. Train crew Conrad and Steve deliver 75 empty potash cars before finally rolling into Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Meanwhile, rookie Jesse and the maintenance crew are under pressure to level the tracks. Jimmy is put to the test as he settles into his new job on the steel gang. And in Ontario, a red-hot wheel threatens the delivery of a critical shipment of building materials to a remote off-grid camp.

Starting: 15-09-2024 13:35:00

15-09-2024 14:20:00

Chalks Ocean Airways Flight #101 Grumman Turbo Mallard (sea plane) December 19th, 2005 Destined for the Bahamas, Chalks Ocean Airways Flight #101 is preparing for takeoff in the waters off Miami Beach, Florida. Part plane, part speedboat, the twin turbo-prop taxis through one of the worlds busiest ports, and after a smooth takeoff, climbs towards the clouds. A minute later, however, just as the plane is climbing through 500 feet, it is suddenly rocked by an explosion and, from the beach, a tourist films the aircrafts catastrophic plunge into the ocean. Lifeguards immediately race to the crash site but there are no survivors. Eyewitness reports and the tourist video confirm one of its wings ripped off in mid-air. But can investigators determine why.

Starting: 15-09-2024 13:50:00

15-09-2024 14:35:00

Chalks Ocean Airways Flight #101 Grumman Turbo Mallard (sea plane) December 19th, 2005 Destined for the Bahamas, Chalks Ocean Airways Flight #101 is preparing for takeoff in the waters off Miami Beach, Florida. Part plane, part speedboat, the twin turbo-prop taxis through one of the worlds busiest ports, and after a smooth takeoff, climbs towards the clouds. A minute later, however, just as the plane is climbing through 500 feet, it is suddenly rocked by an explosion and, from the beach, a tourist films the aircrafts catastrophic plunge into the ocean. Lifeguards immediately race to the crash site but there are no survivors. Eyewitness reports and the tourist video confirm one of its wings ripped off in mid-air. But can investigators determine why.

Starting: 15-09-2024 13:55:00

15-09-2024 14:40:00

Kritisku kļūdu dēļ pilotu kabīnē no debesīm nokrīt trīs lidmašīnas. "China Airlines" 140. reisa lidmašīnā dators cīnās pret pilotiem. Nelabvēlīgi laikapstākļi un nāvējošu kļūdu virkne izraisa turbopropelleru lidmašīnas ssvēršanos un avāriju nolaišanās laikā Īrijā. Un liktenīgā lidojumā pār Sibīriju briesmīgas kļūdas dēļ pilota krēslā nokļūst bērns.

Starting: 15-09-2024 14:20:00

15-09-2024 15:00:00

Ceļā uz Dominikānas Republiku ar vairāk nekā 87 000 mārciņu džinsa auduma kravu Fine Air kravas reiss Nr. 101 paceļas no Maiami. Tikai mirkli vēlāk lidmašīna nokrīt uz zemes, sāniski saslīd pār autoceļu un ietriecas ēkā. Par traģēdijas aculieciniekiem kļūst simti garāmgājēju, un lai gan izmeklētāji ir apņēmības pilni noskaidrot, kas notika, lietu atklāt palīdz anonīma norāde.

Starting: 15-09-2024 14:35:00

15-09-2024 15:25:00

Ceļā uz Dominikānas Republiku ar vairāk nekā 87 000 mārciņu džinsa auduma kravu Fine Air kravas reiss Nr. 101 paceļas no Maiami. Tikai mirkli vēlāk lidmašīna nokrīt uz zemes, sāniski saslīd pār autoceļu un ietriecas ēkā. Par traģēdijas aculieciniekiem kļūst simti garāmgājēju, un lai gan izmeklētāji ir apņēmības pilni noskaidrot, kas notika, lietu atklāt palīdz anonīma norāde.

Starting: 15-09-2024 14:40:00

15-09-2024 15:30:00

Lidmašīna Germanwings 9525, kas lido no Barselonas uz Diseldorfu, lido Francijas Alpu virzienā, kad gaisa satiksmes dispečers pamana kaut ko neparastu - lidojums satraucoši strauji zaudē augstumu. Dispečeru centrā tiek ieslēgts ārkārtas režīms. Taču no pilotu kabīnes nav nekādas reakcijas, un Airbus A-320 drīz pazūd no radara. Nepieciešamas vairākas stundas, lai atrastu avārijas vietu, un cerības atrast izdzīvojušos ātri vien zūd. Paliek tikai fragmenti un jautājumi. Kad pierādījumu kļūst arvien vairāk, izmeklētāji saskaras ar tik draudīgu skaidrojumu, ka tam gandrīz nav iespējams noticēt.

Starting: 15-09-2024 15:00:00

15-09-2024 15:45:00

EgyptAir 804. reisa lidmašīna ceļā no Parīzes uz Kairu iekrīt Vidusjūrā. Lai gan sākotnējie pierādījumi liecina, ka lidmašīnā izcēlies ugunsgrēks, vēlāk Ēģiptes varas iestādes apgalvo, ka notikušā cēlonis ir terora akts. Lieta tiek nodota Ēģiptes valsts prokuroram kriminālizmeklēšanai. Sešus gadus vēlāk itāļu žurnālistam tiek nopludināts ziņojums, un parādās jauna pretrunīga teorija.

Starting: 15-09-2024 15:25:00

15-09-2024 16:05:00

EgyptAir 804. reisa lidmašīna ceļā no Parīzes uz Kairu iekrīt Vidusjūrā. Lai gan sākotnējie pierādījumi liecina, ka lidmašīnā izcēlies ugunsgrēks, vēlāk Ēģiptes varas iestādes apgalvo, ka notikušā cēlonis ir terora akts. Lieta tiek nodota Ēģiptes valsts prokuroram kriminālizmeklēšanai. Sešus gadus vēlāk itāļu žurnālistam tiek nopludināts ziņojums, un parādās jauna pretrunīga teorija.

Starting: 15-09-2024 15:30:00

15-09-2024 16:10:00

Saskaroties ar tālo ziemeļu ekstremālajiem apstākļiem, trīs lidmašīnas piedzīvojušas avāriju, liekot izmeklētājiem mēģināt noskaidrot cēloni.

Starting: 15-09-2024 15:45:00

15-09-2024 16:30:00

Nolaupītajai lidmašīnai ietriecoties Ziemeļu tornī, mēs izsekojam pirmajiem ugunsdzēsējiem notikušā vietā un viņu centieniem glābt iesprostotos cilvēkus.

Starting: 15-09-2024 16:05:00

15-09-2024 17:20:00

Nolaupītajai lidmašīnai ietriecoties Ziemeļu tornī, mēs izsekojam pirmajiem ugunsdzēsējiem notikušā vietā un viņu centieniem glābt iesprostotos cilvēkus.

Starting: 15-09-2024 16:10:00

15-09-2024 17:25:00

Būvdarbu nelaimes gadījumi notiek katru dienu, taču dažkārt sekas ir katastrofālas. Šajā uz patiesiem notikumiem balstītajā spraiga sižeta pārraidē tiek izmeklēti iespaidīgākie negadījumi, noskaidrots, kas nogāja greizi un kā katastrofu varēja novērst. Apvienojot tiešraides kadrus ar CGI animāciju, šajā raidījumā tiek apskatītas ne tikai labi zināmas katastrofas, piemēram, Notre Dame ugunsgrēks un Džordžijas kupola sabrukšana, bet arī mazāk zināmi negadījumi. Viegli uztveramā raidījumā "" parādīts, kas notiek, kad viss noiet greizi.

Starting: 15-09-2024 16:30:00

15-09-2024 17:20:00

Tim and Fuzz are off to the home counties where a 1955 Ford Popular awaits. However, this is no bog-standard classic, it’s a highly modified hot-rod with a brute of a V8 engine and a whole host of problems. The car was once the pride and joy of cerebral palsy sufferer Andy, but with so many mechanical troubles his beloved ‘Pop’ has been rotting away in storage with virtually no chance of getting it back on the road. Until, that is, his wife wrote in to Car SOS.

Starting: 15-09-2024 17:20:00

15-09-2024 18:05:00

Mēs izsekojam pārsteidzošus izglābšanās stāstus no Dienvidu torņa un ātrās palīdzības mediķiem, kas saskārās ar nāvējoši ievainotu cilvēku uzplūdiem.

Starting: 15-09-2024 17:20:00

15-09-2024 18:05:00

Mēs izsekojam pārsteidzošus izglābšanās stāstus no Dienvidu torņa un ātrās palīdzības mediķiem, kas saskārās ar nāvējoši ievainotu cilvēku uzplūdiem.

Starting: 15-09-2024 17:25:00

15-09-2024 18:05:00

Tim and Fuzz restore Adam’s Datsun 240k Skyline, a rare Japanese classic that hails from the 1970s.After a long spell of ill health Adam’s wife is desperate for him to have his beloved car back on the road, but with only two other similar cars currently registered on the road, not only is this the rarest vehicle the Car SOS team has ever taken on, it means part finding is an almost impossible task.

Starting: 15-09-2024 18:05:00

15-09-2024 18:50:00

Baiļu un nelaimju diena turpinās, kad uzbrukumu piedzīvo arī Pentagons, tiek nolaupīts 93. reiss un sabrūk Dienvidu tornis.

Starting: 15-09-2024 18:05:00

15-09-2024 18:50:00

Aļaskas indiāņi pielāgojas gadalaiku maiņai. Džoels Džeko būvē tiltu, lai paplašinātu pieeju takām. Mārvins Agnots ar krustdēlu Džastinu Filipsu medī kažokzvērus uz zemes un jūrā. Džodija Potsa-Džozefa apmāca jauno suņu komandu uz sasalušās Jukonas upes. Tigs Strasburgs māca meitai apstrādāt kažokzvērus.

Starting: 15-09-2024 18:50:00

15-09-2024 19:35:00

Pēc Pasaules tirdzniecības centra dienvidu torņa sabrukšanas izdzīvojušos izšķir gigantisks pelnu mākonis. Mēs sekojam viņu gaitām, kamēr viņi mēģina pārdzīvot notikušo un izmisīgi mēģina atrast savus traģēdijā pazudušos tuviniekus. Kad pēc ziemeļu torņa sabrukšanas putekļi nosēžas, mēs esam aculiecinieki emocionālām atkal tikšanās reizēm un sirdi plosošiem zaudējumiem.

Starting: 15-09-2024 18:50:00

15-09-2024 19:35:00

Pirmās reaģēšanas vienības, skatoties uz milzīgo būvgružu kaudzi nultajā stāvā brīnījās, kā kāds varētu šādos apstākļos izdzīvot. Bet viena ugunsdzēsēju grupa, kas bija ziemeļu torņa iekšpusē brīdī, kad tas sabruka, brīnumainā kārtā izdzīvoja. Tagad viņi ir iestrēguši un kamēr viņi sauc pēc palīdzības, citi ugunsdzēsēji,cīnoties ar nepielūdzamo laiku, mēģina atrast un izglābt savus profesijas "brāļus" bīstamā un šķembu sagrautā tornī.

Starting: 15-09-2024 19:30:00

15-09-2024 20:15:00

Pēkšņā laikapstākļu maiņa izaicina aļaskiešus garajā ziemā. Tigs Strasburgs medī aļņus, bet viņu iztraucē vilku bars. Mārvins Agnots steidz salabot māju, pirms sākas vētra. Džodija Potsa-Džozefa saskaras ar sniegputeni, medījot putnus. Džons Pingajaks izmanto vētru, savācot to, kas izskalots krastā.

Starting: 15-09-2024 19:35:00

15-09-2024 20:15:00

Pirmās reaģēšanas vienības, skatoties uz milzīgo būvgružu kaudzi nultajā stāvā brīnījās, kā kāds varētu šādos apstākļos izdzīvot. Bet viena ugunsdzēsēju grupa, kas bija ziemeļu torņa iekšpusē brīdī, kad tas sabruka, brīnumainā kārtā izdzīvoja. Tagad viņi ir iestrēguši un kamēr viņi sauc pēc palīdzības, citi ugunsdzēsēji,cīnoties ar nepielūdzamo laiku, mēģina atrast un izglābt savus profesijas "brāļus" bīstamā un šķembu sagrautā tornī.

Starting: 15-09-2024 19:35:00

15-09-2024 20:15:00

Aļaskas indiāņi izmanto saikni ar zemi, lai izrādītu pašpaļāvību, pašpietiekamību un apņēmību. Džoels Džeko medī roņus un zvejo zivis. Džodija Potsa-Džozefa un Džeimijs Džozefs izliek caunu slazdus un vāc zālītes. Tigs Strasburgs ar bērnu palīdzību būvē šķūņi. Mārvins Agnots un Glindarils Vaits atjauno kopienas siltumnīcu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 20:15:00

15-09-2024 21:00:00

1989. gadā drosmīgais zinātnieks Tomijs Tompsons pārsteidza pasauli, izvelkot trīs tonnas zelta no kuģa vraka dziļi Atlantijas okeānā. Tam seko 30 gadu ilgs stāsts par piedzīvojumiem, krāpšanu un personīgām problēmām, kas viņu no cienītas slavenības padara par bēdīgi slavenu bēgli, un beigās aizved uz cietumu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 20:15:00

15-09-2024 21:00:00

Tommy Thompson and his crew recover tons of gold from the bottom of the ocean and return home as heroes. Out of nowhere come multiple lawsuits laying claim to the treasure. Tommys finances spiral leaving him unable to pay back investors some of whom turn against him. He is left fighting to hold on to the gold as his dream becomes a nightmare.

Starting: 15-09-2024 20:15:00

15-09-2024 21:00:00

During Canadian Pacific Railway’s spring repair season, Jordy and Tom’s 119-car grain train faces a series of obstacles as it journeys through the mountains towards Vancouver. Crew boss Bruce and his team wrestle kilometer-long links of continuous welded replacement rail into place. A repair crew hustles to clear a paralyzed locomotive that’s blocking the main line’s single track. Machine operator Amanda supervises rookie Keri as a 15-machine convoy installs new ties. Meanwhile in Ontario, the Polar Bear Express shuttles powwow drummers—and kittens—south to Cochrane.

Starting: 15-09-2024 21:00:00

15-09-2024 21:45:00

Tomijs Tompsons nekur nav atrodams. ASV maršali ir apņēmušies viņu izsekot un atrast 500 pazudušās zelta monētas. Pēc diviem bēguļošanas gadiem, kad viņa garīgā un fiziskā veselība sāk pasliktināties, viņu beidzot arestē dramatiskā reidā. Kad Tomijs ieslēgts cietumā, rodas neērts jautājums: viņš ir nepatiesi apsūdzēts ģēnijs, vai arī viņš tiešām nodeva savus investorus.

Starting: 15-09-2024 21:00:00

15-09-2024 21:45:00

Tommy Thompson is nowhere to be found. US Marshals are determined to track him down and locate the missing gold. After two years on the run and his mental and physical health deteriorating, he is finally arrested in a dramatic raid. As Tommy rots in jail everyone is forced to confront an uncomfortable question: is he a wronged genius or has he betrayed the trust of his investors.

Starting: 15-09-2024 21:00:00

15-09-2024 21:45:00

Cīņa par tunzivīm sit augstu vilni, jo flote ir devusies tālā ceļā pēc potenciālās peļņas. Kapteinis Pols Hēberts cenšas izglābties no pagājušās sezonas finansiālajām grūtībām un flotes cieņas zaudēšanas, bet vai ar viņa jauno pozitīvismu pietiks, lai izpelnītos tik ļoti kāroto cieņu? Tikai laiks rādīs, vai izķepurošanās nāks kopā ar atalgojumu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 21:45:00

15-09-2024 22:30:00

Šie noslēpumi bijuši nezināmi tūkstošiem gadu: slepkavības, pakāršanas, rituālie upuri. Tagad, tūkstošiem gadu vēlāk, viņu mirstīgās atliekas ir atrastas, un mēs mēģināsim izprast notikušo. Katrā “Senās miesas:Atklātie noslēpumi” sērijā mēs veidosim izpratni par apstākļiem, kuros atrasti nevainojami saglabājušies ķermeņi purvā (daudzi pat no 1850. gadiem). Pēc tam, izmantojot interviju ar ekspertu, mēs izpētīsim, kādai bija jābūt katras personas dzīvei, un mēģināsim atšķetināt nāves noslēpumu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 21:45:00

15-09-2024 22:25:00

Ziemeļitālijas kalnos alpīnisti atrod ko baisu. Teju nesasniedzamā vietā ledājā redzams cilvēka līķis. Tā izrādās senākā atrastā ledus mūmija. Pētniekus pārsteidz vīrieša nāves cēlonis, un viņi saprot, ka izmeklē tūkstošiem gadu senu slepkavību.

Starting: 15-09-2024 22:25:00

15-09-2024 23:05:00

Konkurence saasinās, jo trīs kapteiņi veido aliansi un dodas uz Čatemu - Fat Tuna kapteinis Bobs Kuks, Hot Tuna kapteinis TJ Ots un Time Flies kapteinis Džeks Patrikāns. Pārējai flotes pusei ir jāizvēlas - vai nu apvienoties un veidot savas alianses netālu no mājām, vai arī doties ceļā vienatnē.

Starting: 15-09-2024 22:30:00

15-09-2024 23:10:00

Maiami Tēvzemes drošības departaments izmeklētāji vada kontrolētu ketamīna piegādi, kas rezultējas lielā ieroču, MDMA jeb ekstazī un noslēpumainu jaunu narkotiku konfiskācijā. Džona Kenedija lidostā muita pārtver kastes ar invazīviem Āfrikas gliemežiem, pirms tie izraisa postažu amerikāņu zemēs. Elpaso darbinieki izmanto jaunas tehnoloģijas, lai skenētu spēkratus, kas noved pie vairāk nekā 16 kg kokaīna konfiskācijas.

Starting: 15-09-2024 23:05:00

15-09-2024 23:50:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 15-09-2024 23:05:00

15-09-2024 23:50:00

During Canadian Pacific Railway’s spring repair season, Jordy and Tom’s 119-car grain train faces a series of obstacles as it journeys through the mountains towards Vancouver. Crew boss Bruce and his team wrestle kilometer-long links of continuous welded replacement rail into place. A repair crew hustles to clear a paralyzed locomotive that’s blocking the main line’s single track. Machine operator Amanda supervises rookie Keri as a 15-machine convoy installs new ties. Meanwhile in Ontario, the Polar Bear Express shuttles powwow drummers—and kittens—south to Cochrane.

Starting: 15-09-2024 23:10:00

15-09-2024 23:55:00

Orindžas apgabala drošības dienesta aģenti aizsegā atklāj trīs narkotiku tirdzniecības operācijas, kas noved pie vairākiem arestiem, un metamfetamīna, fentanila un ieroču konfiskācijas. Kenedija lidostas agrikultūras speciālisti pārtver un iznīcina aizliegtus pārtikas produktus. Robežsardze Riogrande ielejā pārmeklē mašīnas, kas šķērso robežu, un zem apvidus auto aizmugurējā sēdekļa atrod kokaīna paciņas.

Starting: 15-09-2024 23:50:00

16-09-2024 00:35:00

Kolumbijas bēdīgi slavenais narkobarons Otoniels biedē pat visus citus narkobaronus. Viņš ir neizglītots zemnieks, kurš valda izolētajos Kolumbijas ziemeļaustrumu džungļos, izmantojot naudu, burvestības un mežonīgu vardarbību. Kad varasiestādes cenšas viņu sagūstīt, Otoniels nevis bēg, bet gan atkāpjas savas impērijas tumšajā sirdī, izraisot Kolumbijas vēsturē lielāko militāro medību sākumu.

Starting: 15-09-2024 23:55:00

16-09-2024 00:40:00

No Sandjego debesīm ASV Tēvzemes drošības departaments uzrauga vairākus karteļa līmeņus, pārtverot narkotikas divu miljonu dolāru daudzumā. Robežsardzes suņi Atlantā uzošņā paslēptu skaidro naudu desmitiem tūkstošu dolāru apmērā. Ņujorkā Kultūras vērtību aizsardzības komanda atrod kontrabandas sūtījumu ar grāmatām, kas ir vairāk nekā 500 gadu vecas.

Starting: 16-09-2024 00:35:00

16-09-2024 01:15:00

Kolumbijas bēdīgi slavenais narkobarons Otoniels biedē pat visus citus narkobaronus. Viņš ir neizglītots zemnieks, kurš valda izolētajos Kolumbijas ziemeļaustrumu džungļos, izmantojot naudu, burvestības un mežonīgu vardarbību. Kad varasiestādes cenšas viņu sagūstīt, Otoniels nevis bēg, bet gan atkāpjas savas impērijas tumšajā sirdī, izraisot Kolumbijas vēsturē lielāko militāro medību sākumu.

Starting: 16-09-2024 00:40:00

16-09-2024 01:25:00

Iekšzemes drošības izmeklēšanas dienests izmeklē kokaīna kūku lietu štata mērogā un Muitas un robežkontroles dienests konfiscē nedeklarētus naudas līdzekļus vairāk nekā 100 000 dolāru apmērā.

