Po si plnými doušky užívá život legendárního Dračího bojovníka, který společně s pěti přáteli, Tygřicí, Jeřábem, Kudlankou, Zmijí a Opičákem, hájí rodné údolí. Všudypřítomnou pohodu ale naruší zprávy o zlosynovi, který plánuje krádež mocné zbraně, jež by mu mohla pomoci dobýt Čínu a zničit umění kung fu. Po společně s Pěti postrachy vyráží na strastiplnou pouť napříč Čínou, na jejímž konci čeká mocný nepřítel. Jak ale mohou přeborníci kung fu zničit zbraň, která je odolná vůči tomu, co... ovládají nejlépe? Po musí zapátrat v minulosti a ve svých kořenech, na které úspěšně zapomněl. Jedině tak může získat schopnosti, které mu dají šanci na vítězství.
Starting: 19-02-2025 06:20:00
Selina and her team travel to Georgia to oversee the country's first free democratic election.
Starting: 19-02-2025 07:50:00
Selina and her team attend the funeral of a Supreme Court Justice, Amy works on securing a location for Selina's library, while Dan tries to maintain his upswing with his co-host.
Starting: 19-02-2025 08:20:00
S několika semínky černuchy v kapse opouští šestiletá Dounia s pomocí princezny Aleppo a vydává se do nového světa.
Starting: 19-02-2025 08:50:00
V této originální komedii se zaměstnanci a studenti spojí, aby zachránili divadelní tábor.
Starting: 19-02-2025 10:05:00
Mladík z města se cítí rozpolcený mezi podnikáním a šancí na lásku.
Starting: 19-02-2025 11:40:00
Rošťácky okouzlující a nekonečně problémový Fletch se při pátrání po ukradené sbírce umění stane hlavním podezřelým v případu vraždy. Jediný způsob, jak prokázat svou nevinu? Zjistit, kdo z dlouhého seznamu podezřelých je pachatelem, od výstředního obchodníka s uměním a zmizelého playboye až po bláznivou sousedku a Fletchovu italskou přítelkyni. Zločin ještě nikdy nebyl tak zmatený.
Starting: 19-02-2025 13:05:00
Kattnis se po šokujícím vítězství v posledním ročníku Hunger Games vrací domů a netuší, že se nevědomky stala pro utlačované obyvatele země Panem symbolem vzdoru proti zvůli vládnoucího Kapitolu. Hlavní město ale stále pevně drží moc a prezident Donald Sutherland je mužem, s nímž není radno si zahrávat. Další Hry se blíží a dívka tuší, že se bude muset do arény vrátit.
Starting: 19-02-2025 14:40:00
Fatima a Ellis se rozhodují o jejím těhotenství, zatímco Boyd se obává o budoucnost rodiny. V domě Matthewsových roste napětí.
Starting: 19-02-2025 17:10:00
"Just 'cause they're in the street don't mean they lack for opinion." ' HaynesSummary provided by [url]www.HBO.com[/url].Marlo Stanfield and Chris Partlow meet Spiros "Vondas" Vondopoulos in Patterson Park to discuss their business following the death of Proposition Joe Stewart. Vondas laments that he liked Prop Joe and warns his new business partner that dependability means everything. Marlo and Chris will be his only contacts; no one else will know his name. Vondas then hands Marlo a cell... phone, instructing him to use it for legitimate calls to show police he has nothing to hide. For bus iness matters, however, Vondas pushes a few buttons on the device, teaching Marlo some new means of covert communication. Nodding, Marlo takes the phone and leaves with Chris, who declines his boss's invitation to celebrate the deal in Atlantic City. Omar is coming, Chris says.At the homicide unit, Det. James "Jimmy" McNulty calls Alma Gutierrez at the Baltimore Sun to pass along the latest details regarding his fabricated serial killer. He dangles a sexual motive, but when Gutierrez starts asking questions, McNulty won't elaborate. Hanging up, she runs the story by City Editor Augustus "Gus" Haynes, who tells her to write up what she has before he rushes off to a budget meeting.Duquan "Dukie" Weems walks Michael Lee's brother, Bug, home from school in West Baltimore, talking with the boy about his upcoming state tests. They pass Spider and Kenard, working Michael's corner with the rest of their crew, and Kenard tosses his drink, hitting Dukie in the back. Dukie smacks Kenard in the face, but Spider quickly steps up. Dukie swings at the bigger boy but then quickly falls under a barrage of Spider's punches.Outside the courthouse, State's Attorney Rupert Bond reads a statement to the press, addressing the indictment of Sen. R. Clayton "Clay" Davis. From the crowd, A.S.A. Rhonda Pearlman watches her boss in action. Baltimore Sun reporter Bill Zorzi approaches her, irritated that she didn't notify the paper about Davis's "perp walk." Pearlman says she called a reporter who happens to have left the Sun months ago and Zorzi leaves her with his card.Michael leads Dukie to Dennis "Cutty" Wise's gym and offers to even the score with Spider for him, but Dukie declines, not wanting to look weaker than he already appears. Cutty shares a look with Michael as his former student turns to leave and then shifts his attention to Dukie's black eye, instructing the boy to strap on some gloves so he can appraise his skills.At the Baltimore Sun's 4-o'clock meeting, Managing Editor Thomas Klebanow makes his choices for the front page. He turns to his staff for any suggestions, and Haynes speaks up about the homeless killings. Klebanow doesn't find the developments impressive enough for A-1 placement, but he tells Haynes to keep reporting and see where the story goes.Marlo, Chris and Felicia "Snoop" Pearson meet with their attorney, Maurice "Maury" Levy, at his downtown office. As the lawyer looks over the details of Chris's and Snoop's postponed weapons prosecution, he tells them the charges are nothing to worry about. When Chris and Snoop leave the room, Marlo hands Levy a check drawn on his laundered account, telling the lawyer to contact him when he figures out what to do with the money. Marlo reads off his new cell number as Levy writes it down on a Rolodex card, and then he leaves. Thomas "Herc" Hauk walks in, complaining about how he hates Marlo. Levy, smiling, holds up the Rolodex card and tells Herc that before long, the firm will make a fortune litigating a wiretap case on Marlo's behalf. "Joe gave him to us just in time," he tells the ex-cop.Cutty watches, wincing, as a young boy works Dukie over in the ring. Later, as he closes down the gym, Cutty tells Dukie that learning to fight won't keep bullies away, and he asks the boy why he thinks he's become a target. Dukie shrugs. Cutty understands the situation, though, and tells Dukie that the rules of the street don't apply to the rest of the world. But when he asks the coach how to get to that place, Cutty has no answer.In the newsroom, Gutierrez tells reporter Scott Templeton that she hit a roadblock with her reporting on the homeless murders. Templeton thinks it over, and joins Gutierrez to meet McNulty at a bar. Templeton tells the detective they need more "juice" to give the story legs. McNulty allows the pair to extract a few details from him, and when Templeton continues to push, gives up the mother lode: The killer has started biting his victims. Satisfied, Templeton throws down some money for the detective's tab before rushing off to make the second-edition deadline.At a high-rise in Baltimore County, Omar and Butchie's man Donnie stake out Monk's condo from a car, planning their revenge for the blind man's murder.On the way to work, McNulty sees his fake serial killer finally made the front page of the Sun. Back in the newsroom, Haynes puts his troops in order, placing Gutierrez on the police investigation and sending Templeton out to interview the homeless.At City Hall, Mayor Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti and Norman Wilson grill Deputy Ops. Cedric Daniels about his strategy for investigating the serial killer. Daniels needs more resources, so Carcetti signs off on unlimited overtime for two detectives. When Daniels tries to ask for more support, Carcetti cuts him off. With the schools so under-funded that they're teetering on the edge of violating Federal law, the mayor can't spare a dime for more police work.Herc visits his old partner, Sgt. Ellis Carver, at the Western District headquarters, handing him a slip of paper with Marlo's cell phone number on it. Herc won't divulge where he got the number, but he asks Carver to weigh this offering against his past transgressions and remind Marlo about the missing surveillance camera after he's cuffed.In her office, City Council President Nerese Campbell tries to mitigate Clay Davis's outrage over the corruption case. But when he threatens to implicate other party members in the scandal, she loses her patience and spells it out for him: All his connections and allies expect him to "carry the water," and if he betrays their trust, he'll never work in Baltimore again. If he shoulders the burden quietly, however, he could benefit from the same gentle transition that former Police Commissioner Ervin H. Burrell experienced with a $12k raise for a cushy position. Thinking for a moment, Davis nods in agreement.Marlo eats Chinese with Snoop, O-Dog and his old mentor Vinson at the rim shop, and Monk walks through the door. Vinson immediately notices the Kevlar vest beneath Monk's shirt and reprimands him how will they lure Omar in if he can clearly see it's a trap? Chris enters in the midst of the conversation to inform Marlo that Omar sat outside Monk's apartment all night and will likely return.Templeton scours the city for homeless people to interview, starting with a soup kitchen where he finds more people are "working poor," rather than homeless, and this is confirmed by the kitchen's founder Brendan Walsh. He hits the streets but among real homeless people he finds more mental illness than usable quotes.At a secluded spot in the woods, Michael and Dukie stand in front of a row of bottles, each holding a 9mm semi-automatic. Michael quickly lectures Dukie on his stance and grip, and the inexperienced boy squeezes the trigger â? but nothing happens. Michael, smiling, shows him how to rack the pistol and chamber a round, but when Dukie tries, the weapon jams. Michael hands him a revolver instead, and when he fires and misses his target, Michael tries to dissuade his friend from carrying a gun. No one will stop testing him, Michael says, shooting a bottle for emphasis, and you can't pull out a gun unless you're ready to use it. Defeated, Dukie complains that he can't shoot or fight, but Michael assures him that he has other skills.McNulty types at his desk while Det. William "Bunk" Moreland frowns over the serial-killer coverage in the paper. Sgt. Jay Landsman approaches to deliver Det. Shakima "Kima" Greggs to McNulty as the city's response to his press campaign. McNulty expected more backup surveillance vehicles, cameras but all he gets is Greggs. Bunk, livid, drags McNulty into an interview room and chastises him for pulling working detectives off of real murders to further his lie. Afterwards, McNulty tells Greggs he'll cover her paperwork so she can work her own cases, though she has no idea why.Carver visits Det. Lester Freamon at the detail office on Clinton Street to deliver Marlo's cell number, attributing its discovery to "police work." After Carver leaves, Freamon calls the number, pretending to order takeout. Marlo answers and quickly hangs up, giving Freamon all the confirmation he needs.That night, Clay Davis speaks with radio host Larry Young to deliver the message of his innocence to the masses. Young plays along, giving Davis the platform to rally his troops by announcing a speaking appearance for the next day.With Marlo's number in hand, Freamon appeals to Daniels at Police Headquarters to supply the tools he needs to investigate the drug lord. Daniels has nothing to give, though, and when Freamon pushes back, his boss explodes with the frustration of the past few days. If a serial killer doesn't rate more than two detectives, he demands, then what's a phone number worth? Ashamed of his outburst, Daniels apologizes for not being able to help.On deadline in the newsroom, Haynes rounds up the latest on the serial killer. Gutierrez hasn't received any case updates from the police, but reporter Mike Fletcher has put together profiles of the victims. Templeton returns late from his foray in the streets, offering up a heartbreaking story about a family of four living under the Hanover Street Bridge. But when Haynes asks for info on the source, Templeton lies, giving his editor the name of an incoherent homeless man he interviewed earlier. Haynes orders up 30 inches from Templeton, and when he sits at his desk to edit copy, state editor Tim Phelps muses that Clay Davis lucked out, having this serial killer to bump him off the front page in a single news cycle.McNulty and Freamon meet up, searching for a way to parlay their manufactured murderer into a wire tap. The killer has to call someone, McNulty decides. A phone call from the serial killer would be enough probable cause to file for a court ordered wire tap they'll just put Marlo's phone number on the actual tap. McNulty's phone rings his ex-wife calling but he ignores it, telling Freamon that they'll need another "victim" to set the next phase of the plan in motion.When McNulty arrives at the home of his ex, Elena McNulty, she tells him the boys are upstairs. Sean and Michael McNulty hang out in their bedroom, and Jimmy apologizes to Sean for missing a play he performed in. Promising to see the boys next weekend, Jimmy heads downstairs, where Elena tells him that his girlfriend, Ofc. Beatrice "Beadie" Russell, called her to ask about him. McNulty doesn't want to hear it, but Elena warns him that his heavy drinking and late-night escapades are about to drive Beadie away.Bubbles drops in on Walon at work and asks his sponsor to come along with him to the clinic. Bubs needs to get an HIV test, but he's afraid to do it alone. Walon goes with him, and after a nurse manages to draw blood from his damaged veins, they get the results after a short wait. Walon opens the envelope, and informs Bubs that the test was negative. He can't believe it, and tells Walon they must be wrong. Realizing that Bubs is looking for some sort of punishment, Walon tells him, "Shame ain't worth as much as you think. Let it go."Haynes wants Templeton to get to work on the school series, but the reporter pitches instead to do police ride-alongs to coincide with the serial killer case. Haynes agrees it's a good idea, but for Gutierrez. Wanting more, Templeton grabs his notebook and leaves the office to find a pay phone. Dialing his own cell phone from the booth, he keeps the line open and begins to take notes.Beadie stops by Bunk's office, looking for some guidance about how she should handle Jimmy. Bunk tries to tell her that the pressure from the serial-killer case has driven his partner to drink, but she knows better than to buy an excuse like that she just wants to know if there's an end in sight. Caught between loyalties, Bunk admits that he can't tell her what to do.When McNulty makes it to work, Landsman tells him that his serial killer called the Baltimore Sun with a message. Surprised, McNulty leaves to meet with the editors and investigate. As Templeton provides his own fictitious details, McNulty realizes he's found his wire tap and eggs the reporter on, trying to lend validity to the story. By the time the conversation ends, even the skeptical Haynes believes the call was legitimate.At police headquarters, McNulty watches Freamon hook up the illegal wiretap on Marlo. McNulty will report day after day of silence from his serial killer, but Lester will monitor Marlo's calls and accredit any leads he catches to a criminal informant.Outside Monk's apartment, Omar and Donnie decide to make their move but after kicking in Monk's door, find that they've charged into a trap. Gunfire erupts as Chris, Snoop, O-Dog and Michael unload on them. After a few moments of trading fire, Omar dives behind a sofa and finds Donnie lying dead beside him. Out of ammo with the soldiers closing in on him, Omar bursts through a sliding glass door and onto the balcony, leaping from an easily fatal height. Snoop, Michael and Chris race onto the balcony and look down expecting to see his body, but Omar has disappeared.Freamon monitors Marlo's phone from the detail office on Clinton Street, but when a call comes in, he hears a click, a strange hiss, then nothing. Miffed, he wonders how to solve this latest mystery.For more information, visit [url]www.hbo.com/thewire/[/url].