Starting: 16-09-2024 01:15:00

16-09-2024 02:00:00

Narkobaroni ir miruši. Eskobara vairs nav. Viņa sāncenši spēcīgajā Kali kartelī ir kļuvuši par vēsturi. Tirgus ir brīvs. Tūkstošiem jauno narkotiku tirdzniecības bosu cīnās savā starpā par narkotiku impērijas laupījumu. Šis ir aizraujošs stāsts par neredzama ienaidnieka medībām, kas sākas ar krāpšanas izmeklēšanu ielās un beidzas ar Kolumbijas lielākā karteļa sagrāvi.

Starting: 16-09-2024 01:25:00

16-09-2024 02:05:00

Pat pandēmijas laikā kontrabanda nekad nebeidzas. Pēc tam, kad COVID krīzes sākumposmā Iekšzemes drošības departaments pielāgoja savu taktiku, lai reaģētu uz pieaugošo narkotiku plūsmu pāri ASV dienvidu sauszemes robežām, tagad tas atkal pievēršas valsts lidostām, kur atkal sāk pieaugt starptautisko ceļojumu skaits. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai narkotiku kontrabandisti mēģina izkļūt cauri lidostai, jūras ostai vai sauszemes robežšķērsošanas punktam, modri policisti ir gatavi strādāt, lai apturētu nelegālās kontrabandas plūsmu. Izmantojot visus pieejamos instrumentus, Tēvzemes drošības departaments neapstāsies ne pie kā, lai notvertu kontrabandistu.

Starting: 16-09-2024 02:00:00

16-09-2024 02:45:00

Spoku ieroči strauji kļūst par noziedzīgo organizāciju ieroci visā valstī. Šiem spoku ieročiem, kas izgatavoti no komplektiem, kurus ikviens var iegādāties tiešsaistē bez iepriekšējas pārbaudes, nav sērijas numuru, tāpēc tos nav iespējams izsekot. Mariana ir uzsākusi neatliekamu misiju, lai atklātu, kā lielā mērā neregulēta nozare ir uzplaukusi par melno tirgu, kas ieročus nogādā ļoti bīstamās rokās.

Starting: 16-09-2024 02:05:00

16-09-2024 02:50:00

Maiami Tēvzemes drošības departaments izmeklētāji vada kontrolētu ketamīna piegādi, kas rezultējas lielā ieroču, MDMA jeb ekstazī un noslēpumainu jaunu narkotiku konfiskācijā. Džona Kenedija lidostā muita pārtver kastes ar invazīviem Āfrikas gliemežiem, pirms tie izraisa postažu amerikāņu zemēs. Elpaso darbinieki izmanto jaunas tehnoloģijas, lai skenētu spēkratus, kas noved pie vairāk nekā 16 kg kokaīna konfiskācijas.

Starting: 16-09-2024 02:45:00

16-09-2024 03:25:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 16-09-2024 02:45:00

16-09-2024 03:25:00

Mariana dodas 3000 jūdžu garā ceļojumā no Āfrikas uz Tuvajiem Austrumiem, lai atklātu, kā melnā tirgus nafta veicina teroristu grupējumu darbību visā pasaulē. Viņas izmeklēšana atklāj, kā šis "melnais zelts" tiek nozagts, kontrabandas ceļā ievests un nonāk Amerikas bīstamāko ienaidnieku rokās.

Starting: 16-09-2024 02:50:00

16-09-2024 03:35:00

Orindžas apgabala drošības dienesta aģenti aizsegā atklāj trīs narkotiku tirdzniecības operācijas, kas noved pie vairākiem arestiem, un metamfetamīna, fentanila un ieroču konfiskācijas. Kenedija lidostas agrikultūras speciālisti pārtver un iznīcina aizliegtus pārtikas produktus. Robežsardze Riogrande ielejā pārmeklē mašīnas, kas šķērso robežu, un zem apvidus auto aizmugurējā sēdekļa atrod kokaīna paciņas.

Starting: 16-09-2024 03:25:00

16-09-2024 04:10:00

Kritisku kļūdu dēļ pilotu kabīnē no debesīm nokrīt trīs lidmašīnas. "China Airlines" 140. reisa lidmašīnā dators cīnās pret pilotiem. Nelabvēlīgi laikapstākļi un nāvējošu kļūdu virkne izraisa turbopropelleru lidmašīnas ssvēršanos un avāriju nolaišanās laikā Īrijā. Un liktenīgā lidojumā pār Sibīriju briesmīgas kļūdas dēļ pilota krēslā nokļūst bērns.

Starting: 16-09-2024 03:35:00

16-09-2024 04:20:00

1989. gadā drosmīgais zinātnieks Tomijs Tompsons pārsteidza pasauli, izvelkot trīs tonnas zelta no kuģa vraka dziļi Atlantijas okeānā. Tam seko 30 gadu ilgs stāsts par piedzīvojumiem, krāpšanu un personīgām problēmām, kas viņu no cienītas slavenības padara par bēdīgi slavenu bēgli, un beigās aizved uz cietumu.

Starting: 16-09-2024 04:10:00

16-09-2024 04:55:00

Tommy Thompson and his crew recover tons of gold from the bottom of the ocean and return home as heroes. Out of nowhere come multiple lawsuits laying claim to the treasure. Tommys finances spiral leaving him unable to pay back investors some of whom turn against him. He is left fighting to hold on to the gold as his dream becomes a nightmare.

Starting: 16-09-2024 04:10:00

16-09-2024 04:55:00

Lidmašīna Germanwings 9525, kas lido no Barselonas uz Diseldorfu, lido Francijas Alpu virzienā, kad gaisa satiksmes dispečers pamana kaut ko neparastu - lidojums satraucoši strauji zaudē augstumu. Dispečeru centrā tiek ieslēgts ārkārtas režīms. Taču no pilotu kabīnes nav nekādas reakcijas, un Airbus A-320 drīz pazūd no radara. Nepieciešamas vairākas stundas, lai atrastu avārijas vietu, un cerības atrast izdzīvojušos ātri vien zūd. Paliek tikai fragmenti un jautājumi. Kad pierādījumu kļūst arvien vairāk, izmeklētāji saskaras ar tik draudīgu skaidrojumu, ka tam gandrīz nav iespējams noticēt.

Starting: 16-09-2024 04:20:00

16-09-2024 05:05:00

Tomijs Tompsons nekur nav atrodams. ASV maršali ir apņēmušies viņu izsekot un atrast 500 pazudušās zelta monētas. Pēc diviem bēguļošanas gadiem, kad viņa garīgā un fiziskā veselība sāk pasliktināties, viņu beidzot arestē dramatiskā reidā. Kad Tomijs ieslēgts cietumā, rodas neērts jautājums: viņš ir nepatiesi apsūdzēts ģēnijs, vai arī viņš tiešām nodeva savus investorus.

Starting: 16-09-2024 04:55:00

16-09-2024 05:35:00

Tommy Thompson is nowhere to be found. US Marshals are determined to track him down and locate the missing gold. After two years on the run and his mental and physical health deteriorating, he is finally arrested in a dramatic raid. As Tommy rots in jail everyone is forced to confront an uncomfortable question: is he a wronged genius or has he betrayed the trust of his investors.

Starting: 16-09-2024 04:55:00

16-09-2024 05:35:00

Saskaroties ar tālo ziemeļu ekstremālajiem apstākļiem, trīs lidmašīnas piedzīvojušas avāriju, liekot izmeklētājiem mēģināt noskaidrot cēloni.

Starting: 16-09-2024 05:05:00

16-09-2024 06:10:00

Šajā sērijā mēs uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, braucot ar ragavām, nokāpjot no vingrošanas stieņa vai sitot golfa bumbiņu.

Starting: 16-09-2024 05:35:00

16-09-2024 06:05:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this Space Special episode we launch into the cosmos to explore principles like orbits, light speed, weightlessness and intergalactic docking.

Starting: 16-09-2024 06:00:00

16-09-2024 06:25:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this Space Special episode we launch into the cosmos to explore principles like orbits, light speed, weightlessness and intergalactic docking.

Starting: 16-09-2024 06:05:00

16-09-2024 06:30:00

In this episode we learn how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself with blindfolds, punchbags or riding an inflatable down a waterslide.

Starting: 16-09-2024 06:10:00

16-09-2024 06:30:00

A deep water construction vessel needs fixing and the team don wet suits to try and help. Could this giant floating machine be dead in the water.

Starting: 16-09-2024 06:25:00

16-09-2024 07:10:00

Šajā sērijā mēs uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, braucot ar mopēdu uz viena riteņa, lecot ūdenī uz galvas vai cilājot hanteles.

Starting: 16-09-2024 06:30:00

16-09-2024 06:55:00

A deep water construction vessel needs fixing and the team don wet suits to try and help. Could this giant floating machine be dead in the water.

Starting: 16-09-2024 06:30:00

16-09-2024 07:15:00

Richard Hammond stands atop on the Wembley roof, in front of its record breaking arch to discover the Engineering Connections behind the new high tech home of English football. Richard reveals how the architects and engineers, under pressure to maintain Wembley's iconic status as a world class sporting and music venue, drew inspiration from a rock climbing knot, the first glider to carry a man, a high powered medieval crossbow, stealth aircraft technology and Archimedes' buoyancy theory that surfaced over two thousand years ago.

Starting: 16-09-2024 06:55:00

16-09-2024 07:40:00

When one of Boeing's 767 jetliners needs repairing, a team of specialists, including Sean Riley, are sent to fix it. Can he iron out the dents.

Starting: 16-09-2024 07:10:00

16-09-2024 08:00:00

When one of Boeing's 767 jetliners needs repairing, a team of specialists, including Sean Riley, are sent to fix it. Can he iron out the dents.

Starting: 16-09-2024 07:15:00

16-09-2024 08:05:00

Richard Hammond climbs to the top of Sydney's iconic Opera House to unlock the Engineering Connections behind one of the most instantly recognizable buildings in the world. He reveals how an architect's sketch, rejected by the design competition jury, was transformed into concrete and glass through trail-blazing building techniques inspired by a First World War gas mask, a set of false teeth, a collapsible puppet toy, an Ancient Pharaoh's chest and a 19th century sailing ship.

Starting: 16-09-2024 07:40:00

16-09-2024 08:30:00

In 2011, almost a decade since the release of its last flagship model, the Murcielago, Lamborghini launched its latest creation - the Aventador. With a top-speed of 350 kmh and improved handling, it's a symbol of a new era for Lamborghini. Megafactories visits its factory in northern Italy, to follow the story of its creation from conception to launch and to witness an incredible production process, from the brand-new 5,400 square ft facility, devoted entirely to the creation of the Aventador's revolutionary full carbon-fibre monocoque, to the assembly line, where highly skilled mechanics work alongside state-of-the-art equipment to produce four of these supercars every day.

Starting: 16-09-2024 08:00:00

16-09-2024 08:50:00

In 2011, almost a decade since the release of its last flagship model, the Murcielago, Lamborghini launched its latest creation - the Aventador. With a top-speed of 350 kmh and improved handling, it's a symbol of a new era for Lamborghini. Megafactories visits its factory in northern Italy, to follow the story of its creation from conception to launch and to witness an incredible production process, from the brand-new 5,400 square ft facility, devoted entirely to the creation of the Aventador's revolutionary full carbon-fibre monocoque, to the assembly line, where highly skilled mechanics work alongside state-of-the-art equipment to produce four of these supercars every day.

Starting: 16-09-2024 08:05:00

16-09-2024 08:50:00

Richard Hammond reveals the startling engineering connections behind Hong Kong International Airport, one of the busiest and biggest in the world, sited on a specially constructed island. Then the world's largest construction project it drew inspiration from a 13th Century Arab irrigation machine to create new land, and a WWII bomber and car suspension to make the terminal building light, airy and typhoon-proof. To reduce lost baggage designers turned to a bizarre Cold War spy device and a brass band was the proof of a crucial scientific principle which protects pilots from wind shear, all resulting in the new gateway to Asia.

Starting: 16-09-2024 08:30:00

16-09-2024 09:20:00

Take a rare look inside Ford's impressive Mustang factory, where four different models are made, including the super-powerful 650HP V8.

Starting: 16-09-2024 08:50:00

16-09-2024 09:40:00

Richard Hammond reveals the engineering inspirations behind the tallest road bridge in the world - the Millau Viaduct, in France. He fires three quarters of a million volts from his finger tips to see how the power of lightning cut the steel structure quickly and accurately. The huge piers - 340 metres high, and which would look down on the Eiffel Tower - were positioned to millimetre accuracy with the system that located lost nuclear submarines. The longest road-deck in the world was launched along the top of the piers - and required the slipperiest substance known to man - Teflon; not even a gecko can stick to it. Steel cables hold the bridge in shape - born of a series of mining accidents. And to allow the bridge to expand a metre and a half in the summer sun the engineers turned to an ancient Celtic boat-building technique which can make concrete as bendy as wood.

Starting: 16-09-2024 09:20:00

16-09-2024 10:05:00

Archaeologists explore the events surrounding the 1836 Battle of the Alamo – America’s most famous siege. Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico tell of weapon trafficking that foreshadow the epic battle. Archaeologists reveal the original structure of the fort, recreated in CGI, and at San Jacinto, scientific investigation uncovers how Texas, against all the odds, secured its independence.

Starting: 16-09-2024 09:35:00

16-09-2024 10:20:00

Archaeologists explore the events surrounding the 1836 Battle of the Alamo – America’s most famous siege. Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico tell of weapon trafficking that foreshadow the epic battle. Archaeologists reveal the original structure of the fort, recreated in CGI, and at San Jacinto, scientific investigation uncovers how Texas, against all the odds, secured its independence.

Starting: 16-09-2024 09:40:00

16-09-2024 10:25:00

Journey to the Earth's Core takes us from the sidewalk to the center of the planet in one epic unbroken shot. Using spectacular computer generated imagery we smash through four thousand miles of solid rock to explore the hidden world beneath our feet. We experience an earthquake inside the San Andreas Fault, blast out of a volcano, encounter bizarre cave-dwelling creatures and enter caves full of giant crystals - all inside our planet. As we descend we piece together our planet's extraordinary story, layer by layer, discovering how prehistoric forests became modern-day fuel, witnessing the dinosaurs' cataclysmic death, and watching as stalactites form and gold grows before our eyes. Deeper, beyond the reach of any mine, any drill, we find wonders beyond imagination: towering molten metal tornadoes, forests of solid iron crystals, until we reach the strangest, least understood place on the planet - the core.

Starting: 16-09-2024 10:05:00

16-09-2024 11:35:00

There may be as many as one hundred thousand vessels lying on the floor of the Baltic sea, but perhaps the most spectacular of those is the battleship the Mars, which vanished over 450 years ago on just the second day of her career at sea. Shrouded in legend, this ship has recently been discovered off the coast of Sweden and is proving that she more than lives up to the many myths that surround her.

Starting: 16-09-2024 10:20:00

16-09-2024 11:10:00

There may be as many as one hundred thousand vessels lying on the floor of the Baltic sea, but perhaps the most spectacular of those is the battleship the Mars, which vanished over 450 years ago on just the second day of her career at sea. Shrouded in legend, this ship has recently been discovered off the coast of Sweden and is proving that she more than lives up to the many myths that surround her.

Starting: 16-09-2024 10:25:00

16-09-2024 11:10:00

Albert Lin and National Geographic Channel unearth the terrible secrets that lie hidden in the tomb of China's first Emperor. The Terracotta Warriors are just the tip of the iceberg in this mausoleum the size of Manhattan, that has gone largely unexcavated…until now. These silent statues guard explosive, macabre findings that rewrite history and paint a very different picture of the ancient world from what we thought we knew.

Starting: 16-09-2024 11:10:00

16-09-2024 11:55:00

In 2001, satellite imagery captured a mysterious “thermal anomaly” on an unexplored volcano at the ends of the earth. What lies inside could provide new clues to help predict volcanic eruptions around the globe. But the island is so remote… and conditions are so extreme… no one has ever been able to reach the top to investigate what lies inside. Until now.

Starting: 16-09-2024 11:35:00

16-09-2024 12:20:00

A surprising number of the rulers we know from the dynasties of ancient Egypt were women. Some ruled as queens but some as kings or pharaohs. Two are household names -- Nefertiti and Cleopatra – but two others are lesser-known – Hatshepsut and Nefertari. All were remarkable in the way they rose to power, and left their mark on a land typically dominated by men.

Starting: 16-09-2024 11:55:00

16-09-2024 12:40:00

March 16th, 1978 : the Amoco Cadiz, a supertanker loaded with 220 000 tons of petrol, runs aground the rocks of Portsall, in Brittany, France. The accident causes the biggest oil spill France has ever known, and is still today known as one of the 20th century’s biggest ecological catastrophes. 40 years later, what’s left of the Amoco Cadiz trauma ? Loïck Peyron, a worldwide-known sailor and sea-lover, is coming back to the tragedy’s epicenter to understand how nature recovered from the catastrophe and what lessons were learnt from it.

Starting: 16-09-2024 12:20:00

16-09-2024 13:05:00

In the shadow of the Great Pyramid a team of archaeologists led by Dr Mark Lehner unearth what could be the most important royal palace in ancient Egypt. Digging beneath an abandoned soccer field, the team find a trail of clues that reveal a nerve centre dedicated to the construction of the Great pyramid itself.

Starting: 16-09-2024 12:40:00

16-09-2024 13:25:00

The team is in the Azores to tag a deep-sea giant — the sixgill shark — and learn more about its nightly patterns on the hunt for food in the abyss. For the first time ever, the team tags and retrieves valuable data, uncovering the secrets of why this prehistoric shark undertakes its epic journey from the depths at night.

Starting: 16-09-2024 13:05:00

16-09-2024 13:40:00

Archeologists excavate the unexplored burial chamber of an ancient pyramid hoping to find the 4400-year-old kings mummy and his treasures. No modern archaeologist has fully explored the pyramid of Sahure which has suffered a catastrophic collapse inside. Dr Mohamed Ismail Khaled and his team take on the dangerous task of clearing the rubble and make discoveries of a lifetime.

Starting: 16-09-2024 13:25:00

16-09-2024 14:10:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 16-09-2024 13:40:00

16-09-2024 14:15:00

One of Russias most popular hockey teams is on its way to Minsk, Belarus, for their first game of the 2011 season. Their Soviet built Yak-42D starts down the main runway at Yaroslavls Tunoshna Airport. But instead of lifting off, the plane runs off the end of the tarmac, strikes a tower and crashes into the Volga River. Only the planes mechanic survives the disaster. Around the globe, fans mourn one of the biggest tragedies in the history of the sport. Russian President Medvedev demands answers, and investigators are under tremendous pressure to find out what went wrong.

Starting: 16-09-2024 14:10:00

16-09-2024 14:55:00

Pēc tam, kad ir konstatēts, ka tikuši pārkāpti vitāli svarīgi drošības pasākumi, šo šausminošo aviokatastrofu iespaidā visā pasaulē tiek būtiski mainīta lidostas drošības kontrole. Pasažieru lidmašīna tiek iznīcināta Kalifornijas kalnos, un izmeklētāji atrod pierādījumus lidmašīnas vrakā. Lidmašīna 747 eksplodē virs Atlantijas okeāna. Pēc standarta nolaišanās reģionālā reisa lidmašīnu Taivānā pārņem liesmas.

Starting: 16-09-2024 14:15:00

16-09-2024 15:00:00

When tower controllers ask Flight 409 to head to a new heading, the pilots acknowledge the change. Moments later, the plane crashes into the sea.

Starting: 16-09-2024 14:55:00

16-09-2024 15:40:00

Apjukušas, aklas un pazudušas tumsā - trīs apkalpes pazaudē skatu uz horizontu un iekrīt vienās nāvējošās lamatās.

Starting: 16-09-2024 15:00:00

16-09-2024 15:45:00

September 1, 1983 Korean Air Lines Flight #007 is high above the Sea of Japan with 269 people on board. Hoping to save fuel during the last leg of its marathon flight from New York to Seoul, it requests permission to fly at a higher altitude. When the aircraft reaches its new altitude, however, it is rocked by rapid decompression, spirals out of control and crashes into the sea. An international controversy erupts, and within days, Soviet officials admit to shooting down the passenger plane. With Cold War tensions at an all-time high, its up to international investigators to keep two superpowers at bay. But can they prevent an all-out armed conflict, and can they determine what went wrong.

Starting: 16-09-2024 15:40:00

16-09-2024 16:30:00

Pēc parasta vienas stundas lidojuma no Mineapoles Northwest Airlink reiss Nr. 5719 avarē Minesotas ziemeļos, un bojā iet visi pasažieri un apkalpe. Izmeklētāji izjūt milzu spiedienu atrast katastrofas iemeslu. Pilotu kabīnes balss ieraksts rada satraucošus jautājumus par pilota pieredzes trūkumu. Taču, izmeklētājiem veicot rūpīgāku izpēti, viņi atklāj satraucošu neatbilstīgas rīcības modeli, kas noveda pie kļūmes cilvēku sadarbībā.

Starting: 16-09-2024 15:45:00

16-09-2024 16:30:00

This episode takes us around the globe from Pucallpa in Peru, to Stephenville Texas in the United States and onto Bass Strait in Australia. In this episode, strange lights aloft are linked to rumoured gruesome deaths on the ground; F16 fighters appear to chase a UFO heading straight for a US Presidential retreat and a young Australian pilot disappears mid-flight over the sea after reporting a strange craft dancing around his light aircraft.

Starting: 16-09-2024 16:30:00

16-09-2024 17:15:00

Host Diego Buñuel ventures deep underwater to vast graveyards of Maya human sacrifices and through dangerous underground tunnels to new revelations about the Maya calendar. Ground breaking National Geographic technology, a brilliant SUNSPHERE that turns darkness into day, makes his quest unique. The search leads him to understand more about the mysterious collapse of Maya civilization over 1000 years ago. And how the Maya may have forecast the same fate for us. Is the Maya Doomsday prediction scheduled to happen on December 21, ? Should we bother buying Christmas presents? Buñuel has the answers.

Starting: 16-09-2024 16:30:00

16-09-2024 17:15:00

Reports of unexplained lights in the sky have appeared throughout history and from all over the globe. This episode of Invasion Earth starts on the East Coast of the US in 1965 following a reported crash landing, before moving to Europe to examine a strange light streaking across the skies of Spain and Portugal as recently as 2004. Finally we return to the 1960s, but this time to delve into a Southeast Asian UFO mystery in war-torn Vietnam. One man tells of his disturbing experience of a mysterious light appearing over a military base, which seems to knock out the camp's electricity.

Starting: 16-09-2024 17:15:00

16-09-2024 18:00:00

Albert follows the new treasure map to a new pyramid, that no one knew lay hidden in the dense jungle right at the heart of the most famous ancient Maya city. Meanwhile, divers search for a hidden entrance to a legendary flooded cave beneath Mexico's most famous Maya pyramid, and archaeologists discover a ceremonial royal drinking-cup that reveals the tomb of a lost King.

Starting: 16-09-2024 17:15:00

16-09-2024 18:00:00

In this episode of Planet UFO, we visit a small Amazonian fishing community called Colares that was seemingly terrorized by UFOs in the late 1970's. Dozens of residents claim to have been the victims of beams of light, shining down on them from UFOs, draining them of energy and leaving them with strange cuts. We also travel to Victoria, Australia where, in 1966, a young driver is killed on an empty stretch of road late at night. There are no witnesses to his crash but it comes to light that someone else reported seeing a UFO in the same place several days before. Finally, we examine a police helicopter's encounter with an unusual object over Louisville, Kentucky.

Starting: 16-09-2024 18:00:00

16-09-2024 18:45:00

The new treasure map uncovers a mysterious and long-lost pyramid complex that reveals startling clues of violent sacrifice. Newly discovered cave systems deep in the jungle, are explored for the first time in a millennium, unearthing evidence of ancient Maya ritual. And Albert Lin embarks on a perilous mission of discovery in Mexico, diving deep beneath the surface of the Maya underworld.

Starting: 16-09-2024 18:00:00

16-09-2024 18:45:00

In this episode, witnesses in Texas claim their confusing physical illnesses are the result of a massive, fiery, diamond-shaped object; a mass sighting in Arizona of lights gliding across the sky prompts accusations of a government cover-up by some; and in the skies above Brazil, jet fighters play a high stakes game of cat and mouse with unknown lights.

Starting: 16-09-2024 18:45:00

16-09-2024 19:30:00

The new treasure map leads to discovery of a lost fortress that paints a picture of a civilisation at war. A sacred altar is unearthed after 1500 years buried in a ruined temple, revealing secrets of the legendary Maya Snake King uprising. And Albert Lin travels to the most remote jungle corner of the Maya world, where cutting edge laser technology is helping to reveal evidence of a forgotten war.

Starting: 16-09-2024 18:45:00

16-09-2024 19:30:00

In this episode we go on board with a Japanese Airlines cargo plane over north-eastern Alaska, as it is seemingly followed by UFOs at 35,000 feet. The incident sparks an FAA investigation and claims of secret involvement by the FBI and CIA. We also travel to Westall, a town on the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. In April 1966, this unassuming suburb was home to a mass daylight sighting of a UFO. Finally, we explore a bizarre series of UFO sightings in a remote town in northern Peru. The incidents, caught on video by a local photographer, spark off an investigation by a newly formed government department.

Starting: 16-09-2024 19:30:00

16-09-2024 20:15:00

The new treasure map leads Albert to discover lost pyramids at the ancient city of El Palmar. Across the Maya world, archaeologists discover hidden treasures that reveal a civilisation of epic scale and sophistication, from a grand private palace to a razor-sharp obsidian knife blade, buried beneath the site of a sacrificial ball game.

Starting: 16-09-2024 19:30:00

16-09-2024 20:15:00

Deep in the Arctic Circle, in the winter of 2009, the skies of Northern Norway are lit up by an incredible but seemingly inexplicable light display. In 2006 one of the world's busiest airports is enveloped by UFO reports that come from the staff of a major US airline. Lastly we go back to the early years of the UFO phenomena and re-live the public scare of the great Washington UFO flap of 1952. Are there rational, scientific explanations for these fantastic events? Subject the scrutiny of investigative journalists and academic experts why do suspicions of conspiracy and cover-ups remain? Will the truth ever be revealed? Invasion Earth endeavours to expose the truth.

Starting: 16-09-2024 20:15:00

16-09-2024 21:00:00

Archeologists excavate the unexplored burial chamber of an ancient pyramid hoping to find the 4400-year-old kings mummy and his treasures. No modern archaeologist has fully explored the pyramid of Sahure which has suffered a catastrophic collapse inside. Dr Mohamed Ismail Khaled and his team take on the dangerous task of clearing the rubble and make discoveries of a lifetime.

Starting: 16-09-2024 20:15:00

16-09-2024 21:00:00

The team brings the OceanXplorer to Svalbard, Norway. The ice world of the Arctic is changing faster than anywhere else on Earth. The team’s mission is to figure out if Svalbard’s polar bears are adapting to its environment. To do so, they come face to face with this giant of the Arctic Ocean and scale a glacier to learn how much time is left for one of the most critical habitats for polar bears.

Starting: 16-09-2024 21:00:00

16-09-2024 21:40:00

Archaeologists explore hidden tombs, to decode ancient Egyptian beliefs in the afterlife. At Oxyrhynchus, a sealed sarcophagus gives up its secrets to reveal a stunningly preserved painted mummy. And high in the mountains at Philadelphia, a team ventures down a 40-foot-deep shaft in search of a long-lost burial chamber.

Starting: 16-09-2024 21:00:00

16-09-2024 21:45:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 16-09-2024 21:40:00

16-09-2024 22:10:00

Arheologi medī norādes, lai izskaidrotu, kā radies viens no lielākajiem Senās Ēģiptes rituāliem – mumifikācija. Viņi pēta, kas varētu būt viena no visvecākajām jebkad atrastajām mūmijām, un ielaužas neskartā kapavietā, lai uzzinātu, kā mūmija ir izturējusi, beidzoties Ēģiptes civilizācijai. Tostarp piepeši ar ķermeņiem pildīta kapavieta ataino, kā mūžīgo dzīvošanu mēģināja sasniegt vienkāršie ēģiptieši.

Starting: 16-09-2024 21:45:00

16-09-2024 22:30:00

Extraterrestrials or misidentified natural phenomena? Analyse compelling evidence and hear from experts as we explore the secret history of UFOs.

Starting: 16-09-2024 22:10:00

16-09-2024 23:00:00

Archaeologists explore hidden tombs, to decode ancient Egyptian beliefs in the afterlife. At Oxyrhynchus, a sealed sarcophagus gives up its secrets to reveal a stunningly preserved painted mummy. And high in the mountains at Philadelphia, a team ventures down a 40-foot-deep shaft in search of a long-lost burial chamber.

Starting: 16-09-2024 22:30:00

16-09-2024 23:15:00

From Winston Churchill's wartime cover-up to an alleged UFO crash in Wales, a new Ministry of Defence dossier lifts the lid on Britain's X Files.

Starting: 16-09-2024 23:00:00

16-09-2024 23:45:00

Gadsimtu pēc pasaules sensacionālākā arheoloģiskā atklājuma - Tutanhamona kapeņu atraduma - pieredziet to atklāšanas dramatiskās ainas un aplūkojiet nepārspējamos dārgumus tādus, kādi tie izskatījās tolaik - pilnās krāsās. Tas viss iespējams, pateicoties jaunākajām kolorizācijas tehnikām, kas izmanto detalizētus vēsturiskos datus, iedzīvinot Ēģiptes pētnieku Hovardu Kārteru.

Starting: 16-09-2024 23:15:00

16-09-2024 23:15:00

Area 51 is renowned for being one of the most top secret sites on earth. After years shrouded in mystery, the CIA released classified information about the missions that took place in years past. This 1 hour special tells the unique perspective of the CIA agents who worked hard to cover up years of secret missions and the employees who worked inside Area 51. What really happens at the most secret military base in the world.

Starting: 16-09-2024 23:45:00

17-09-2024 00:30:00

There may be as many as one hundred thousand vessels lying on the floor of the Baltic sea, but perhaps the most spectacular of those is the battleship the Mars, which vanished over 450 years ago on just the second day of her career at sea. Shrouded in legend, this ship has recently been discovered off the coast of Sweden and is proving that she more than lives up to the many myths that surround her.

Starting: 17-09-2024 00:00:00

17-09-2024 00:50:00

Archaeologists explore the events surrounding the 1836 Battle of the Alamo – America’s most famous siege. Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico tell of weapon trafficking that foreshadow the epic battle. Archaeologists reveal the original structure of the fort, recreated in CGI, and at San Jacinto, scientific investigation uncovers how Texas, against all the odds, secured its independence.

Starting: 17-09-2024 00:45:00

17-09-2024 01:30:00

Archaeologists explore the events surrounding the 1836 Battle of the Alamo – America’s most famous siege. Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico tell of weapon trafficking that foreshadow the epic battle. Archaeologists reveal the original structure of the fort, recreated in CGI, and at San Jacinto, scientific investigation uncovers how Texas, against all the odds, secured its independence.

Starting: 17-09-2024 00:50:00

17-09-2024 01:35:00

Khun Sa, viens no pasaules ietekmīgākajiem narkotiku baroniem, no savas nomaļās kalnu slēptuves Zelta trijstūrī pārpludina Ņujorku ar īpaši spēcīgu atkarību izraisošu vielu "Ķīnas baltais". Tas ir Amerikas heroīna epidēmijas sākums. Gandrīz trīs gadu desmitus "Nāves princis" šķiet neaizskarams. Līdz brīdim, kad aģentu grupa izdomā pārdrošu plānu, kā vērsties pret viņa heroīna impērijas kodolu.

Starting: 17-09-2024 01:30:00

17-09-2024 02:15:00

Khun Sa, viens no pasaules ietekmīgākajiem narkotiku baroniem, no savas nomaļās kalnu slēptuves Zelta trijstūrī pārpludina Ņujorku ar īpaši spēcīgu atkarību izraisošu vielu "Ķīnas baltais". Tas ir Amerikas heroīna epidēmijas sākums. Gandrīz trīs gadu desmitus "Nāves princis" šķiet neaizskarams. Līdz brīdim, kad aģentu grupa izdomā pārdrošu plānu, kā vērsties pret viņa heroīna impērijas kodolu.

Starting: 17-09-2024 01:35:00

17-09-2024 02:20:00

Vjetnamas kara apstākļos armijas veterāns Iks Atkinsons un dīleris Frenks Lūkass pārpludina Hārlemu ar augstas kvalitātes heroīnu. Atkinsons, izmantojot ASV militāro transportu, kontrabandas ceļā ieved vairāk nekā 400 miljonus ASV dolāru "Ķīnas baltā", bet Lūkass izmanto savu produktu, lai padarītu atkarīgus tūkstošiem no kara atgriezušos karavīrus. Galu galā abi pieļauj kļūdas, kas ļauj tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm atklāt viņu darbības shēmas.

Starting: 17-09-2024 02:15:00

17-09-2024 03:00:00

Vjetnamas kara apstākļos armijas veterāns Iks Atkinsons un dīleris Frenks Lūkass pārpludina Hārlemu ar augstas kvalitātes heroīnu. Atkinsons, izmantojot ASV militāro transportu, kontrabandas ceļā ieved vairāk nekā 400 miljonus ASV dolāru "Ķīnas baltā", bet Lūkass izmanto savu produktu, lai padarītu atkarīgus tūkstošiem no kara atgriezušos karavīrus. Galu galā abi pieļauj kļūdas, kas ļauj tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm atklāt viņu darbības shēmas.

Starting: 17-09-2024 02:20:00

17-09-2024 03:05:00

Narkobaroni ir miruši. Eskobara vairs nav. Viņa sāncenši spēcīgajā Kali kartelī ir kļuvuši par vēsturi. Tirgus ir brīvs. Tūkstošiem jauno narkotiku tirdzniecības bosu cīnās savā starpā par narkotiku impērijas laupījumu. Šis ir aizraujošs stāsts par neredzama ienaidnieka medībām, kas sākas ar krāpšanas izmeklēšanu ielās un beidzas ar Kolumbijas lielākā karteļa sagrāvi.

Starting: 17-09-2024 03:00:00

17-09-2024 03:45:00

Narkobaroni ir miruši. Eskobara vairs nav. Viņa sāncenši spēcīgajā Kali kartelī ir kļuvuši par vēsturi. Tirgus ir brīvs. Tūkstošiem jauno narkotiku tirdzniecības bosu cīnās savā starpā par narkotiku impērijas laupījumu. Šis ir aizraujošs stāsts par neredzama ienaidnieka medībām, kas sākas ar krāpšanas izmeklēšanu ielās un beidzas ar Kolumbijas lielākā karteļa sagrāvi.

Starting: 17-09-2024 03:05:00

17-09-2024 03:50:00

One of Russias most popular hockey teams is on its way to Minsk, Belarus, for their first game of the 2011 season. Their Soviet built Yak-42D starts down the main runway at Yaroslavls Tunoshna Airport. But instead of lifting off, the plane runs off the end of the tarmac, strikes a tower and crashes into the Volga River. Only the planes mechanic survives the disaster. Around the globe, fans mourn one of the biggest tragedies in the history of the sport. Russian President Medvedev demands answers, and investigators are under tremendous pressure to find out what went wrong.

Starting: 17-09-2024 03:45:00

17-09-2024 04:30:00

One of Russias most popular hockey teams is on its way to Minsk, Belarus, for their first game of the 2011 season. Their Soviet built Yak-42D starts down the main runway at Yaroslavls Tunoshna Airport. But instead of lifting off, the plane runs off the end of the tarmac, strikes a tower and crashes into the Volga River. Only the planes mechanic survives the disaster. Around the globe, fans mourn one of the biggest tragedies in the history of the sport. Russian President Medvedev demands answers, and investigators are under tremendous pressure to find out what went wrong.

Starting: 17-09-2024 03:50:00

17-09-2024 04:35:00

When tower controllers ask Flight 409 to head to a new heading, the pilots acknowledge the change. Moments later, the plane crashes into the sea.

Starting: 17-09-2024 04:30:00

17-09-2024 05:15:00

When tower controllers ask Flight 409 to head to a new heading, the pilots acknowledge the change. Moments later, the plane crashes into the sea.

Starting: 17-09-2024 04:35:00

17-09-2024 05:20:00

September 1, 1983 Korean Air Lines Flight #007 is high above the Sea of Japan with 269 people on board. Hoping to save fuel during the last leg of its marathon flight from New York to Seoul, it requests permission to fly at a higher altitude. When the aircraft reaches its new altitude, however, it is rocked by rapid decompression, spirals out of control and crashes into the sea. An international controversy erupts, and within days, Soviet officials admit to shooting down the passenger plane. With Cold War tensions at an all-time high, its up to international investigators to keep two superpowers at bay. But can they prevent an all-out armed conflict, and can they determine what went wrong.

Starting: 17-09-2024 05:15:00

17-09-2024 05:20:00

September 1, 1983 Korean Air Lines Flight #007 is high above the Sea of Japan with 269 people on board. Hoping to save fuel during the last leg of its marathon flight from New York to Seoul, it requests permission to fly at a higher altitude. When the aircraft reaches its new altitude, however, it is rocked by rapid decompression, spirals out of control and crashes into the sea. An international controversy erupts, and within days, Soviet officials admit to shooting down the passenger plane. With Cold War tensions at an all-time high, its up to international investigators to keep two superpowers at bay. But can they prevent an all-out armed conflict, and can they determine what went wrong.

Starting: 17-09-2024 05:20:00

17-09-2024 06:10:00

Sean Riley helps with a radioactive fix at a nuclear power plant, with one eye on the Geiger counter as the team installs a new hi-tech turbine.

Starting: 17-09-2024 06:00:00

17-09-2024 06:50:00

Sean Riley helps with a radioactive fix at a nuclear power plant, with one eye on the Geiger counter as the team installs a new hi-tech turbine.

Starting: 17-09-2024 06:10:00

17-09-2024 07:00:00

Sean Riley goes on a cruise in the Bahamas, but this is no ordinary trip as he races against time to fix an enormous, 90,000-ton cruise ship.

Starting: 17-09-2024 06:50:00

17-09-2024 07:40:00

Sean Riley goes on a cruise in the Bahamas, but this is no ordinary trip as he races against time to fix an enormous, 90,000-ton cruise ship.

Starting: 17-09-2024 07:00:00

17-09-2024 07:45:00

The Gumpert Apollo Enraged - a $1 million street-legal racing car for the road. It's one of the fastest cars on Earth and one of the most exclusive. It's hand built in Germany, using some of the finest racing components Europe has to offer. Roland Gumpert, the firm's founder, is counting on selling it to keep his company afloat.

Starting: 17-09-2024 07:40:00

17-09-2024 08:25:00

The Gumpert Apollo Enraged - a $1 million street-legal racing car for the road. It's one of the fastest cars on Earth and one of the most exclusive. It's hand built in Germany, using some of the finest racing components Europe has to offer. Roland Gumpert, the firm's founder, is counting on selling it to keep his company afloat.

Starting: 17-09-2024 07:45:00

17-09-2024 08:35:00

For 20 years, Lexus has been synonymous with quiet, efficient, luxury. Now they have launched their first supercar - the Lexus LFA. Going from 0 to 100kph in under four seconds, it's anything but understated. This is the construction story behind the Japanese supercar. Hand built at the LFA Works in Toyota City, Japan, this car's body is 65% carbon fibre and powered by one of the highest revving production engine on the road. At $375,000 it's also one of the most luxuriously priced Japanese road cars ever.

Starting: 17-09-2024 08:25:00

17-09-2024 09:15:00

For 20 years, Lexus has been synonymous with quiet, efficient, luxury. Now they have launched their first supercar - the Lexus LFA. Going from 0 to 100kph in under four seconds, it's anything but understated. This is the construction story behind the Japanese supercar. Hand built at the LFA Works in Toyota City, Japan, this car's body is 65% carbon fibre and powered by one of the highest revving production engine on the road. At $375,000 it's also one of the most luxuriously priced Japanese road cars ever.

Starting: 17-09-2024 08:35:00

17-09-2024 09:20:00

In the 9th century the Maya civilisation began to disappear. This ‘collapse’ is hotly debated. New discoveries offer a different view. In Mexico the discovery of the lost Kingdom of Sak Tz’i reveals that the Maya did not entirely disappear, and at the city of Chichen Itza a ritual human sacrifice in an underwater cave shows that even through environmental disaster the city thrived.

Starting: 17-09-2024 09:15:00

17-09-2024 10:00:00

In the 9th century the Maya civilisation began to disappear. This ‘collapse’ is hotly debated. New discoveries offer a different view. In Mexico the discovery of the lost Kingdom of Sak Tz’i reveals that the Maya did not entirely disappear, and at the city of Chichen Itza a ritual human sacrifice in an underwater cave shows that even through environmental disaster the city thrived.

Starting: 17-09-2024 09:20:00

17-09-2024 10:05:00

Kuģi jau tūkstošgadi ceļojuši pa Melno jūru, pārpilnu noslēpumiem, mītiem, leģendām un diženām impērijām. Tās dziļākajos ūdeņos nav dzīvības, saglabājot kuģu vrakus, kas paver logu uz bagāto vēsturi. Melnās jūras nosusināšana atklāj seno dzīļu spoku noslēpumus, kā jūras flote tika sašķaidīta gabalos vien 30 minūtēs un kur meklējama Hitlera zaudētās U laivas pēdējā atdusas vieta.

Starting: 17-09-2024 10:00:00

17-09-2024 10:45:00

Kuģi jau tūkstošgadi ceļojuši pa Melno jūru, pārpilnu noslēpumiem, mītiem, leģendām un diženām impērijām. Tās dziļākajos ūdeņos nav dzīvības, saglabājot kuģu vrakus, kas paver logu uz bagāto vēsturi. Melnās jūras nosusināšana atklāj seno dzīļu spoku noslēpumus, kā jūras flote tika sašķaidīta gabalos vien 30 minūtēs un kur meklējama Hitlera zaudētās U laivas pēdējā atdusas vieta.

Starting: 17-09-2024 10:05:00

17-09-2024 10:50:00

History is full of revolutions, industrial, sexual and the big one, political. And each one starts in a different way. Every once in a while, holding hands and singing can be more effective than tanks and barricades. But even if your cause and motives are pure to begin with, how can you still end up on the wrong side of history.