Starting: 19-02-2025 18:05:00
"If you have a problem with this, I understand completely." - FreamonSummary provided by [url]www.HBO.com[/url].Chris Partlow and his crew search the area around Monk's condo for any sign of Omar Little, while Snoop checks local hospitals and Monk posing as a detective interviews the neighbors. Marlo Stanfield pulls up to the condo to meet Chris, who has nothing to show his boss, and surveys the high balcony where Omar leapt before disappearing. It doesn't seem possible, Marlo says.At a... Baltimore port, Mayor Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti cuts the ribbon for his New Westport Project with develope r Andrew Krawczyk, following the Democratic National Committee's advice to "put his name on something." As Carcetti's brief speech concludes, Nick Sobotka, son of former longshormen union chief Frank Sobotka, heckles Krawczyk, vilifying him for gutting the ports.Back at the same high rise that Chris and his crew just finished searching, Omar fashions a makeshift crutch from a broomstick in a utility room. Hobbling out on his injured ankle, he finds the coast clear and slips away.Det. James "Jimmy" McNulty sits with his feet propped on his desk at the homicide unit, reading the latest reports on his serial killer and explaining to Det. William "Bunk" Moreland how the reporter has started to make up his own story. McNulty's waiting for an afternoon press conference to inject his false investigation with funds. Bunk, however, has reopened the files on real murders and tells McNulty he's starting at square one with all the vacant cases because he plans to actually do his job. McNulty shrugs off the insult and promises Bunk any cars, overtime or lab work he needs after the city releases funding for the serial killer search.At the Baltimore Sun offices, reporters Scott Templeton and Alma Gutierrez read Templeton's story about the call he received from the serial killer. As Alma imagines that he handed the killer his business card, Executive Editor James C. Whiting III and Managing Editor Thomas Klebanow walk over to compliment Templeton on the story. When Klebanow asks the reporter what he has planned for the next day, Templeton pitches the first idea that comes to mind: A night spent with the homeless. Whiting likes it and leaves to speak to City Editor Augustus "Gus" Haynes. Klebanow also informs Templeton that national news outlets have picked up the story and requested interviews with him, which the reporter agrees to. After Klebanow leaves, Gutierrez admits that she wishes she'd kept the story to herself. Across the room, Whiting updates Haynes on Templeton's new assignment, and when the city editor remarks that Templeton has already taken the reins on the education project, Whiting kills the earlier plan. The "Dickensian aspect" of homelessness, he says, will take priority through the end of the year.Det. Lester Freamon, needing help to keep up with his secret case against Marlo, talks to Det. Leander Sydnor at the detail office on Clinton Street. Trying to preface his message with an indictment of the department's politics, Freamon divulges the illegal wiretap he's running on Marlo. "If you have a problem with this, I understand completely," he says, urging Sydnor to leave now if he has any doubts. After taking a few moments to think, Sydnor follows Freamon inside.Bunk pores over a homicide file, and when Sgt. Jay Landsman and Det. Vernon Holley step up to his desk, he tells them he's curious about what Randy Wagstaff would have to tell him a year after his name came up in a murder file. But Landsman arrives bearing his own paperwork a folder packed with sealed indictments and confidential transcripts that Holley found in Proposition Joe Stewart's shop. Bunk asks who they don't trust at the courthouse.Freamon gets Sydnor up to speed on the wiretap, explaining that all the cell phone conversations sound routine, with no codes or suspicious numbers discussed. But, he's also logged five calls, each 30 or 40 seconds long, with no conversation whatsoever. Sydnor chews on this for a moment, but McNulty walks through the door, stopping in mid-sentence when he spots Sydnor. Freamon continues, though, telling McNulty he needs manpower to track Chris and Monk. McNulty asks whether Freamon has seen the newspaper the city will have to throw money at the homeless murders. When Sydnor questions how that case relates to Marlo, Freamon says it's hard to explain.As Carcetti prepares to address the media at police headquarters, he complains to Norman Wilson and Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf that this serial killer conference will blot out his development news from earlier that day. When the mayor steps up to the podium, he admonishes the press for skipping the ribbon-cutting ceremony and focusing on the negative. He then launches into a heartening, off-the-cuff speech declaring that those in power should be judged by how they care for the city's most vulnerable inhabitants. Promising that the killer will be stopped, Carcetti directs questions to Acting Commissioner William A. Rawls, who quickly allows Deputy Commissioner of Operations Cedric Daniels to provide detail on the department's tactics.Bunk visits a group home in West Baltimore to interview Randy Wagstaff, who has toughened over the past year. The detective tries to use the threat of jail time for obstructing justice as leverage, but the boy has no intention of trusting the police again. Stalking out, Randy pushes a younger child on the steps and announces that the police are wasting their time trying to mine him for information.As Rawls and Daniels leave the press conference, Rawls congratulates his subordinate on his performance, and the Deputy Ops. replies that he was just following the mayor's lead. Ready to discuss added support for the investigation, Daniels wilts when a dubious look from Rawls communicates the real message behind the pageantry: Solve the murders, just don't raise the cost. "Don't look so shocked," Rawls tells him. "You're running with the big dogs now."McNulty and A.S.A Rhonda Pearlman meet Judge Daniel Phelan in his chambers, seeking a court order to tap Templeton's phone at the Baltimore Sun. The judge denies their request, not in any hurry to make enemies in the press, which irritates McNulty. As Pearlman and McNulty leave, they cross paths with Daniels, who hands Pearlman the file of leaked grand jury documents.At the homicide unit, Det. Shakima "Kima" Greggs waits for Bunk in his cubicle holding the file to her triple murder and eyeing the sea of folders on his desk. When Bunk returns, she tells him that an informant has tied her triple back to Marlo, and Bunk shakes his head, griping that forensic work for 14 of the vacant cases still hasn't left the lab. Greggs asks him whether he intends to take "no" for an answer.Bunk and Greggs arrive at the trace lab and interrogate the supervisor, who bemoans the budget cuts that have razed his department, too. When Bunk pushes further, the supervisor levels with him the truth: A temporary employee mishandled the evidence pulled from the vacants, and now the lab has no idea which scene the various samples came from.McNulty walks a request for surveillance teams into Landsman's office, but the sergeant denies it speeches and photos won't pay for an investigation.Marlo meets with the Co-op for the first time since Prop Joe's death and pins Joe's murder on Omar. Marlo announces that he's taken over Joe's connection and has decided to end these meetings. After promoting Cheese and telling the Co-op members that the package's cost will rise, Marlo leaves.At the Sun, right after Haynes explains to education reporter Scott Shane that his series has been scrapped in favor of the homeless issues, Templeton appears in a television interview, assuring the host that he has no fear of returning to the streets to report. Haynes shakes his head.McNulty meets Freamon to tell him about the lack of surveillance support, noting that the bosses need another body to remind them how serious the situation has become. Freamon agrees, saying he'll call their man in the Southern District.As Fatface Rick returns from the Co-op meeting, Omar jumps him, holding a beer bottle to the back of his head until he can get his hands on the gangster's gun. Omar tells Rick to let Marlo know that he's waiting in the streets for him, that he's saying Marlo lacks the heart to face him. Rick agrees to deliver the message and asks whether Omar killed Prop Joe. When the stick-up man laughs in response, Rick replies, "Didn't think so."At homicide, Bunk scrapes for new leads by running names from Greggs's casework through the database. The name "Michael Lee" turns up a homicide file the boy's stepfather, Devar Manigault, who was beaten to death in the street. Bunk snatches his keys and leaves.At Carcetti's office, Wilson and Steintorf agree that his performance at the previous day's press conference caught good play from the papers; homelessness could be a campaign issue. Thanks to the governor's cuts on medical and housing aid, the murders might just provide the political solution they've hoped for.Bunk visits Michael Lee's mother at home, and she immediately suspects that he's investigating her son. But Bunk starts asking about her boyfriend Manigault's murder, calling it a crime of passion and suggesting that she's at its center. Michael's mother claims she knows nothing, but when Bunk threatens to drag her to women's detention, she tells him that she believes Michael, Chris and Felicia "Snoop" Pearson killed Manigault.In the wiretap room Freamon and Sydnor match surveillance photos of Monk and his corner crew to mysteriously silent calls recorded at the same time. Pointing to Monk's cell phone, which the gangster looks at from too far a distance to read a text message, Freamon concludes that Marlo's organization has started using pictures to communicate.McNulty, drunk, stands outside at night, ranting to a statue of General Armistead about his pathetic department, shouting out his justifications for fabricating a killer. His cell phone rings with a call from Ofc. Oscar Requer, tipping McNulty off to a fresh body. But, by the time the detective arrives at the scene, police and TV reporters have already set up around the corpse.In West Baltimore, Omar hijacks an S.U.V. as it makes one of Marlo's cash pickups at a row house. Shooting one man in the knee with his shotgun, Omar scares the rest of the crew off. He picks up the cash, throws it in the S.U.V. and torches the vehicle, reminding the injured man at his feet to tell Marlo he destroyed the money. Omar points out that the buckshot in his leg might earn him some mercy from Marlo and tells him, "He ain't man enough to come down to the street with Omar."Templeton, spending his night with the homeless for the follow-up story, wanders the streets, searching for someone coherent enough to interview. Frightened by barking dogs and strange vagrants, Templeton still hasn't found anyone by the time a bakery truck swings by in the morning to give the homeless leftover doughnuts. Then, among the crowd waiting for food, he makes eye contact with a young man. Templeton buys him some milk to go with his doughnut, and the man opens up, telling the reporter how his tour in Iraq eventually landed him on the streets.McNulty visits Freamon at the detail office, bearing the bad news that they won't be able to make any new bodies. Lester compounds the problem by telling McNulty about the picture messages, which will require new equipment and more time to capture and decode. McNulty leaves, but while waiting in traffic, a spastic homeless man grabs his attention, stumbling through traffic and obviously in bad shape. McNulty brings him back to the detail office, snaps a cell phone picture and lays out a plan for Freamon. He will drive the man to an out-of-town shelter and send a photo of him to Templeton along with a promise from the killer that no one will find any more bodies only photos of the victims. Freamon, though somewhat aghast at McNulty's sick machinations, has found his probable cause for collecting cell phone photos.When Templeton arrives at the Sun to work on his copy, Haynes asks him to make a few calls to follow up on the story he wrote about a single mother who died from a crab allergy. Through another reporter, Haynes heard that people in the neighborhood were saying that the dead woman's sister, who has a history of fraud, gambled away the scholarship money that his article had generated for the woman's children. It's not urgent, Haynes says, but he asks Templeton to look into it. Later, after Haynes praises the reporter's story about the Iraq veteran, Templeton assures his editor that his calls checked out. He says another woman in the neighborhood uses the surviving sister's name every time she gets arrested, ruining her reputation.McNulty drives the homeless man "Mr. Bobbles" to a shelter in Richmond, VA, providing a faded I.D. from a dead homeless man whose body had stiffened too much to become a victim of the serial killer. The social worker there thanks McNulty for bringing the man in, and the detective leaves, feeling guilty.For more information, visit [url]www.hbo.com/thewire/[/url].
Starting: 19-02-2025 19:00:00
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Vika, charismatická čtyřiaosmdesátiletá dýdžejka a skutečná hvězda varšavské klubové scény, inspiruje ostatní k tomu, aby žili naplno.
Starting: 20-02-2025 03:45:00
Hrozná zpráva se šíří světem! Na Zemi nastala obleva. Led taje, a jestli zvířata nepřejdou na konec údolí, kde je prý velká loď, všechna se utopí. Za záchranou jdou společně mamut Many, lenochod Sid a tygr Diego. Každého sužuje nějaké trápení. Many má obavu, že je poslední svého druhu, Sida trápí, že k němu nikdo nechová respekt, a Diego, i když je to tygr, který se nikdy ničeho nebojí, se bojí vody, protože neumí plavat. To se ale snaží před ostatními utajit... Cestou potkají dva... vačičáky s jejich sestrou Ellie. Many se začne radovat, protože jejich sestra je mamutice. Má to ale je den malý háček, ona si myslí, že je vačice, a jen tak si to nechce nechat vymluvit. Když už Ellie konečně pochopí, že asi vážně není vačice, nechce zase s Manym nic mít. Jenže to by nebylo to nejhorší: zdá se, že putovníci už nedojdou cíle, uvízli na plujícím ostrůvku.
Starting: 20-02-2025 05:00:00
Po se shledá se svým dávno ztraceným otcem a společně odcestují do tajného pandího ráje. Tam musejí spojit síly, aby porazili nového nepřítele Kaie - padoucha s nadpřirozenými schopnostmi, který krade životní sílu ostatním bojovníkům.
Starting: 20-02-2025 06:30:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 20-02-2025 08:05:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 20-02-2025 08:30:00
Když se Janin život vymkne kontrole, žena nečekaně najde naději a novou lásku v místní kavárně.
Starting: 20-02-2025 09:05:00
Dokument plný groovu zkoumá, jak se tento bezstarostný hudební subžánr stal po desetiletích populárním.
Starting: 20-02-2025 10:35:00
Když po celém světě přistanou tajemné vesmírné lodě, dojde k sestavení elitního týmu v čele s odbornicí na lingvistiku Louise Banksovou, s cílem zjistit, jaké mají mimozemšťané úmysly. Zatímco celé lidstvo balancuje na pokraji globální války, Banksová se společně se svým týmem pokouší ve velmi omezeném čase najít odpovědi, a aby je byla schopna najít, bude muset přistoupit k činům, které mohou ohrozit nejen její vlastní život, ale dost možná osud celého lidstva.
Starting: 20-02-2025 12:10:00
Po několika znepokojivých interakcích ve městě je Clark odhodlán chránit svou tajnou identitu - což mu komplikují Jonathan a Jordan.
Starting: 20-02-2025 14:05:00
Katniss Everdeenová prožívá nejtěžší období svého života. Ačkoli z Her čtvrtstoletí jakžtakž vyvázla se zdravou kůží a máma se sestrou jsou v bezpečí, její starosti ještě neskončily. Capitol srovnal se zemí Dvanáctý obvod, zahynuly tisíce lidí a Katniss pronásleduje pocit viny. Navíc Peeta Mellark, její partner z Her, zůstal v rukou nepřátel. Na čelo odboje se postavil Třináctý obvod, i když jen donedávna se o jeho existenci téměř nic nevědělo. Válka přináší oběti na obou stranách, rozdíly... mezi dobrem a zlem se stále více stírají. Vítězství se sice přiklání na stranu rebelů, ale konec je s tále v nedohlednu. Krveprolití může zastavit pouze Katniss. Pokud chce zachránit Peetu, zabránit dalšímu maření životů, porazit Sídlo a nenáviděného prezidenta Snowa, musí se znovu chopit symbolu Reprodrozda. Opět zjišťuje, že o svém osudu nerozhoduje sama, ale do jisté míry se stává nástrojem v mocenském souboji. A stále nevyřešila dilema, kterému ze dvou nejbližších přátel patří její city.
Starting: 20-02-2025 14:50:00
Satirická komedie z produkce HBO USA 2023.
Starting: 20-02-2025 16:55:00
"They don't teach it in law school." - PearlmanSummary provided by [url]www.HBO.com[/url].Detective Lester Freamon and Detective James "Jimmy" McNulty huddle in the utility closet of the homicide unit. Freamon has rigged a phone wire to mask as Marlo's cell number and orders McNulty to stick to the script as he dials a number. When Scott Templeton answers his cell phone at the Baltimore Sun, McNulty reads from a scripted serial killer rant, accusing Templeton of making things up about him in... his newspaper reports. A panicked Templeton, shocked to get an actual call, rushes to alert the oth er reporters and editors to what's going on and to get Det. McNulty on the phone.Ignoring his buzzing cell phone, McNulty starts to enjoy his performance and, playing up a heavy Baltimore accent, he begins to ad lib. Meanwhile, in the wire tap listening room, Vernon Holley springs into action to trace the first call he's ever picked up on the serial killer tap.In a tourist-heavy area of the Baltimore Harbor, Detective Leander Sydnor waits with a cell phone in one hand the cell that the phone company paperwork has linked to the serial killer wire tap and a police radio in the other. McNulty's serial killer warns Templeton that they won't even be able to find his victims any more, as Freamon sends two photos of McNulty's homeless foil, "Mr. Bobbles," over the re-routed phone line. When Sydnor hears over the police radio that the call has been traced to the Inner Harbor, he switches off the cell, wraps it in foil, and pockets it. As the police swarm the area he shows his badge and pretends to help search for the serial killer's cell phone.Back at the Baltimore Sun, Managing Editor Thomas Klebanow and Executive Editor James C. Whiting III gather around Templeton as he relays what the killer said. Just as they ask if the guy threatened him, Templeton receives an alert on his cell phone: the photo of a new apparent victim -- the homeless man that McNulty dumped in Richmond.State Senator R. Clayton "Clay" Davis tries to talk defense attorney Billy Murphy into taking on his case without receiving his full fee up front. Davis offers $25k up front and $25k when Murphy seats a jury. Murphy insists on his full $200K fee, but Davis counters that he's giving him a great publicity opportunity going up against State's Attorney Rupert Bond. Charmed, Murphy tells Clay to save his silver-tongued salesmanship for the jury.In the homicide unit, Sgt. Jay Landsman, Dets. Shakima "Kima" Greggs, Edward Norris, Holley and others review the wire recording while McNulty meets with Templeton and the editors at the Sun. Glad to put Templeton in the hot seat, McNulty asks if it sounded like the same guy. Templeton falters but then assures him it did; he just didn't remember the guy having such a heavy Baltimore accent the first time. Klebanow asks about whether it would hurt to publish the photos sent to the phone, but McNulty says it would help to have people looking for the man, who may already be dead. He warns them not to indicate where the cell phone call came from though. On his way out, McNulty urges Templeton not to worry; the killer's just using him. When Templeton says he resents that, McNulty eyes him and suggests he shouldn't since it's working out well for him. Haynes picks up on McNulty's innuendo and regards Templeton with suspicion.Cherry and Savino find Manny dead and Vincent tied up. Vincent explains Omar ambushed them and left him alive to pass along a message to Marlo: Omar is waiting and Marlo's not man enough to come down in the street. Omar knew they held the stash without being told and flushed the entire four kilos of heroin.McNulty and A.S.A. Rhonda Pearlman track down Judge Phelan with an amended wiretap order. Now that the serial killer has sent photos to the Sun reporter, they need a couple of computers to conduct surveillance. As the Judge signs off, he suggests they check the Governor's alibi noting that a serial killer of the homeless is bad news for Carcetti's gubernatorial challenge because he was elected mayor on a law-and-order ticket. Meanwhile, Carcetti, who has been feeling good about the $80k in donations he's solicited for his gubernatorial primary campaign, throws a fit and demands to talk to Police Commissioner Rawls immediately when he hears the news about the serial killer's latest call to the Sun.Det. William "Bunk" Moreland reviews the file on Michael Lee that he ordered from the state archives, when Landsman orders Bunk to join him upstairs at a meeting called by Deputy Commissioner for Operations Cedric Daniels about the serial killer case. Bunk, furious that McNulty's bogus killer is monopolizing so many resources, refuses to go. At the meeting, Daniels doles out the assignments to the detectives, strategizing how to attack the investigation now that the mayor has lifted all bans on OT for this case. Meanwhile, over at the Sun, Haynes divvies up reporting tasks on the hot story.On Michael Lee's corner, Duquan "Dukie" Weems reads through the want ads, looking for a job he can do but Michael points out he's too young for a legit job and needs to take care of Bug after school. Just as Dukie is exhibiting his skills as an exotic dancer, Sgt. Ellis Carver and Ofc. Baker pull up and cuff Michael for a ride downtown.Carcetti holds a press conference about the homeless slayings, promising he will bring the killer to justice.Freamon disconnects the wire that had been rerouted to the serial killer's Sydnor's phone the real wire is set to Marlo's cell phone. He informs Det. Frank Barlow that he'll be able to capture pictures and voice the next time the serial killer calls. McNulty tries to convince Landsman that Greggs can keep working her triple, but Landsman insists she be pulled off to work up the backgrounds of the slain homeless victims per Daniels' orders. He commends McNulty for turning the tap back on paid police work and asks him what else he needs for his case. A disgusted Bunk chastises McNulty and Freamon for what they've created, but Lester insists they're just a week or two away from getting Marlo. Bunk calls the lab again for his tracework on the vacants cases as Carver delivers Michael Lee to the interview room. Bunk shows Michael the homicide photos of his dead step-father and notes that he doesn't even flinch when he identifies him. Bunk tries to get the boy to tell him who did it since whoever it was had to be full grown and more vicious than Michael, but Michael just stonewalls him.In the parking lot, McNulty runs into a frustrated rookie, Detective Christeson, who complains he's close to solving a murder case if he could only get more help. McNulty offers to reassign a couple of detectives and cars from his serial murder case for the detective and write up the hours under his case.Greggs walks through the circus of reporters gathered outside the modest home of the parents of one of the homeless victims. The parents admit that they'd given up on their son and knew he would probably die on the street, but they are still devastated and guilt-ridden by the reports of how he died at the hands of a serial killer.Haynes argues with Klebanow and Whiting about Templeton's purple prose, but Klebanow says he'll edit the piece himself.At home that night, Daniels and Pearlman watch the news, in disbelief over the media frenzy. Pearlman shoos him away so she can prepare to be Bond's second for the Davis case, which starts the next day.McNulty complains to Freamon that things have spiraled out of control now FBI behavioral profilers are doing a voice analysis of his fake call. McNulty is interrupted by a call from Landsman asking if he needs academy help canvassing the shelters. McNulty refuses, offering up Mr. Bobbles' name and last known address from the ID he got off of the homeless guy he dumped in Richmond. Hanging up he tells Freamon the problem with making this a "red ball" is people are now treating it like a red ball. He begs Lester to finish off Marlo, and quickly.Clay Davis enters the courthouse with Billy Murphy at his side, running the media gauntlet as the reporters eat up his proclamations of innocence and quotes from Aeschylus.Norris comes to McNulty having heard what he did for the rookie, Christeson, and asks for similar treatment so that he can interview a witness for a rape-murder case he's been working. McNulty agrees as Bunk listens with disbelief.After Freamon's detailed testimony of Clay Davis's finances, Billy Murphy passes up a cross-examination, to Pearlman and Freamon's surprise.While serving patrons at the soup kitchen, Bubbles spots Sun reporter Mike Fletcher looking for a story about what it's like to be homeless. He brings him to a Hooverville to show him around, refusing Fletcher's twenty dollar bill and urging him to just write it like it feels.Lester and Sydnor intercept a photo sent from Marlo's phone of a clock that reads 5:50, followed by a quick call to Monk. Sydnor guesses it's the time for a meet and heads out to watch Monk. When he hasn't moved for an hour and a half, Sydnor calls Freamon who tells him to come back.When Bond questions Clay Davis's driver Day-Day about the $40K salary he received as executive director of a charity, Day-Day explains he didn't see any of the money, it all went back to Clay Davis except for the occasional cash kick-back from his boss. Pearlman is pleased with the testimony, but then on his cross-examination, Murphy gets Day-Day to admit that he cashed the checks to give the money to Davis, which means there's no proof Davis received it. Further, Murphy establishes that Day-Day is getting immunity for testifying against Davis, undermining his credibility with the jury.Det. Crutchfield comes to McNulty with another sob story about needing OT, and when McNulty relents, Crutchfield assures him he knows the drill, calling him "boss." Greggs hands off reports from interviewing the homeless victims' families and notes it was rough to hear how upset the parents were about the details of how their son died. A guilt-ridden McNulty considers this impact for the first time.Haynes rereads Templeton's published story and tosses the newspaper with disgust as he heads into the cop bar Kavanagh's for a drink. He spots Major Dennis Mello and checking out Templeton's cover for his food poisoning story, asks him, theoretically, if it's possible for a woman to go through the court system with a false ID. Mello says no, given the ID is linked to fingerprints he tells Haynes someone's yanking his chain.Omar grabs Savino on the street, shakes him down and shoots him.Lester calls McNulty asking for more man hours and cars for surveillance to figure out what the clock code means. McNulty says they're giving him plenty of man hours, but now word is out around the office that he's giving out money and hours to people to work other cases. Lester warns him he's going to blow it. Lester needs seven or eight detectives and they consider whether there's anyone in the Districts they trust. Greggs calls McNulty in a rage, unable to assemble the children's IKEA furniture McNulty recommended she get for Elijah's overnight.Omar shows up on Michael's corner and orders Michael to tell Marlo he'll kill all of his muscle until Marlo comes down to the street. Michael breathes a sigh of relief Omar that didn't recognize him from the shootout at Monk's condo.On the stand, Davis charms the courtroom and jury with his testimony about how things really work in the poor neighborhoods he represents. He admits that all of the charity money did go into his bank account but insists he didn't keep a dime, it all went back out in cash, because that's how it works in his district: It is strictly cash and carry. People know where to find him so they approach him directly for help. He pulls at the heartstrings with the lists of requests he gets for Similac, burial costs, etc. as the courtroom erupts into applause.Carcetti reviews the budget implications of trying to do more for the homeless. Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf warns him that if the serial killer investigation goes on for a month he'll be forced to lay off teachers a disastrous move for a gubernatorial candidate in an election year.Outside the courthouse, Bond and Pearlman stare in amazement wondering what just happened as Clay Davis makes his victory speech to the media hoards.Regional Affairs Editor Rebecca Corbett and Haynes discuss Templeton's purple prose and Haynes confides that he gave Templeton a chance to own his mistake in the food-poisoning story, but Templeton came back with a lie about stolen identities. They wonder: If he'll lie to avoid a correction, would he lie to make a story better? Haynes admits he is haunted by Templeton's story about the boy in the wheelchair on baseball's opening day, but is reluctant to call a reporter a liar.When Elijah can't sleep, Kima sits in the window with him bidding goodnight to everybody, starting with the Moon, stars, popos, fiends, hoppers, hustlers, and scammers. Goodnight to one and all. The Baltimore version of Goodnight Moon.For more information, visit [url]www.hbo.com/thewire/[/url].