Starting: 17-09-2024 10:45:00

17-09-2024 11:30:00

History is full of revolutions, industrial, sexual and the big one, political. And each one starts in a different way. Every once in a while, holding hands and singing can be more effective than tanks and barricades. But even if your cause and motives are pure to begin with, how can you still end up on the wrong side of history.

Starting: 17-09-2024 10:50:00

17-09-2024 11:35:00

Empires and lives have been won and lost over secrets kept and secrets revealed. We look at espionage; meeting spies from Delilah to Roald Dahl and along the way revealing the real model for James Bond. What does it take to make them successful? And how many people can know a secret before it isn’t secret anymore.

Starting: 17-09-2024 11:30:00

17-09-2024 12:15:00

Empires and lives have been won and lost over secrets kept and secrets revealed. We look at espionage; meeting spies from Delilah to Roald Dahl and along the way revealing the real model for James Bond. What does it take to make them successful? And how many people can know a secret before it isn’t secret anymore.

Starting: 17-09-2024 11:35:00

17-09-2024 12:20:00

Throughout history, men and women have dedicated themselves to raking in as much wealth as possible; old money, new money, even blood money. But from Robber Barons to Mansa Musa of Mali; how did they get it and how did they spend it? And in the end, were they happier than the rest of us.

Starting: 17-09-2024 12:15:00

17-09-2024 13:00:00

Throughout history, men and women have dedicated themselves to raking in as much wealth as possible; old money, new money, even blood money. But from Robber Barons to Mansa Musa of Mali; how did they get it and how did they spend it? And in the end, were they happier than the rest of us.

Starting: 17-09-2024 12:20:00

17-09-2024 13:05:00

Vēsture ir pilna ar noziedzniekiem, krāpniekiem un viltotājiem. Mēs aplūkojam interesantākos neliešus: no Ādama Vorta, kurš 19. gadsimtā iedvesmoja profesora Moriartija tēlu, līdz dārgakmeņu zaglei vārdā Dimantu Dorisa un "grāfam", kurš pārdeva Eifeļa torni lētticīgiem pircējiem... divreiz.

Starting: 17-09-2024 13:00:00

17-09-2024 13:50:00

Vēsture ir pilna ar noziedzniekiem, krāpniekiem un viltotājiem. Mēs aplūkojam interesantākos neliešus: no Ādama Vorta, kurš 19. gadsimtā iedvesmoja profesora Moriartija tēlu, līdz dārgakmeņu zaglei vārdā Dimantu Dorisa un "grāfam", kurš pārdeva Eifeļa torni lētticīgiem pircējiem... divreiz.

Starting: 17-09-2024 13:05:00

17-09-2024 13:50:00

Mēs aplūkojam vīriešus un sievietes, kuri ir kandidējuši un dažos gadījumos arī uzvarējuši un iekļuvuši Ovālajā kabinetā. Mēs tiekamies ar juristiem, kara varoņiem un krāpniekiem un atklājam, kurš ASV prezidents slēdza atomelektrostaciju avārijas vidū un kurš gandrīz tika apēsts. Kāda ir augstākā amata patiesā cena un kāpēc līdz šim viņi visi ir bijuši vīrieši.

Starting: 17-09-2024 13:50:00

17-09-2024 14:35:00

Flight: NOAA 42 Lockheed P-3 Orion A team of hurricane hunters is in a desperate situation after an engine fire cripples their aircraft during a daring flight into Hurricane Hugo. They narrowly escape and their crippled plane manages to fly back through the storm. But then it's up to investigators to figure out why a crew of skilled hurricane hunters was nearly killed in the line of duty.

Starting: 17-09-2024 14:35:00

17-09-2024 15:20:00

Military investigators work with the NTSB to identify what happened when a Marine Corps F-4 Phantom collided with a Hughes Airwest DC-9.

Starting: 17-09-2024 15:20:00

17-09-2024 16:05:00

Lauda Air Flight 004 / Boeing 767-300 series / May 26th, 1991 Airline owner and Formula One racer Niki Lauda joins forces with investigators to determine why Lauda Air Flight 004 fell into a steep dive and crashed during a flight from Bangkok to Vienna. And he soon discovers a shocking design flaw that could affect passenger planes around the globe.

Starting: 17-09-2024 16:05:00

17-09-2024 16:50:00

Arheologs dodas 6700 metru kāpienā uz Argentīnas kalna galu netālu no aktīva vulkāna un zemē atrod apslēptus sīkus sainīšus. Šīs ir perfekti saglabājušās bērnu mirstīgās atliekas - šķiet, ka viņi ir tikai aizmiguši. Kas ir šie bērni, un kā viņi gāja bojā tik tālu no mājām.

Starting: 17-09-2024 16:50:00

17-09-2024 17:35:00

Ziemeļitālijas kalnos alpīnisti atrod ko baisu. Teju nesasniedzamā vietā ledājā redzams cilvēka līķis. Tā izrādās senākā atrastā ledus mūmija. Pētniekus pārsteidz vīrieša nāves cēlonis, un viņi saprot, ka izmeklē tūkstošiem gadu senu slepkavību.

Starting: 17-09-2024 17:35:00

17-09-2024 18:15:00

Netālu no Kroganhilas, Īrijā, atrod cilvēka mirstīgās atliekas - vietā, kur reiz kronēja senos karaļus. Izmeklēšanā notiek pavērsiens, kad atbildīgie atklāj, ka līķis nav nesen pazudis cilvēks vai slepkavības upuris, bet tas ir tūkstošiem gadus sens. Arheologiem pētot līķi, atklājas stāsts par nežēlīgu karaļa slepkavību, ko paveikuši viņa sekotāji.

Starting: 17-09-2024 18:15:00

17-09-2024 18:55:00

Šie noslēpumi bijuši nezināmi tūkstošiem gadu: slepkavības, pakāršanas, rituālie upuri. Tagad, tūkstošiem gadu vēlāk, viņu mirstīgās atliekas ir atrastas, un mēs mēģināsim izprast notikušo. Katrā “Senās miesas:Atklātie noslēpumi” sērijā mēs veidosim izpratni par apstākļiem, kuros atrasti nevainojami saglabājušies ķermeņi purvā (daudzi pat no 1850. gadiem). Pēc tam, izmantojot interviju ar ekspertu, mēs izpētīsim, kādai bija jābūt katras personas dzīvei, un mēģināsim atšķetināt nāves noslēpumu.

Starting: 17-09-2024 18:55:00

17-09-2024 19:35:00

Šie noslēpumi bijuši nezināmi tūkstošiem gadu: slepkavības, pakāršanas, rituālie upuri. Tagad, tūkstošiem gadu vēlāk, viņu mirstīgās atliekas ir atrastas, un mēs mēģināsim izprast notikušo. Katrā “Senās miesas:Atklātie noslēpumi” sērijā mēs veidosim izpratni par apstākļiem, kuros atrasti nevainojami saglabājušies ķermeņi purvā (daudzi pat no 1850. gadiem). Pēc tam, izmantojot interviju ar ekspertu, mēs izpētīsim, kādai bija jābūt katras personas dzīvei, un mēģināsim atšķetināt nāves noslēpumu.

Starting: 17-09-2024 19:35:00

17-09-2024 20:20:00

Šie noslēpumi bijuši nezināmi tūkstošiem gadu: slepkavības, pakāršanas, rituālie upuri. Tagad, tūkstošiem gadu vēlāk, viņu mirstīgās atliekas ir atrastas, un mēs mēģināsim izprast notikušo. Katrā “Senās miesas:Atklātie noslēpumi” sērijā mēs veidosim izpratni par apstākļiem, kuros atrasti nevainojami saglabājušies ķermeņi purvā (daudzi pat no 1850. gadiem). Pēc tam, izmantojot interviju ar ekspertu, mēs izpētīsim, kādai bija jābūt katras personas dzīvei, un mēģināsim atšķetināt nāves noslēpumu.

Starting: 17-09-2024 20:20:00

17-09-2024 21:00:00

Šie noslēpumi bijuši nezināmi tūkstošiem gadu: slepkavības, pakāršanas, rituālie upuri. Tagad, tūkstošiem gadu vēlāk, viņu mirstīgās atliekas ir atrastas, un mēs mēģināsim izprast notikušo. Katrā “Senās miesas:Atklātie noslēpumi” sērijā mēs veidosim izpratni par apstākļiem, kuros atrasti nevainojami saglabājušies ķermeņi purvā (daudzi pat no 1850. gadiem). Pēc tam, izmantojot interviju ar ekspertu, mēs izpētīsim, kādai bija jābūt katras personas dzīvei, un mēģināsim atšķetināt nāves noslēpumu.

Starting: 17-09-2024 21:00:00

17-09-2024 21:40:00

Šie noslēpumi bijuši nezināmi tūkstošiem gadu: slepkavības, pakāršanas, rituālie upuri. Tagad, tūkstošiem gadu vēlāk, viņu mirstīgās atliekas ir atrastas, un mēs mēģināsim izprast notikušo. Katrā “Senās miesas:Atklātie noslēpumi” sērijā mēs veidosim izpratni par apstākļiem, kuros atrasti nevainojami saglabājušies ķermeņi purvā (daudzi pat no 1850. gadiem). Pēc tam, izmantojot interviju ar ekspertu, mēs izpētīsim, kādai bija jābūt katras personas dzīvei, un mēģināsim atšķetināt nāves noslēpumu.

Starting: 17-09-2024 21:40:00

17-09-2024 22:20:00

Arheologs dodas 6700 metru kāpienā uz Argentīnas kalna galu netālu no aktīva vulkāna un zemē atrod apslēptus sīkus sainīšus. Šīs ir perfekti saglabājušās bērnu mirstīgās atliekas - šķiet, ka viņi ir tikai aizmiguši. Kas ir šie bērni, un kā viņi gāja bojā tik tālu no mājām.

Starting: 17-09-2024 22:20:00

17-09-2024 23:05:00

Šie noslēpumi bijuši nezināmi tūkstošiem gadu: slepkavības, pakāršanas, rituālie upuri. Tagad, tūkstošiem gadu vēlāk, viņu mirstīgās atliekas ir atrastas, un mēs mēģināsim izprast notikušo. Katrā “Senās miesas:Atklātie noslēpumi” sērijā mēs veidosim izpratni par apstākļiem, kuros atrasti nevainojami saglabājušies ķermeņi purvā (daudzi pat no 1850. gadiem). Pēc tam, izmantojot interviju ar ekspertu, mēs izpētīsim, kādai bija jābūt katras personas dzīvei, un mēģināsim atšķetināt nāves noslēpumu.

Starting: 17-09-2024 23:05:00

17-09-2024 23:45:00

Kuģi jau tūkstošgadi ceļojuši pa Melno jūru, pārpilnu noslēpumiem, mītiem, leģendām un diženām impērijām. Tās dziļākajos ūdeņos nav dzīvības, saglabājot kuģu vrakus, kas paver logu uz bagāto vēsturi. Melnās jūras nosusināšana atklāj seno dzīļu spoku noslēpumus, kā jūras flote tika sašķaidīta gabalos vien 30 minūtēs un kur meklējama Hitlera zaudētās U laivas pēdējā atdusas vieta.

Starting: 17-09-2024 23:45:00

18-09-2024 00:30:00

In the 9th century the Maya civilisation began to disappear. This ‘collapse’ is hotly debated. New discoveries offer a different view. In Mexico the discovery of the lost Kingdom of Sak Tz’i reveals that the Maya did not entirely disappear, and at the city of Chichen Itza a ritual human sacrifice in an underwater cave shows that even through environmental disaster the city thrived.

Starting: 18-09-2024 00:30:00

18-09-2024 01:15:00

Karš Afganistānā nodrošina ideālus apstākļus pasaulē vērienīgākās narkotiku kontrabandas operācijas izveidei. Mafijas boss trimdā sadarbojas ar afgāņu narkotiku kontrabandistu, lai izveidotu 7000 jūdžu garu cauruļvadu, pa kuru ASV tiek piegādāts augstākās kvalitātes heroīns. Noziedznieki gūst vairāk nekā miljards dolāru lielu peļņu, iekams apvienotā FIB/NAA komanda iznīcina «Picas savienojumu».

Starting: 18-09-2024 01:15:00

18-09-2024 02:00:00

Pēc tam, kad DAA aģents Džefs Higinss steidzas palīgā Ņujorkas 11. septembra uzbrukuma vietā, viņš dodas uz Afganistānu, kur ir apņēmības pilns pierādīt ciešo saikni starp narkotikām un terorismu. Viņš neatlaidīgi vajā heroīna karali Hadži Bagčo, kurš ir atbildīgs par piektdaļu pasaules heroīna piegādes, un ir apņēmības pilns saukt šo narkobaronu pie atbildības ASV.

Starting: 18-09-2024 02:00:00

18-09-2024 02:45:00

Neticams stāsts par to, kā viens no Hells Angels līderiem pārņēma kokaīna tirdzniecību Monreālā un pieteica karu valstij. Mauriss "Mamma" Bušers uzkāpa Kanādas organizētās noziedzības virsotnē un šķita neaizskarams, līdz viņu beidzot nošāva viņa paša organizācijas informatori, kas strādāja kopā ar īpašo policijas uzdevumu vienību "Vilkači".

Starting: 18-09-2024 02:45:00

18-09-2024 03:30:00

Flight: NOAA 42 Lockheed P-3 Orion A team of hurricane hunters is in a desperate situation after an engine fire cripples their aircraft during a daring flight into Hurricane Hugo. They narrowly escape and their crippled plane manages to fly back through the storm. But then it's up to investigators to figure out why a crew of skilled hurricane hunters was nearly killed in the line of duty.

Starting: 18-09-2024 03:25:00

18-09-2024 04:10:00

Flight: NOAA 42 Lockheed P-3 Orion A team of hurricane hunters is in a desperate situation after an engine fire cripples their aircraft during a daring flight into Hurricane Hugo. They narrowly escape and their crippled plane manages to fly back through the storm. But then it's up to investigators to figure out why a crew of skilled hurricane hunters was nearly killed in the line of duty.

Starting: 18-09-2024 03:30:00

18-09-2024 04:15:00

Military investigators work with the NTSB to identify what happened when a Marine Corps F-4 Phantom collided with a Hughes Airwest DC-9.

Starting: 18-09-2024 04:10:00

18-09-2024 04:55:00

Military investigators work with the NTSB to identify what happened when a Marine Corps F-4 Phantom collided with a Hughes Airwest DC-9.

Starting: 18-09-2024 04:15:00

18-09-2024 05:00:00

Lauda Air Flight 004 / Boeing 767-300 series / May 26th, 1991 Airline owner and Formula One racer Niki Lauda joins forces with investigators to determine why Lauda Air Flight 004 fell into a steep dive and crashed during a flight from Bangkok to Vienna. And he soon discovers a shocking design flaw that could affect passenger planes around the globe.

Starting: 18-09-2024 04:55:00

18-09-2024 05:40:00

Lauda Air Flight 004 / Boeing 767-300 series / May 26th, 1991 Airline owner and Formula One racer Niki Lauda joins forces with investigators to determine why Lauda Air Flight 004 fell into a steep dive and crashed during a flight from Bangkok to Vienna. And he soon discovers a shocking design flaw that could affect passenger planes around the globe.

Starting: 18-09-2024 05:00:00

18-09-2024 05:45:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when driving through snow and cycling around velodromes, and the terrifying effect of a malfunctioning powerline.

Starting: 18-09-2024 05:40:00

18-09-2024 05:45:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when driving through snow and cycling around velodromes, and the terrifying effect of a malfunctioning powerline.

Starting: 18-09-2024 05:45:00

18-09-2024 06:10:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this Space Special episode we launch into the cosmos to explore principles like gravity, G-force, habitable zones and impact events.

Starting: 18-09-2024 06:10:00

18-09-2024 06:30:00

From dangling from ropes high up in the air to diving beneath a shaky bridge, Sean Riley will try anything to complete his latest fixes.

Starting: 18-09-2024 06:30:00

18-09-2024 07:20:00

Riley joins engineers at the Paranal Observatory in Chile to move a 23-ton, $15-million mirror. If damaged, it will take six years to replace.

Starting: 18-09-2024 07:20:00

18-09-2024 08:10:00

Mankind has long relied on the internal combustion engine for transportation. Now, with fossil fuels becoming increasingly sparse one company is trying to change the way we commute; this is the story behind the world's first fully electric premium sedan - the Tesla Model S. Tesla's electrical experts in Fremont, CA are gearing up for mass production in a groundbreaking new Mega Factory - but will the Model S take the world by storm.

Starting: 18-09-2024 08:10:00

18-09-2024 08:55:00

Visit Nissan's megafactory, where cutting-edge aerodynamics, hi-tech engineering and a handcrafted V6 engine create a mass-produced supercar.

Starting: 18-09-2024 08:55:00

18-09-2024 09:40:00

The investigation of a mysterious plane wreck in the tranquil waters of the Caribbean and the discovery of secret tunnels along the US border with Mexico reveal the incredible lengths cartels go to in a bid to ensure narcotics find a way to cities and towns across the world. Hidden from sight on land and at sea, we learn first-hand the ways in which the cartels operate and the routes.

Starting: 18-09-2024 09:40:00

18-09-2024 10:25:00

Als Kapone, "Lakijs" Lučāno, piecas ģimenes: Mafija 20. gadsimta sākumā pārņēma Ameriku. Bet no kurienes nāca viņu bagātība un vara? Ņūdžersijas vraks, pilns ar viskija pudelēm, atklāj noziedznieku tīklu; Detroitas upē 20. gadsimta 20. gadu kravas automašīna pierāda, ka mafijai starptautiskās robežas neko nenozīmē; un Čikāgā peldošs nelikumīgais bārs atklāj, kā politika un noziedzīgā pasaule iet roku rokā.

Starting: 18-09-2024 10:25:00

18-09-2024 11:10:00

Phil Keoghan journeys to the Moab Desert to unearth an ancient fossil of the dinosaur known as Dystrophaeus. Tim Samuels investigates declining sperm counts in the Western World. Mariana van Zeller is granted exclusive access to an underground smuggling tunnel in the Gaza Strip. Francesca Fiorentini uncovers the potential medicinal benefits of dirt.

Starting: 18-09-2024 11:10:00

18-09-2024 11:55:00

Phil Keoghan journeys to India to try his hand at an ancient form of martial arts. Gelareh Darabi explores new technology helping to detect deadly tornadoes. Ryan Duffy investigates the illegal logging of rosewood trees in Cambodia, and risky plight of environmental journalists bringing attention to the issue. Jago Cooper probes the intelligence of whales, and their ability to mimic humans.

Starting: 18-09-2024 11:55:00

18-09-2024 12:40:00

The use of the atomic bombs in World War II still excites controversy, particularly the necessity for the second bomb on Nagasaki. The argument that it was the only way to bring a swift end to the war, and save thousands of American lives, wins the day in public.

Starting: 18-09-2024 12:40:00

18-09-2024 13:25:00

It's a regular morning in the lively town of Amagasaki when a busy commuter train derails and crashes into an apartment building, killing over a hundred passengers and trapping hundreds more inside.

Starting: 18-09-2024 13:25:00

18-09-2024 14:15:00

On July 22, 2011, lone gunman Anders Behring Breivik emerges from a western Norwegian suburb to commit one of the worst terrorist atrocities in Europe since World War II. The massacre starts with an explosion in Oslo and finishes with the slaughter of dozens of teenagers at a youth camp on the isolated island of Utoya.

Starting: 18-09-2024 14:15:00

18-09-2024 15:00:00

Reģionālā reisa turbopropelleru lidmašīna tuvojas attālai Papua lidostai Indonēzijā, kad tā mistiskā veidā pazūd. No netālu esošās kalnu virsotnes plūstošie dūmi aizved meklēšanas un glābšanas komandu pie lidaparāta vraka. Lai gan traģēdiju būtu varējušas novērst trīs atsevišķas sistēmas, izmeklētāju uzdevums ir noskaidrot, kāpēc neviena no tām to neizdarīja.

Starting: 18-09-2024 15:00:00

18-09-2024 15:45:00

Following a fatal crash in treacherous conditions at Taipei's Chiang Kai-shek airport, investigators make a shocking discovery on the runway.

Starting: 18-09-2024 15:45:00

18-09-2024 16:30:00

Trīs lidojumi tiek nolaupīti, lai veiktu sabotāžu. Kad Etiopijas lidmašīnas pilotu kabīnē iebrūk nolaupītāji, kapteinim izdodas varonīgi, taču nāvējoši nosēsties okeānā. Pēc Itālijas pasažieru lidmašīnas sprādziena debesīs izmeklētāji nespēj vienoties par kādu konkrētu teoriju. Un Namībijas izmeklētāji pie LAM Mozambique reisa 470 atlūzām nonāk pie biedējoša secinājuma.

Starting: 18-09-2024 16:30:00

18-09-2024 17:15:00

Ledāja ekspresis, kas savieno slavenos kalnu kūrortus Seintmoricu un Zermatu, ir filmēts no augšas un vijas gar kalnu virsotnēm, pāri bīstamām aizām un cauri vētrainām kalnu grēdām. Nepārtraukti jācīnās, lai noturētos uz ceļa, jo inženieri pārvar dziļas sniega kupenas, izmanto jaunākās tehnoloģijas, lai aizsargātu dzelzceļa līniju no zemes nogruvumiem, un uzstāda sprāgstvielas, lai pasargātu no nāvējošām lavīnām.