Starting: 20-02-2025 18:00:00
"A lie ain't a side of a story. It's just a lie." - Terry HanningDet. James "Jimmy" McNulty presents a detailed report about the serial killer investigation to Mayor Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti, Norman Wilson, Commissioner William A. Rawls, Deputy Commissioner for Operations Cedric Daniels and other police commanders. McNulty asks for surveillance resources for several "persons of interest" and requests that Sgt. Ellis Carter run the surveillance team. When he points out they will need decent... undercover cars, the Mayor orders them to go to Enterprise if they have to, he's sparing no expense. A fter Carcetti leaves, Rawls tells his team the bad news: They'll actually have to catch the serial killer. But the good news is the mayor finally needs a police department more than he needs a school system.Duquan "Dukie" Weems stops in an athletic shoe store looking for a job, but the salesman, Poot, informs him the manager won't hire anyone under seventeen. Poot recognizes Dukie from hanging out with Namond on the corner and admits he got tired of that life. He encourages Dukie to hold out a while longer and come back when he's old enough.McNulty fills Carver in on what he and Det. Lester Freamon really want him to do with his surveillance teams watch Marlo Stanfield and his crew, not the serial killer suspects. McNulty explains that he's throwing people over to Freamon's investigation of Marlo and writing up the hours and paperwork under his serial killer case. Carver suspects they have an illegal wire tap, knowing he gave Freamon Marlo's cell phone number from Herc two weeks ago, but McNulty claims to know nothing about that. Carver finally agrees to the scheme and when he asks about how they'll get decent cars, he is stunned to hear they have been granted an open account at Enterprise car rental downtown.Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf and the budget director review priorities with Carcetti about how to avoid cuts to school funding while giving the police department what they need to solve the serial killer case. Carcetti informs them he's speaking at a vigil for the homeless. Norman interrupts with the news that Maurice Dobey from "P.G." Prince George's county is suggesting he may run for governor in the Democratic primary, and U.S. Congressman Albert Upshaw is threatening to back him. Though Dobey can't win, he could do damage to Carcetti's bid for the Statehouse, and Carcetti realizes he has to meet with Upshaw to try to put a stop to it.Carver addresses his hand-picked surveillance team -- including Officers Kenneth Dozerman, Brian McLarney, Bobby Brown, Lloyd "Truck" Carrick -- all of whom are pleased with unlimited O.T. and the pristine rental cars.On a cigarette break at the loading dock at the Baltimore Sun, City Editor Augustus "Gus" Haynes talks with Bill Zorzi and Jeff Price about whether Scott Templeton is hyping the serial killer story, but they decide it's real enough, which means they'll be writing homeless stories until the end of the year the cut-off for Pulitzer submissions. Back inside, Haynes gets a call that there's a homeless vet in the lobby wanting to talk to Templeton's editor the reporter won't take his calls so he's showed up in person.Michael Lee relays Omar's message to Chris Partlow and Snoop: Omar is calling Marlo a coward for not coming down to fight him on the street. Michael is certain Marlo would want to know but Partlow and Snoop are insistent they don't want to bother him about it right now, vowing to take care of Omar themselves.Dozerman and Truck are interrupted from admiring the state-of-the-art GPS in their rental car when Omar approaches recognizing them as cops and alerts them to where two corner boys have hidden their drugs. After the officers bust the two guys, Omar approaches, scaring off a group of young boys who know he's trouble. Young Kenard remains behind, watching Omar as he scares off the remaining corner boys and disposes of their drugs. Next, Omar identifies the safe house forcing the guys to turn over another stash, which he also dumps. He calls out Marlo again, shouting into the empty street.Haynes goes to meet the homeless veteran Terry Hanning who indicts Templeton's story about him as full of lies. Haynes gets Templeton to sit down with the vet and Templeton insists his reporting was accurate. Haynes tries to determine whether Hanning could have been drinking or exaggerating, but the man insists he knows what it is to tell a story, and he would never embellish the details of a battle it would be too disrespectful to his fellow Marines. Templeton insists to Haynes that the guy is off, but Haynes cuts him short and tells Templeton to track down some of the other men in the unit and find out what happened that day outside Fallujah. They will write a correction if it wasn't accurate.Swallowing his pride, Det. William "Bunk" Moreland asks McNulty to sign his lab report request, finally giving into McNulty's scheme in order to expedite the lab work he's been waiting almost a year for.Omar enters a convenience store to buy cigarettes when Kenard comes in and shoots him in the head, killing him. Dets. Norris and Crutchfield arrive at the scene and call Bunk, figuring he'd want to know about the murder, given his history with Omar. Bunk finds Omar's list of the top guys he was hunting down in Marlo Stanfield's operation.Freamon and the surveillance team remain stumped by the clock code Marlo is sending and receiving on his cell phone. Leander explains to the team they are trying to identify the pattern of the meeting times.Going over the resupply plan, Marlo informs a surprised Chris and Snoop that Omar is dead, killed by an unknown kid for no apparent reason.Enroute to Quantico to hear the FBI profile of McNulty's faked serial killer phone call Det. Shakima "Kima" Greggs and McNulty discuss their respective relationships. When they hear the final report, McNulty is taken aback by the accurate psychological profile they lay out of McNulty, who faked the voice of the killer.Reporter Mike Fletcher tells Haynes he's interested in spending time with Bubbles to write a profile and Haynes grants him a couple of weeks to pursue it. Gutierrez gives Haynes the news of Omar's murder not knowing who he is, and Haynes tells her to write up a fire and scratch the murder there's no room.Carcetti and Wilson meet with 4th District U.S. Congressman Albert Upshaw, asking what it will take to stop him from running Dobey in the primary. Carcetti promises that when he takes the statehouse, he will help his district, but Upshaw says it's going to cost the mayor more than his word.McNulty is disturbed to arrive home to find Beadie and her children gone, and a note suggesting that this could be his future.Bunk finally gets his lab work back on the DNA samples from Michael Lee's murdered stepfather and is pleased to find out there's a match for Chris Partlow.Freamon meets with the US Attorney, trying to get them to take the Clay Davis case using the false loan evidence he'd gathered the "head shot". But the US Attorney refuses, furious that Bond kept the case for himself and not only lost it, but managed to turn Davis into a near-martyr for the black community.Bunk tells McNulty Omar is dead and hands over Omar's handwritten list. He also reports he has positive DNA on Chris Partlow for the alley beating but acquiesces to McNulty's plea that he hold off on serving the murder warrant because Freamon claims he's close to taking down Marlo's entire operation.Det. Frank Barlow blackmails McNulty into giving him a car and covering his weekend golf trip to Hilton Head, threatening to blow the whistle on his OT-distribution scheme.When Freamon reports that Marlo just got a call, Sydnor checks in with the rest of the surveillance team and they discover that none of their subjects have picked up a phone. Freamon realizes there's another person in the network they don't know about.Dukie helps a junk peddler load an empty refrigerator onto his cart, and the man offers to pay $10 if he helps him take the scrap to the weigh station. With no other job offers, Dukie agrees.When Greggs readies to compare the FBI profile of the serial killer to a huge stack of files on known sex offenders, McNulty can't stand the guilt anymore and whisks her away to an interview room to fill her in on what he and Freamon have been doing. Greggs, stunned, insists to McNulty he can't be doing this.Meeting with Carcetti and City Council President Nerese Campbell, Clay Davis disparages the idea of Dobey running for governor. Even Clay can't believe the dirty politics of playing the race card and pretending to run an African-American candidate who can't win, just to get payoffs. Carcetti says Upshaw wants too much to keep Dobey out of the race but admits he's still "in negotiations." Nerese promises to do whatever she can to help Carcetti if he endorses her for Mayor. Given that Bond lost his case against Clay Davis, she doesn't think he will make a viable mayoral contender. Clay promises his loyalty to Carcetti will only cost two seats on the liquor board.McNulty checks in with Freamon and reports that Bunk has a murder warrant on Partlow, explaining that he's secured a few days' grace period to wrap up their investigation. McNulty hands over Omar's list, and Freamon notes Cheese Wagstaff's name someone Freamon hadn't identified as being under Marlo's wing. McNulty also reports that he confided in Greggs, and Freamon gets angry.Trying to find the location of a possible Marlo meet, Sydnor consults a Baltimore street map and going over the coordinates, he suddenly realizes that Marlo's clocks are a code for Baltimore map grid coordinates.Carcetti gives a rousing speech at the vigil for the homeless.At a bar, Freamon watches Clay Davis socializing with a lady friend in a booth. When Davis gets up to refresh their drinks, Freamon goes over to the woman and whispers to her, and she steps away as Freamon settles into the opposite booth. When Davis returns, Freamon greets him and informs the senator it was mostly Lester's evidence that Clay overcame at his trial; he wonders if Davis thinks he can do that again with a Federal jury. Lester hands over copies of the paper trail he has on Clay's illegal loan and tells him he will keep quiet in exchange for his help with information in the future.At the Sun, Haynes, with the Metro Editor's support, tells Templeton he's cutting the lede to the story about the homeless vigil because it features an unnamed homeless woman. Templeton throws a fit at the implication that he's lying and storms back to his desk. Managing Editor Thomas Klebanow challenges Haynes's decision but Haynes packs up his things for the night, insisting on his way out the door that he's following the paper's sourcing policy.Carcetti comes home and fills his wife, Jennifer, in on the day's political maneuverings in his bid for Governor.Beadie and the kids return home and she informs him next time, she's not going anywhere he is. McNulty confesses what's been going on, telling her about the invented serial killer case and admitting it's gotten out of hand. Taking it in, Beadie realizes he could go to jail. She tells a chagrined McNulty that he had no right to do this it impacts her life too.Sydnor explains the map code to Freamon, who's impressed with his protégé's detective work. Freamon deduces that because all the coordinates seem to be within a 30-40 minute drive, they must just assume that the meeting time is within an hour of getting the clock code. He realizes that one of the clocks indicates coordinates for East Baltimore and deduces that Cheese Wagstaff must be Marlo's East side lieutenant. Greggs busts in and announces she's not okay with the scheme.At the morgue, a technician notes that the names have been changed on two body bags Omar's body bag is identified as a white male, heart attack victim, and vice versa. Amused, he switches the names back, correcting the mistake.
Starting: 20-02-2025 19:00:00
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Poté, co Antoine zabije muže, zachrání život Sarye a je svědkem všech zvěrstev, necítí se schopen Sýrii opustit. Ignoruje Saryinu žádost a dobrovolně se přihlásí do boje po boku Kurdů.
Starting: 20-02-2025 20:55:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
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Při natáčení v Arménii se Dan a Dag kvůli Erikově poslední poruše ujímají vedení výbušného natáčecího dne.
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Když je šestnáctileté Lindy diagnostikována reprodukční choroba, vše, co si myslela o sexu, ženství a vztazích, se obrátí vzhůru nohama.
Starting: 21-02-2025 01:45:00
Annabel Cotton je krásná okouzlující dívka trpící neléčitelnou rakovinou, hluboce milující život a přírodu. Enoch Brae je mladý muž, jehož přestal zajímat život po smrti rodičů. Když se ti dva outsideři náhodně setkají na pohřbu, zjistí, že na svět nahlíží zvláštně stejným způsobem. Odvážně, dětinsky, ale hlavně nezvykle - tak ti dva čelí všemu, co si na ně život připravil. S bolestí, hněvem a ztrátou bojují mládím, hravostí a originalitou, nenechají si od života házet klacky pod nohy a... hrají jej podle vlastních pravidel. Jejich vztahy s přáteli, rodinami a sebou navzájem je naučí to nejdů ležitější - každý konec v sobě skrývá své znovuzrození a láska je nesmrtelná.
Starting: 21-02-2025 03:30:00
Hrdinové z prostředí pod bodem mrazu se vrací, aby zažili další neuvěřitelné dobrodružství, tentokrát v příběhu nazvaném Doba ledová 3: Úsvit dinosaurů. Nová "doba ledová" zavede hlavní hrdiny i diváky do ohromného podzemního světa dinosaurů. Je to barevná krajina plná bujné vegetace, která je ostrým protipólem mrazivého prostředí z prvních dvou "dob ledových". Je to země nebezpečí, ohromných tvorů, rostlin pojídajících mamuty, země plná tajemných míst. Věčný smolař, prehistorický... krysoveverčák Scrat má před sebou osudové setkání s krysoveverkou Scratte. Mamuti Manny a Ellie očekávají prvn í přírůstek do rodiny. Lenochod Sid se zase dostane do problémů poté, co si založí vlastní rodinu s nalezenými dinosauřími vajíčky. Šavlozubý tygr Diego řeší dilema, jestli se z něj po boku kamarádů nestává příliš velký měkota. Navíc, když se objeví dinosauři, Manny přestává být "králem džungle". A také se všichni seznámí s jednookým lasičákem Buckem, který neúnavně loví dinosaury.
Starting: 21-02-2025 05:00:00
Ben je bývalý hráč baseballu, který musel kariéru skončit ve chvíli, kdy ho do rozkroku trefil letící míč. Dnes je otcem malého Jacka a bývalým manželem stárnoucí modelky Dany, která jím pouze opovrhuje. Právě dokončil dálkové studium a stal se právníkem. Teď touží změnit svůj život.
Starting: 21-02-2025 06:35:00
While her staff prepares for her portrait unveiling, Selina and Mike try to finish her book.
Starting: 21-02-2025 08:05:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 21-02-2025 08:30:00
Nikdy nedovolte servismanovi, který vám bude divný, aby u vás doma připojoval kabelovou televizi. Steven Kovacs bral všechna varování na lehkou váhu a šeredně se mu to vymstilo. Jeho televizní technik Chip Douglas se stal stejně vlezlým a neodbytným, jako reklama uprostřed filmů, jenže se nedal nijak vypnout. Strašnější než hejno kobylek a vytrvalejší než senná rýma ve snaze získat přítele postupně zničil Stevenovi celý život. Tomu teď nezbývá než se hlasitě modlit, aby vichřice s pohádkovým... jménem Chip co nejrychleji zmizela.
Starting: 21-02-2025 09:05:00
Když byrokratická správa okupující mimozemské entity a její vyspělá technologie zanechají většinu obyvatel Země chudé a nezaměstnané, dva teenageři vymyslí riskantní plán, jak zajistit budoucnost pro své rodiny.
Starting: 21-02-2025 10:35:00
Poté, co Antoine zabije muže, zachrání život Sarye a je svědkem všech zvěrstev, necítí se schopen Sýrii opustit. Ignoruje Saryinu žádost a dobrovolně se přihlásí do boje po boku Kurdů.
Starting: 21-02-2025 12:20:00
Při natáčení v Arménii se Dan a Dag kvůli Erikově poslední poruše ujímají vedení výbušného natáčecího dne.
Starting: 21-02-2025 13:10:00
Dvě středoškolačky, PJ a Josie, založí Klub bojových sportů, aby před maturitou přišly o panenství.
Starting: 21-02-2025 13:40:00
V poslední kapitole nepůjde jen o přežití, ale bude se bojovat o budoucnost obyvatel celého Panemu. Konečné zúčtování s nenáviděným prezidentem Snowem se blíží. Reprodrozd Katniss spolu se skupinou nejbližších přátel, včetně Gala, Finnicka a Peety, povede rebely v jejich boji za svobodou. Jednotka z 13. kraje se vydává na misi, jejímž cílem je zničit prezidenta a skoncovat s jeho tyranií. Na Katniss však tentokrát čeká mnohem nebezpečnější nepřítel, než ten s jakým se dosud setkala v aréně... Hladových her.
Starting: 21-02-2025 15:10:00
"Deserve got nuthin' to do with it." SnoopSummary provided by [url]www.HBO.com[/url].Det. Leander Sydnor and his surveillance teams cover Marlo Stanfield and his crew while Det. Lester Freamon tracks their coded cell-phone images from the detail office on Clinton Street. When Freamon notices a meet scheduled at a new and remote location he guesses that he's on to Marlo's supplier. Pulling his teams off the street targets, he converges the resources on a warehouse near the marine... terminals.Snoop and O-Dog meet with Maurice "Maury" Levy in his law office to prepare O-Dog to take the rap for Snoop and Chris Partlow's weapons charges. With a lack of priors, the fall-man faces a few well-compensated years in prison, but he's not thrilled with the arrangement.Freamon joins Sydnor and his surveillance force a few blocks away from a warehouse that Chris just entered. Freamon orders the men to wait and watch if Chris feels the location is secure, they're likely to see Marlo's crew arrive to pick up the re-supply. Any Stanfield lieutenant who leaves the warehouse, Freamon says, presents a target flush with narcotics. Pull them over, seize the dope and collect their phones, the detective orders before leaving to come clean about his illegal investigation.Inside the warehouse, Chris inspects the delivery: More than 100 kilos of raw heroin hidden inside new refrigerators. When the Greek deliverymen tell Chris he can count the packages, he leaves without a word.At the Baltimore Sun, City Editor Augustus "Gus" Haynes welcomes the paper's London Bureau Chief, Robert Ruby, back to the states since his office was shut down. After a few minutes' complaining about their parent company, Gus asks Ruby to look into Scott Templeton's reporting check its accuracy with a fresh set of eyes. Ruby warns him that chasing the reporter might cross Executive Editor James C. Whiting III, but the displaced bureau chief immediately heads to the library to order up the sum of Templeton's work.Duquan "Dukie" Weems rides the Arabber's cart and stops off at the junkyard to steal metal. Dukie hustles over the barbed-wire fence, snagging his hand as his new boss urges him on. He passes as much scrap over the fence as he can and bails out.Monk and Cheese arrive at the supply warehouse, offloading the product and quickly leaving. Sydnor and his officers split up to tail the lieutenants.Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf visits Commissioner William A. Rawls and Deputy Commissioner of Operations Cedric Daniels at police headquarters. In desperate need of an immediate drop in crime to fuel Mayor Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti's gubernatorial run, Steintorf wants to see more cops on the street making arrests. Daniels explains that only quality police work can make a meaningful impact on crime, adding that Carcetti promised him that the statistic games would end during this administration. Steintorf says they'll keep their pledge for systemic reform, from Annapolis if need be, but unless the department becomes creative enough to effect a 10-percent drop in crime by the end of the quarter, Carcetti's ability to help will fade with his shot at the state house. As Steintorf leaves, Daniels steps outside to find Freamon pacing in the reception area.Rushing through an explanation that his investigation of Marlo never ceased, Freamon tells Daniels that they're a few warrants away from locking up the whole organization. Before Daniels can catch up, Freamon's cell phone rings with a call from Sydnor. They've pulled Monk over on a traffic violation and found his vehicle loaded with dope. Lester hangs up and rattles off the list of warrants he'll need to search the warehouse and lock up the rest of Marlo's crew. Daniels smiles in the face of some real police work, picking up the phone to call A.S.A Rhonda Pearlman.Across the city, police teams take down Marlo's crew, raiding the warehouse while others track down Cheese, Chris and Marlo. Snoop and O-Dog rush to Michael Lee's apartment, where the young soldier watches the bust go down on the news.At police headquarters, Carcetti addresses the media, touting the $16 million in heroin seized, along with the Stanfield organization's ties to the rowhouse murders. Alma Gutierrez takes notes while Bill Zorzi quietly mocks the mayor in her ear. Laughing, she stands up to interview Daniels, but the deputy commissioner brushes her off with an empty quote about "the good guys." When she asks for something more substantive, Daniels reminds her that the last time he appeared in the Sun, an anonymous source falsely identified him as a backstabber.Cheese, Monk, Marlo and Chris sit at central booking, scrutinizing the documents that led to their arrests. Cheese points out that warrants were drawn up "from information received" code for snitching as far as he's concerned. Marlo asks Chris if there's anyone in their shop who would inform the police, and when Michael's name comes up, Monk jumps on it. But, in his haste to lay their troubles on Michael, Monk slips up and mentions that Omar called out Marlo by name in the streets. The boss becomes livid, demanding to know what Omar said and ordering his lieutenants to spread word that he knew nothing about it. As for Michael, Marlo's not willing to take any risks.At the homicide unit, Sgt. Jay Landsman steps up to Det. James "Jimmy" McNulty's desk, pointing to Det. William "Bunk" Moreland's murder charge on Chris and demanding the same sort of progress on McNulty's serial killer case. When Landsman leaves, Det. Shakima "Kima" Greggs asks McNulty how long he plans to waste manpower chasing his fake killer, and he promises the case will die down. Later that night, McNulty reiterates the concern about wasting resources to a drunken, celebratory Freamon, who assures him the brass will lose interest.The next day, at a student debate competition, Namond Brice delivers a rousing speech about fighting AIDS in Africa while Howard "Bunny" Colvin and his wife look on with pride. Midway through Namond's delivery, Carcetti arrives and waits by the door, distracting Colvin. After the event, as Colvin and Namond walk to their car, the mayor breaks away from a Q&A session with reporters to catch up with the former district commander. Carcetti apologizes that he couldn't do anything with Colvin's "experiment" legalizing drugs in the Western, but Colvin has little to say in return.Levy visits Marlo in jail to discuss the case against him. While Levy expects the judge to deny bail for Marlo and Chris, the others' will post soon. More importantly, Levy and Marlo puzzle through the facts of the case, trying to ascertain who told the police about the re-supply. Only Snoop knew about it, and Marlo knows he can trust her implicitly.At the homicide unit, Landsman sends McNulty out on a call for a dead homeless man. The detective protests, knowing the body can't provide any leads, but he has no choice. As McNulty leaves, Greggs sarcastically asks whether it's a waste of his time.Haynes meets Council President Nerese Campbell for lunch at Werner's Deli. Under the guise of seeking information on the upcoming mayoral race but really trying to validate Templeton's facts, Haynes lets the interview drift toward the subject of Daniels and asks whether the deputy commissioner deserves a promotion after undercutting his boss. Campbell replies that's she'd wondered where that information came from, given Daniels' solid reputation. Haynes, with his suspicions confirmed that Templeton had fabricated an anonymous source, nods.Haynes returns to the newsroom, and when he asks Templeton about the paperwork he requested to fact-check the reporter's homeless Marine story, Templeton says it will take at least three weeks. Haynes finds Metro Editor Steven Luxenberg and says he needs to get into Walter Reed to interview a veteran. After the hospital's national scandal, Luxenberg tells him, no one will speak to a journalist reporting on a story. But, if it's off the record, he can get Haynes in.Thomas R. "Herc" Hauk joins Sgt. Ellis Carver and his men for a "shift-change party" on a dead-end street in West Baltimore. Herc asks his friend about the Stanfield bust, trying to find out whether the cell number he lifted from Levy's office found itself at the end of a Lester Freamon wiretap. Carver won't confirm anything, so the two old friends have a beer.In his sister's basement, Bubbles talks to Sun reporter Mike Fletcher, bringing the writer up to speed on his personal history. His sister, Rae opens the kitchen door upstairs, and when Bubbles invites her to his Narcotics Anonymous anniversary, she remains noncommittal.Freamon meets up with State Sen. R. Clayton "Clay" Davis at a bar to squeeze some incriminating details out of the corrupt politician. Brandishing the threat of a federal indictment, Freamon wants to know who brokers the laundered drug money in Baltimore. Davis says that the same defense attorneys who handle high-end drug cases Levy included have created a sideline dishing out illicit funds to capitalize developers and politicians. The lawyers take a cut on both ends, but they also protect their street-minded clients from corrupt businessmen like Davis. As the final payment to buy back his case, Davis informs Freamon that Levy sells sealed grand-jury documents, which a source inside the courthouse leaks to him. Davis doesn't have a name but figures Freamon could find one easily.Snoop pulls up to Michael's corner and beckons him over, telling the soldier that she needs his help with a hit Marlo ordered. But, when she tells him not to bring a gun that she has him covered he grows suspicious.Haynes interviews Sgt. Raymond Wiley, the Marine who lost his hands in the explosion Templeton wrote about, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. While a physical therapist works with Wiley's motorized prosthetic hands, the soldier tells Haynes that his comrades didn't engage in a firefight the day he was wounded. And his friend, Terry Hanning, didn't need to invent combat stories to impress Scott Templeton he'd seen enough action to recount plenty of gunfights if he'd chosen to. The Sun must have lied, concludes an apologetic Wiley.Greggs visits Carver at the D.E.U. office to tell him he made a mistake by allowing McNulty to falsify his records. Carver doesn't see the problem, but Greggs advises him to coach his officers to tell internal investigators that they had no idea their paperwork ended up on McNulty's desk. She asks Carver whether he was okay with speaking up about Colicchio's outburst, and when he answers in the affirmative, she nods and leaves, on her way to Daniels' office.From the back seat of a hack's car, Michael watches Snoop and some Stanfield soldiers set up a trap for him. He pays the driver to rent his car for the night, and then returns to his corner to wait for Snoop to pick him up for the "job." They drive toward the hit, but Michael asks her to pull over in an alley so he can pee. When she stops the vehicle, he pulls a gun from under his shirt and aims it at her head. Michael denies that he had anything to do with the arrests, but Snoop level and unafraid says the way he carries himself, questioning and apart, proves that he was never cut out to be one of them. Michael pulls the trigger, killing Snoop,and escapes down the alley.Bubbles brings Fletcher along to his Narcotics Anonymous anniversary, where Walon reminds the reporter that anything said in the meeting must stay there. Bubbles watches for his sister to arrive, but she doesn't turn up. In front of the group, he shares a story about a particular day that he struggled to stay sober; then he talks about Sherrod, saying that he's learned it's alright to hang onto grief as long as you make room for other things, too.After Greggs blows the whistle on McNulty's manufactured serial killer, Daniels brings the news to Pearlman. Piecing together the rogue detective's methods, they drive to evidence control to test the serial killer's tapped number against Marlo's seized cell phone. Pearlman dials the number off of a court document, and after a brief moment, the phone rings, confirming their suspicions.Michael storms into his apartment, gathering up Bug and Dukie and ushering them into his rented car. He drives his little brother to their aunt's house in Columbia. Narrowly managing to choke back his emotion, Michael says goodbye to Bug and sends him inside with a box full of cash. When he returns to Baltimore, where the entire Stanfield crew must be hunting him by now, Michael drops his friend off at the Arabber's stable, where addicts get high by the light of burning barrels.For more information, visit [url]www.hbo.com/thewire/[/url].
Starting: 21-02-2025 17:30:00
'... the life of kings.' H.L. MenckenSummary provided by [url]www.HBO.com[/url].At his city hall office, Mayor Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti and his staff learn about the fabrication behind Baltimore's serial killer from Deputy Commissioner for Operations Cedric Daniels, Assistant State's Attorney Rhonda Pearlman and Acting Commissioner William A. Rawls. Momentarily speechless, Carcetti pieces together the lie's effects: Essentially negating every political victory he's scored during the election.... The mayor warns Rawls and State's Attorney Rupert Bond that they'll have to take the hit if the fia sco goes public. Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf underscores the importance of keeping the situation secret until they can decide the best way to handle it; going public the wrong way could destroy careers, he says, looking pointedly at Pearlman.Det. Lester Freamon pays a visit to a Grand Jury Prosecutor Gary DiPasquale at the courthouse he's found the leak who's selling sealed indictments. Holding evidence that the prosecutor dumped three times his salary in Atlantic City over the past two years, Freamon advises him to come clean and trust in the mercy of a courthouse full of friends. When the prosecutor agrees to cooperate, Freamon pulls a tape recorder from his bag and tells his new informant to make a call.Outside City hall, Daniels fumes over Carcetti's desire to cover up the scandal, telling Pearlman he's tempted to call Annapolis and blow the whistle. She blanches, saying that it would destroy her career and undo years of working her way up in the courthouse.Baltimore Sun reporter Mike Fletcher stands at a downtown intersection, selling copies of the paper for Bubbles while the recovered addict reads the unpublished story Fletcher has written about him. Questioning whether the details about his sister and Sherrod are necessary and not sure why anyone would want to read it Bubbles can't decide whether he wants Fletcher to run the piece.Carcetti and Steintorf meet with Bond and Rawls at City Hall, trying to figure out a way to deal with Freamon and McNulty through back channels. Bond sees the merits of the approach, but when Rawls remains tepid, Steintorf walks the acting commissioner into the hall for a chat. Losing the façade, Steintorf admits that Rawls has some political leverage with the mayor Carcetti can't publicly blame Rawls without tarnishing Daniels, who the mayor has repeatedly endorsed so Rawls figures he might barter for an extension to his 'acting' term. Steintorf sees the play coming, and suggests that Rawls come to Annapolis with Carcetti to work as the state police superintendent, a position more suited to his complexion. Rawls returns to the conference room, agreeing that they should keep the problem quiet.Freamon catches Pearlman in the hall at the courthouse, and the detective explains that DiPasquale has been leaking records to high-powered defense attorneys. He hands her a cassette tape holding the corrupt prosecutor's call to Maurice Levy. Pearlman is glad to have the evidence, but she also eyeballs Freamon, dropping a pointed allusion that she knows the truth about his investigation.Duquan "Dukie" Weems, looking ragged in dirty clothes, returns to his old middle school looking for Roland "Prez" Pryzbylewski. Assistant Principal Marcia Donnelly barely recognizes the young man, but she agrees to let him wait outside for Prez. When the teacher emerges, Dukie asks for a few hundred dollars, selling a suspicious story that he's trying to find a place to live and get his GED. Prez can tell the boy is lying, but promises to meet him in the parking lot to find a bank machine.At the homicide unit, Sgt. Jay Landsman lays into Det. James "Jimmy" McNulty for letting the serial killer case go cold. McNulty, trying to unload the department resources he's been wasting, tells Landsman there just haven't been any new leads. As the conversation ends, Freamon arrives and pulls McNulty into an interview room. Nervous, Freamon tells his accomplice that Pearlman and Daniels have figured them out. But the two detectives wonder: Why haven't they been arrested yet?City Editor Gus Haynes settles into his desk at the Baltimore Sun, and Regional Affairs Editor Rebecca Corbett points out one of Scott Templeton's stories about the Sun's homeless coverage causing a policy reversal. But she and Haynes recognize it as self-congratulatory hype for the public service Pulitzer. Fletcher comes over to get Haynes' take on his story about Bubbles, and after keeping the young reporter in suspense for a moment, Haynes dishes out compliments. But Fletcher still wants to wait for the go-ahead from his source.Sitting at the bar, McNulty and Freamon nail down the mayor's motivation for keeping their manufactured killer under wraps. With the election and the highly publicized case against Marlo Stanfield complicating the situation, the two rogue detectives realize they have plenty to hold over their bosses' heads.As Haynes edits copy, London Bureau Chief Robert Ruby walks up to deliver the research he's done on Scott Templeton's work. Exaggerations, fabricated quotes and sources if someone re-reports the stories, they'll find all the holes. Haynes takes Ruby's file and places it in a drawer, unsure how to proceed.Levy meets with Marlo Stanfield at the Baltimore City Jail to tell his client that the judge won't allow bail. More importantly, Levy says, they need to determine how the police cracked the clock code Marlo and his crew used. Knowing the police couldn't have deciphered the puzzle so quickly, Levy smells a wire tap but it still doesn't add up. As Marlo leaves the meeting, he crosses paths with Cheese and