Starting: 18-09-2024 17:15:00

18-09-2024 18:00:00

El Chepe ceļš sākas kalnu virsotnē Krīlas pilsētiņā un ved cauri krāšņajam Vara kanjonam, kas ir mājvieta vientuļajiem raramuri cilts iedzīvotājiem. Mēs pievienojamies inženieriem, kas strādā pie šī 100 gadus būvētā kalnu dzelzceļa, lai pasargātu to no klinšu nogruvumiem, straujiem plūdiem un pat viesuļvētrām. Ceļojums beidzas Losmočisā, Sinaloa štatā, kas ir vārti uz Kluso okeānu.

Starting: 18-09-2024 18:00:00

18-09-2024 18:45:00

“Ghan” - Austrālijas greznākais vilciens - šķērso visu kontinentu no Adelaides dienvidu piekrastē līdz tropiskajai ainavai Dārvinā ziemeļos. Divu dienu ceļojuma laikā tas saskaras ar lielu karstumu, sadursmju risku ar savvaļas dzīvniekiem un arvien ekstremālāku laikapstākļu radīto apdraudējumu. Inženieru armijai ir jāstrādā visu diennakti, lai uzturētu “Ghan” un tā 3000 km sliežu ceļu darba kārtībā.

Starting: 18-09-2024 18:45:00

18-09-2024 19:30:00

Vilciens no Vinipegas uz Čērčilu, kas šķērso vienu no Kanādas 10 provincēm, Manitobu, virzienā no dienvidiem uz ziemeļiem, ir filmēts no augšas. Vilciens brauc cauri sniegotām pļavām, Kanādas arktiskajam mežam un sasalušām neauglīgām zemēm tieši zem Polārā loka. Tā ir nepārtraukta cīņa, lai noturētos uz ceļa, jo inženieri cīnās ar sniegu un ledu temperatūrā, kas sasniedz pat mīnus 45 grādus.

Starting: 18-09-2024 19:30:00

18-09-2024 20:15:00

Bergenas dzelzceļa līnija no Norvēģijas otrās lielākās pilsētas Bergenas līdz tās galvaspilsētai Oslo ir filmēta no gaisa. Tā ved gar Rietumnorvēģijas fjordiem, paceļas uz sniegotās Hardangeras plakankalnes un nolaižas cauri dziļiem mežiem. Pa ceļam mēs uzzinām, kā pašaizliedzīga cilvēku komanda nodrošina līnijas darbību sarežģītos apstākļos: attīra to no sniega un ledus, aizkavē savvaļas dzīvniekus un labo bojātus vilcienus.

Starting: 18-09-2024 20:15:00

18-09-2024 21:00:00

Pushed to the limit, three flight crews face impossible odds. The pilots of a Boeing 707 lose both right engines over the French Alps as fire slowly engulfs their plane. In the skies above Portugal, the crew of Air Astana 1388 troubleshoot their out-of-control aircraft. And, a bomb explodes in the cabin of PA 434, severing critical control cables and blowing a two-foot hole in the fuselage.

Starting: 18-09-2024 21:00:00

18-09-2024 21:45:00

Pitch problems lead to catastrophic impacts that leave little evidence behind. Alaska Airlines 261 nosedives into the Pacific leaving investigators stumped . A rare storm and a deadly design flaw intersect causing American Eagle 4184 to fall from the sky. And, investigators suspect a fatal flaw in the Boeing 737 but it will take several similar disasters before they can figure it out.

Starting: 18-09-2024 21:45:00

18-09-2024 22:25:00

Pushed to the limit, three flight crews face impossible odds. The pilots of a Boeing 707 lose both right engines over the French Alps as fire slowly engulfs their plane. In the skies above Portugal, the crew of Air Astana 1388 troubleshoot their out-of-control aircraft. And, a bomb explodes in the cabin of PA 434, severing critical control cables and blowing a two-foot hole in the fuselage.

Starting: 18-09-2024 22:25:00

18-09-2024 23:10:00

On 25 May, 1979, a McDonell Douglas - DC10 aircraft, packed with holiday and business travellers takes off from Chicago's O'Hare Airport in the U.S. Only 31 seconds after take-off at 3:04 PM, the plane slams into a trailer park community. Hundreds of witnesses claim to have seen an engine separate from the wing upon take-off, but the three-engine DC10 should have been able to fly using just one engine. The experienced crew was thoroughly trained and the plane received routine maintenance just weeks before. Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board must attempt to rebuild the plane from tiny pieces of debris and perform a second-by-second examination to find out what caused Flight 191 to crash, claiming the lives of 273 people. The terrifying conclusion propels aviation maintenance regulations into the future.

Starting: 18-09-2024 23:10:00

18-09-2024 23:10:00

Als Kapone, "Lakijs" Lučāno, piecas ģimenes: Mafija 20. gadsimta sākumā pārņēma Ameriku. Bet no kurienes nāca viņu bagātība un vara? Ņūdžersijas vraks, pilns ar viskija pudelēm, atklāj noziedznieku tīklu; Detroitas upē 20. gadsimta 20. gadu kravas automašīna pierāda, ka mafijai starptautiskās robežas neko nenozīmē; un Čikāgā peldošs nelikumīgais bārs atklāj, kā politika un noziedzīgā pasaule iet roku rokā.

Starting: 19-09-2024 00:00:00

19-09-2024 00:45:00

The investigation of a mysterious plane wreck in the tranquil waters of the Caribbean and the discovery of secret tunnels along the US border with Mexico reveal the incredible lengths cartels go to in a bid to ensure narcotics find a way to cities and towns across the world. Hidden from sight on land and at sea, we learn first-hand the ways in which the cartels operate and the routes.

Starting: 19-09-2024 00:45:00

19-09-2024 01:30:00

Ballīšu cienītājs un notiesātais noziedznieks Kriss Džordžs vada lielāko tablešu ražotni Amerikā, izmantojot Floridas paviršos medicīniskās licencēšanas likumus, lai izveidotu daudzmiljonu dolāru vērtu biznesu. Divu gadu laikā viņa uzņēmums "American Pain" izdalīja vairāk nekā 20 miljonus opioīdu devu tūkstošiem atkarīgo, kas no visām ASV vietām devās uz Saulaino štatu. Līdz brīdim, kad FIB izstrādā plānu, kā viņu notvert.

Starting: 19-09-2024 01:30:00

19-09-2024 02:15:00

2021. gadā no sintētiskajiem opioīdiem gāja bojā vairāk nekā 50 000 amerikāņu - daudzus no šiem nāves gadījumiem izraisīja nāvējošais sintētiskais opioīds fentanils. Pirmo reizi šo narkotiku Amerikā ieveda kāds noziedzīgs ķīmiķis un Čikāgas ielu banda, bet šodien tās galvenais piegādātājs ir viens no asinskārākajiem un militāri spēcīgākajiem karteļiem Meksikas vēsturē - CJNG, ko vada netveramais narkobarons El Menčo.

Starting: 19-09-2024 02:15:00

19-09-2024 03:00:00

Ne vārda, ne fotogrāfijas, ne pirkstu nospiedumu, vienīgais, ko zināja tiesībsargājošās iestādes, bija viņa iesauka "El Loco" jeb "Trakais". Savu iesauku viņš ieguva pēc tam, kad vienpersoniski iznīcināja bandu, kas nogalināja viņa brāli. Policijas aizsargāts, viņš dzīvoja bēgļa gaitās, bija viens no Kolumbijas lielākajiem kokaīna karaļiem, kurš pārvietoja milzīgas kokaīna kravas pa visu pasauli. Vairāku valstu izmeklētājiem vajadzēja sešus gadus, lai viņu notvertu.

Starting: 19-09-2024 03:00:00

19-09-2024 03:45:00

Reģionālā reisa turbopropelleru lidmašīna tuvojas attālai Papua lidostai Indonēzijā, kad tā mistiskā veidā pazūd. No netālu esošās kalnu virsotnes plūstošie dūmi aizved meklēšanas un glābšanas komandu pie lidaparāta vraka. Lai gan traģēdiju būtu varējušas novērst trīs atsevišķas sistēmas, izmeklētāju uzdevums ir noskaidrot, kāpēc neviena no tām to neizdarīja.

Starting: 19-09-2024 03:45:00

19-09-2024 04:30:00

Following a fatal crash in treacherous conditions at Taipei's Chiang Kai-shek airport, investigators make a shocking discovery on the runway.

Starting: 19-09-2024 04:30:00

19-09-2024 05:15:00

Trīs lidojumi tiek nolaupīti, lai veiktu sabotāžu. Kad Etiopijas lidmašīnas pilotu kabīnē iebrūk nolaupītāji, kapteinim izdodas varonīgi, taču nāvējoši nosēsties okeānā. Pēc Itālijas pasažieru lidmašīnas sprādziena debesīs izmeklētāji nespēj vienoties par kādu konkrētu teoriju. Un Namībijas izmeklētāji pie LAM Mozambique reisa 470 atlūzām nonāk pie biedējoša secinājuma.

Starting: 19-09-2024 05:15:00

19-09-2024 06:00:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when attempting to flambe dinner, riding a balance bike or confronting a Dust Devil.

Starting: 19-09-2024 06:00:00

19-09-2024 06:20:00

Host Sean Riley toils alongside some of the world's top engineers and mechanics to show how impossible fixes are accomplished against all odds.

Starting: 19-09-2024 06:20:00

19-09-2024 07:10:00

Sean Riley and a crew of 100 shut down the Trans-Alaska pipeline for a major fix that involves highly explosive and dangerous crude oil.

Starting: 19-09-2024 07:10:00

19-09-2024 08:00:00

Follow the Mini Coupe – the Oxford plant's first ever two-seater sports vehicle – as it makes its way through the state-of-the-art Mini factory.

Starting: 19-09-2024 08:00:00

19-09-2024 08:45:00

MV Agusta is a legendary Italian motorcycle manufacturer. Purchased by a father and son team, the company is now betting its future on a brand new motorcycle design. Our story is about the MV Factory in Varese, Italy, and we will be there as the new motorcycle goes into production. It's design and manufacturing is key to whether the MV brand can return to glory.

Starting: 19-09-2024 08:45:00

19-09-2024 09:30:00

Arheologi Oregonas piekrastē pēta kuģa atliekas, kas nogrima pirms vairāk nekā trīssimt gadiem. Amerikas pamatiedzīvotāju mutvārdu stāsti vēsta par kuģa bojāeju un izdzīvojušajiem. Kuģa porcelāns un bišu vasks joprojām tiek izskaloti krastā. Arheologi rekonstruē nogrimušo vraku, izmantojot vēsturiskos datus un savas zināšanas, atklājot, kā šis milzīgais kuģis pārvadāja simtiem tonnu kravas gandrīz pāri puspasaulei.

Starting: 19-09-2024 09:30:00

19-09-2024 10:15:00

Dinozauru laikmets - sena pasaule ar mežonīgiem, vientuļiem tiranozauram, kas terorizē klīstošus augus ēdošus diplodokus. Tik pazīstami... bet tik nepareizi. Sākot ar to ādas krāsām un beidzot ar to, kā viņi pulcējās un ganījās ganāmpulkos, tik daudzi no mūsu uzskatiem par dinozauriem ir novecojuši, tikai minējumi vai fantāzijas. Tagad jaunā paleontologu paaudze, bruņojusies ar jaunākajām tehnoloģijām, met izaicinājumu šīm populārajām karikatūrām, lai atklātu patieso Juras laikmeta Ameriku.

Starting: 19-09-2024 10:15:00

19-09-2024 11:00:00

Pretnarkotiku policija aiztur divas uz Ķīnu braucošas sievietes, kurām ir trīs portatīvie datori, kas nav tādi, kādi tie šķiet. Prasmīgi paslēptas datoru korpusos ir iepakojumi ar kokaīnu. Spriedze pieaug, kad viens no pasažieriem pazūd, sarežģot visu operāciju. Viens pasažieris, kurš apgalvo, ka devies uz Bogotu, lai apciemotu savu jaundzimušo meitu, raisa policijas aizdomas, un viņa bagāžā tiek atrasts kokaīns.

Starting: 19-09-2024 11:00:00

19-09-2024 11:45:00

Pretnarkotiku vienības darbinieki izjauca viena pasažiera plānu, kurš mēģināja mainīt savu jau reģistrēto bagāžu pret citu, ko piegādāja viņa līdzdalībnieks un kurā bija 19 kilogrami kokainas. Cits pasažieris tika aizturēts kokainas kontrabandā, izmantojot jaunu tehnoloģiju, ko sauc par "gumijas narkotikām", kas sastāv no kokainas maisīšanas ar materiālu, no kura koferis ir izgatavots. Starp citu, imigrācijas amatpersonām ir jārisina neierasts gadījums, kad 17 gadus veca pusaudze cenšas izbraukt no valsts ar savu 42 gadus veco draugu, iesniedzot viltotu dokumentu.

Starting: 19-09-2024 11:45:00

19-09-2024 12:30:00

A new season of Airport Security Colombia and things are busy for the Anti-Narcotics Police as they try to stop their country's most infamous export; cocaine. The task is not easy, and in this episode, they must figure out if a man is smuggling drugs inside hair products. The drama never stops when smugglers risks their life injesting capsules filled with drugs like in the heart-breaking story of a mother who would risk it all for her kids.

Starting: 19-09-2024 12:30:00

19-09-2024 13:15:00

In Miami, Homeland Security Investigations run a controlled delivery of ketamine, which results in a larger seizure of guns, MDMA and a mysterious new street drug. At JFK, CBP intercept boxes of invasive African snails before they can wreak havoc on American soil. And in El Paso, officers use new technology to scan vehicles, resulting in a seizure of over 16 kilos of cocaine.

Starting: 19-09-2024 13:15:00

19-09-2024 14:00:00

Homeland Security Investigations conducts an operation to crack-down on counterfeit goods leading to a large seizure in Kansas City and the raid of an apartment filled with thousands of sneakers in Cali, Colombia. In Newark, CBP receives intel about a passenger traveling to Greece with two suitcases filled with $200k worth of marijuana. CBP finds cocaine inside the bumper of a vehicle in Texas.

Starting: 19-09-2024 14:00:00

19-09-2024 14:45:00

Continental Express Flight #2574 Embraer 120 Brasilia. Continental Express reiss Nr. 2574, kas torīt veic otro regulāro reisu, tuvojas sava stundu ilgā lidojuma no Laredo uz Hjūstonu, Teksasas štatā beigām. Modernā Embraer 120 Brasilia, kas ir starppilsētu lidmašīna, plāno veikt vēl vairākus īsus lidojumus. Bet tieši tad, kad piloti gatavojas nolaišanās manevram, lidmašīna nokrīt no debesīm. Tikai dažu sekunžu laikā lidmašīna krīt tūkstošiem pēdu augstumā, notiek spēcīgs sprādziens, un tā ietriecas lauksaimnieka laukā. Katastrofā iet bojā visi 14 lidmašīnā esošie cilvēki, un trieciens ir tik spēcīgs, ka lidmašīnas atlūzas ir tik tikko atpazīstamas. Izmeklētāji uzskata, ka lidmašīnā atradās bumba, bet, kad šī teorija tiek noraidīta, viņi rakņājas dziļāk un galu galā atklāj biedējošu stāstu par labiem plāniem, kas briesmīgi izgājuši greizi.

Starting: 19-09-2024 14:45:00

19-09-2024 15:30:00

Ceļā uz Komodoru Patagonijas piekrastē SOL Airlines 5428. reisa lidmašīna nokrīt nomaļā tuksnesī, uzreiz nogalinot visus lidmašīnā esošos cilvēkus. Argentīnas izmeklētāji pārmeklē izkaisītās un apdegušās atlūzas un neatrod neko neparastu. Tas ir, līdz mikroskopisks atradums sniedz pirmo taustāmo pavedienu.

Starting: 19-09-2024 15:30:00

19-09-2024 16:15:00

January 15th, 2009 - Less than two minutes after taking off from New York's LaGuardia Airport, US Airways Flight #1549 collides with a flock of birds. Both engines suddenly lose all thrust, and the Airbus A-320 begins falling from the sky. The crew desperately tries to restart their engines, but can't. With New York on one side and New Jersey on the other, Captain Chesley Sullenberger is running out of options. Searching desperately for a place to land, Sullenberger warns passengers and crew to brace for impact and tells the control tower that he will be ditching the plane in the icy waters of the Hudson River. Amazingly, all 155 people on board survive, and investigators try to determine how birds could have crippled two of the world's most advanced jet engines. Can they prevent it from happening again.

Starting: 19-09-2024 16:15:00

19-09-2024 17:00:00

Officers from Colombian customs, immigration, and law enforcement agencies make sure national security is the top priority by cracking down on criminals attempting to smuggle illegal goods out of the country while also helping passengers in trouble. A passenger claims he accepted doing someone a favor, without realizing it could cost him years in jail as an inspection reveals that a pair of innocent-looking high heels are not what they seem. Meanwhile, immigration agents must stop a person from travelling under a fake identity, and the paramedics must stand at the ready for any that may arise.

Starting: 19-09-2024 17:00:00

19-09-2024 17:45:00

Antinarcotics police officers at El Dorado International Airport, in Bogota, Colombia, fight the most daring and unexpected attempts to smuggle drugs out of the country. Behind the apparent innocence of a young woman traveling with her stepmother, the officers stop one of the biggest drug smuggling attempts in years. Later, they won't believe their eyes when the X-ray machine reveals that a young man is wearing a cocaine-filled adult diaper. Immigration officers must contend with an out of control Cuban passenger to whom they are forced to deport. Later, tragedy unfolds when they must prevent a mother from traveling with her young daughter to Europe. A thrifty passenger manages to pass through all airport security check-points with two kilograms of cocaine hidden in his carry-on bag, but he will be cornered as the officers' well-trained sense of smell will trigger and make him a suspect. A passenger on her way to the Dominican Republic denies being the owner of a bag as it's about to be searched. The inspection will reveal something unexpected.

Starting: 19-09-2024 17:45:00

19-09-2024 18:30:00

The best stories from El Dorado, Colombia's biggest airport, where law enforcement must stay on top to fight the criminal organizations who use the most diverse methods to move their product like hiding drugs in wine and shampoo. The full scope of the human drama comes to life when a man confesses that he is trying to pay debts after his children died, and a woman asks her mother for forgiveness ina heart-wrenching telephone call.

Starting: 19-09-2024 18:30:00

19-09-2024 19:15:00

The Anti-Narcotics police at El Dorado International Airport arrest a man who claims he was scammed when found with a briefcase full of cocaine.

Starting: 19-09-2024 19:15:00

19-09-2024 20:00:00

Homeland Security Investigations run multiple undercover drug deal operations, seizing over 30 kilos of meth and fentanyl. CBP Officers work with Agriculture Specialists in Atlanta to stop dangerous food items from entering the country. And at JFK, CBP has suspicions about an internal airline conspiracy, and later finds bricks of cocaine hidden in oatmeal and medicine boxes from Guatemala.

Starting: 19-09-2024 20:00:00

19-09-2024 20:45:00

Will you dare to embark with the Huelva Maritime Service to catch dangerous traffickers? Will you join those who set sail for a night shift in Almería to prevent the human trafficking trade? Will you dive into the waters of Girona to defuse undetonated weaponry? Join us on a thrilling journey as we delve into the heart of these daring missions together with the Spanish coastguards.

Starting: 19-09-2024 20:45:00

19-09-2024 21:30:00

Homeland Security Investigations conducts an operation to crack-down on counterfeit goods leading to a large seizure in Kansas City and the raid of an apartment filled with thousands of sneakers in Cali, Colombia. In Newark, CBP receives intel about a passenger traveling to Greece with two suitcases filled with $200k worth of marijuana. CBP finds cocaine inside the bumper of a vehicle in Texas.

Starting: 19-09-2024 21:30:00

19-09-2024 22:15:00

Homeland Security Investigations run multiple undercover drug deal operations, seizing over 30 kilos of meth and fentanyl. CBP Officers work with Agriculture Specialists in Atlanta to stop dangerous food items from entering the country. And at JFK, CBP has suspicions about an internal airline conspiracy, and later finds bricks of cocaine hidden in oatmeal and medicine boxes from Guatemala.

Starting: 19-09-2024 22:15:00

19-09-2024 22:55:00

Will you dare to embark with the Huelva Maritime Service to catch dangerous traffickers? Will you join those who set sail for a night shift in Almería to prevent the human trafficking trade? Will you dive into the waters of Girona to defuse undetonated weaponry? Join us on a thrilling journey as we delve into the heart of these daring missions together with the Spanish coastguards.

Starting: 19-09-2024 22:55:00

19-09-2024 23:45:00

Dinozauru laikmets - sena pasaule ar mežonīgiem, vientuļiem tiranozauram, kas terorizē klīstošus augus ēdošus diplodokus. Tik pazīstami... bet tik nepareizi. Sākot ar to ādas krāsām un beidzot ar to, kā viņi pulcējās un ganījās ganāmpulkos, tik daudzi no mūsu uzskatiem par dinozauriem ir novecojuši, tikai minējumi vai fantāzijas. Tagad jaunā paleontologu paaudze, bruņojusies ar jaunākajām tehnoloģijām, met izaicinājumu šīm populārajām karikatūrām, lai atklātu patieso Juras laikmeta Ameriku.

Starting: 19-09-2024 23:45:00

19-09-2024 23:45:00

Arheologi Oregonas piekrastē pēta kuģa atliekas, kas nogrima pirms vairāk nekā trīssimt gadiem. Amerikas pamatiedzīvotāju mutvārdu stāsti vēsta par kuģa bojāeju un izdzīvojušajiem. Kuģa porcelāns un bišu vasks joprojām tiek izskaloti krastā. Arheologi rekonstruē nogrimušo vraku, izmantojot vēsturiskos datus un savas zināšanas, atklājot, kā šis milzīgais kuģis pārvadāja simtiem tonnu kravas gandrīz pāri puspasaulei.

Starting: 20-09-2024 00:30:00

20-09-2024 01:15:00

Anelda Mare is on a road to destruction. Tormented by her past, and with a devil-may-care attitude, she is lured into the prospect of making money by drug trafficking. After smuggling for eighteen months she decides to quit, only to be told her parents will be killed unless she smuggles four kilos of cocaine out of Brazil. Fearful for her parent’s safety, Anelda agrees to do one last run.

Starting: 20-09-2024 01:15:00

20-09-2024 02:00:00

Grāmatvedis Kriss Heifners, ko viņa labākais draugs Džeiks ievilina narkotiku tirdzniecībā, nokārto visus savus parādus. Taču pēc tam, kad viņš tiek aizturēts ar marihuānas kravu bagāžniekā, viņu nodod cilvēks, kuram, kā viņš domāja, var uzticēties visvairāk. Narkotiku apkarošanas administrācijas, karteļa un šausminoša slepkavas trīskāršo draudu krustugunīs, vienīgā izeja ir kļūt par informatoru un notvert Džeiku..

Starting: 20-09-2024 02:00:00

20-09-2024 02:45:00

MIA CBP target a passenger with frequent trips to Colombia and after further questioning they suspect he could be smuggling narcotics internally. Officers search cargo for narcotics staying one step ahead of the cartel. At JFK, HSI conducts a controlled delivery of ecstasy on Wall Street that was intercepted at the mail facility and at LAX two passengers are questioned about their visits. For one their past drug use comes back to haunt them.

Starting: 20-09-2024 02:45:00

20-09-2024 03:30:00

Continental Express Flight #2574 Embraer 120 Brasilia. Continental Express reiss Nr. 2574, kas torīt veic otro regulāro reisu, tuvojas sava stundu ilgā lidojuma no Laredo uz Hjūstonu, Teksasas štatā beigām. Modernā Embraer 120 Brasilia, kas ir starppilsētu lidmašīna, plāno veikt vēl vairākus īsus lidojumus. Bet tieši tad, kad piloti gatavojas nolaišanās manevram, lidmašīna nokrīt no debesīm. Tikai dažu sekunžu laikā lidmašīna krīt tūkstošiem pēdu augstumā, notiek spēcīgs sprādziens, un tā ietriecas lauksaimnieka laukā. Katastrofā iet bojā visi 14 lidmašīnā esošie cilvēki, un trieciens ir tik spēcīgs, ka lidmašīnas atlūzas ir tik tikko atpazīstamas. Izmeklētāji uzskata, ka lidmašīnā atradās bumba, bet, kad šī teorija tiek noraidīta, viņi rakņājas dziļāk un galu galā atklāj biedējošu stāstu par labiem plāniem, kas briesmīgi izgājuši greizi.

Starting: 20-09-2024 03:30:00

20-09-2024 04:15:00

Ceļā uz Komodoru Patagonijas piekrastē SOL Airlines 5428. reisa lidmašīna nokrīt nomaļā tuksnesī, uzreiz nogalinot visus lidmašīnā esošos cilvēkus. Argentīnas izmeklētāji pārmeklē izkaisītās un apdegušās atlūzas un neatrod neko neparastu. Tas ir, līdz mikroskopisks atradums sniedz pirmo taustāmo pavedienu.

Starting: 20-09-2024 04:15:00

20-09-2024 05:00:00

January 15th, 2009 - Less than two minutes after taking off from New York's LaGuardia Airport, US Airways Flight #1549 collides with a flock of birds. Both engines suddenly lose all thrust, and the Airbus A-320 begins falling from the sky. The crew desperately tries to restart their engines, but can't. With New York on one side and New Jersey on the other, Captain Chesley Sullenberger is running out of options. Searching desperately for a place to land, Sullenberger warns passengers and crew to brace for impact and tells the control tower that he will be ditching the plane in the icy waters of the Hudson River. Amazingly, all 155 people on board survive, and investigators try to determine how birds could have crippled two of the world's most advanced jet engines. Can they prevent it from happening again.

Starting: 20-09-2024 05:00:00

20-09-2024 05:45:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when attempting to flambe dinner, riding a balance bike or confronting a Dust Devil.

Starting: 20-09-2024 05:45:00

20-09-2024 06:10:00

Šajā sērijā uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, izkāpjot no transportlīdzekļa, tīrot sniegu no jumta vai aizķeroties ar skrituļdēli.

Starting: 20-09-2024 06:10:00

20-09-2024 06:30:00

A mammoth five-lane bridge must be moved two miles and dropped into place on a major US highway in Salt Lake City, without stopping traffic.

Starting: 20-09-2024 06:30:00

20-09-2024 07:20:00

Sean Riley works with some of the world's top engineers and mechanics to show how seemingly impossible fixes are accomplished.

Starting: 20-09-2024 07:20:00

20-09-2024 08:05:00

Explore the state-of-the-art $200million factory where the controversial four-door Panamera that divided sports car fans worldwide is made.

Starting: 20-09-2024 08:05:00

20-09-2024 08:55:00

Join charismatic CEO Dany Bahar in Norfolk, unlikely home of the Lotus megafactory, as he unveils plans for their latest super car: the Evora.

Starting: 20-09-2024 08:55:00

20-09-2024 09:40:00

Drain the Oceans conducts the first accurate 3D survey of the Thai Cave. It reveals new insights into the life and death mission to save 12 boys from the flooded cave.

Starting: 20-09-2024 09:40:00

20-09-2024 10:30:00

Tim and Fuzz take on their first ever Honda – a 32-year-old CR-X, a pocket rocket that is the very definition of fun. The car’s owner is refrigeration engineer Tim, whose life has been blighted by a cruel genetic condition, that has meant his beloved Honda has been laid up in his garage rotting away. After sneaking the car away, the boys discover a big problem that been eating away at it – mice.

Starting: 20-09-2024 10:30:00

20-09-2024 11:15:00

Tim and Fuzz are restoring a Citroen SM, a grand tourer from the 1970s that many consider to be one of the greatest French cars ever made. The car belongs to 59-year-old Stuart, a surveyor from Sussex, who had been restoring the car for years until, on it’s very first journey, the car suffered a catastrophic engine failure. What better time for the Car SOS boys to step in and save the day.

Starting: 20-09-2024 11:15:00

20-09-2024 12:00:00

Cīņa par tunzivīm sit augstu vilni, jo flote ir devusies tālā ceļā pēc potenciālās peļņas. Kapteinis Pols Hēberts cenšas izglābties no pagājušās sezonas finansiālajām grūtībām un flotes cieņas zaudēšanas, bet vai ar viņa jauno pozitīvismu pietiks, lai izpelnītos tik ļoti kāroto cieņu? Tikai laiks rādīs, vai izķepurošanās nāks kopā ar atalgojumu.

Starting: 20-09-2024 12:00:00

20-09-2024 12:40:00

Konkurence saasinās, jo trīs kapteiņi veido aliansi un dodas uz Čatemu - Fat Tuna kapteinis Bobs Kuks, Hot Tuna kapteinis TJ Ots un Time Flies kapteinis Džeks Patrikāns. Pārējai flotes pusei ir jāizvēlas - vai nu apvienoties un veidot savas alianses netālu no mājām, vai arī doties ceļā vienatnē.

Starting: 20-09-2024 12:40:00

20-09-2024 13:25:00

During Canadian Pacific Railway’s spring repair season, Jordy and Tom’s 119-car grain train faces a series of obstacles as it journeys through the mountains towards Vancouver. Crew boss Bruce and his team wrestle kilometer-long links of continuous welded replacement rail into place. A repair crew hustles to clear a paralyzed locomotive that’s blocking the main line’s single track. Machine operator Amanda supervises rookie Keri as a 15-machine convoy installs new ties. Meanwhile in Ontario, the Polar Bear Express shuttles powwow drummers—and kittens—south to Cochrane.

Starting: 20-09-2024 13:25:00

20-09-2024 14:10:00

US Air Flight #1493 (Boeing 737-300) & Skywest Flight #5569 (Fairchild Metroliner) February 1st, 1991 Its a busy night at Los Angeles International Airport, and US Air Flight #1493 is on its final approach. The pilots configure the 737 for landing and although they repeatedly radio the tower for instructions, their calls go unanswered. They finally get clearance just moments before landing, but within seconds of touching down, the aircraft erupts in flames and crashes into an abandoned building. Rescue workers rush to the scene, and as survivors emerge from the inferno, firefighters make a horrifying discovery... Can investigators determine what went wrong.

Starting: 20-09-2024 14:10:00

20-09-2024 15:00:00

January 17th, 2008. Approaching the end of its ten-and a half hour journey from Beijing, British Airways Flight #38 is preparing to land in Heathrow. But just as the first officer takes over the controls, and only two minutes before it touches down, the aircraft is inexplicably crippled by double engine failure. Quickly falling out of the sky and with just seconds to react, the captain raises the plane's flaps to reduce drag. And while the plane narrowly misses the buildings and radio antennas in its path, it crashes just short of the runway, ripping off the engines and landing gear. Incredibly, all 152 people on board survive. But can investigators determine what brought down one of the world's most sophisticated jetliners.

Starting: 20-09-2024 15:00:00

20-09-2024 15:45:00

National Airlines 102. reiss, kas ar pārveidotu Boeing 747 lidmašīnu pārvadā militāro kravu, paceļas no Bagramas lidlauka Afganistānā. Taču dažu sekunžu laikā pēkšņi nekontrolējamā lidmašīna apstājas un nogāžas uz zemes. Negadījumu iemūžina garāmbraucoša autokamera, un, lai gan ieraksti vispirms noved izmeklētājus pie acīmredzama secinājuma, tomēr kāds nepamanīts pierādījums beigās atklāj, ka viņi ir kļūdījušies attiecībā uz negadījuma cēloni.

Starting: 20-09-2024 15:45:00

20-09-2024 16:30:00

Būvdarbu nelaimes gadījumi notiek katru dienu, taču dažkārt sekas ir katastrofālas. Šajā uz patiesiem notikumiem balstītajā spraiga sižeta pārraidē tiek izmeklēti iespaidīgākie negadījumi, noskaidrots, kas nogāja greizi un kā katastrofu varēja novērst. Apvienojot tiešraides kadrus ar CGI animāciju, šajā raidījumā tiek apskatītas ne tikai labi zināmas katastrofas, piemēram, Notre Dame ugunsgrēks un Džordžijas kupola sabrukšana, bet arī mazāk zināmi negadījumi. Viegli uztveramā raidījumā "" parādīts, kas notiek, kad viss noiet greizi.

Starting: 20-09-2024 16:30:00

20-09-2024 17:20:00

Tim and Fuzz take on one of the most iconic cars to have ever come out of Germany, a BMW E30 Alpina. The car belongs to car obsessive Maz, a town planner from Walsall, whose dream to restore the car came to an end when he was struck down with a near fatal genetic disorder. Once the car arrives at the workshop not only do the boys discover that it’s full of rot, but that it might not actually be the special edition it proports to be. Alpina or not Alpina – that is the question.

Starting: 20-09-2024 17:20:00

20-09-2024 18:05:00

Tim and Fuzz take a trip back in time in a Fiesta XR2,a fast Ford from the 1980s and the car that Fuzz learned to drive in. The car belongs to Brian, who planned to restore the car to show winning condition, however when he started suffering from health problems the project ground to a halt. Brian’s family contacted Car SOS hoping that a fully restored XR2 would bring a ray of sunshine into his life.

Starting: 20-09-2024 18:05:00

20-09-2024 18:50:00

Aļaskas indiāņi savas prasmes paļauties uz zemi iegūst no vecākiem. Tigs Strasburgs stājas pretim vilku baram, lai pasargātu ciematu un pārtikas avotu. Mārvins Agnots māca krustmeitām meklēt astoņkājus bēguma laikā. Džoels Džeko cīnās ar kūstošo ledu, lai iegūtu baļķus savai sapņu mājai.

Starting: 20-09-2024 18:50:00

20-09-2024 19:35:00

Vasara dod aļaskiešiem laiku, lai sagatavotos ziemai un atgūtos no iepriekšējiem gadalaikiem. Pingajaku ģimene atjauno zvejas apmetni pēc postošās vētras. Džoels Džeko atjauno kajaku unn izmanto to roņu medībām. Strasburgu ģimene būvē kūpinātavu un ķer zivis. Džodija Potsa-Džozefa ar Džeimiju Džozefu medī vasaras pīles.

Starting: 20-09-2024 19:35:00

20-09-2024 20:15:00

Aļaskas indiāņi meklē drošus resursus uz zemes un gaisā, izmantojot tradicionālās un modernās metodes. Džoels Džeko uzbūvē vējdzirnavas, lai radītu tīru enerģiju savai mājai. Mārvins Agnots cīnās ar straumēm, lai tiktu pie krabjiem. Džons un Terēza Pingajaki dodas uz dubļu vulkāniem pēc zivīm un baltirbēm. Tigs Strasburgs māca meitai Sofijai medīt bebrus.

Starting: 20-09-2024 20:15:00

20-09-2024 21:00:00

To celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary, a vintage luxury passenger train—the Royal Canadian Pacific—is making an historic cross-country journey. With 26 days, 13 cities, and a high-profile rendezvous with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, nothing can stand in its way. During an overhaul on a massive swing bridge, the crew struggles to install a new rail. Replacing a major switch means shutting down the main line for six hours. A dangling cable and a broken rail threaten to bring the historic train to a halt. Meanwhile, patrolling the rails in Kamloops, CP police constables Mike and Dave find themselves in a high-speed chase. And, after a troubled start on the railroad, newbie Jimmy steps up his game.

Starting: 20-09-2024 21:00:00

20-09-2024 21:45:00

Wicked Pissah pirmo reizi šajā sezonā metas patiesā cīņā un pievienojas Fat Tuna, Hot Tuna un Time Flies Čatamā, cerot, ka skaitliskajā pārsvarā ir spēks. Tikmēr Tailers kuģī Pin Wheel cīnās ar vienu zivi un turpina zvejot viens pats, cerot, ka viņa vientuļā vilka stratēģija beidzot dos vēl vienu lielu zilo tunzivi.

Starting: 20-09-2024 21:45:00

20-09-2024 22:30:00

Lielāko sezonas daļu pavadījis, rājot floti par zveju Čatamā, kapteinis Tailers pārdomā un nolemj ķerties pie zvejniecības uz dienvidiem. Arī No Limits nolemj sekot flotei uz ragu, cerot pakāpties no saraksta apakšas. Vai drosmīgais gājiens un garais ceļš atmaksāsies.

Starting: 20-09-2024 22:30:00

20-09-2024 23:10:00

To celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary, a vintage luxury passenger train—the Royal Canadian Pacific—is making an historic cross-country journey. With 26 days, 13 cities, and a high-profile rendezvous with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, nothing can stand in its way. During an overhaul on a massive swing bridge, the crew struggles to install a new rail. Replacing a major switch means shutting down the main line for six hours. A dangling cable and a broken rail threaten to bring the historic train to a halt. Meanwhile, patrolling the rails in Kamloops, CP police constables Mike and Dave find themselves in a high-speed chase. And, after a troubled start on the railroad, newbie Jimmy steps up his game.

Starting: 20-09-2024 23:10:00

20-09-2024 23:55:00

Narkobaroni ir miruši. Eskobara vairs nav. Viņa sāncenši spēcīgajā Kali kartelī ir kļuvuši par vēsturi. Tirgus ir brīvs. Tūkstošiem jauno narkotiku tirdzniecības bosu cīnās savā starpā par narkotiku impērijas laupījumu. Šis ir aizraujošs stāsts par neredzama ienaidnieka medībām, kas sākas ar krāpšanas izmeklēšanu ielās un beidzas ar Kolumbijas lielākā karteļa sagrāvi.

Starting: 20-09-2024 23:55:00

21-09-2024 00:40:00

Neticams stāsts par to, kā viens no Hells Angels līderiem pārņēma kokaīna tirdzniecību Monreālā un pieteica karu valstij. Mauriss "Mamma" Bušers uzkāpa Kanādas organizētās noziedzības virsotnē un šķita neaizskarams, līdz viņu beidzot nošāva viņa paša organizācijas informatori, kas strādāja kopā ar īpašo policijas uzdevumu vienību "Vilkači".

Starting: 21-09-2024 00:40:00

21-09-2024 01:25:00

CBP MIA finds a package of ecstasy in the mail; HSI conducts a controlled delivery leading to a stakeout and arrest. CBP at LAX monitor travelers arriving for a popular music festival where there is known drug use. CBP JFK searches a passenger with possible connections to known drug dealers. After poking holes through his story, officers decide to take him for an x-ray to find out the truth once and for all.

Starting: 21-09-2024 01:25:00

21-09-2024 02:10:00

Satraucoša ziņa no viņas dēla vidusskolas par MDMA liek Marianai to izpētīt. Viņa izseko "mīlestības narkotikas" piegādes ķēdei no Losandželosas klubiem līdz plaukstošajam epicentram Nīderlandē, kur mafijas pārņemtā noziedzīgā pasaule nesen ir nogalinājusi pazīstamu žurnālistu. Vai ir iespējams, ka MDMA patēriņš ASV palīdz Nīderlandi pārvērst par narkotiku valsti.

Starting: 21-09-2024 02:10:00

21-09-2024 02:55:00

Ukraina bija miljardus dolāru vērtā pasaules surogātmāšu biznesa epicentrs, līdz brīdim, kad karš ar Krieviju šo pretrunīgi vērtēto nozari sagrāva. Tagad, kad pieprasījums pēc surogātmāšu pakalpojumiem joprojām pieaug, citas valstis sāk aizpildīt šo tukšumu. Taču tas ne vienmēr ir labi. Šajā sērijā Mariana pēta, kā sapnis par ģimenes dibināšanu veicina apmaksāto bērnu melno tirgu.

Starting: 21-09-2024 02:55:00

21-09-2024 03:40:00

US Air Flight #1493 (Boeing 737-300) & Skywest Flight #5569 (Fairchild Metroliner) February 1st, 1991 Its a busy night at Los Angeles International Airport, and US Air Flight #1493 is on its final approach. The pilots configure the 737 for landing and although they repeatedly radio the tower for instructions, their calls go unanswered. They finally get clearance just moments before landing, but within seconds of touching down, the aircraft erupts in flames and crashes into an abandoned building. Rescue workers rush to the scene, and as survivors emerge from the inferno, firefighters make a horrifying discovery... Can investigators determine what went wrong.

Starting: 21-09-2024 03:40:00

21-09-2024 04:30:00

January 17th, 2008. Approaching the end of its ten-and a half hour journey from Beijing, British Airways Flight #38 is preparing to land in Heathrow. But just as the first officer takes over the controls, and only two minutes before it touches down, the aircraft is inexplicably crippled by double engine failure. Quickly falling out of the sky and with just seconds to react, the captain raises the plane's flaps to reduce drag. And while the plane narrowly misses the buildings and radio antennas in its path, it crashes just short of the runway, ripping off the engines and landing gear. Incredibly, all 152 people on board survive. But can investigators determine what brought down one of the world's most sophisticated jetliners.

Starting: 21-09-2024 04:30:00

21-09-2024 05:15:00

National Airlines 102. reiss, kas ar pārveidotu Boeing 747 lidmašīnu pārvadā militāro kravu, paceļas no Bagramas lidlauka Afganistānā. Taču dažu sekunžu laikā pēkšņi nekontrolējamā lidmašīna apstājas un nogāžas uz zemes. Negadījumu iemūžina garāmbraucoša autokamera, un, lai gan ieraksti vispirms noved izmeklētājus pie acīmredzama secinājuma, tomēr kāds nepamanīts pierādījums beigās atklāj, ka viņi ir kļūdījušies attiecībā uz negadījuma cēloni.

Starting: 21-09-2024 05:15:00

21-09-2024 05:50:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when driving on black ice, using food blenders and attempting to bounce off giant inflatables.

Starting: 21-09-2024 05:50:00

21-09-2024 06:15:00

Šajā sērijā mēs uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, braucot ar mopēdu uz viena riteņa, lecot ūdenī uz galvas vai cilājot hanteles.