tells him to hunt down Michael Lee once he gets out on bail.McNulty, at home with Beatrice "Beadie" Russell and her kids, catches a call from Landsman about a man in a gray van who tried to abduct a homeless man. He arrives on the scene to find Templeton, who claims to have seen it happen outside the Sun offices. When Templeton leaves to check in with his desk, another homeless man wants to speak to McNulty. It turns out the man is an undercover detective, and he tells McNulty that Templeton's story is bogus no man, no gray van. McNulty thanks him and goes home.Bubbles, trying to decide whether he'll let Fletcher run his story, talks it over with Walon, who brings his friend some crabs from work. Walon suggests that Bubs may be afraid that people will find out he's a good person. Still conflicted, Bubs heads home to his sister's and gives her the crabs.At the Sun, Haynes demands that Managing Editor Thomas Klebanow pull Templeton's story about the gray van. Templeton loses his temper and yells at Haynes, and Klebanow accuses the editor of letting his personal feelings cloud his judgment. As Haynes stalks out, telling Klebanow that he may win a Pulitzer with Templeton and then have to give it back, the accused reporter shouts at Haynes from across the office, swearing that all the facts are in his notes.At the courthouse, Levy waits for Pearlman to discuss the Stanfield case. He suspects the police of running an illegal wiretap, and he promises Pearlman that he sees the weakness in her case and won't hesitate to exploit it in court. Leaving, he suggests they meet and talk.In South Baltimore, Det. Shakima "Kima" Greggs and Det. William "Bunk" Moreland get a call for the serial killer except this is a real murder. A copycat has picked up in the place of McNulty's lie. When McNulty arrives on the scene, Bunk guesses that the bosses will put him on the case, but McNulty surprises both of them when he says that Daniels and Pearlman know he invented the serial killer. Bunk, aghast that McNulty isn't in jail yet, lays the blame for this murder at his friend's feet. Across town in his office, Carcetti watches the news coverage of the murder, furious.McNulty returns to the homicide unit, where Rawls and Daniels corner him in an interview room. McNulty admits to his conspiracy but swears he had nothing to do with the latest body. Rawls tells him that the mayor knows the whole story and advises him to solve this murder quickly and make the whole story go away the longer it takes, the worse the payback will be. In the squad room, McNulty finds Bunk and Kima poring over the victim's possessions. When McNulty notices a handful of business cards, he rushes out, thinking he's solved the case. Tracking down a deranged homeless man he remembered seeing with a box full of business cards, McNulty also finds a spool of ribbon that matches the latest victim. Surrounded by police and reporters, McNulty has solved his own manufactured case.At the Sun, Metro Editor Steven Luxenburg looks over Haynes' evidence against Templeton and warns the editor that making more noise could cost him his job. When Haynes steps back into the newsroom, Alma Gutierrez pulls him aside and hands him Templeton's notebook, which is completely empty. Haynes, taking a deep breath, accepts the notebook, grabs the research on Templeton's stories from his desk and walks into Executive Editor James C. Whiting III's office. As Whiting's reaction fades from collegiality to guardedness, Klebanow joins the discussion.Pearlman meets Levy in his office, cutting to the chase by playing the damning tape of his conversation with the grand jury prosecutor. Both violating the law, they horse-trade their way to an agreement that Pearlman will shelve the case against him in exchange for guilty pleas from Chris Partlow and both Marlo's lieutenants. Marlo will get to walk, but if he shows up on the street again after the elections, Pearlman promises to reopen the case against him. Levy never finds out exactly why she can't bring her evidence to open court, but the deal proves Pearlman has something major to hide.Bunk and McNulty interview their homeless suspect, who rambles on, confessing to killing every victim. When McNulty leaves the room, Landsman tells the detective that Templeton is waiting for him in the sergeant's office. McNulty walks in and closes the door behind him before losing his temper and telling Templeton that he knows about the lies because he started the whole charade himself. With that, he sends Templeton shocked and confused back to the Sun, knowing the reporter can't breathe a word of it to anyone. He returns to the interview room to work the homeless man, and when Daniels and Rawls show up to check on the progress, McNulty refuses to manipulate the mentally ill man into admitting to all six murders. Rawls is furious, but Bunk finally nods in approval.Levy, after meeting with Marlo to explain the conditions of his release, tells Thomas R. "Herc" Hauk that the former detective has become a goldmine. Squeezing Herc on the cheek, Levy invites him to dinner at his house.Carcetti calls a press conference to announce the homeless killer's arrest, and Rawls explains that he's been charged with the last two murders, though he's suspected of the rest. Because the suspect is mentally incapacitated and bound for a psychiatric facility, the redundant charges wouldn't matter. As the conference ends, Carcetti credits Daniels for the arrest as well as the Stanfield case and announces that he's promoting Daniels to commissioner.At the homicide unit, Pearlman delivers the verdict to Freamon and McNulty: The bosses can't fire them without drawing unwanted attention, but she won't allow either of them near any police work that would end up in a courtroom. The detectives lament that Marlo and Levy both escaped prosecution, but they have no one to blame but themselves.Steintorf visits Daniels in his office to congratulate him on his handling of the homeless debacle, but he also tells the soon-to-be commissioner that city hall needs to see a 10-percent drop in the crime stats. Daniels replies that the stats are clean and will stay clean before and after the election. Steintorf leaves but makes his next stop at Council President Nerese Campbell's office. Explaining that Daniels won't play ball, Steintorf tells Campbell to find a solution if she wants Carcetti's office.At the Baltimore City Jail, the remaining members of the Co-op Fatface Rick, Slim Charles and Clinton "Shorty" Buise discuss business with Marlo, who's auctioning off his drug connection. When Buise asks what Marlo will do next, he replies: "Businessman."At the Sun, Gutierrez walks out with Haynes after his meeting with the top editors. His speaking out has earned him a demotion to the copy desk, while Alma finds herself booted to a bureau office in Carroll County. Haynes assures her she'll write herself out of the setback in no time, but wonders why they demoted her when he never told Klebanow about the notebook, she replies that she brought it up herself, trying to back Haynes up.A crowd of police gathers at Kavanaugh's bar for McNulty and Freamon's going-away party. With Landsman offering one of his inspired eulogies, McNulty lays on the pool table, smirking and listening. Freamon arrives, telling the crowd he's officially retired, and Landsman continues his speech, calling out McNulty's record for stirring up trouble, ignoring orders and generally bringing misery to the homicide unit. But he ends with a high compliment: "If I was laying there dead on some Baltimore street corner, I'd want it to be you standing over me, catching the case. Because, brother, when you were good, you were the best we had."Daniels' ex-wife, Marla, shows up at his office holding the file on his service and apparent corruption in the Eastern District, which Campbell delivered to her as a power play to buy Steintorf's cooked crime stats. Daniels says that caving to the pressure now means working under Campbell's thumb for the rest of his career. Marla asks him to resign for personal reasons, rather than taking both their careers down with him if the file emerges during his confirmation hearings.McNulty and Freamon stand outside Kavanaugh's, and Greggs approaches, not sure if she's welcome at the party. Both detectives assure her they're not angry that she blew the whistle, and Freamon invites her inside for a drink. As they step inside, Freamon asks whether McNulty is coming, but he declines, telling them that he's going home.In East Baltimore, Fatface Rick, Buise, Cheese, Slim Charles and a few others meet to talk over the finances of buying Marlo's connection. They're just a few hundred-thousand short of Marlo's $10 million asking price, and Cheese jumps in to add his money to the venture. Fatface Rick chastises Cheese for putting them in this position to begin with by moving on his uncle, Prop Joe, and when Cheese protests, Slim Charles pulls out a 9mm. "You've done enough," Slim tells Cheese before shooting him in the head. "For Joe."Bubbles, sitting on a curb, reads a clipped copy of Fletcher's published story from the Baltimore Sun. When he finishes, he carefully folds it and puts it in his pocket.As his final official act as police commissioner, Daniels promotes a handful of officers including Sgt. Ellis Carver to lieutenant. Carver tells his mentor that he heard about the resignation on the radio and tells Daniels he wishes he could serve under him. Stepping down into the crowd, Carver finds Herc waiting to congratulate him.McNulty drives down to the Richmond shelter where he left the serial killer's "disappeared" victim, Mr. Bobbles. The man has left the shelter, but McNulty asks the social worker where the homeless congregate.At a downtown office party, Levy introduces Marlo to the real-estate elite of Baltimore, and developer Andrew Krawczyk, among others, pitches the upstart "businessman" with a bevy of investment opportunities. Pulling Marlo away, Levy explains the developers' power but warns the young man against dealing with them alone. "Guys like that will bleed you," Levy tells him.Later, on his way home through West Baltimore, a group of hoppers try to jump Marlo, but he fights them off easily, grinning when he catches a slash on the arm... At Vinson's rim shop, a handful of drug dealers handle their cash. Michael steps out of the darkness holding a shotgun and, blasting Vinson in the leg, grabs a bag full of cash and leaves... Det. Leandor Sydnor visits Judge Daniel Phelan in his chambers to apply back-channel pressure to an investigation, asking the judge to look into things but keep his name out of it... Freamon works at home on his miniatures... Herc buys rounds for a bar full of police... Templeton wins a Pulitzer... Dukie shoots up in a back alley with the Arabber... Carcetti wins the gubernatorial race... Fletcher takes over the Sun's city desk... Stanislaus Valchek takes over as commissioner... Daniels puts his law degree to use and Pearlman becomes a judge... Chris meets Wee-Bey in a prison yard... Rawls heads the state police... Fatface Rick and Slim Charles meet with the Greeks... Bubbles sits down to dinner with his sister...McNulty drives up I-95 from Richmond with Mr. Bobbles in tow, looking to the Baltimore skyline. "Let's go home," says the ex-police.For more information, visit [url]www.hbo.com/thewire/[/url].
Starting: 21-02-2025 18:30:00
Zatímco Tyrion vítá v Králově přístavišti návštěvu, Jon Sníh si na Černém hradě připadá nevítaný. Daenerys má namířeno do Meereen, největšího otrokářského města na východě. Arya narazí na starého přítele.
Starting: 21-02-2025 20:00:00
Tyrion podává Jaimemu pomocnou ruku. Joffrey a Margaery pořádají snídani pro hosty. Na Dračím kameni ztrácí Stannis trpělivost s Davosem. Ramsay najde využití pro svého domácího mazlíčka. A Bran mezitím na severu za Zdí pochopí, kam teď musí směřovat jejich kroky.
Starting: 21-02-2025 20:55:00
Tyrion zvažuje své možnosti. Tywin mává olivovou ratolestí. Sam si uvědomuje, že na Černém hradě není bezpečno a Jon přichází s odvážným plánem. Ohař učí Aryu, jak se věci doopravdy mají. Dany si vybírá svého šampiona.
Starting: 21-02-2025 21:45:00
Dany balancuje mezi spravedlností a milosrdenstvím. Jaime zatěžuje Brienne otázkami své cti. Zatímco Jon shání dobrovolníky, Bran, Jojen, Meera a Hodor konečně nacházejí přístřeší.
Starting: 21-02-2025 22:40:00
Cersei a Tywin promýšlejí další krok koruny. Daenerys rozebírá plány do budoucna. Jon Sníh se vydává na novou misi.
Starting: 21-02-2025 23:35:00
Nicolas Cage hraje v této surrealistické černé komedii nešťastného muže od rodiny, který se začne zjevovat ve snech milionů lidí.
Starting: 22-02-2025 00:30:00
Film sledující případ vraždy americké influencerky Gabby Petito, soustředící se na její komplikovaný vztah se snoubencem Brianem Laundriem a na to, co se mohlo pokazit během jejich výletu po USA.
Starting: 22-02-2025 02:10:00
Jedinečné návrhy Elly inspirují vydavatelského magnáta Dereka k tomu, aby do svého časopisu zařadil plus-size módu.
Starting: 22-02-2025 03:35:00
Neoblíbenější trio filmového průmyslu, hrdinové Doby ledové, Manny, Diego a Sid zažívají další neuvěřitelné dobrodružství! Celý kontinent je zmítán klimatickou katastrofou a nerozlučná trojka zůstane odříznuta od zbytku stáda. A tak využijí ledovec jako provizorní loď a vydají se na epickou námořní výpravu. Od Mannyho a jeho tlupy se víc než kdy dřív očekává hrdinské jednání tváří v tvář exotickým mořským tvorům, je to však téměř nemožné. Trojka statečně prozkoumává nový svět a dokonce... zažije bitvu s bezohlednými piráty. A veverčák? Toho jeho shledání s milovaným, ovšem patrně prokletým ža ludem katapultuje do míst, kam se žádná prehistorická veverka nikdy nevydala.
Starting: 22-02-2025 05:00:00
Vanille je pařížská holčička, která právě dorazila na Guadeloupe, kde se vrhá do dobrodružství plného tajemství, setkává se s malebnými postavami a kouzelnou květinou. Letošní dovolená slibuje plno zvratů.
Starting: 22-02-2025 06:25:00
Žít v Zemi Barbie znamená být dokonalou bytostí na dokonalém místě. Pokud tedy nemáte úplnou existenciální krizi. Nebo jste Ken.
Starting: 22-02-2025 07:00:00
Film vypráví úžasný příběh o tom, jak se z největšího vynálezce, kouzelníka a čokolatiéra na světě stal oblíbený Willy Wonka.
Starting: 22-02-2025 08:55:00
Dave dostane příležitost vystoupit jako předskokan slavného rappera, ale jeho pošramocené nervy u něj vyvolají krizi identity. Když Dave požádá GaTu, aby předstíral, že je jeho povzbuzovač, GaTa je nucen čelit vzpomínkám z minulosti.
Starting: 22-02-2025 10:50:00
Dave se vydá na svůj úplně první koncert do Filadelfie a gang zůstane u jeho rodičů. Poté, co se Dave znovu shledá se svými přáteli z tábora, začne přemítat o svých uměleckých kořenech.
Starting: 22-02-2025 11:15:00
Po několika znepokojivých interakcích ve městě je Clark odhodlán chránit svou tajnou identitu - což mu komplikují Jonathan a Jordan.
Starting: 22-02-2025 11:45:00
Utrápený zloděj dokáže z mysli spících lidí dostat skrytá tajemství. Když pak vezme poslední zakázku, čeká ho nebezpečná mise někomu do podvědomí myšlenku naopak zasít.
Starting: 22-02-2025 12:30:00
Ezra Miller se představuje v roli Barryho Allena alias Flashe, který ve vůbec prvním samostatném filmu o superhrdinovi DC překonává hranice svých superschopností.
Starting: 22-02-2025 14:55:00
Danica se začne bát o svůj život a rodinu. Boris musí Ljubu zastavit, pokud chce zachránit Žarka, ale i sebe.
Starting: 22-02-2025 17:20:00
Poté, co Antoine zabije muže, zachrání život Sarye a je svědkem všech zvěrstev, necítí se schopen Sýrii opustit. Ignoruje Saryinu žádost a dobrovolně se přihlásí do boje po boku Kurdů.
Starting: 22-02-2025 18:10:00
V ledové vodě je nalezeno tělo mladé ženy. Vyšetřování vede Zawieja, policistka, která se nikdy nevzdává. Brzy vyjde najevo, že zavražděná žena krátce před smrtí porodila. Ale kde je dítě.
Starting: 22-02-2025 19:00:00
Benjamin Martin je mírumilovný osadník, který chce své nejbližší za každou cenu uchránit před krvavými hrůzami koloniální války. Když ale jeho domov v Jižní Karolíně zpustoší anglická armáda, Benjamin Martin pochopí, že pouze nezávislost Spojených států zajistí jeho rodině klid a bezpečí. Z opatrného farmáře se stává legendární hrdina americké revoluce.
Starting: 23-02-2025 00:05:00
Film sleduje osobní život, kariéru a vztah slavného skatera Tonyho Hawka ke skateboardingu, včetně dosud neviděných záběrů.
Starting: 23-02-2025 02:50:00
Scratova epická honba za nepolapitelným žaludem jej katapultuje do vesmíru, kde náhodně spustí sérii kosmických událostí, které transformují a ohrozí ledový svět. Aby se zachránili, musí Sid, Manny, Diego a zbytek skupiny opustit svůj domov a vydat se na výpravu plnou komických momentů a dobrodružství. Odcestují do neznámých exotických zemí, kde se potkají s celou řadou nových, svérázných postav.
Starting: 23-02-2025 05:00:00
Ezra Miller se představuje v roli Barryho Allena alias Flashe, který ve vůbec prvním samostatném filmu o superhrdinovi DC překonává hranice svých superschopností.
Starting: 23-02-2025 06:35:00
Karlík Bucket žije se svými rodiči a prarodiči v polorozpadlém domku. Jsou chudí, ale milují se a nedali by jeden na druhého dopustit. Nedaleko se nachází obří továrna na čokoládu, kde kdysi Karlíkův děda pracoval a poznal osobně samotného majitele Willyho Wonku. Karlík, který miluje čokoládu má sen se do továrny jednou podívat, ale to se zdá celkem nemožné až do té doby, kdy Willy Wonka vyhlásí soutěž, jejíž pět dětských vítězů z celého světa bude moct strávit jeden den v továrně. Stačí jen... v jedné z čokolád najít zlatý kupon.
Starting: 23-02-2025 08:55:00
Všichni se navzájem podezírají, kámo. Tvoje rodina v tom možná jede taky. Prostě se drž zpátky a moc na sebe neupozorňuj. Snad to brzy utichne. Hlavně po ničem nepátrej.
Starting: 23-02-2025 11:15:00
M&A vyšetřuje potenciální zločin z nenávisti, když zmizí nebinární aktivistka. Gabiiny vzpomínky na minulost otevírají staré rány.
Starting: 23-02-2025 11:45:00
Očekávané válečné drama vizionáře Christophera Nolana vychází z událostí evakuace obklíčených francouzských, britských a belgických vojáků z pláží severofrancouzského Dunkerku na jaře 1940.
Starting: 23-02-2025 12:30:00
Kenneth Branagh uvádí částečně autobiografické drama o dělnické rodině a dětství jejich malého syna v době nepokojů.
Starting: 23-02-2025 14:15:00
Po setkání s Winstonem Churchillem se SAS vydává na svou dosud nejodvážnější misi. Díky svým úspěchům získají oficiální uznání, ale Stirling se dozvídá hrozné zprávy.
Starting: 23-02-2025 15:50:00
Triumf a tragédie legendární rodiny Von Erichů z profesionálního wrestlingu se odehrává v tomto drsném filmu se Zacem Efronem v hlavní roli.
Starting: 23-02-2025 16:50:00
Satirická komedie z produkce HBO USA 2023.
Starting: 23-02-2025 19:00:00
Obavy o Fatimino těhotenství se prohlubují. Jade se vydává po stopě, zatímco Julie a Randall hledají trochu normálnosti.
Starting: 23-02-2025 20:00:00
Manželé, kteří zoufale pátrají po svém ztraceném synovi, obviní médium z podvodu.
Starting: 23-02-2025 20:50:00
Bohatý manželský pár z Londýna se řítí marockou pouští, aby se zúčastnil opulentní víkendové oslavy starého přítele.
Starting: 23-02-2025 21:35:00
Když skupina přátel poruší pravidlo tarotů, které vykladačům zapovídá použití balíčku jiného vykladače, přivolají na sebe hněv nepředstavitelného zla.
Starting: 23-02-2025 23:30:00
Obavy o Fatimino těhotenství se prohlubují. Jade se vydává po stopě, zatímco Julie a Randall hledají trochu normálnosti.
Starting: 24-02-2025 01:00:00
Ethan Hawke v roli sadistického vraha v adaptaci hororové povídky Joea Hilla o uneseném teenagerovi, který ve sklepní cele najde telefon.
Starting: 24-02-2025 01:50:00
Nancy Crampton-Brophyová, která umí skvěle psát o zločinu, je odsouzena za vraždu svého manžela.
Starting: 24-02-2025 03:30:00
Mladík z města se cítí rozpolcený mezi podnikáním a šancí na lásku.
Starting: 24-02-2025 05:00:00
Legendární oceánografka Sylvia Earle vypráví společně s řadou průkopnických mořských vědců o úžasných aktivitách, které se na celé planetě provádějí za účelem ochrany křehkého ekosystému našich oceánů.
Starting: 24-02-2025 06:25:00
Syn bohatého majitele obchodu se rozhodne po vzoru Robina Hooda ukrást vánoční dárky bohatým a dát je těm, kteří je opravdu potřebují.
Starting: 24-02-2025 07:20:00
Po letech v New Yorku se 14 letá Ella vrací do amazonského deštného pralesa, aby zachránila svou dětskou vesnici a milovaného kamaráda jaguára.
Starting: 24-02-2025 09:05:00
Youssef zakusí skutečnou cenu úspěchu, když jeho kniha získá prestižní ocenění a on se stane nejprodávanějším autorem v Paříži.
Starting: 24-02-2025 10:45:00
Danica se začne bát o svůj život a rodinu. Boris musí Ljubu zastavit, pokud chce zachránit Žarka, ale i sebe.
Starting: 24-02-2025 12:25:00
Robert Angier a Alfred Borden spolu soutěžili už od doby, kdy jako mladí kouzelníci začínali. Jejich přátelská rivalita však skončila, když Alfred přišel s trikem, který zanechal všechny diváky včetně Roberta v úžasu. Jak dokázal něco tak úžasného? Tahle otázka Robertovi pořád vrtá hlavou. Mnohem důležitější však je, jak tak dokonalý trik napodobit. Za každou cenu musí zjistit, jaké tajemství Alfred skrývá. Jde tu přece o jeho prestiž.
Starting: 24-02-2025 13:15:00
Manželé, kteří zoufale pátrají po svém ztraceném synovi, obviní médium z podvodu.
Starting: 24-02-2025 15:25:00
Film Air sleduje příběh prodejce obuvi Sonnyho Vaccaroa a to, jak vedl firmu Nike v jejím úsilí o získání nejlepšího sportovce v historii sportu, Michaela Jordana.
Starting: 24-02-2025 16:15:00
Chuck Rhoades, vlivný státní návladní pro jižní New York, má prověřit případ podezřelého vnitřního obchodování, jehož stopy vedou k miliardářskému králi spekulativních investičních fondů Bobbymu "Axe" Axelrodovi. Přestože by to mohl být pro Chucka největší případ jeho kariéry, musí jednat opatrně, neboť jeho žena Wendy je motivační koučkou v Axe Capital a Axova důvěrnice. Ale Axova nákladná investice poskytne Chuckovi volné pole působnosti a následuje hra na kočku a na myš, v níž jde o... vysoké a velmi osobní sázky.
Starting: 24-02-2025 18:05:00
Axe zavede přísná opatření nezbytná pro dosažení souladu s předpisy, aby připravil společnost na vyšetřování státního zastupitelství. Když začne Wendy zpochybňovat Axovy metody, Axe ji přiměje dokázat svou loajalitu. Chuckova sondáž je dočasně odsunuta na vedlejší kolej, když musí zaměřit veškerou pozornost na Axova rivala, miliardáře Stevena Bircha. Axův prostředník Hall nasadí do kanceláře státního zástupce špeha, zatímco Axe učiní agresivní krok pod rouškou příspěvku na dobročinné účely,... aby vyrovnal staré účty.
Starting: 24-02-2025 19:05:00
Timothy dostává znepokojivé informace o svém podnikání, Chelsea se spojí s emigrantkou Chloe a Gaitok se podělí o své pocity s Mookem.
Starting: 24-02-2025 20:00:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 24-02-2025 21:00:00
Otec a dospívající dcera navštíví popový koncert, kde si uvědomí, že se ocitli v centru temné a zlověstné události.
Starting: 24-02-2025 21:40:00
Laszlo a Nandor se snaží vymítat démona, který posedl jejich souseda Seana.
Starting: 24-02-2025 23:25:00
Mina uvízne v lese na západě Irska. Když najde úkryt, ocitne se v pasti spolu se třemi cizinci, které každou noc pronásledují tajemné bytosti.
Starting: 24-02-2025 23:50:00
Timothy dostává znepokojivé informace o svém podnikání, Chelsea se spojí s emigrantkou Chloe a Gaitok se podělí o své pocity s Mookem.
Starting: 25-02-2025 01:30:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 25-02-2025 02:30:00
Když je šestnáctileté Lindy diagnostikována reprodukční choroba, vše, co si myslela o sexu, ženství a vztazích, se obrátí vzhůru nohama.
Starting: 25-02-2025 03:15:00
Laure a Daniel přivítají přátele na každoročních prázdninách ve svém venkovském domě, ale po zmizení jejich kocoura se brzy objeví stará tajemství.
Starting: 25-02-2025 05:00:00
Hravé vyprávění o nelehkém vztahu mezi otcem a synem, který pomůže narovnat až roztomilý návštěvník z vesmíru.
Starting: 25-02-2025 06:45:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 25-02-2025 08:10:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 25-02-2025 08:35:00
Patálie malého Mikuláše, od rvaček na školním dvoře až po dobrodružství na letním táboře, si v průběhu let zamilovaly více než čtyři generace dětí i dospělých po celém světě.
Starting: 25-02-2025 09:10:00
Příběh dvou různých situací vývoje: přechodu z puberty do dospělosti a stěhování z venkova do města.
Starting: 25-02-2025 10:35:00
S několika semínky černuchy v kapse opouští šestiletá Dounia s pomocí princezny Aleppo a vydává se do nového světa.
Starting: 25-02-2025 12:15:00
Budoucnost civilizace spočívá v osudu Jednoho prstenu, který byl po staletí ztracen. Osud jej však umístil do rukou mladého Hobita jménem Frodo Pytlík, který zdědil Prsten. Když se Frodo stane nositelem prstenu, čeká ho skličující úkol, zničit prsten v ohni Hory Osudu, kde byl vytvořen.
Starting: 25-02-2025 13:30:00
Poirot, který je v důchodu a žije v italských Benátkách, se neochotně zúčastní seance, kde zavražděný host uvrhne detektiva do zlověstného světa.
Starting: 25-02-2025 16:25:00
Chuck zjistí, že zatímco se soustředil na Stevena Birche, konkurenční okrsek mu přebral Axův případ a on ho teď potřebuje získat zpět. Axe chce odkoupit značný podíl rodinné pekařské společnosti.
Starting: 25-02-2025 18:10:00
Axe podnikne s přáteli z dětství spontánní výlet na koncert skupiny Metallica. Tam se setká se ženou, díky níž si uvědomí hranice své vlastní svobody. Chuckův otec napadne jeden z jeho důležitých fondů. Chuck se v New Yorku dozví, jak to chodí v Axe Capital, ale zároveň musí podniknout kroky proti svému otci kvůli manipulaci s akciemi. Axe se dozví o zradě a po svém návratu učiní důležité rozhodnutí o směřování své firmy.
Starting: 25-02-2025 19:05:00
S novým posláním a hrozbou rozpuštění SAS nachází spojence se známým jménem.
Starting: 25-02-2025 20:00:00
Danica musí utéct z Bělehradu. Boris se snaží zahladit stopy. Uroš a zbývající členové zemunského klanu prchají ze země.
Starting: 25-02-2025 21:00:00
Glen Powell a Sydney Sweeney v rolích dvou lidí, jejichž počáteční přitažlivost se rychle změní. Až do chvíle, kdy musí předstírat, že jsou pár.
Starting: 25-02-2025 21:55:00
S novým posláním a hrozbou rozpuštění SAS nachází spojence se známým jménem.
Starting: 25-02-2025 23:35:00
Danica musí utéct z Bělehradu. Boris se snaží zahladit stopy. Uroš a zbývající členové zemunského klanu prchají ze země.
Starting: 26-02-2025 00:35:00
V přísně tajné vojenské laboratoři se skupina brilantních mladých vědců dostane na samotný práh objevu neviditelnosti. Ctižádostivý šéf týmu Sebastian Caine se rozhodne podstoupit obrovské riziko a otestovat "neviditelnost" na vlastní kůži. Pokus ovšem neprobíhá podle optimistických předpokladů, navíc jeho důsledky jsou zřejmě nevratné. Stejně dramatickou proměnou jako tělo prochází i Sebastianova mysl. Moc, pramenící z neviditelnosti, boří všechny civilizační zábrany a z... talentovaného vědce se rychle stává nevypočitatelné monstrum. Zastavit ho mohou pouze bývalí kolegové v čele s půvabnou Lindou... Velkorysý sci-fi thriller strhne diváky svou nečekanou dramatickou zápletkou a oslní je nákladnými speciálními efekty.
Starting: 26-02-2025 01:30:00
Lucia je tanečnice na útěku před mafií poté, co ukradla pytlík extáze. Se svou sestrou a neteří se ukrývá ve starém činžovním domě zvaném Venuše.
Starting: 26-02-2025 03:20:00
Přichází smrt. Jak ale může spojená síla Supermana, Wonder Woman, Batmana a stovek dalších hrdinů zachránit celou realitu před ARMAGEDDONEM?
Starting: 26-02-2025 05:00:00
Reportérka Sophia si myslí, že našla vánoční příběh, který jí zachrání kariéru. Narazí totiž na stopu dávno ztraceného dárku od Santa Clause.
Starting: 26-02-2025 06:30:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 26-02-2025 07:55:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 26-02-2025 08:20:00
Film se soustředí na nedávno uvězněného Barona, který naváže přátelství se spoluvězněm Otisem, mužem s bohatou historií útěků z vězení.
Starting: 26-02-2025 08:50:00
Kate Cooper, Tyler Owens a jejich týmy se ocitají na dráze několika bouřkových systémů, které se sbíhají nad střední Oklahomou.
Starting: 26-02-2025 10:30:00
Film vypráví příběh tří generací rodiny Deetzových, které se po nečekané rodinné tragédii vracejí domů do Winter River.
Starting: 26-02-2025 12:30:00
Druhý díl filmové ságy o nebezpečném putování jehož cílem má být zničení prokletého Prstenu moci začíná tam kde první skončil. Po smrti Boromira a rozpadu Společenstva se cesty jeho členů rozdělily. Hobbit Frodo se svým sluhou Samem putují s Prstenem do Mordoru a Aragorn s elfem Legolasem a trpaslíkem Gimlim se vydávají po stopě skřetů, aby osvobodili z jejich zajetí hobbity Smíška a Pippina. Mezitím však sílí moc temného pána Saurona, který se spojil se zrádným čarodějem Sarumanem a... společně upínají všechny síly k získání Prstenu. Naše hrdiny tak čeká ještě dlouhé putování a mnohé nástrah y, než se jim podaří Prsten moci jednou provždy zničit.
Starting: 26-02-2025 14:15:00
Obavy o Fatimino těhotenství se prohlubují. Jade se vydává po stopě, zatímco Julie a Randall hledají trochu normálnosti.
Starting: 26-02-2025 17:10:00
Axe nařídí svým zaměstnancům pozastavit veškeré nákupy a bez cirátů zmizí z Axe Capital, kterou tím uvrhne v chaos. Chuck mezitím v reakci na Axovo zmizení zintenzivňuje vyšetřování, což ho zavede na farmu do Iowy, kde objeví klíčového svědka pochybného obchodu. S usvědčujícími důkazy v ruce pošle do Axe Capital FBI s příkazem k nečekanému zatčení.
Starting: 26-02-2025 18:00:00
Axe se po razii ve své firmě rozhodne bojovat proti úřadu státního návladního pomocí taktiky spálené země.
Starting: 26-02-2025 19:00:00
Luthor vyzve Lois k debatě v přímém přenosu, ale ne všechno je tak, jak se zdá. John Henry a Clark čelí znepokojivé možnosti.
Starting: 26-02-2025 20:00:00
Margaret se potýká s pocity spojenými s Jaimeho zmizením. M&A se snaží vypátrat matku s duševní poruchou, která zmizela.
Starting: 26-02-2025 20:40:00
Mladá žena, která bojuje se závislostí, se zmocní starobylé skříňky s hlavolamem, aniž by věděla, že její účel spočívá ve vyvolání Cenobitů.
Starting: 26-02-2025 21:25:00
Anonym je beletrizovanou verzí života 17. hraběte z Oxfordu jménem Edward de Vere, alžbětinského dvořana, dramatika, básníka a mecenáše umění. Film naznačuje, že byl Edward skutečným autorem děl Williama Shakespeara.
Starting: 26-02-2025 23:25:00
Margaret se potýká s pocity spojenými s Jaimeho zmizením. M&A se snaží vypátrat matku s duševní poruchou, která zmizela.
Starting: 27-02-2025 01:30:00
Patnáctiletá Kara Robinsonová přežije únos a nakonec dopadne sériového vraha.
Starting: 27-02-2025 02:15:00
Svobodná žena chce mít děti, a tak se rozhodne být s gayem.
Starting: 27-02-2025 03:40:00
Alternativní Země podléhají moci ANTI-MONITORA. Pouze jeden hrdina může zpomalit ničivou cestu stvoření, ale zaplatí za to nejvyšší cenu.
Starting: 27-02-2025 05:00:00
Žena je obviněna z krádeže drahokamu a pátrá po viníkovi mezi řadou bohatých hostů.
Starting: 27-02-2025 06:35:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 27-02-2025 08:00:00
Selina and team head to South Carolina, where she seeks an endorsement from a key leader. Gary gets a long-awaited promotion, while Marjorie excels in her new role.
Starting: 27-02-2025 08:25:00
Utrápený zloděj dokáže z mysli spících lidí dostat skrytá tajemství. Když pak vezme poslední zakázku, čeká ho nebezpečná mise někomu do podvědomí myšlenku naopak zasít.
Starting: 27-02-2025 09:00:00
Jeanne odjíždí do Lisabonu, aby se pokusila splatit své dluhy prodejem rodinného domu. Cestou potká Jeana, kamaráda ze střední školy.
Starting: 27-02-2025 11:25:00
Luthor vyzve Lois k debatě v přímém přenosu, ale ne všechno je tak, jak se zdá. John Henry a Clark čelí znepokojivé možnosti.
Starting: 27-02-2025 13:00:00
Nadešel čas, aby Frodo prohlédl Glumovy nástrahy, vzpamatoval se z útoku zrůdné Oduly a našel v sobě sílu zlomit moc prstenu, který nechce být zničen. Nadešel čas, aby Aragorn pozvedl meč svých předků a nosil královskou korunu svého rodu.
Starting: 27-02-2025 13:45:00
Timothy dostává znepokojivé informace o svém podnikání, Chelsea se spojí s emigrantkou Chloe a Gaitok se podělí o své pocity s Mookem.
Starting: 27-02-2025 17:00:00
Axe se ocitá pod čím dál větším tlakem ze strany úřadu návladního, což vyústí ve fyzický konflikt se známým, který vezl jeho děti domů opilý. Chuck se dál angažuje v případu, přičemž využije dávné události, aby získal navrch. Wendy se začne poohlížet po nové práci a setká se s pohledným lovcem talentů.
Starting: 27-02-2025 18:05:00
Axelrod dostane tip, že je v jeho firmě zrádce, a úřadu návladního hrozí prozrazení. Connerty čelí morálnímu dilematu a neví, jak zareagovat, což vede ke konfliktu s Chuckem. Ten zatím přehodnocuje své postavení - s Wendy totiž hledí vstříc budoucnosti, v níž by mezi ně nevrážela klín Axe Capital. Když vyšetřování začne zasahovat do Lařinasoukromého života, tajemství z Axovy minulosti postupně vyplouvají na povrch a ohrožují vše, co vybudoval.
Starting: 27-02-2025 19:00:00
Šokující odhalení přiměje Anitu, Dana a Daga k akci, zatímco Peterův poslední den zastíní podivný incident na place.
Starting: 27-02-2025 20:00:00
Hororový komediální seriál USA.
Starting: 27-02-2025 20:30:00
Na místo vraždy vtrhnou posily IS a donutí Annu utéct pěšky. Antoine, Sarya a malá jednotka se vydají na místo setkání, kde se přeskupí. Není však jasné, zda Anna přežije.
Starting: 27-02-2025 20:55:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 27-02-2025 21:45:00
Manželé, kteří zoufale pátrají po svém ztraceném synovi, obviní médium z podvodu.
Starting: 27-02-2025 22:25:00
Oblíbení Mizerové se vracejí se svým kultovním mixem akčních scén a pobuřující komedie, tentokrát však se zvratem.
Starting: 27-02-2025 23:10:00
Šokující odhalení přiměje Anitu, Dana a Daga k akci, zatímco Peterův poslední den zastíní podivný incident na place.
Starting: 28-02-2025 01:00:00
Hororový komediální seriál USA.
Starting: 28-02-2025 01:30:00
Turbulentní komedie odhaluje ty nejbláznivější lidské vlastnosti, které se ukážou vždy, když se to člověku nejméně hodí.
Starting: 28-02-2025 01:55:00
Příběh výjimečného muže, který riskuje vše, aby v Rusku zachoval svobodu slova. Je to příběh o odvaze a odmítnutí ustoupit Vladimiru Putinovi.
Starting: 28-02-2025 03:30:00
Nikdy není pozdě riskovat všechno. Zejména máte-li zaručenou výhru.
Starting: 28-02-2025 05:00:00
Několik dětí musí samo cestovat vlakem ze Španělska do Francie. Tato situace vyvolá řadu vtipných momentů.
Starting: 28-02-2025 06:35:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 28-02-2025 08:00:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 28-02-2025 08:30:00
Komediální seriál z produkce HBO USA.