Starting: 21-09-2024 06:15:00

21-09-2024 06:40:00

Būvdarbu nelaimes gadījumi notiek katru dienu, taču dažkārt sekas ir katastrofālas. Šajā uz patiesiem notikumiem balstītajā spraiga sižeta pārraidē tiek izmeklēti iespaidīgākie negadījumi, noskaidrots, kas nogāja greizi un kā katastrofu varēja novērst. Apvienojot tiešraides kadrus ar CGI animāciju, šajā raidījumā tiek apskatītas ne tikai labi zināmas katastrofas, piemēram, Notre Dame ugunsgrēks un Džordžijas kupola sabrukšana, bet arī mazāk zināmi negadījumi. Viegli uztveramā raidījumā "" parādīts, kas notiek, kad viss noiet greizi.

Starting: 21-09-2024 06:40:00

21-09-2024 07:25:00

Būvdarbu nelaimes gadījumi notiek katru dienu, taču dažkārt sekas ir katastrofālas. Šajā uz patiesiem notikumiem balstītajā spraiga sižeta pārraidē tiek izmeklēti iespaidīgākie negadījumi, noskaidrots, kas nogāja greizi un kā katastrofu varēja novērst. Apvienojot tiešraides kadrus ar CGI animāciju, šajā raidījumā tiek apskatītas ne tikai labi zināmas katastrofas, piemēram, Notre Dame ugunsgrēks un Džordžijas kupola sabrukšana, bet arī mazāk zināmi negadījumi. Viegli uztveramā raidījumā "" parādīts, kas notiek, kad viss noiet greizi.

Starting: 21-09-2024 07:25:00

21-09-2024 08:15:00

Būvdarbu nelaimes gadījumi notiek katru dienu, taču dažkārt sekas ir katastrofālas. Šajā uz patiesiem notikumiem balstītajā spraiga sižeta pārraidē tiek izmeklēti iespaidīgākie negadījumi, noskaidrots, kas nogāja greizi un kā katastrofu varēja novērst. Apvienojot tiešraides kadrus ar CGI animāciju, šajā raidījumā tiek apskatītas ne tikai labi zināmas katastrofas, piemēram, Notre Dame ugunsgrēks un Džordžijas kupola sabrukšana, bet arī mazāk zināmi negadījumi. Viegli uztveramā raidījumā "" parādīts, kas notiek, kad viss noiet greizi.

Starting: 21-09-2024 08:15:00

21-09-2024 09:05:00

NASA's DSS-14 Mars antenna has been supporting space science since going online in1966. But recently, the massive dish has been failing and needs to be shut down for major repairs. After driving the antenna 24/7 for decades, its parts are starting to show some serious wear and tear. To get it back up running smoothly again, we're getting under the hood of the nearly 7 million pound giant to swap out a critical part of the enormous hydrostatic bearing allowing it to resume its acute tracking capabilities.

Starting: 21-09-2024 09:05:00

21-09-2024 09:50:00

An unwanted visitor sits smack-dab in the middle of one of the most important Northern fur seal breeding grounds of the north Pacific, taking up valuable real estate and endangering the lives of seal pups every year. The Ocean Clipper is a fishing boat that ran aground nearly twenty-five years ago. Today it's a rusty death trap… and it's gotta go. Riley joins a crack crew of salvage operators braving the treacherous waters of the Bering Sea, traveling to a cold, volcanic island between Russia and Alaska. St. Paul Island is home to about 400 people, but each spring the population of this remote outpost swells considerably when around 800,000 seals clamber ashore to stake their claim in the yearly ritual of fighting, mating and calving. So apart from struggling with freezing conditions that blow straight out of the Arctic North, this salvage crew has a small window to pull off this fix… in only a few weeks the beach will be a writhing, snarling mass of seals competing for every square inch. It'll be standing room only… and no place to work.

Starting: 21-09-2024 09:50:00

21-09-2024 10:40:00

Grab your hard hats and load up on coffee, World's Toughest Fixes is working the night shift in Salt Lake City, Utah. We have just three days to pull off the nearly impossible; lift a 300 thousand pound bridge between two buildings with mere inches to spare. There's no room for error on this fix. This lift is chock full of obstacles. We're working in the middle of downtown on Main Street, we've got a commuter train running through our worksite, power lines all around, 5-stories of parking garages beneath our feet, two massive cranes working in tandem, and all work has to be done in the dead of night. It's fair to say the conditions here are less than ideal. It's going to take a miracle and a lot of hard work to pull off this fix.

Starting: 21-09-2024 10:40:00

21-09-2024 11:25:00

In this epic, two-hour special, X-Ray Earth reveals the planet as it's never been seen before. Using some of the most cutting-edge tools in science, get an inside look at Earth to learn what makes it tick. Watch as we travel over, across and into Earth to paint a picture of the planet as a living being that breathes, heals and even flexes its muscle. We'll also go even deeper to show how technology is opening a window that's allowing scientists to read nature's code and the stunning insights science has made about the planet's past, present and future. This is Earth as you've never seen it…From the churning interior to the oceans, to life and even society, X-Ray Earth reveals the intricacies of this living world in ways never done before.

Starting: 21-09-2024 11:25:00

21-09-2024 12:10:00

Marvel at the awesome power of nature as exclusive 6K footage displays the change evoked by a massive volcanic eruption of Cumbre Vieja Volcano in Canary Islands. Follow the main geologists and volcanologists fighting the 84 days eruption and learn about the formation of the Canary Islands.

Starting: 21-09-2024 12:10:00

21-09-2024 12:55:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 21-09-2024 12:55:00

21-09-2024 13:30:00

The team brings the OceanXplorer to Svalbard, Norway. The ice world of the Arctic is changing faster than anywhere else on Earth. The team’s mission is to figure out if Svalbard’s polar bears are adapting to its environment. To do so, they come face to face with this giant of the Arctic Ocean and scale a glacier to learn how much time is left for one of the most critical habitats for polar bears.

Starting: 21-09-2024 13:30:00

21-09-2024 14:10:00

Arrow Air reiss Nr. 1285 DC-8, 1985. gada 12. decembris - Pēc sešus mēnešus ilgas miera uzturēšanas misijas Tuvajos Austrumos 248 elites amerikāņu karavīri dodas mājās uz svētkiem. Viņi dodas uz Fortkempbellu, Kentuki štatā, un ceļo ar Arrow Air reisu #1285, čartera aviopārvadātāju, ar kuru militārie spēki ir noslēguši līgumu par karavīru pārvadāšanu. Lidmašīna DC-8 ceļā no Kairas piezemējas, lai veiktu regulāru degvielas uzpildes pieturu Ganderā, Ņūfaundlendā. Taču tikai dažas sekundes pēc pacelšanās uz pēdējo ceļa posmu lidmašīna zaudē ātrumu un augstumu un ietriecas mežainā apvidū uz dienvidiem no skrejceļa. Šī ir bezprecedenta katastrofa, viens no visu laiku nāvējošākajiem aviācijas nelaimes gadījumiem, un izmeklēšana izraisīja strīdus vētru, kas turpinās līdz pat šai dienai.

Starting: 21-09-2024 14:10:00

21-09-2024 14:55:00

Tuvojoties galamērķim, piepilsētas turbopropellers Jaunzēlandē laužas cauri biezajiem mākoņiem un ietriecas kalnos. Glābēji dara visu iespējamo, lai atrastu avārijas vietu, kamēr izdzīvojušo dzīvības karājas mata galā. Un pēc tam izmeklētāju darbs ir noskaidrot, kas nogāja greizi. Ir skaidrs, ka bija problēmas ar lidmašīnas šasiju, bet, meklējot atbildes uz daudzajiem jautājumiem, viņi neizbēgami nonāk pilota kabīnē.

Starting: 21-09-2024 14:55:00

21-09-2024 15:40:00

Lai kļūtu par lidmašīnas kapteini, ir jāmācās vairāki gadi, bet tikai krīzes situācijā pilots patiesībā pierāda savu varēšanu. Pēc pacelšanās no Ņujorkas Lagardijas lidostas lidmašīnai rodas bojājums, un drosmīgais kapteinis veic nosēšanos ūdenī Hudzonas upē. Atrodoties augstu virs Kanādas prērijām, katastrofālas avārijas rezultātā Boeing 767 kļūst par ļoti lielu un ļoti smagu planieri. Kad TACA reisā Nr. 110 spēcīgā vētrā pārstāj darboties dzinēji, lidmašīnas kapteinis veic vienu no ievērojamākajiem nosēšanās paraugiem komerciālās aviācijas vēsturē.

Starting: 21-09-2024 15:40:00

21-09-2024 16:25:00

In 1946, nearly a thousand strange objects are seen flying through the skies of Sweden. Despite many being witnessed crashing into lakes, and a thorough government investigation, not a single piece of debris was ever found. In 1982, a Portuguese Air Force pilot is circled by a UFO at over 1500 meters for nearly 30 minutes. The incident launched one of the biggest UFO investigations in Portuguese military history. A journalist uncovers an extraordinary UFO 'mass-sighting' of strange luminous phenomena in a remote Italian village.

Starting: 21-09-2024 16:25:00

21-09-2024 17:10:00

8th September 1970: the height of the Cold War. American pilot Capt. Schaffner is scrambled to intercept an unidentified target over the North Sea and disappears without trace. When his aircraft is discovered, the cockpit is closed but his body has vanished. In 2004, in a small fishing village on the island of Sicily, a series of unexplained incidents take place… one after another. A fisherman witnesses a mysterious, unidentified, red light that flies up from the water. Other local residents also report UFOs sightings in the area. But the UFO sightings were just the start of a bizarre and frightening set of events that took place in and around the village of Canneto di Caronia. RAF Pilot, Sargent Hughes encounters an UFO on a routine training flight over Germany in 1952. Despite flying with three other planes he is the only one to witness the object. His colleagues mock him and dismiss his sighting as a flight of fancy, as a joke they paint a flying saucer on his aeroplane saying "Saucer Sam".

Starting: 21-09-2024 17:10:00

21-09-2024 17:55:00

On August 18, 1985, 4 civilian pilots are flying back from an air show when they notice a silver missile shaped object coming towards them and passing underneath their plane. They turn around and try to keep up with the object but it is too fast for them. They report the sighting, but no conclusive answers were found. On January 8th, , a man working in a field reported seeing a strange object land in his field. Shortly afterwards, the object took off. He noticed marks on the ground where he thought the object had landed and decided to report what he had seen. Despite investigations, no definite explanation was reached. From late 1989 to Spring 1990, thousands of people across Belgium reported sightings of 3 lights in a triangular formation, moving across the sky. The lights were seen over cities and in the countryside, and even sparked a scramble of Air Force F-16 jets to investigate.

Starting: 21-09-2024 17:55:00

21-09-2024 18:40:00

Rendlesham Revisited, Mussolini's Secret UFO Files and The Swedish Mora UFO Photos. Around 3am on Dec 26th 1980, US Air Force personnel venture into the forest to investigate strange lights. Two nights later, similar lights are seen again as the Deputy Base Commander makes his way through the forest with a team. A set of unknown files describing a UFO sighting in Venice in 1936 are anonymously sent to an Italian Ufologist. The documents within purport to be a secret government report of the UFO sighting and an extraordinary government cover up that followed. The documents state the cover up was ordered by the Italian dictator, Mussolini, who was convinced the sighting was of some sort of advanced European technology. On 15th September 1952, 20 year-old Nils Frost is cycling home late one night. As he arrives at his house he sees two bright glowing lights suspended above the forest nearby.

Starting: 21-09-2024 18:40:00

21-09-2024 19:30:00

10th September, 1990. In the rural, Portuguese town of Alfena, a group of children on their way to school spot a shiny, metallic object with legs hovering 50 metres off the ground. 14th-25th September 1952 - the full force of NATO's air and sea power is in the waters around northwestern Europe, simulating a Soviet invasion of Western Europe for a training exercise called "Operation Mainbrace". Numerous military personnel taking part witness a series of UFOs flying over aircraft carriers and trailing aircraft coming into land. In 2001, a power blackout plunges a tiny Romanian village into darkness. When residents go outside to investigate, a red UFO appears in the sky and emits rotating curtains of light across the village.

Starting: 21-09-2024 19:30:00

21-09-2024 20:15:00

On 28th January 1994, pilot Jean-Charles Duboc, his co-pilot and an air steward flying an Air France flight from Nice to London see a huge brown object hovering above the outskirts of Paris. Unidentified objects are witnessed flying over the quiet provincial town of Evora, Portugal in 1959. The headmaster of a school grabs a telescope and sees something that seems to "undulate" like a "jellyfish". Danish files reveal two very similar UFO encounters that occur in Denmark some 25 years apart. In both cases a lone driver experiences electrical problems with their car before the engine cuts out and an intense bright light appears above them.

Starting: 21-09-2024 20:15:00

21-09-2024 21:00:00

The team brings the OceanXplorer as far north as they can, to the edge of the Arctic ice cap. They learn how a population of bowhead whales, once hunted almost to extinction, is faring today. And they’re the first to observe the feeding strategies of the Greenland shark in its own deep-sea habitat from a sub.

Starting: 21-09-2024 21:00:00

21-09-2024 21:40:00

The team brings the OceanXplorer to Svalbard, Norway. The ice world of the Arctic is changing faster than anywhere else on Earth. The team’s mission is to figure out if Svalbard’s polar bears are adapting to its environment. To do so, they come face to face with this giant of the Arctic Ocean and scale a glacier to learn how much time is left for one of the most critical habitats for polar bears.

Starting: 21-09-2024 21:40:00

21-09-2024 22:15:00

In 1946, nearly a thousand strange objects are seen flying through the skies of Sweden. Despite many being witnessed crashing into lakes, and a thorough government investigation, not a single piece of debris was ever found. In 1982, a Portuguese Air Force pilot is circled by a UFO at over 1500 meters for nearly 30 minutes. The incident launched one of the biggest UFO investigations in Portuguese military history. A journalist uncovers an extraordinary UFO 'mass-sighting' of strange luminous phenomena in a remote Italian village.

Starting: 21-09-2024 22:15:00

21-09-2024 23:05:00

8th September 1970: the height of the Cold War. American pilot Capt. Schaffner is scrambled to intercept an unidentified target over the North Sea and disappears without trace. When his aircraft is discovered, the cockpit is closed but his body has vanished. In 2004, in a small fishing village on the island of Sicily, a series of unexplained incidents take place… one after another. A fisherman witnesses a mysterious, unidentified, red light that flies up from the water. Other local residents also report UFOs sightings in the area. But the UFO sightings were just the start of a bizarre and frightening set of events that took place in and around the village of Canneto di Caronia. RAF Pilot, Sargent Hughes encounters an UFO on a routine training flight over Germany in 1952. Despite flying with three other planes he is the only one to witness the object. His colleagues mock him and dismiss his sighting as a flight of fancy, as a joke they paint a flying saucer on his aeroplane saying "Saucer Sam".

Starting: 21-09-2024 23:05:00

21-09-2024 23:50:00

On August 18, 1985, 4 civilian pilots are flying back from an air show when they notice a silver missile shaped object coming towards them and passing underneath their plane. They turn around and try to keep up with the object but it is too fast for them. They report the sighting, but no conclusive answers were found. On January 8th, , a man working in a field reported seeing a strange object land in his field. Shortly afterwards, the object took off. He noticed marks on the ground where he thought the object had landed and decided to report what he had seen. Despite investigations, no definite explanation was reached. From late 1989 to Spring 1990, thousands of people across Belgium reported sightings of 3 lights in a triangular formation, moving across the sky. The lights were seen over cities and in the countryside, and even sparked a scramble of Air Force F-16 jets to investigate.

Starting: 21-09-2024 23:50:00

22-09-2024 00:35:00

Rendlesham Revisited, Mussolini's Secret UFO Files and The Swedish Mora UFO Photos. Around 3am on Dec 26th 1980, US Air Force personnel venture into the forest to investigate strange lights. Two nights later, similar lights are seen again as the Deputy Base Commander makes his way through the forest with a team. A set of unknown files describing a UFO sighting in Venice in 1936 are anonymously sent to an Italian Ufologist. The documents within purport to be a secret government report of the UFO sighting and an extraordinary government cover up that followed. The documents state the cover up was ordered by the Italian dictator, Mussolini, who was convinced the sighting was of some sort of advanced European technology. On 15th September 1952, 20 year-old Nils Frost is cycling home late one night. As he arrives at his house he sees two bright glowing lights suspended above the forest nearby.

Starting: 22-09-2024 00:35:00

22-09-2024 01:20:00

10th September, 1990. In the rural, Portuguese town of Alfena, a group of children on their way to school spot a shiny, metallic object with legs hovering 50 metres off the ground. 14th-25th September 1952 - the full force of NATO's air and sea power is in the waters around northwestern Europe, simulating a Soviet invasion of Western Europe for a training exercise called "Operation Mainbrace". Numerous military personnel taking part witness a series of UFOs flying over aircraft carriers and trailing aircraft coming into land. In 2001, a power blackout plunges a tiny Romanian village into darkness. When residents go outside to investigate, a red UFO appears in the sky and emits rotating curtains of light across the village.

Starting: 22-09-2024 01:20:00

22-09-2024 02:10:00

On 28th January 1994, pilot Jean-Charles Duboc, his co-pilot and an air steward flying an Air France flight from Nice to London see a huge brown object hovering above the outskirts of Paris. Unidentified objects are witnessed flying over the quiet provincial town of Evora, Portugal in 1959. The headmaster of a school grabs a telescope and sees something that seems to "undulate" like a "jellyfish". Danish files reveal two very similar UFO encounters that occur in Denmark some 25 years apart. In both cases a lone driver experiences electrical problems with their car before the engine cuts out and an intense bright light appears above them.

Starting: 22-09-2024 02:10:00

22-09-2024 02:55:00

Since 1993 UFO sightings have haunted some residents of Phoenix, Arizona. Reports from hundreds of people all note seeing a triangular formation of lights in the sky. Ryder, Ben, and James start by watching the video footage first captured in 1993 that also highlights a similar shaped item floating above. The man who caught the sighting on video, Terry Connet, comes forward to explain just how enormous and eerily silent the object was. After the original Phoenix Lights incident, the military stated that it was simply dropped flairs from a nearby Air Force Base, others believe it was skydivers.

Starting: 22-09-2024 02:55:00

22-09-2024 03:40:00

This time Ryder, Ben, and James head to the Colorado Rockies to inspect claims of animal mutilations and reports of abductions. These instances take place San Luis Valley, a town with decades of history involving UFO sightings. Residents are eager to share their encounters with the team - everything from hovering green lights to speeding saucers. After spotting a few questionable lights in the night sky, Ryder, Ben, and James meet with local ranchers to learn further about the animal mutilations. They also meet a man who claims he was abducted by aliens.

Starting: 22-09-2024 03:40:00

22-09-2024 04:25:00

For decades, the skies above the sprawling desert sands of Roswell, New Mexico have been home to thousands of reports of unidentified flying objects. But one particular home video has the Chasing UFO's team in hot-pursuit of the truth. Does the mysterious video in question really show an actual crash landing of an alien spacecraft? The team look into this and investigate the alleged 1947 crash site under the cover of darkness, and armed with night vision gear.

Starting: 22-09-2024 04:25:00

22-09-2024 05:10:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when driving on black ice, using food blenders and attempting to bounce off giant inflatables.

Starting: 22-09-2024 05:10:00

22-09-2024 05:35:00

Šajā sērijā mēs uzzināsim, cik daudz ir veidu, kā savainoties un pazemot sevi, braucot ar mopēdu uz viena riteņa, lecot ūdenī uz galvas vai cilājot hanteles.

Starting: 22-09-2024 05:35:00

22-09-2024 06:05:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when attempting to flambe dinner, riding a balance bike or confronting a Dust Devil.

Starting: 22-09-2024 06:05:00

22-09-2024 06:30:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when attempting a snowmobile ridge jump, cycling over a pump track and lighting fires.

Starting: 22-09-2024 06:30:00

22-09-2024 06:50:00

Retracing the construction phases of the incredible Airbus whaling cargo plane, BelugaXL. It was designed to speed up the transport of aircraft parts built across Europe to Toulouse, where assembly plants are located.

Starting: 22-09-2024 06:50:00

22-09-2024 07:35:00

In 2011, almost a decade since the release of its last flagship model, the Murcielago, Lamborghini launched its latest creation - the Aventador. With a top-speed of 350 kmh and improved handling, it's a symbol of a new era for Lamborghini. Megafactories visits its factory in northern Italy, to follow the story of its creation from conception to launch and to witness an incredible production process, from the brand-new 5,400 square ft facility, devoted entirely to the creation of the Aventador's revolutionary full carbon-fibre monocoque, to the assembly line, where highly skilled mechanics work alongside state-of-the-art equipment to produce four of these supercars every day.

Starting: 22-09-2024 07:35:00

22-09-2024 08:20:00

Take a rare look inside Ford's impressive Mustang factory, where four different models are made, including the super-powerful 650HP V8.

Starting: 22-09-2024 08:20:00

22-09-2024 09:10:00

The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows their return migration to these warm waters in winter, they discover the secrets of how they navigate the vast ocean and how they use their incredible senses to exploit riches hidden in the shallows.