Starting: 28-02-2025 09:00:00
Rakouská princezna Marie Antoinette byla téměř ještě v dětském věku, když se stala manželkou mladého francouzského krále Ludvíka XVI., aby tak byly uspokojeny politické zájmy francouzské i rakouské vládnoucí dynastie. Ale ani Versailles se svou příslovečnou nádherou nemůže zastřít skutečnost, že se Marie Antoinette ve dvorské atmosféře skandálů a intrik cítí velmi osamocená. Další rána ji stihne v okamžiku, kdy zjistí, že je jí král nevěrný s jednou z dvorních dam. Frustrovaná královna hledá... útěchu v nekonečných bezuzdných výstřelcích, čímž ovšem na svou hlavu přivolá hněv šlechty i lidu. A to nakonec zpečetí její osud.
Starting: 28-02-2025 09:50:00
Krátký dokumentární film o systému kaucí z pohledu jedné neohrožené aktivistky a obžalovaných, které podporuje.
Starting: 28-02-2025 11:50:00
Na místo vraždy vtrhnou posily IS a donutí Annu utéct pěšky. Antoine, Sarya a malá jednotka se vydají na místo setkání, kde se přeskupí. Není však jasné, zda Anna přežije.
Starting: 28-02-2025 12:25:00
Šokující odhalení přiměje Anitu, Dana a Daga k akci, zatímco Peterův poslední den zastíní podivný incident na place.
Starting: 28-02-2025 13:15:00
Pan Malcolm je nejžádanějším starým mládencem v celé Anglii. Je zaplaven nápadnicemi, a tak sepíše seznam vlastností pro svou budoucí manželku.
Starting: 28-02-2025 13:45:00
Hlavní zbraní hrdiny akčního sci-fi spektáklu je jediné slovo - Tenet. V temném podsvětí mezinárodní špionáže bojuje o záchranu celého světa. Vydává se na komplikovanou misi, která se bude odehrávat mimo reálný čas.
Starting: 28-02-2025 15:40:00
V důsledku nových odhalení musí Axe čelit hněvu veřejnosti, protestům ve firmě i odlivu investorů. Náhlé záhadné zmizení Donnieho pořádně zamíchá kartami v souboji Chucka s Axem. Connerty, Chuck a FBI se pustí do neúnavného pátrání. Lara se mezitím musí potýkat se spolkem hasičů, které rozhořčilo Axovo chování. A aby ho ochránila, učiní bolestnou oběť.
Starting: 28-02-2025 18:05:00
Smrt člena rodiny Axe Capital donutí Axe i Wendy zpytovat svědomí, zatímco Chuckův úřad se ocitne v troskách, neboť přišel o klíčového svědka. Aby toho nebylo málo, případ má převzít konkurenční okrsek. Stearn je u soudu očištěn, a to díky zkorumpovanému soudci. Chuck učiní geniální tah a pověří asistenta jménem Lonnie Watley, aby soudce konfrontoval, zatímco si připravuje půdu pro budoucí kroky v případu. Axe se pomstí zaměstnancům, kteří ho zradili.
Starting: 28-02-2025 19:00:00
"Game of Thrones" - "The Laws of God and Man" - May 11, We open on a ship with red sails on the water. Upon it are Stannis Baratheon and Ser Davos. They sail under an enormous statue of a soldier into Bravos.They then cool their heels all day in an anteroom. Davos says Easterners have a different sense of time. Stannis is unhappy. The doors to the room finally open and three men enter and sit in large chairs at a table. This is the Iron Bank. They are instructed to sit on stone benches... in front of the table. Stannis sits. They establish that Tommen is King. Stannis says Tommen is a bas tard. The man from the Iron Bank says Tywin disagrees. Stannis thinks his real Baratheon blood trumps Tommen's and therefore deserves the money in the Iron Bank. The banker says it's a matter of interpretation. They ask how many men they have: 4,000. Ships? 32. Nothing in a way of farming. The banker says these numbers don't add up to a happy ending and declines his request for cash but thanks him for the honor of his visit.Davos tries to appeal to the banker who calls him a thief. Davos says technically he's not a thief, that it was the pirates who thieved and he just moved stuff around. But more pertinently he shows his hand and how Stannis chopped his fingers off. He says Stannis is a good man. He asks who has the real power in King's Landing. The banker says Tywin. Davos runs down the bad news of the Lannistesr: Tywin, Cersei, Tommen, Jaime. The banker says this is a problem for another time. Davos says the time is now, Stannis is the only leader and doesn't just talk about paying people back, he does it and shows his hand again.Davos goes to see his old friend the pirate and shows him a whole lot of coin and tells him they sail at dawn.Theon's sister reads Thara reads Ramsay Snow's letter about what he's done to Theon to a group of soldiers on a ship. She says what they did to Theon they've done to all Iron Born and they must avenge him. They attack Bolton's castle from the water disabling the guards on the wall. She is taken to Theon who is kept in a stall in the kennels with the dogs. He shrinks from her in fear..She says they're going home and tries to calm him. He says his name is Reek. He thinks it's a trick and fights her. They begin to drag him away and Ramsay, coverered in bloody cuts arrives with his own maen and a battle between the sides ensues as the dogs bark. Ramsay notes Thara's got bigger balls than Theon does but then Ramsay unleashes the dogs. Thara and her men run to the boats. She declares her brother is dead.The next day Ramsay says he has a treat for Theon for not letting his sister take him and remaining loyal. He offers him a bath. Ramsay tells him to take off his clothes. Ramsay admires his handiwork, Theon's body covered with scars, his missing penis. Theon gets in the bath and looks for some kind of trick in the water. Ramsay washes him. He asks Theon Reek if he loves him. He says he does. He says he needs him to do something very important, help in taking a castle back from some bad men. He asks him to pretend to be someone he is not: Theon Greyjoy.A boy and his father tend to a flock of goats. The boy is throwing rocks over a cliff into the water when suddenly a dragon rises up before him and torches the flock and grabs a goat for good measure.The shepherd comes before Khaleesi on her throne in Mereen. He unfolds a bundle, it is the burnt remains of his flock. He explains about the dragons. Khaleesi says she's sorry but will pay for their value three times over. He is very grateful. Barristan clucks at this.The next supplicant is Loraq, He bows before her and flatters her beauty and explains he's from an old family in Mereen and he says his father was crucified. He was a master, yes, but he spoke out against the crucifixion of the children. He doesn't want to see Mereenian tradition eradicated and he wants them to have a proper burial and not be carrion for vultures. He gets on his knees and asks for this. She asks about the children that were crucified. He says he can't speak to the action of the masters only as a son who wants to bury his father so he can have peace in the next life. She grants him permission. She asks how many more supplicants there are to see her and Missandei says there are 212 more. Ser Jorah looks at her like "Hey, you asked for this."The small council has a meeting and Oberyn complains about the early hour. Mace Tyrell tries to be obsequious. Varys reports in: The Hound has been spotted and they put a bounty on his head. He reports that Dany has taken up Queen-dom in Mereen. He notes how big her army has gotten and that she has two serious advisors and three serious dragons. Cersei says they can't be scare of a child halfway across the world. Oberyn says Varys is right that they should be worried about the army of the Unsullied. Tywin says dragons haven't won wars in years but armies do it all the time and they need to do recognizance in Mereen.In the Throne room Varys meets with Oberyn. They talk about the Unsullied, Oberyn's travels around the world, and Varys' peculiar asexuality. He is guarded about his own story but says when he sees what desire has done to this country he's glad he's not interested and besides the absence of desire leaves one free to pursue other things. Oberyn asks like what and Varys looks at the throne.Jaime goes to see Tyrion. He jokes "Let me guess, I've been pardoned." The guards put chains on him at the behest of Tywin. He is brought in to the throne room for the trial in front of a large crowd. Tommen sits on the throne. He stands and the whole room stands with him. Tommen recuses himself from the trial and says Tywin will sit as judge alongside Oberyn and Mace and if Tyrion is found guilty, may the gods punish the accused.Tywin asks if Tyrion killed Joffrey. He says no. He asks if Sansa did it. He says not that he knows. He blames the pigeon pie. The first witness, a member of the King's Guard, recalls a time when Tyrion berated and slapped Joffrey before he was king. Tyrion tries to speak up but Tywin silences him.Maester Pycelle reads a list of poison and claims his stores were plundered by Tyrion after he had him arrested. Pycelle says it is without question that poison killed him. He has the necklace that the Fool gave Sansa and says there was poison inside: "The Strangler." Remember: Baelish threw it on the fool's dead body in the rowboat.Cersei reiterates the time that Tyrion vowed to seek vengeance and then lies about Joffrey fighting in the war. Varys testifies to the time that Tyrion said something about kings dying like flies and says he was not gladdened by the news of Robb Stark's death. Tyrion asks Varys if he remembers the time he told him that that everyone knew that Tyrion saved the city in the Battle of Blackwater. Varys says he never forgets a thing. Tywin calls an hour's recess.Jaime tries to talk to Tywin about condemning his own son to death. Jaime notes that he also killed a king once and he did so to save Tywin's life and now he wonders if he saved his life so he can murder his brother. Tywin says if Tyrion's guilty he'll be punished accordingly. Jaime tells him of all the times Tywin talked about family and the legacy of the dynasty and wonders who will carry on the Lannister name. Tywin asks "what happens if I spare the life of my grandson's killer?" Jaime offers to leave the King's Guard, take a wife and have children to carry on the family name if he spares Tyrion. Tywin says it's already taken care of: Tyrion will be found guilty, ask for mercy, and Tywin will send him to join the Night's Watch and Jaime will do as he just said They give each other their word.Jaime goes to speak to Tyrion and tells him to ask for a formal plea for mercy and get sent to the Wall and says Tywin will keep his word even though that's the same story he gave Ned Stark. He tells Tyrion no more outbursts and this will all be over soon. Tywin seems to telepathically agree from the throne as he looks at Tyrion.The next witness is Shae. Tyrion is flabbergasted to see her. She says that Tyrion and Sansa planned the murder together. She said she wanted revenge for her family and Tyrion was happy to help and hated Joffrey, Cersei, and Tywin himself and says he stole the poison to put in Joffrey's wine. She admits she was Tyrion's whore. She says he stole her. She says she did everything he wanted and she was his property. She says "He ordered me to call him 'My lion' so I did." He begs her, "Shae, please don't." She replies "I am a whore, remember." She says Tyrion promised to kill Joffrey so Sansa would sleep with him.That is the last straw for Tyrion who says he wants to confess. He turns on the gallery and snarls at them and says he saved all their worthless lives and he should've let Stannis kill them. Jaime stares at him hard, beseeching him to stop with his eyes.Tyrion says to Tywin "Yes I'm guilty is that what you want to hear?" Tyrion says he's guilty of a far more monstrous crime than killing Joffrey, for being a dwarf and that.he's been on trial for that his entire life. He says to Cersei: "I did not kill Joffrey but I wish that I had, watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores." He says he wished he had killed everyone. He says he knows he will get no justice here so he'll let the Gods decide his fate and so he demands a trial by combat. A little smile plays at his mouth as he stares down Tywin.
Starting: 28-02-2025 20:00:00
"Game of Thrones" - "Mockingbird" - May 18, TyrionWe open in Tyrion's cell where Jaime is giving him hell for flipping out at the trial and screwing up the deal Jaime had made. He says this is not a joke. Tyrion's notes that it is one, just not a very funny one. He says he couldn't listen to Shae standing there telling lies and was stupid enough to think she'd fallen in love with him.He points out that "the deal" was everything Tywin wanted: Jaime back at Casterley Rock and Tyrion... shipped off to Castle Black and he says it felt good to take that away from him since Tywin knows he's inn ocent. When Jaime says that Tywin doesn't care about any of his kids, Tyrion disagrees and notes that Jaime was able to kill a king, lose a hand, and sleep with his own sister and still be a golden son. Jaime tells him to be careful since he's the only ally Tyrion has. Tyrion says he's just glad he got to stick it to Tywin.Jaime says he can't save him because his training has proven he's just not good enough. Tyrion half jokes he should fight anyway because if he died that would really piss their father off. They laugh but the gravity of the situation is sinking in.Tyrion figures Bronn will fight for him again and he will be in his debt for the rest of his life and asks Jaime to find him. He asks who Cersei is picking to fight for her.We cut to the Gregor "the Mountain" Clegane-- brother to Arya's captor Sandor "the Hound" Clegane-- currently in the process of disemboweling several people as some kind of perverse warm-up. Cersei approaches and thanks him for coming so quickly. He asks who he is fighting. She asks if it matters. He shakes his head no.Bronn comes to see Tyrion. He has fancy new clothes.He has sold out to Cersei who has him betrothed to a dim-witted woman who is not an heiress, her sister is. Bronn says sisters die all the time, then his wife will inherit. He came because Tyrion once told him he would double the price of what anyone else was offering. Tyrion says he can't offer him a castle but he can offer him gold, gratitude, the potential to rule with him at Winterfell if Tyrion comes out of this and gets back with Sansa to Winterfell. Bronn notes that's a lot of "if and may and could" and notes it's bloody cold up north and the place Cersei has promised him is close and warm.He also admits the Mountain frightens him because he's big, strong, and freakishly fast and he'd basically have to tire him out and get him off his feet. But with one misstep, he'd be dead. He asks Tyrion why he should risk it. Tyrion says "Because you're my friend." Bronn agrees but wonders exactly when Tyrion ever risked his life for Bronn. "I like you but I like myself more," he says with apologies. Tyrion says he shouldn't apologize for being an evil bastard with no conscience or heart because that's what he liked about Bronn in the first place. They shake hands. Bronn says they had some good days. Tyrion agrees. Bronn asks what he'll do. Tyrion says he'll just have to kill the Mountain himself and says it will make for a great folk song. Bronn says he hopes to hear it sung one day.Oberyn comes to visit Tyrion in his cell. He tells him that many years ago he actually met Tyrion as an infant. He says all the way from Dorne they heard stories of the "monster" that had been born to Tywin Lannister-- a huge head, a claw, a tail, a red eye, both boy and girl parts. He admits he was disappointed when he saw him. He said to Cersei: "That's not a monster, that's a baby." Cersei, he notes, hated him with a white hot passion and pinched his little penis very hard --until Jaime made her stop-- and wished him dead.Tyrion notes that sooner or later Cersei always gets what she wants. Oberyn asks what about what he wants: justice for his sister. Tyrion says he's come to the wrong place for justice. Oberyn disagrees and says he will right both their wrongs-- Tyrion's imprisonment and the rape and murder of his sister by 'the Mountain" ordered the Lannisters. He says he will be Tyrion's champion.The Hound and AryaThe Hound and Arya come upon a structure and approach hoping for food but prepared for soldiers. They find a dying man. The man tells them that marauders burned his hut down. The Hound says the man's wound clearly isn't going to get better and wants to know if he wants out of his misery. The guy agrees and says it has occurred to him to take matters into his own hands. Arya asks why he goes on, sitting there, bleeding out. The man says habit.He asks who she is and because he's dying they both tell the truth. That Arya is the Hound's captive whom he is exchanging for ransom. The dying man thinks it's a fair exchange, a concept he believes in. He asks for drink, saying dying is thirsty work. The Hound gives him some. The man wishes it was wine. "So do I," says the Hound who then stabs the guy dead to put him out of his misery. He says to Arya, "That's where the heart is, that's how you kill a man."Suddenly, someone attacks him from behind and bites his neck. The Hound quickly kills him. The guy's cohort explains to them about Joffrey and the poison and how there is a bounty on the Hound's head. She recognizes him as a prisoner who threatened her back in the day when she was posing as a boy. The Hound wonders if this guy is on her vengeance list that she recites. She says he isn't because she doesn't know his name. He gives it and she thanks him and neatly stabs him in the heart. The Hound says she's learning.Later, as they sit by a fire he's frustrated trying to sew up the bite mark on his neck. She says for it to properly heal and avoid infection they need to burn away the rotten part and grabs a stick from the fire. He is understandably skittish about the fire. He's very grumpy about everything that's happened since he took her captive and says no reward is worth this much trouble and wishes he'd never laid eyes on her.He notes that her brother gave her her sword. He points at the half of his face disfigured by burns and says "My brother gave me this." He says the Mountain thought he'd stolen his toy but the Hound was just playing with it. He says the pain was bad but the smell was worse but the truly worst thing was that their father protected the Mountain and told everyone that the Hound's bedding caught fire. Arya offers to wash out his wound and sew it up. He lets her.Jon SnowThe Rangers who successfully attacked Craster's Keep return to Castle Black but although many cheer their work, Thorne is not impressed and continues to mock Jon Snow. He says this is no place for wild beasts and says to lock Jon's direwolf Ghost up or he will have him added to the stew for the night.Later in front of the rest of the Night's Watch and the commanders Jon explains what happened and that Mance's army is on the way and will reach the Wall by the next full moon. He thinks they should seal the tunnel to the North, fill it with rocks and water and let it freeze.Thorne says they have never been cowards and have defended Castle Black for 1000s of years and never sealed the tunnel. Jon says the gate won't stop the giants. Thorne mocks him because he's a steward. He asks the main builder if he agrees with Jon Snow about the tunnel and the gate. The builder hesitates but says no. Thorne tells Jon Snow that he and Sam will take night duty on top of the \Wall until the next full moon.DanyBack in Meereen, Dany meets with Daario, who climbed in through the window. He offers her wildflowers but Dany is annoyed he came into her private quarters. He says he needs a favor. He is only good at war and women and since she's decided to hole up in Meereen, there hasn't been much war for him to partake in. She says but there are thousands of women in Meereen. He smoothly says he only has eyes for one and she does not want me. He reiterates that his sword is sworn to her no matter what, but wants her to "allow him to do what he does best." Send him to kill her enemies, any enemy, anywhere. She relents, "Do what you do best, take off your clothes." He does. Slowly. She checks out what he's working with.Ser Jorah catches Daario on his way out the following morning. Daario mentions the queen is in a good mood. Jorah is upset. He goes to see her. She notes he's early, and he quips that he's later than some. She asks why he doesn't approve of her fling. He wonders how she can trust a sellsword.She says she probably can't, but has sent the second sons to Yunkai to execute every master. Jorah argues that if brutality is all you've ever known, like the masters, Dany must show them something new if she wants things to be different. "Let priests argue good and evil. Slavery is real and I can end it and those behind it," she says. Jorah reminds her that he sold men into slavery once. She reminds him that he is now helping her show them to freedom. He wins the argument by pointing out he never would've been able to if Ned Stark had done to him what she intends to do to the masters in Yunkai. After contemplating this, Dany decides to send the Meereen citizen from earlier who begged to bury his father as her ambassador. He will deliver the message to Yunkai, live in her new world or die in their old one. She then sends Jorah after Daario to tell him she has changed her mind about executing all the masters. She ends with "No, tell him you changed my mind."StannisThe queen comes in on Melisandre while she's bathing. Melisandre mentions that she uses both lies and the truth to do the lord of light's work. She uses lies-- potions, powders, magic tricks, her body-- to make men believe until they discover the truth for themselves. The queen regards her naked body. The queen thanks god for bringing Melisandre to them and Stannis to her. Stannis wants to bring their daughter with them when they leave Dragonstone, but the queen thinks she should stay behind because she has heretical tendencies. Melisandre says she understands how she feels, but that's not possible. She then points the queen towards the prophecy fire and tells her to see the truth for herself. When they set sail the Lord of the Light will need their daughter.Brienne and PodBrienne and Pod stop for a hot meal and a bed for the night.Hot Pie, the boy that once traveled with Arya & Gendry is their waiter and asks if they need anything else. Brienne compliments his pie, which proves to be a mistake as he sits down with them and won't shut up. He talks about his kidney pie, then about gravy, then asks if she's a knight, then asks what they're doing.Brienne says they're looking for Sansa Stark. He stops at the name, which Brienne catches and she speaks about her pledge to Catelyn to bring the girls home. He denies any knowledge and walks away from them quickly.They saddle up the next morning and Pod thinks they shouldn't be telling people they're searching for Sansa because the Lannisters want to kill them.Hot Pie comes out and tells them about Arya and how she posed as a boy and was headed to the Night's Watch and how she was captured by the Hound. He then asks them to give Arya a gift when they find her, he has baked her another direwolf cookie. Brienne smirks at Pod. "You were saying?"Pod says the Hound will take Arya to Lysa at the Eyrie for money. And Brienne surmises if she is their only relative Sansa might head there too. When the road forks and it's time for them to make a decision, Brienne asks if he's sure. He says no, and they continue on their way.Sansa and PetyrSansa walks out into the snow at the Eyrie. She seems pleased by it. She builds a castle in the snow that looks how she remembers Winterfell.Robin comes out to see her. Robin babbles about being the Lord of the Vail. He asks when she'll go back to Winterfell. She says probably never since her family is dead and it's been burned. Robin babbles about how much of a brat he is and how Winterfell doesn't even have a moon door. He messes up her castle trying to add one and when she says he ruined it, he throws a tantrum and stomps her castle. She slaps him and he runs off. Littlefinger arrives. She says she shouldn't have done that, to which he agrees, but because his mother should've done it a long time ago. He tells her to let him worry about Lysa.She's sad about never seeing Winterfell again. Petyr says never say never. Sansa again seriously inquires about why he killed Joffrey. "I loved your mother more than you will ever know. Given the opportunity, what do we do to those who hurt the ones we love?" He then creepily explains that in a world where love trumps honor, she might have been his child. He touches her face and says she's more beautiful than her mother ever was, then kisses her. Sansa is all weirded out. Lysa has witnessed all of this.Sansa goes to see Lysa who brings her to the edge of the moon door and explains what happens to bodies when they fall through and hit the rocks. Lysa says she knows what she did, and Sansa apologizes for hitting Robin. Lysa calls her a whore for kissing Littlefinger. Sansa points out that he kissed her. Lysa calls her a liar and holds her over the moon door. Petyr arrives just in time and tells her to let her go. Lysa screams, "I lied for you, I killed for you, why did you bring her here?" Petyr swears he will send her away. Lysa lets her go and cries. He calls Lysa his sweet silly wife and consoles her. He looks into her eyes and lovingly says he has only loved one woman his entire life. She smiles at this. He then gets serious and tells Lysa it was her sister, and pushes her out the moon door.