Starting: 22-09-2024 09:10:00

22-09-2024 09:45:00

The team brings the OceanXplorer to Svalbard, Norway. The ice world of the Arctic is changing faster than anywhere else on Earth. The team’s mission is to figure out if Svalbard’s polar bears are adapting to its environment. To do so, they come face to face with this giant of the Arctic Ocean and scale a glacier to learn how much time is left for one of the most critical habitats for polar bears.

Starting: 22-09-2024 09:45:00

22-09-2024 10:20:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 22-09-2024 10:20:00

22-09-2024 11:05:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 22-09-2024 11:05:00

22-09-2024 11:50:00

“” apvieno reāllaika paleontoloģijas pētījumus ar novatoriskām tehnoloģijām un 3D animāciju (CGI), lai atklātu noslēpumus par vislielākajiem zvēriem, kas jelkad ir dzīvojuši uz mūsu planētas. No nāvējošajiem tiranozauriem līdz milzīgajiem matainajiem mamutiem, biedējošajiem zobenzobu tīģeriem un senajiem jūras briesmoņiem. Jaunākie pētījumi atklāj, kā šie milži evolūcijas gaitā attīstījās, lai iekarotu planētu, kā izauga tik lieli, kā tie medīja, ko ēda, kā cīnījās un kas izraisīja to izmiršanu.

Starting: 22-09-2024 11:50:00

22-09-2024 12:35:00

Homeland Security Investigations run multiple undercover drug deal operations, seizing over 30 kilos of meth and fentanyl. CBP Officers work with Agriculture Specialists in Atlanta to stop dangerous food items from entering the country. And at JFK, CBP has suspicions about an internal airline conspiracy, and later finds bricks of cocaine hidden in oatmeal and medicine boxes from Guatemala.

Starting: 22-09-2024 12:35:00

22-09-2024 13:20:00

Will you dare to embark with the Huelva Maritime Service to catch dangerous traffickers? Will you join those who set sail for a night shift in Almería to prevent the human trafficking trade? Will you dive into the waters of Girona to defuse undetonated weaponry? Join us on a thrilling journey as we delve into the heart of these daring missions together with the Spanish coastguards.

Starting: 22-09-2024 13:20:00

22-09-2024 14:05:00

Izdzīvojušie pasažieri, kam izdevies izkļūt no vraka trīs lidmašīnu avārijās, pastāsta šausminošus stāstus un sniedz kritiski nozīmīgu informāciju, kā rīkoties ārkārtas situācijā. Iekļūstot vētrā, DC-9 lidmašīna aizdegas un avarē, nosēžoties uz šosejas Džordžijā. Uzņemot ātrumu, lidmašīna pēkšņi sāniski noslīd no asfalta Denverā. Un Korejas milzīgais aviolaineris ietriecas kalna nogāzē, tuvojoties Guamai.

Starting: 22-09-2024 14:05:00

22-09-2024 14:50:00

Izmeklētāji padziļināti pēta trīs sadursmes gaisā, kas šķiet pretrunā loģikai. Laikā pirms valsts radaru sistēmas izveides divas lidmašīnas saduras nekontrolētā gaisa telpā virs Lielā kanjona. Francijas piepilsētas lidmašīnas kapteinis dodas improvizētā ekskursijā, kas beidzas ar katastrofu. Savukārt Brazīlijā iesācējs dispečers nosūta divas lidmašīnas pretī sadursmei virs Amazones lietus mežiem.

Starting: 22-09-2024 14:50:00

22-09-2024 15:35:00

Saskaroties ar tālo ziemeļu ekstremālajiem apstākļiem, trīs lidmašīnas piedzīvojušas avāriju, liekot izmeklētājiem mēģināt noskaidrot cēloni.

Starting: 22-09-2024 15:35:00

22-09-2024 16:20:00

Investigate rumours from the old Soviet Union - from mountain wild-men to zombie dogs - and enter a world where nothing is quite as it seems.

Starting: 22-09-2024 16:20:00

22-09-2024 17:05:00

For ages, prophets have suggested that disastrous eventsand maybe even the end of the worldlie ahead. Experts say there is no such thing as the power of foresight and that the predictions are broadly interpreted in order to keep the myth of prophetic ability alive. Are we looking at an unquenchable human desire to make sense out of the chaos of life - or a true Paranatural power.

Starting: 22-09-2024 17:05:00

22-09-2024 17:50:00

Tommy Thompson has a mission, find the SS Central America, a gold-rush era shipwreck long believed to rest in the murky deep of the Atlantic Ocean. He puts together a team of brilliant misfits and somehow convinces investors to sink $12 million into his quest. Tommy and his team attempt what has never been done before and against the odds, find the largest sunken treasure in American history.

Starting: 22-09-2024 17:50:00

22-09-2024 18:35:00

Tommy Thompson and his crew recover tons of gold from the bottom of the ocean and return home as heroes. Out of nowhere come multiple lawsuits laying claim to the treasure. Tommys finances spiral leaving him unable to pay back investors some of whom turn against him. He is left fighting to hold on to the gold as his dream becomes a nightmare.

Starting: 22-09-2024 18:35:00

22-09-2024 19:15:00

Tommy Thompson is nowhere to be found. US Marshals are determined to track him down and locate the missing gold. After two years on the run and his mental and physical health deteriorating, he is finally arrested in a dramatic raid. As Tommy rots in jail everyone is forced to confront an uncomfortable question: is he a wronged genius or has he betrayed the trust of his investors.

Starting: 22-09-2024 19:15:00

22-09-2024 20:00:00

Stéphane Bourgoin’s success as a world-renowned expert on serial killers progressed alongside the rise of serial killers in America and the explosive growth of the lucrative true crime industry. But when the 4th Eye, a collective of vigilante online sleuths, embarks on an investigation into his life and work, they discover his career was based on a series of dark lies.

Starting: 22-09-2024 20:00:00

22-09-2024 20:40:00

Anchored by the reporting of The New Yorker’s Lauren Collins, we follow the dramatic twists and turns of Stéphane Bourgoin’s story. As his career continues to flourish, the 4th Eye’s hunt for the truth reveals that something far darker lies beneath the surface of his fame. Will their investigation manage to stop him before more damage is done.

Starting: 22-09-2024 20:40:00

22-09-2024 21:25:00

As the mysteries of Bourgoin’s past reveal the seeds of his dark obsessions, Lauren Collins continues to investigate many alarming unanswered questions. We hear from the victims in this story and delve into the larger themes and questions raised about our insatiable appetite for true crime and the strange compulsions of the human psyche.

Starting: 22-09-2024 21:25:00

22-09-2024 22:10:00

Homeland Security Investigations run multiple undercover drug deal operations, seizing over 30 kilos of meth and fentanyl. CBP Officers work with Agriculture Specialists in Atlanta to stop dangerous food items from entering the country. And at JFK, CBP has suspicions about an internal airline conspiracy, and later finds bricks of cocaine hidden in oatmeal and medicine boxes from Guatemala.

Starting: 22-09-2024 22:10:00

22-09-2024 22:50:00

Pirmo reizi atraduši fentanilu pasažieru zonā, Kenedija lidostas muitas aģenti veic īpašu ziboperāciju, pārbaudot visas pārtikas kurjeru somas, kas ierodas no Meksikas. ASV Tēvzemes drošības departaments Sandjego cīnās ar fentanila krīzi, neļaujot dīlerim aizsūtīt Fentanilu uz Ņujorku. Riograndes ielejā robežsardzes suņi nopelna apbalvojumus, atrodot marihuānu un metamfetamīnu, kas paslēpts kraviniekos.

Starting: 22-09-2024 22:50:00

22-09-2024 23:35:00

ASV Tēvzemes drošības dienests sadarbojas ar Kolumbijas policiju, lai iznīdētu pretlikumīgu zelta ieguvi Kolumbijā. Riogrande ielejas robežsargi meklē karteļa darbības un atrod narkotikas teju pusotra miljona dolāru vērtībā. Kenedija lidostas pasta nodaļas darbinieki skenē paciņas no Eiropas, kurās atrodas ieroči, tabletes un ketamīns.

Starting: 22-09-2024 23:35:00

22-09-2024 23:35:00

HSI un CBP konfiscē viltotu naudu un viltotas vakcīnu kartes, kas ievestas no Peru. CBP Kaleksiko robežkontroles punktā no piekrautas automašīnas izņem 205 kilogramus metamfetamīna.

Starting: 23-09-2024 00:20:00

23-09-2024 01:00:00

ASV Muitas un robežaizsardzības dienesta dienvidu robežas virsnieki atklāj divas nāvējošā fentanila kravas, kas paslēptas automašīnās - 7,66 kilogramus, kas ir magnetizēti transportlīdzekļa apakšpusē un 4,06 kilogramus, kas ir paslēpti automašīnas gaisa filtrā. Stingrinot Covid-19 imigrācijas ierobežojumus, ASV Muitas un robežaizsardzības dienests Ņūarkas jūras ostā meklē nelegālu slēpto vietu uz konteinerkuģa. Un ASV Muitas un robežaizsardzības dienests Ņūarkas lidostā atklāj ekstazī un ketamīnu, kas paslēpts eksprespasta sūtījumos.

Starting: 23-09-2024 01:00:00

23-09-2024 01:45:00

Pirmo reizi atraduši fentanilu pasažieru zonā, Kenedija lidostas muitas aģenti veic īpašu ziboperāciju, pārbaudot visas pārtikas kurjeru somas, kas ierodas no Meksikas. ASV Tēvzemes drošības departaments Sandjego cīnās ar fentanila krīzi, neļaujot dīlerim aizsūtīt Fentanilu uz Ņujorku. Riograndes ielejā robežsardzes suņi nopelna apbalvojumus, atrodot marihuānu un metamfetamīnu, kas paslēpts kraviniekos.

Starting: 23-09-2024 01:45:00

23-09-2024 02:30:00

Homeland Security Investigations run multiple undercover drug deal operations, seizing over 30 kilos of meth and fentanyl. CBP Officers work with Agriculture Specialists in Atlanta to stop dangerous food items from entering the country. And at JFK, CBP has suspicions about an internal airline conspiracy, and later finds bricks of cocaine hidden in oatmeal and medicine boxes from Guatemala.

Starting: 23-09-2024 02:30:00

23-09-2024 03:10:00

Stéphane Bourgoin’s success as a world-renowned expert on serial killers progressed alongside the rise of serial killers in America and the explosive growth of the lucrative true crime industry. But when the 4th Eye, a collective of vigilante online sleuths, embarks on an investigation into his life and work, they discover his career was based on a series of dark lies.

Starting: 23-09-2024 03:10:00

23-09-2024 03:50:00

Anchored by the reporting of The New Yorker’s Lauren Collins, we follow the dramatic twists and turns of Stéphane Bourgoin’s story. As his career continues to flourish, the 4th Eye’s hunt for the truth reveals that something far darker lies beneath the surface of his fame. Will their investigation manage to stop him before more damage is done.

Starting: 23-09-2024 03:50:00

23-09-2024 04:35:00

As the mysteries of Bourgoin’s past reveal the seeds of his dark obsessions, Lauren Collins continues to investigate many alarming unanswered questions. We hear from the victims in this story and delve into the larger themes and questions raised about our insatiable appetite for true crime and the strange compulsions of the human psyche.

Starting: 23-09-2024 04:35:00

23-09-2024 05:20:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when attempting to flambe dinner, riding a balance bike or confronting a Dust Devil.

Starting: 23-09-2024 05:20:00

23-09-2024 05:40:00

Science of Stupid, Series 7. Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when attempting a snowmobile ridge jump, cycling over a pump track and lighting fires.

Starting: 23-09-2024 05:40:00

23-09-2024 05:55:00

Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user-generated clips ever recorded. In this episode, we learn the science behind the fails, when attempting a ski double backflip, the chemistry of carbonization and walking downstairs on your hands.

Starting: 23-09-2024 05:55:00

23-09-2024 06:20:00

In 2011, almost a decade since the release of its last flagship model, the Murcielago, Lamborghini launched its latest creation - the Aventador. With a top-speed of 350 kmh and improved handling, it's a symbol of a new era for Lamborghini. Megafactories visits its factory in northern Italy, to follow the story of its creation from conception to launch and to witness an incredible production process, from the brand-new 5,400 square ft facility, devoted entirely to the creation of the Aventador's revolutionary full carbon-fibre monocoque, to the assembly line, where highly skilled mechanics work alongside state-of-the-art equipment to produce four of these supercars every day.

Starting: 23-09-2024 06:20:00

23-09-2024 07:05:00

Take a rare look inside Ford's impressive Mustang factory, where four different models are made, including the super-powerful 650HP V8.

Starting: 23-09-2024 07:05:00

23-09-2024 07:50:00

Richard Hammond sets out on a quest to find the amazing Engineering Connections behind the Airbus A380 the largest passenger airliner in history. His journey reveals that this state-of-the-art aircraft owes as much to weapons of war, Mother Nature and household objects as it does to high technology. He discovers that a bicycle pump, a 19th Century rocket, an ancient Mongolian bow and an eagles wing are all hidden in its secret DNA.

Starting: 23-09-2024 07:50:00

23-09-2024 08:40:00

Richard Hammond journeys to discover the startling Engineering Connections behind the Troll A gas platform; the largest object ever moved by man across the surface of the Earth. During his voyage he reveals that Troll A owes its incredible design to a 19th Century French gardener, a 17th Century German mayor, a midwestern American architect and the dawn of the motor industry. Hidden in its DNA he finds a crystal glass, a farm building, a racing car, a plant pot and nothing.

Starting: 23-09-2024 08:40:00

23-09-2024 09:30:00

The story of Hitler's vision to conquer the world using his high-tech battleships. Drain the Oceans reveals the rise and fall of the Third Reich's deadly fleet.

Starting: 23-09-2024 09:30:00

23-09-2024 10:15:00

Viens no tumšākajiem noziegumiem, kāds jebkad noticis atklātā jūrā, bija mērķtiecīgā kuģa "Lucona" nogremdēšana, nogalinot pusi apkalpes locekļu. Tikmēr apsūdzētais bēg, lai izvairītos no notiesāšanas. Vienīgais veids, kā pierādīt viņa vainu, ir atrast kuģi. Sākas sacensības, lai atrastu pasaulē dziļāko nozieguma vietu un savāktu pierādījumus, pirms vainīgais paliek uz brīvām kājām.

Starting: 23-09-2024 10:15:00

23-09-2024 11:00:00

Albert follows the new treasure map to a new pyramid, that no one knew lay hidden in the dense jungle right at the heart of the most famous ancient Maya city. Meanwhile, divers search for a hidden entrance to a legendary flooded cave beneath Mexico's most famous Maya pyramid, and archaeologists discover a ceremonial royal drinking-cup that reveals the tomb of a lost King.

Starting: 23-09-2024 11:00:00

23-09-2024 11:45:00

The new treasure map leads Albert to discover lost pyramids at the ancient city of El Palmar. Across the Maya world, archaeologists discover hidden treasures that reveal a civilisation of epic scale and sophistication, from a grand private palace to a razor-sharp obsidian knife blade, buried beneath the site of a sacrificial ball game.

Starting: 23-09-2024 11:45:00

23-09-2024 12:30:00

Archeologists excavate the unexplored burial chamber of an ancient pyramid hoping to find the 4400-year-old kings mummy and his treasures. No modern archaeologist has fully explored the pyramid of Sahure which has suffered a catastrophic collapse inside. Dr Mohamed Ismail Khaled and his team take on the dangerous task of clearing the rubble and make discoveries of a lifetime.

Starting: 23-09-2024 12:30:00

23-09-2024 13:15:00

Archaeologists explore hidden tombs, to decode ancient Egyptian beliefs in the afterlife. At Oxyrhynchus, a sealed sarcophagus gives up its secrets to reveal a stunningly preserved painted mummy. And high in the mountains at Philadelphia, a team ventures down a 40-foot-deep shaft in search of a long-lost burial chamber.

Starting: 23-09-2024 13:15:00

23-09-2024 14:00:00

After United Airlines Flight 173 crashed and killed ten people, investigators discover how a landing gear problem could have caused the accident.

Starting: 23-09-2024 14:00:00

23-09-2024 14:50:00

By the time the crew of Delta Airlines Flight 191 reached the threshold of Dallas Fort Worth Airport, they'd already diverted around 2 separate storms. They see rain and lightning up ahead, but fly on. Inside the storm, their plane is hit by powerful winds that slam the plane to the ground. 136 people die. The crash helps scientists overcome a notorious danger to airplanes, the microburst.

Starting: 23-09-2024 14:50:00

23-09-2024 15:35:00

Its a calm summer evening, when an inexplicable failure strikes, causing the loss of two engines on a brand new passenger jet midway between Montreal and Edmonton. Powerless at 26-thousand feet, the pilot needs all his skill, and a little bit of luck, to get his plane to the airport. But his saga doesnt end there because the runway he thought was abandoned is anything but.

Starting: 23-09-2024 15:35:00

23-09-2024 16:25:00

The jungle of Central America is one of the last great frontiers of archaeology. Over decades of work, the ancient civilisation of the Maya has gradually been revealed. But now technology is set to change everything as the biggest aerial LIDAR survey in the history of archaeology is laying bare a vast and complex civilisation for the very first time.

Starting: 23-09-2024 16:25:00

23-09-2024 17:15:00

2020. gada jūnijā zinātnieku un arheologu komanda izdarīja atklājumu, kas lika apšaubīt sen pastāvošos uzskatus par diženās maiju civilizācijas izcelsmi. Izmantojot LIDAR - tehnoloģiju, kas ļāva pētniekiem atrast drupas zem blīvas veģetācijas, - komanda atklāja senu Agudas Fēniksa apmetni, vairāk nekā 3000 gadu vecu milzu struktūru.

Starting: 23-09-2024 17:15:00

23-09-2024 18:00:00

Archaeologists unearth new evidence about the steps that turned the Maya people into a civilization, including clues that elite Maya were beginning to gain power and build cities earlier than once suspected. Archaeologists investigate links between the ancient Olmec civilization and the iconic pyramids of the Maya, revealing the foundations of a society that would endure until the present day.

Starting: 23-09-2024 18:00:00

23-09-2024 18:45:00

In the forests of southern Mexico and Central America early explorers discovered long abandoned, ancient cities. Vast complexes filled with towering pyramids and mysterious carvings. There were built by the Maya, only to be deserted around 900 AD. The mystery of why has long puzzled archaeologists. Now, teams of investigators are on a mission to solve the mystery of an event that has become known as the ‘collapse’. In the rainforest of Guatemala, teams exploring the lost city of Tikal have uncovered evidence of huge manmade reservoirs. The discoveries highlight the Maya reliance on water. The rainforest might have abundant water in the rainy season, but for months every year it’s incredibly dry. Now scientists are forensically examining the ancient reservoirs and discovering surprising evidence of toxic contaminants.

Starting: 23-09-2024 18:45:00

23-09-2024 19:30:00

For centuries, historians thought that the ancient Maya were a lost civilization, that the cities abandoned in the ninth century in Mexico and central America were the last great pinnacle of their society. Now, teams of archaeologists, using new technology, are finding evidence of a Maya resurgence, including vast new cities with ingenious pyramids constructed to align to the sun. But a perfect storm of disasters was about to push the society to its limits once more. Scientists venturing deep into underground cave systems find evidence of catastrophic drought; divers expose the dark secrets of disease as they uncover grisly remains hidden in water filled caverns, and archaeologists uncover clues that point to violent civil war in the last Maya capital of the Yucatan.

Starting: 23-09-2024 19:30:00

23-09-2024 20:15:00

Archaeologists explore hidden tombs, to decode ancient Egyptian beliefs in the afterlife. At Oxyrhynchus, a sealed sarcophagus gives up its secrets to reveal a stunningly preserved painted mummy. And high in the mountains at Philadelphia, a team ventures down a 40-foot-deep shaft in search of a long-lost burial chamber.

Starting: 23-09-2024 20:15:00

23-09-2024 21:00:00

Archaeologists investigate the legends surrounding Egypts most famous queen - Cleopatra. In Saqqara, a team investigates a large tomb with multiple mummies - the first at the necropolis that dates to her reign. In Aswan, archaeologists discover artefacts that show the reach of her power. And at temples across Egypt, we discover the truth behind slanderous Roman propaganda about her drinking habits, appearance and powers of persuasion.

Starting: 23-09-2024 21:00:00

23-09-2024 21:45:00

Arheologi pēta Tutanhamona mazā un maz rotātā kapa noslēpumu. Tutanhamona valdīšanas laiku ietekmēja viņa tēva (faraona, kurš vadīja lielāko revolūciju Ēģiptes reliģiskajā vēsturē) dzīve. Vai šī revolūcija un tālākā politiskā intriga bija iemesls Tutanhamona apglabāšanai kapā, kas nebija piemērots faraonam.

Starting: 23-09-2024 21:45:00

23-09-2024 22:30:00

Archaeologists investigate the legends surrounding Egypts most famous queen - Cleopatra. In Saqqara, a team investigates a large tomb with multiple mummies - the first at the necropolis that dates to her reign. In Aswan, archaeologists discover artefacts that show the reach of her power. And at temples across Egypt, we discover the truth behind slanderous Roman propaganda about her drinking habits, appearance and powers of persuasion.

Starting: 23-09-2024 22:30:00

23-09-2024 23:15:00