Starting: 28-02-2025 20:50:00
"Game of Thrones" - "The Mountain and the Viper" - June 1, We open in Mole's Town. Two members of the Night's Watch enter a tavern. A whore is belching tunes or the guests to guess. Everyone seems to be having a grand old time. She goes to see Gilly to complain about the baby crying and waking her up. Gilly apologizes. The whore says to keep the baby quiet and says she should've stayed with her own kind the Wildlings. Suddenly Gilly hears a noise. The whore thinks it's an owl. Gilly... knows better. The Wildling's have arrived and they proceed to murder everyone in their path, including e veryone in the tavern. Ygritte kills the whore. She hears the baby cry and finds Gilly. She puts her fingers to her mouth and shushes her. Blood is pouring through the ceiling.The next morning Sam is tortured that they killed Gilly, he thinks. The others are mad they killed Crows, who were not supposed to be there. There all mad there's nothing they can do. They tell Sam how much Gilly survived and say she might have got out. He grabs on to this hope. Jon figures they must be next and now they know they're not ready for Mance and his army with just 102 men. They all have a much needed drink.We cut to the Unsullied bathing themselves in a river. Grey Worm sees a naked Missandei bathing. She catches him and gives him a full view and then covers herself. She tells Dany who is braiding her hair. Dany points out that none of the Unsulled care what's under their clothes. Missandei thinks he was interested. Dany wonders about his castration, if it is ....complete. Missandei doesn't know. Dany asks if she's ever wondered. Missandei says she has.Missandei goes to the throne room and Grey Worm finds her and apologizes. She says he doesn't need to and she was not frightened. He thanks her for helping him learn the common tongue. Jorah is also haleping. She asks if he remembers his name. He says he doesn't. She asks if he remembers being cut. He doesn't. She says she is sorry they did that to him. He wonders why. She says it is terrible. She says if he was never cut he wouldn't be Unsullied and have met Dany or her. She is touched by his confession. He apologizes again and leaves. She calls to him and tells him that she is glad she saw him. He says he is too.We cut to Ramsay who is prepping a cleaned up Theon to once again be himself but still knowing that he is still Reek and always will be. He says Theon looks royal again, but really he doesn't. They stand and see a castle in the distance and Ramsay asks him to bring him the lord from the castle. Theon rides to the structure with a white flag and announces himself. He is let in. He approaches Lord Canning the commander of the castle and asks him to prove himself. He asks him why he is marching with the Lord Bolton army. He says Bolton took him captive at Winterfell and wants Canning-- decimated from war and illness, miles from the sea-- to abandon this fortress they can no longer hold and if they do Bolton will give them safe passage to the stony shore. Theon says his own father bent the knee to Robert Baratheon and there is no shame in it. Canning, who is very ill, spits blood at Theon and says only a whipped dog or a woman would speak this way and the Iron Born will not surrender and to tell Bolton that. Suddenly a man behind Canning clocks him in the head with an axe. The killer asks if the paper says that if they surrender they will be free. Theon says yes. But Ramsay says no, and we cut to the aftermath of the slaughter of the men at the structure. They have been flayed for good measure, the sign of the Boltons. Theon asks to go home. Ramsay says they will, to their new home.We cut to Littlefinger who is being questioned by some kind of committee of Lords from the Vale about Lady Arryn's death and the fact that she died shortly after his arrival and their marriage. They think he is a "grubby" man who has been licking Tywin Lannister's boots and don't think Lysa would've killed herself considering how much she loved Robin. He says she was prone to melancholy and wasn't meant for such a brutal world. They ask about a witness, his niece. They want to talk to her. She is brought out. They ask that her name is Elaine and that he is her uncle. She says yes. They ask her to tell them what she saw. She apologizes to Littlefinger that she has to tell the truth. She tells her real identity. They accuse her of lying. She says Littlefinger has been lying to protect her. She tells of her terrible time in King's Landing, Littlefinger smuggling her out, of staying with Lysa. They say glowing things about Ned Stark and say her secret is safe. They ask what happened to Lysa. She tells the almost truth saying Lysa caught Littlefinger kissing her --on the cheek-- and says Lysa turned on her and tried to throw her through the moon door and then Littlefinger tried to reason with her and Lysa killed herself. Sansa cries. The female member of the committee comforts her. She looks at Littlefinger who gives her the approving eye. They apologize for treating Littlefinger harshly.Littlefinger begins talking political strategy with two of the committee people. They say they don't back Lannister but Robb Stark is dead so who should they back? Littlefinger says they should back Robin. That Lysa babied him and it's time for him to learn to ride a horse and swing a sword and visit the various villages of the Vale and meet his people. It's time for Robin to leave the nest.Lord Barristan gets a note from a young boy with a seal on it. He reads it and is shocked by its contents. Jorah regards a map of Westeros. Barristan arrives with the note. It's a royal pardon signed by Robert Baratheon. It is Jorah's pardon. Barristan knows Jorah spied on Dany. He asks if he told Dany. Barristan says he told him first. Jorah wants to speak with her in private. Barristan says he will never be alone with her again. Jorah goes to the throne room to speak to Dany flanked by Barristan, Missandei, Grey Worm and some Unsullied. She asks for an explanation. He asks her to think of who benefits from her knowing about that pardon? Tywin Lannister. He wants them to fight each other instead of him. He finally, tearfully, explains that he did spy for Baratheon via Varys. He begs for her forgiveness. She says he betrayed her to the man who killed her father and stole her brother's throne. And as she lays out his other crimes he continues to beg for her forgiveness and list the things he's done to help her and that his loyalty is to her and that he has loved her. She tells him to go back to his masters in King's Landing and collect his pardon if he can. She says he has until dusk to collect his things and leave or else he'll have his head thrown in Slaver's Bay. He tries t reach out to her but she tells him to never presume to touch her or speak her name again. They are both heartbroken and hers has a side of shaking rage. We see him ride his horse away from Mereen.Ramsay goes to Lord Bolton and tells him he got the Canning structure. Bolton walks with him and tells him Bran and Rickon have not been found and most of the Iron Born have fled and now thanks to Ramsay more will follow. They go on a hill and Bolton asks Ramsay what he sees. Ramsay says fields, hills, nothing. Bolton points in three directions and says 700 miles one way, 400 another, and 300 miles in another is the North, which is six times bigger than all of the rest of Westeros kingdoms and he is the Warden of the North. He asks Ramsay what his name is. He says Ramsay Snow. He hands him a piece of paper and says from this day forward he is Ramsay Bolton, son of the Warden of the North. Ramsay goes to his knees and promises to be worthy of this honor.Littlefinger goes to visit Sansa, who is sewing. He asks why she helped him. She says they would've killed him if they found him guilty. He says that's not an answer. She says she figured if they'd kill him what would they do with her? He notes, "Better to gamble on the man you know then the strangers you don't." He asks if she thinks she knows him. She says she knows what he wants. "Do you?" he asks. She looks at him.The Hound and Arya are approaching the bloody gates of the Vale. She is saying she thought hearing of Joffrey's death would make her happy but it doesn't. The Hound notes nothing makes her happy. She says she was happy after killing some of the men on her revenge list. She says she just wishes she could've been there to see Joffrey die and since the Hound guarded him wonders what he thinks of his death. He says poison is a woman's way and that men kill each other with steel. They are stopped at the gates. They announce themselves and the guards offer their condolences that Lady Arryn died three days ago. Arya busts out laughing.Robin is telling Littlefinger he's afraid to leave the nest and his mother told him the world was very dangerous and the Lord of the Vale belongs in the Eeryie. He tells him to not worry about his death but to worry about his life and to take charge of his life for as long as it lasts since that is what it means to be Lord of the Vale. Sansa enters, all dressed up like a grown woman, kinda sexy and asks "shall we go.'Tyrion drinks in his cell and chats with Jaime about the trial by combat. He asks how much longer and Jaime simply says soon. Tyrion asks if Oberyn has a chance. Jaime says he's never seen him fight. Tyrion panics that they are both going to die and starts worrying about his beheading. They reminisce about their "simple" cousin Orson who used to smash beetles with a rock. He talks about being obsessed with why he was smashing beetles since Orson couldn't explain for himself. So he observed him frequently because he had to know why he was doing it. He tried to stop him once unsuccessfully. Until a mule kicked him in the chest and killed him. He asks Jaime what he thinks, why he did it? Jaime says he doesn't know. Suddenly a bell begins clanging. Jaime gets up to leave and says "good luck today.'Tyrion is brought out to stand by Oberyn. He does not approve that Oberyn is wearing very light armor, no helmet and is drinking. Ilaria's eyes go wide when she sees the Mountain. She kisses him and asks him not to leave her alone in this world. He says it's not his day to die. Maester Pycelle stands before the crowd, including Cersei, Jaime, Tywin and Varys and announces the trial by combat. The Mountain is huge but Oberyn is athletically nimble. He's also very chatty. He keeps repeating that he is going to make the Mountain confess that he raped and murdered his sister and killed his children before he kills him. They fight, Oberyn finally gets the upperhand and stabs the Mountain several times and has him down on the ground but he hasn't struck the mortal blow. He keeps demanding that he confess and asks who gave the order, pointing at Tywin, and saying the Mountain must say her name. The Mountain suddenly gets a second wind and flips Oberyn over and confesses that he did indeed rape her, kill her and murder her children and says her name for good measure. Unfortunately for Oberyn while he's doing this confessing he is pressing Oberyn's eyeballs back into his skull and brains until-- Oberyn's head explodes. Ilaria screams. Tyrion swoon. The Mountain collapses. Tywin stands and says the gods have spoken and that Tyrion will be put to death.
Starting: 28-02-2025 21:40:00
John Sníh a ostatní z Noční hlídky čelí doposud největšímu napadení.
Starting: 28-02-2025 22:30:00
Nečekaný útok severně od Zdi změní situaci. Daenerys musí čelit krutým důsledkům své nadvlády. Bran se dozví více o svém osudu. Tyrion zjistí jaká je jeho skutečná situace.
Starting: 28-02-2025 23:20:00
Ve filmu zastihnete titulního hrdinu v době, která časově předchází setkání se zeleným zlobrem. Je to psanec a zločinec, na jehož hlavu vypsali bohatou odměnu, ale copak by ty obrovské černé oči dokázaly podvádět a krást? Všechno určitě musí být úplně jinak, což se taky vzápětí potvrdí, když se kocour v honbě za třemi kouzelnými fazolkami ocitne tváří v tvář Valdovi Cvaldovi, nejlepšímu kamarádovi z dětství, který ho jednoho nepěkného dne podrazil tak, že se z kocoura stala štvaná zvěř. A z... Valdy Cvaldy nepřítel. Navzdory intuici se společně s ním a mazanou kočičí zlodějkou Čiči tlapičkou vydává vstříc dobrodružství, během něhož se utká s nebezpečnými zločinci jménem Jack a Jill, navštíví vzdušné zámky, zachrání rodné město a možná i očistí své jméno. Pokud ho ovšem Valda Cvalda znovu nepodrazí.
Starting: 01-03-2025 05:00:00
V této originální komedii se zaměstnanci a studenti spojí, aby zachránili divadelní tábor.
Starting: 01-03-2025 06:30:00
Celý příběh Kamene Mudrců se točí kolem sirotka Harryho Pottera. Tomu krátce po narození zahynou za neobvyklých událostí oba rodiče, a Harry proto musí vyrůstat v rodině strýce Vernona a tety Petunie, kteří mu neustále dávají najevo, že místo kde bydlí, není domov. O to větší překvapení ho čeká, když mu v den jeho jedenáctých narozenin přijde dopis, který je předzvěstí změny v jeho dosavadním životě. Od nynějška není obyčejným chlapcem, i když na to stále vypadá, ale stává se studentem Školy... čar a kouzel v Bradavicích. Ani tento nový život však nebude procházka růžovou zahradou, obzvlášť k dyž se začne probouzet Harryho záhadná minulost a její temný hrdina, Lord Voldemort.
Starting: 01-03-2025 08:00:00
Emmě se někdo vloupá do auta a Elz se jí snaží pomoci získat zpět její notebook. Ve snaze zahrát Trippiemu jeho beaty se Elz ujímá nelehkého úkolu.
Starting: 01-03-2025 10:30:00
Dave se setkává s vydavatelstvími kvůli nahrávací smlouvě a nakonec se ocitá ve studiu s Justinem Bieberem a Bennym Blancem.
Starting: 01-03-2025 10:55:00
Luthor vyzve Lois k debatě v přímém přenosu, ale ne všechno je tak, jak se zdá. John Henry a Clark čelí znepokojivé možnosti.
Starting: 01-03-2025 11:25:00
Pařížská rodina se přestěhuje do malé venkovské obce. Když zjistí, že jejich sousedé jsou lovci, musí udělat vše pro to, aby je dostali.
Starting: 01-03-2025 12:10:00
Nora a Hae Sung, dva hluboce propojené kamarádství z dětství, se rozejdou poté, co Norina rodina emigruje z Jižní Koreje. O dvacet let později se na jeden osudný týden znovu shledají, když se střetnou s představami o lásce a osudu.
Starting: 01-03-2025 13:50:00
Clément Lacaze se setkává s Marií-Rosé Astié, feministkou rané doby, a rozhodne se ji naučit složitému umění souboje.
Starting: 01-03-2025 15:35:00
Danica musí utéct z Bělehradu. Boris se snaží zahladit stopy. Uroš a zbývající členové zemunského klanu prchají ze země.
Starting: 01-03-2025 17:15:00
Na místo vraždy vtrhnou posily IS a donutí Annu utéct pěšky. Antoine, Sarya a malá jednotka se vydají na místo setkání, kde se přeskupí. Není však jasné, zda Anna přežije.
Starting: 01-03-2025 18:10:00
Zawieja i Trepa nadále pracují na štětínské policejní stanici. Odhalí skupinu obchodníků s bílým masem, kterou sleduje také vyšetřovací úřad.
Starting: 01-03-2025 19:00:00
Nové vyšetřování je provázáno s nedávným Wojtkovým případem. Zawieja neuhlídá city a činí řadu unáhlených rozhodnutí.
Starting: 01-03-2025 19:45:00
Probíhají výslechy podezřelých. Zawieju frustruje nedostatek důkazů i obtížné prokazování viny.
Starting: 01-03-2025 20:35:00
Zawieja s Trepou spojí vraždu s rodinou místního byznysmena. Hledání kontejneru se ženami, které nelegálně přešly hranice, nabývá na naléhavosti.
Starting: 01-03-2025 21:20:00
Zawieja doufá v průlom a s překvapením zjišťuje, že zadržení nechtějí vypovídat. Spolupráce s vyšetřovacím úřadem je pro obě strany náročná.
Starting: 01-03-2025 22:10:00
Zawieja se ocitá nadosah zdárnému vyřešení vraždy. Oddanost práci však ohrozí její blízké.
Starting: 01-03-2025 22:55:00